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/lit/ - Literature

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11858213 No.11858213 [Reply] [Original]

I found the most bizarre rabbit hole ever. It's this schizophrenic author called Eelkat. They are genuinely crazy. Their writing is insane nonsense. So I found her website eelkat.com and it is just geocities 90s style and goes on forever in neon lights, going back 20 years. She has a subreddit that she posts twitch streams every day for years and years, (despite twitch expires after 24 hours). She has hundreds and hundreds of volumes of books of pure gibberish. Something about this person scares and fascinates me. It's like Henry Darger, the artist gone wrong. Mutated. What does it mean? Why is it all so frightening?

>> No.11858227
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>> No.11858239
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They have a twitch

>> No.11858241
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Their subreddit which they are the only member

>> No.11858257


>> No.11858264

I can't make sense of her. In the vids she is just mumbling gibberish to herself, probably schizophrenic. but then her blogs and such seem to be coherent. She seems to have a brand. I can't wrap my head around this person.

>> No.11858278

Thats the first one I watched as well

>> No.11858298

>Eel + Cat = Eelcat

riveting stuff

>> No.11858299
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da fuq why is she wearing seasoning strapped across her body

>> No.11858300

Wait till she gets back to her house

>> No.11858308

That's how you keep the literary vampires away.

>> No.11858312

You can sage all the NPCs who try to approach you at the park.
I do it all the time. Read in peace.

>> No.11858314

Why is it so hard for her to walk. She doesnt seem that obese

>> No.11858321
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Inb4 300+ replies

>> No.11858327

It's a "they" or a she, dude?

>> No.11858330

Schizophrenics experience motor problems that manifest in weird posture and movement. I actually have a similar problem myself though im not schizophrenic. One doctor I saw is developing a theory about this being due to inflammation in the body which he wants to present as a fundamental cause for depression and bipolar disorder. He wanted me to participate in a study for an anti-infammatory drug they are now testing, but I didn't. This was a year ago so idk where they are now in the testing.

>> No.11858337

Apparently "Ben", maybe her father, told her to stop talking her medication about a month ago and now shes "back to where I was two years ago"

She should start taking that medication again

>> No.11858346

Looks like an ammunition belt

>> No.11858351

Kek, that's a fantastic idea

>> No.11858383

>Autistic Author
Mystery solved

>> No.11858404

>yes, we are the Gypsy clan featured in Stephen King's "The Thinner", yes, I am the real Gypsy "witch/fortune teller" that the movie's character was based off of, yes, Stephen King did film Thinner on my farm, no, I don't know Stephen King and have never met him.
Is this true?

>> No.11858412

If you go to her website it says she was attacked by someone who's a member of the KKK I guess, and is recovering form be paralyzed . She has a number for an FBI agent she says is investigating the case on her website.

>> No.11858423

I wish I had the superhuman amount of motivation that some mentally ill people have.

>> No.11858439
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>> No.11858445
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>> No.11858446

It's not motivation, it's compulsion. If you want to be a great writer it is not enough to be highly motivated: instead, you must be addicted.

Massive social isolation helps too.

>> No.11858453
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>> No.11858460

sounds like pynchon shit

>> No.11858465
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>> No.11858467

Getting some Pinecone vibes here, but I suppose that's a testament to how well he writes about paranoia.

>> No.11858479

>from some Dog star or something
I hate it that I know what this means, fuck you Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.11858489
File: 51 KB, 736x414, hallucinatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she /ourguy/?

>> No.11858513

Okay so that was clearly a delusion

>> No.11858515

Would penetrate

>> No.11858520

>yes, this is yaoi

>> No.11858548

Sounds fuckin wild.

>> No.11858591

>cock and ball torture
Absolutely based. CBT is also an abbreviation of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the primary method for modern psychological therapy

>> No.11858630

I’ve been reading too much Pynchon, I still can’t tell if this is elaborate viral marketing. I can see /lit/ being the target of a mass study in memology around something like this.

>> No.11858654

this is spectacular

>> No.11858664

>primary method for modern psychological therapy

>> No.11858746

Well if nothing else it's a widely-known approach that she could very well be aware of

>> No.11858754
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>> No.11858808

someone needs to HELP this poor woman see justice

>> No.11859041

Yep if she was more sane, had more wits, she'd be a millionaire w that output