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11863771 No.11863771 [Reply] [Original]

So I was reading up on Spinoza today and I think I believe in his system. Is there a "Church of Spinoza" that I can be baptized into or do I just have to refer to myself as a Spinozan?

>> No.11863784

Explain what you believe.

>> No.11863790

The only religions where you can find anything resembling his ideas are really the eastern ones

>> No.11863792
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It's complex so it's right.

>> No.11863805

>Substance has infinite attributes, the only two of which that matter being thought and extension
>All men have an innate freedom that is displayed in the capacity for moral judgment
>Nothing can be immoral if it produces joy or a higher degree of perfection
>Substance is God

>> No.11863817

The biggest problem with Spinoza's system is the system itself. His definitions are astoundingly solid and so are some of his propositions, but the connections between them are untenable in the wake of what we've learned about logic since his time. Geometric reasoning cannot support such an intellectual edifice. Symbolic logic, on the other hand...

>> No.11863822

Try Advaita Vedanta Hinduism

>> No.11863833

No, I told you in the OP that I believe in Spinoza's system. I don't believe in Hinduism. I've read the Upanishads and the Laws of Manu and find literally nothing endearing in it whatsoever. The only legitimate Eastern worldview is the neo-Confucian synthesis of Buddhist, Confucian, and Daoist traditions. India fetishists can fuck off.

>> No.11863852

>only two of which that matter
only two of which we have access to, there is nothing particularly special about thought and extension compared to the other hypothetical attributes
>Nothing can be immoral if it produces joy
I don't think this is right, morality is geared towards self-preservation is it not? Perfect self-activity leads to perfect-joy but not all joy is perfect.

>> No.11863857

Check your definitions, Pastor

>> No.11863860

Spinoza didn't create a religion he created a metaphysical system. Religion implies organization; Spinoza wasn't even widely published till after he died.

>> No.11863864

Logical symbols are just Euclidean shapes though. Checkmate

>> No.11863867

>>All men have an innate freedom that is displayed in the capacity for moral judgment

>> No.11863868

Logical concepts are non-geometric
*flips chessboard*

>> No.11863869

which definition, my son?

>> No.11863873

It's not about the idols. It's not fetishism.

>> No.11863883

good for you, anon.

>> No.11863884

The definition of joy. The proper, Spinozan definition.
This is exactly what I would expect a fetishist to say.

>> No.11863886

Spacetime is wholly geometric, what you call "concepts" are an approximate shorthand for intricate shapes.

>> No.11863892

You're a fucking moron, go back to /sci/ with the rest of the incels.

>> No.11863910

Spinoza was a major advocate for freedom of religion on the grounds that all men are innately free to express the beliefs that they reason to be true.

>> No.11863917
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WRONG! He was a determinist!

>> No.11863920

Butthurt rhombus.

>> No.11863941

This is a largely contested area of his thinking. IMO he was more of a parallelist. Basically, the Jewish Malbranche

>> No.11863955

Spinoza is closer to Shuddhadvaita than Advaita

>> No.11863980

For Spinoza there isn't one type of joy as it can be both passive or active (same with sorrow). Perfect-joy is both active and the increase of autonomy or self-power; for instance, using drugs may cause some mode of passive joy, but the preservation of your health relates to an even greater joy (revolving around self-understanding) that will even trump the sorrow of something like withdrawal. That's how I understood it at least.

>> No.11863986

I think Spinoza needs to be updated a little bit for a world where his notions of tolerance have already become widely accepted by governments around the world. WHat he really needs is an emissary to the Alt Right.

>> No.11864008

What do any of those offer which is not found in Indian thought?

>> No.11864029

None of them advocate pooping on the highway

>> No.11864050

Chinese tourists are notorious for pooping in public

>> No.11864054

Chinese tourists aren't Neo-Confucians. Neo-Confucianism was pioneered before the Mongols came to China and its extermination is largely the cause of Communist China's woes--the ones unique to Communist China, that is. Feudal China also had famines and failed public works projects that killed lots of people.

