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11964399 No.11964399 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy a Bible and a Quran so i can more easily undermine believer's faith foundation from their own poorly written books that are full of contradictions and weird shit. So far i've debated religious people using reason, but they don't seem to value reason, they value the positive affirmation and sense of "purpose" these books give them, even if it's all woowoo and dumb.

Anyway, i guess my question is which edition of the bible and quran would you recommend?

>> No.11964408

none of them you pseud retard, read the mystics and great religious thinkers instead of going for the low-hanging fruit

>> No.11964421

Don't waste your time, it's just like replying to pol troll threads on here, fun for a short while, but gets old fast. They keep repeating the same parrot lines over and over, not really worth reading books for.

>> No.11964428

>going into any reading with uninformed bias
>The masses have no legitimate reasons for the thing they believe

>> No.11964449

>The masses have no legitimate reasons for the thing they believe

>> No.11964458

>The Bible
>low-hanging fruit
... what?

>> No.11964462

funDIEs btfo

>> No.11964464

Go in with the intention of reinterpreting them and creating a new branch of the religion

>> No.11964544

Unbearably daft. The masses predominantly believe in "rational" atheism today.

>> No.11964557

Why not get a commentary to go alongside the bible so you actually understand why intelligent people enjoy it so much, try Matthew Henry's abridged version, also look into the saints , st Augustine's confession is one often mentioned here, st athanacius on the incarnation is good, two people who are must reads if your not a brainlet and literally want to understand Christianity and are not pretending are cs Lewis and gk Chesterton. Lewis's mere Christianity has converted millions and gk chestertons everlasting man is reaction to the materialists, nihilist, naturalists and pessimists that plagued the 20th centurty
and are ruining the world now

>> No.11964562

Can't speak on the Qu'ran but the ESV is probably one of the best translations of the Bible out there. If you don't mind having a massive book you could get the ESV study bible with commentary from the translators and theologians.

>> No.11964672

Most of you who are replying know this is a troll and it's like why are you replying like why are you contributing towards making this board worse than it already is

>> No.11964743
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Reminder that this book made me become Christian.
Christianity is easy to argue against when you don’t really understand it.

>> No.11964862

Be careful because you might run into Christians capable of explaining how those contradictions are only apparent and it takes only a slightly more than superficial understanding of scripture to answer them.

>> No.11964886

>So far i've debated religious people using reason, but they don't seem to value reason
'Religious people,' as you call anyone who isn't a self-proclaimed atheist, invented the concept of reason--they value it more than you do.

>> No.11964897

The purpose of /lit/ is to make /lit/ worse

>> No.11964906

exactly. thank you for understanding anon
people who complain about the quality of 4chan boards are the gayest people in the universe

>> No.11964914

Bernd pls

>> No.11964931

>being new

>> No.11964947

>pretending not to be new

>> No.11964993

The NRSV Bible includes historical context and commentary on passages which contain antiquated language or metaphors that many Christians are not aware of. If you want to learn more about Abrahamic history than most Christians, I would recommend this.

>> No.11965059

thank you for reminding us about this personal fact about yourself, an anonymous poster, that none of us knew at any point beforehand

>> No.11965283

>heh, ok lemme tell you something. Religion *clears throat* is like a penis. Its ok to have one *sips wine sassily* its ok to play with it in your own time. but if you EVER take it out and show it to ANYONE, then i just cannot like literally deal with that mmk sweetie *dabs unironically*

>> No.11965288

>which edition... of the Qur'an
you'll need to do better next time

>> No.11965293

No. Well, unless you're after redefining "the masses" ye slimy

>> No.11965299

Not in America

>> No.11965431

There is literally only one edition of the Quran. Read one that isn't from a literal propaganda website and you'll be fine.

>> No.11965448

>Read one that isn't from a literal propaganda website and you'll be fine.
That doesn't sound like only one edition to me.

>> No.11965466


>> No.11965474

Here's a dirty little secret that Muslims don't want to admit: there's actually multiple versions of the Quran despite all the historical efforts to destroy them and standardize.

>> No.11965476

Some of them were written before websites existed.

>> No.11965493

> spends life debating believers
> has never read the bible

fuck you, op. atheist scum.

>> No.11965934

For historical context and a critical view of the Bible text, the New Oxford Annotated Bible is the best in English.

For the Quran, the Study Quran is great but the notes are all about theological exegesis, perhaps it's not what you're looking for. Abdel Haleem's translation has an introduction and notes giving a traditional Sunni interpretation, and is fairly cheap.

>> No.11965947
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Better read this

>> No.11965953

Isn't this literally what the Skeptic's Annotated Bible is for?

Recommending also Robert Price for BTFOing Christians.

>> No.11965962

The zealots who redacted the Bible were anti-mystical dullards, as can be seen from the rank forgeries of the Pastoral epistles where their author constantly fulminates against the Gnosis falsely so called

>> No.11965965

Yes in America. Most religious people are only such for the community. That's why they divorce 6 times and have zero problem with fornication. Even the most religious families I knew acted like pre martial sex was no big deal. Religion in American is a sham. Protestantism is a sham.

