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File: 252 KB, 780x1034, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11568902 No.11568902 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Carl Schmitt so influential, when his main philosophical insight was that politics revolves around certain groups assigning enemies? Isn't that pretty obvious?

>> No.11568922

I don't know what you want from me. Why even bother posting a thread with this little effort? I'm a shitposting retard so I don't mind a funny troll or a low-effort dig at someone who believes something stupid that you don't like, that's fine. But this isn't even either of those things. It's you having no knowledge about the thread's subject and posting something totally contentless and aimless about it. The only possible response to this thread is someone who actually knows Schmitt spoonfeeding you, or a bunch of retards who also don't know anything about Schmitt vaguely ambling in and going UHHHH SCHMITT IS COOL HE'S RIGHT WING and having a back-and-forth reddit conversation about who is /pol/ and who isn't. The only thing this thread could possibly generate is white noise you fucking retarded faggot. Do you even know this, at some level? Or did you actually think it was a real thread? I'm seriously asking

As a guy who has read lots of Schmitt and can talk about him reasonably intelligently and historically contextualise him and shit like that, I would love to talk about Carl Schmitt. But this thread is like if I were a classics major and you posted UHHH SO WHATS THE DEAL WITH ANCIENT WORLD BROS.. ITS LIKE OLD AND STUFF? What do you want me to say? Try to pick up an accidental thread of potential content in your retarded non-starter comment and weave that thread into something actually interesting, just so all the internet politics roleplayers can come in and ignore it anyway?

If you are asking a serious question, and you seriously thought this was a good question to ask, why wouldn't your first instincts have been to remind yourself that you haven't read any of the shit you're referencing and then maybe to go read something about it? It's not that you're saying something dismissive, that would be fine, again, it's that you're saying NOTHING.

>> No.11568923

I think his influence is more based on the "state of exception" idea than necessarily his Friend/Enemy distinction.

>> No.11568945
File: 6 KB, 250x232, 1530569801650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it. Back in my day, we at least read books.


>> No.11569010

>Why was Carl Schmitt so influential
because his political theology that revolves around the determination of friend and enemy and also the state of emergency was useable by both sides the left and the right to engage in revolution

>> No.11569017

This. His main contribution, at least in the philosophy of law, is his theory about sovereignty and state of exception. Read Political Theology, OP.

>> No.11569020

I will, thanks

>> No.11569192
File: 122 KB, 821x1280, General-Francisco-Franco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By contrast with the League of Nations, the Western Hemisphere appeared to be a true political order. Moreover, [Carl] Schmitt found American imperialism to be the most "modern," because it was primarily economic in nature. On the basis of the traditional 19th century antithesis between economics and politics, whereby economics was considered to be non-political, and politics to be non-economic, economic imperialism was not even considered to be imperialism. GeorgeWashington's 1796 Farewell Address was cited often: "as much trade as possible, as little politics as possible." Furthermore, all the arguments that the US had used to justify its actions in the past century, both in foreign policy and in international law, were contained in embryo in the Monroe Doctrine. Not only had the US formulated such a doctrine, it had compelled the entire world to subscribe to it, even though its content was obscure, ambiguous, and often contradictory, and the US had reserved the right to interpret its meaning. Unlike the European practice of distinguishing between "civilized, halfcivilized, and uncivilized" nations, the US distinguished only between "creditors" and "debtors." The American view of international law assumed private property to be "sacrosanct," which Schmitt found to be consistent for a state that had become the creditor of the whole world, and whose capitalists had invested enormous sums in other states. "It is a typically American theory, a theory belonging to a state whose imperialist expansion consists in the expansion of its capitalist enterprises and the possibilities of exploitation."

There is quite a bit to Carl Schmitt, OP. What you're saying is, "Okay, I get declensions. Seems pretty basic. So why Homer is so lauded?"

>> No.11570127

Posting here because the thread about the Konservative Revolution was sadly removed for wrongthink.

>> No.11570136

This must be the designated nazi sympathizer thread. Only retards allowed

>> No.11570152
File: 189 KB, 500x668, Claude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This must be the designated Nazi sympathiser thread

>> No.11570161

This man was an important philosopher for Nazi Germany. Learn who you’re fucking talking about when you’re fucking talking about him pleb

>> No.11570225
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This man was an important philosopher for Nazi Germany
Yes, I know that moron.
>This means that people talking about him in this thread are Nazi sympathisers
Now this is where the stretch is.

>> No.11570226 [DELETED] 


>> No.11570269

based and cringepilled

>> No.11570270

based poop oster

>> No.11570323

You alright there buddy?

>> No.11570327

dude baste lmao xd

>> No.11570328 [DELETED] 


>> No.11570680

Nah but you keep going man.

>> No.11572071

>that politics revolves around certain groups assigning enemies? Isn't that pretty obvious?

not for Kelsen and any liberal

>> No.11573118


>> No.11574390


>> No.11575090

This man, in my country he is everything.

>> No.11576150

What have you read by him OP?

>> No.11576646

what country?

>> No.11576769

wiki page

>> No.11578191

United States.

>> No.11579457


>> No.11579967

Read a Schmitt book and then come back.

>> No.11581195

Where should I start with Schmitt? Chart and reading group sometime soon?

>> No.11581430

Start with The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy or The Concept of the Political.

>> No.11581659

Well which one would you suggest ought to be read first?

>> No.11582116

The Concept of the Political is abstract and existential. The Crisis of Political Democracy is more political and polemic. Pick yer poison.