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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 351x351, Toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11841285 No.11841285 [Reply] [Original]

Currently sitting in my Uni's cafe. I'm trying to live the lit-lifestyle by writing in a cafe. But I keep getting distracted by qt's getting talked to by Chads. Why are there so many sports athlete Chads at Princeton? I think Princeton should go back to being all male so that women wouldn't distract us from intellectual pursuits.

Had to read to three chapters of Paradise Lost for my Early Modern Lit class. I think Satan might be “red pilled”. He is totally right when he said “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”. Here I am living through the golden days of my youth, but instead I have never had a girlfriend and haven't managed to get any of my work published.

Well, I'm going for my daily two hour afternoon nap now. I'll update you guys on the situation later.

>> No.11841300

I used to be jealous of Ivy leaguers like you and then I met some Harvard faggots and realized I wasn’t missing much

>> No.11841418

Frog and Toad is pretty /lit/

>> No.11841436

Dont you have a dorm or house to study in? Being in public at all just seems counter productive to what you're doing

>> No.11841453

I'm not sure whether this is a sincere post, in which case it disgusts me
or it's a bait post, in which case it disgusts me
or it's a sincere post, in which case it warms my heart
looking forward to your update toadanon

>> No.11841460

have you ever considered you're just a weak-willed little shit?

>> No.11842104
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon. One day it will all be over anyway.

>> No.11842147

Thinking that having a girlfriend will solve your problems and make you happy is exactly why no girl wants to fuck you anon. They can smell the desperation and neediness like a shark smells blood in the water. I'm not saying to ignore women, you have to do the heavy work as the guy, but you are instinctively putting them on the pedestal which signals a lower worth man for reasons I'm too lazy to type out. You'll figure it out with some reflection.
Unironiclly just be yourself

>> No.11843263

what have you to say in a story that is interesting at all? You haven't an idea of how to socialize or how people with different personalties other than yours socialize.

People like you are a dime a dozen, and frankly, are not interesting or bright.

Not trying to be rude. You have to work on yourself. Try church, exercise, and reading. The rest comes from being forced to talk to people.

>> No.11843292

>reading Paradise Lost
>claiming women are distracting you from your required work
>women are enameled with slick-talking Chads


>> No.11843342

>I used to be jealous of Ivy leaguers like you and then I met some Harvard faggots and realized I wasn’t missing much

>Satan might be “red pilled”. He is totally right when he said “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”.

>> No.11843438

Not gonna lie this was a comfy post, Anon. /blogpostgeneral/ when?

>> No.11843441
File: 25 KB, 515x488, MarvelousBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically amazing bait and I deeply enjoyed reading it. Thank you very much anon.

>> No.11843456


>> No.11843470

Go sit out on the battlefield by the ruins. If it rains you can sit in the part that has cover. If there are too many people you can go down the other way to the fields and where the treeline meets the tallish grass there's a path and at the end of it there's another set of ruins that nobody goes to. Just wear some bug spray because it gets buggy.

>> No.11843474
File: 493 KB, 420x297, otks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you have a cafe
I have to write and read on public transportation and at home. The starbucks near where i go to school has like 5 flies that they won't just fucking kill, and my job requires me to stand at a register all day. Sometimes i can write while in class as my teacher prattles on about something topical like trump or google or whatever other news the masses have latched onto recently.

>> No.11843494


>> No.11843513

nice blog, Opie.

>> No.11844664

>Princeton should go back to being all male
It’s your responsibility to keep your dick in check. No one else’s.