>> No.11965969
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Why do you care so much about what other people belive? Thats pathetic anon, just be yourself and hold your own toughts, are you wiling to spend time of your life reading something for months of maybe a couple of years (to really understand what it means) just to try to bother other people, you sound like a pseudo intellectualoid edgy teen

>> No.11965970

excellent b8 OP. even better if you really are this dumb

>> No.11966059

all theistic knuckledraggers should be hanged on the meat hooks. they can't be that delusional.

>> No.11966748

Not in Earth as a whole.

>> No.11967249

Why not criticize judaism instead? You fedora-tippers always go after the same 2 religions and ignore the rest, ESPECIALLY jews. Stop being a hypocrite.

>> No.11968146

>the divinely inspired holy scriptures are low-hanging fruit compared to some medieval dude's :thinking:

>> No.11968794

Read the wikipedia page on populations of different religions. Judaism is nearly an extinct religion.

>> No.11969649

As an arabic speaking person. Quran's translation are fucked beyond belief. I personally use KJV but others are fine. The quran translation thats more accurate than others is the one on the aite you first get after googling Quran. I dont remember the site and im phoneposting

>> No.11969709

>Judaism is nearly an extinct religion
Just go to Hollywood or New York - both places are crawling with them. Alternatively - just turn on any news program, entertainment program, or read any newspaper. They're everywhere. They are in no danger of naturally going extinct.

>> No.11969722

Is it this?
Literally "quran.com". That would be convenient.

>> No.11969742

what makes your truth better than anybody elses

>> No.11969763

No there's not. Don't make up lies, or propagate misinformation

>> No.11969793

>Don't make up lies, or propagate misinformation

>> No.11969829

Does anyone here subscribe to or decry Frazer's notion that the taboo of swine for Judaism and Islam dates to reverence of Tammuz? I have heard:
>dude - that's all been totally debunked here since ages ago
but I have not heard an actual rebuttal.

>> No.11969872


>> No.11969893

taboo is a vague terminology. Unlawful, or sinful is better.

Sometimes, I feel like it's an argument about whether red or green apples are superior, and then limes are used as evidence against red apples because they're (the limes) are perceived as more versatile than the blood orange. But, I digress, and I don't ascribe to the theory of evolution in general, because I don't understand it no matter how it's explained for me

>> No.11969906

Be careful that you don't fall into the trap, anon. I was, just as you are now, a budding youth of 16, self-assured and hungry for the root of knowledge in order to undermine others' beliefs. A decade later and, though I'm not a Christian, Kierkegaard is my favorite philosopher and convinced me of the divine.

>> No.11969924

I have kierkegaards complete works, but i have yet to read any of it.

>> No.11969925

Christian existentialism unironically softened me to the idea of Christianity. I got a Bible today and plan to sit down and study it after I finish my current book.

>> No.11969935

Ah but of course, and Hillary won the "educated" vote too, right?

>> No.11969936
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>even if it's all woowoo and dumb.

>> No.11969941


>> No.11969944
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>It's literally impossible for God to speak to us unless it's from a holy book

>> No.11969948

>all atheistic knuckledraggers should be hanged on the meat hooks. they can't be that delusional.

>> No.11969953

>But, I digress, and I don't ascribe to the theory of evolution in general, because I don't understand it no matter how it's explained for me

>> No.11969976

>if God uses a book that means He was unable to use any other method

>> No.11969977

>But, I digress, and I don't ascribe to the theory of evolution in general, because I don't understand it no matter how it's explained for me


>> No.11969980

Read history and philosophy (and history of philosophy). Those books weren't written in a vacuum, so they're actually not the best starting point.

Also that's fedora as fuck.

>> No.11970016
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t. pic related

>> No.11970112

It’s how all the evolutionary theory proponents act. When you deny natural selection, some people forget, it’s not like you’re denying the spherical earth or something proveable.

>> No.11970285

The Bible alone is not enough to understand Christianity (even from a Protestant perspective) and I don't think the Quran is enough for Islam on its own. If you want to read more about Christianity, get the KJV, then read the Church Fathers (Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Augustine etc) then the Scholastics then the Reformers. You don't have to go too in depth, summaries will do for a lot of this stuff, and it's almost all free online.

>> No.11970292

Oops, forgot to mention you don't really need to read the whole Bible, but read certain books and have it for reference when you're reading the theology.

>> No.11970322

I would add, for an understanding of Islam, one must read the biography of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) along with the Qur'an (or proper translation of) and several commentaries of the Qur'an (tafsir), then the sahih hadith, and probably some of the other reliable hadith also. Then some Islamic philosophy, in historical context, as well as a good knowledge of the history of Islam and the Muslim ummah. Read the lives of all the Prophets(pbut), and some of the great scholars of Islam. Even then, there's more

>> No.11970327

It makes sense that they fall back on their core beliefs

>> No.11970339
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