>> No.11864082

China's economy is on track to overtake the US'

>> No.11864090

>Chinese people are not exhibiting standard Chinese behavior (which they are notorious for) in situation X because they don't currently follow my favorite snowflake religio-political ideology

Imagine being on this many levels of mental gymnastics unironically

>> No.11864097

Fucking lol

>> No.11864105
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I'm well aware of the history of modern China, all the way back to the arrival of Catholic missionaries in the Far East back in the 15th century. China's Christian population is on track to be the largest in the world by 2030, and this has everything to do with the Boxer Rebellion. I'm a firm believer in achaeo-futurism and am completely convinced that, if China had never suffered a Communist revolution (and assuming the Nationalists had failed), it would have been able to overtake Japan's economy in the early 20th century. If not for the national strife that defined Chinese life prior to Mao's unification of the country in 1948, China would already be on top of the world. Imagine if, rather than simply collapsing into secular anarchy, a new Emperor had been crowned when the Qin Dynasty fell. Just think of the possibilities. They're fucking enormous. We know that China had it in itself to become a global superpower by the end of the century. An emperor who appointed ministers capable of enforcing the traditional 5 relationships in a just and effective manner would have ensured national prosperity for another millennium.
I don't believe in "Standard X Behavior" because I'm familiar with the work of Deleuze and Guattari.

>> No.11864124

there is no wei wu wei in vedanta

>> No.11864125
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>China's Christian population is on track to be the largest in the world by 2030, and this has everything to do with the Boxer Rebellion

>> No.11864169


>> No.11864220

Yes there is you massive pseud, the idea of non-action or actionless action is discussed even more extensively in Indian thought than daoism and a bunch of different areas of Indian thought from Vedanta, Tantra, Yoga and Indian Buddhism all offer their own takes on it. This is brought up anytime any of them talk about karma in relation to spiritual liberation and enlightenment. Action that takes place without generating karma is actionless action, action without desire and so on. Most of the schools of Indian thought talk about how karma no longer binds one who is liberated and that this kind of person acts freely, without volition and desire, proceeding in accordance with nature in exactly the same way as Daoism. Here are two textual examples from Vedanta texts talking about this same concept:


>The sun which appears to be, but is not actually, swallowed by Rahu, is said to be swallowed, on account of delusion, by people, not knowing the real nature of the sun. Similarly, ignorant people look upon the perfect knower of Brahman, who is wholly rid of bondages of the body etc., as possessed of the body, seeing but an appearance of it.
>In reality, however, he rests discarding the body, like the snake its slough; and the body is moved hither and thither by the force of the Prana, just as it listeth. As a piece of wood is borne by the current to a high or low ground, so is his body carried on by the momentum of past actions to the varied experience of their fruits, as these present themselves in due course.
>The man of realisation, bereft of the body-idea, moves amid sense-enjoyments like a man subject to transmigration, through desires engendered by the Prarabdha work. He himself, however, lives unmoved in the body, like a witness, free from mental oscillations, like the pivot of the potter’s wheel.

Yoga Vasistha:

>They did not indulge in vain exultation when they defeated their enemies nor did they give way to despair and grief when they were defeated. They were engaged in natural activities, allowing all actions to proceed from them nonvolitionally. Follow their example, O Rama. Let your personality be egoless and let appropriate actions spontaneously proceed from you

I have to go to bed now but if you want to try again I can have fun exposing you as a pseud again tomorrow.

>> No.11864232

Reason* reason makes you a determiner

>> No.11864267

>Let your personality be egoless and let appropriate actions spontaneously proceed from you
Typical India fetishist, equating "appropriate actions" with Daoist concepts of non-action

>> No.11864790


>> No.11866132

All I see is street shitting

>> No.11866165

I'll bite. Hindu thought differs from Spinozan thought on first principles. Hindu thought separates the mind and the body -- Spinozans hold such a separation is impossible. Hindu thought comes with anthropomorphic deities. Spinozans call that nonsense. Hindu thought preserves free will. Spinozans reject it.

(IIRC there are a handful of Indian philosophers, not necessarily Hindu theologians, who reach similar conclusions as Spinoza. You may be talking about these guys)

Those are just a couple. Spinoza LOOKS similar to a lot of Eastern traditions, but that doesn't mean he jives well with any of them.

>> No.11866383

Eastern wisdom can be applied universally.