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/lit/ - Literature

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1166157 No.1166157 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, i've never read anything by a woman that I found ground-breaking or that has ever changed my view. can /lit/ offer me anything

>> No.1166170

Tale of Genji

>> No.1166173
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Mrs. Dalloway is the first thing that comes to mind.

Also, you might be a misogynist. This could keep your from critically reading any female author without reading weird things into it that aren't there.

Are you single and/or a virgin OP?

>> No.1166175

Oryx and Crake

>> No.1166178



>> No.1166181

OP - hang on, I never announced that im under any kind if misogynistic ideal. I've just never come across a female author that has moved me. same way i haven't seen a female comedian that can make me laugh. thats not sexist.

to your point about virginity, of course not. but that's non of your fucking business

Are you a illogical feminist dyke perchance?

>> No.1166182

Ursula K. LeGuin maybe?

Or James Tiptree jr.? Pseudonym even lets you pretend she's a man!

>> No.1166184

Also, in b4 Meyers or Rand.

>> No.1166195

>all single people/virgins hate women
>the only reason not to like female authors is because you hate women
>I am what is wrong with people claiming to be feminists.

>> No.1166209

Ruth Rendell. She writes crime novels or mysteries. She seems to really know the workings of a psychopath. Angela Carter is another good one. Little Tales of Misogyny might be right up your alley.

>> No.1166210
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i lold

>> No.1166219


OP here, thank you. ive just started buying online. will post again in a few days to let you know my opinions (if you care) although /lit doesnt usually let me down.

once again fuck off


>> No.1166221

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley--I think people look over this as just a science fiction or horror novel, but in reality it is the consumation of English Romanticism (it is the story of Prometheus, but with man serving as antistrophe/chorus in the form of monster) it is so multifaceted that I would love to study it in depth and the writing is very fair (not fair in terms of less than good but fair like the face of a young child) anyway, op, you should read it.

>> No.1166226

sorry accidental click

>> No.1166233

OP again, you have found my blindspot. i've read it, and i loved it. thanks, i shall re-read whilst waiting for new books

>> No.1166242

women are cumdumpsters and sammich makers. the sooner you learn this, the less time you will waste.

>> No.1166259

Holy shit, I literally entered this board to ask the same question. Thanks to anon who mentioned Frankenstein. It's the only book written by a female that I've really liked, but I suppose most of the books by women that I have read focus heavily on feminism, which I would argue is justified considering how long we've left them in the kitchen.

>> No.1166277
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well maybe OP didnt want cookbooks but you never know

>> No.1166300
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Fictional cookbooks are works of man.

>> No.1166304

genuine cookbooks are works of women

>> No.1166309

Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood

Truly awesome shit.

While I don't dislike Frankenstein, it gets kind of melodramatic at parts.

>> No.1166318

Yea, I was sort of beating around the bush on that one.

>> No.1166325
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>> No.1166710

Angela Carter, she's like Nabokov but better

>> No.1166724

I hear special topics in calamity physics is quite good.

I'm reading later this month though, so I can't confirm.

>> No.1166731

Isabel Allende
Elena Poniatowska


>> No.1166784

I'm with you, OP--except I'm a misogynist.

>> No.1166809

Toni Morrison, niggers.


>> No.1166815


>> No.1166817
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emma goldman had some hard hitting shit

>> No.1166833



Only if you want to read a third-rate kitsched-up Marquez

>> No.1166887

Still the best women can get.

>> No.1166911

Try some Kate Chopin. I had an awesome teacher in high school that focused on short stories by southern authors and her work really struck some sort of chord with me.

>> No.1166921
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Seconding Angela Carter, her novels are mindblowing.
Nights at the Circus
Wise Children
The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffman
Passion of the New Eve

Those are my favourites, two of which I would put in my top 10 English language novels.

Seriously, the only reason I can think of that someone would outright dismiss female novelists is that they've never come across Angela Carter.

>> No.1166929

It's political/policy nonfiction, but _Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex_ by Judith Levine is very much food for thought. You can disagree violently with it, but you will definitely find it fascinating.

In fiction, Margaret Atwood is great. _The Handmaid's Tale_ is a great read.

>> No.1166979

lawd this board is full of children

>> No.1166983


The easiest way to tell is by how often posters try to accuse others of childishness