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/lit/ - Literature

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12047736 No.12047736 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I begin with Mr. Evola? I read the Unabomber's Manifesto and agreed with it and memed it for a bit but some folks here told me Teddy was just trying to paraphrase Evola. I'd like to get to the source of it all.

>> No.12047740

>Teddy was just trying to paraphrase Evola.

>> No.12047751

Evola is only a thing because the right desperately needs an """intellectual""" as proof that their ideology actually has a spiritual fundament and isn't purely reactionary garbage.

>> No.12047756

Also, 99% of the people talking about Evola have never read Evola.

>> No.12047792
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>Also, 99% of the people talking about Evola have never read Evola.

I agree with this.

This is, however, one of the more retarded things i've read today. Which books or thinkers are in your opinion, the spiritual fundament of the left?

>> No.12047824

>This is, however, one of the more retarded things i've read today. Which books or thinkers are in your opinion, the spiritual fundament of the left?
Reality has a left leaning bias, spirituality is inherently leftist and liberal.

>> No.12047874

You can't have a spiritual center when your beliefs are constantly in flux and evolving.
>Reality has a left leaning bias
Meme slogan.

>> No.12047883

Holy shit fuck off with the unbelievable amount of threads those two hacks are responsible for

>> No.12047887

>Reality has a left leaning bias, spirituality is inherently leftist and liberal.
I know you enjoy being a leftist contrarian on /lit/, but you can't just say whatever retarded nonsense comes to your mind and expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.12047909
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>> No.12047910

It's best to start with 'Intro to Hindu Doctrines'. The first 2/3's of it is just him explaining the differences between east and west, ancient era vs. modernity, religion/philosophy vs. metaphysics etc. That portion of the book helps a lot with Evola because he sort of assumes that his reader already understands things on those terms. If you want to read Hindu texts then continue with the last third of that book but if you are not interested in Hinduism (Evola often references Hinduism in his books though) you can skip the last 1/3rd. After that at a minimum before going to Evola read either 'Crisis of the Modern World' or 'Reign of Quantity and Sign of the Times', they are both anti-modernity tracts with the latter being longer and more detailed. He has a lot of other good books too focusing on specific aspects of certain doctrines etc but those can be read after or alongside/inbetween Evola and are not needed to understand him, Evola and Guenon actually differ in their interpretations of various doctrines in certain ways despite agreeing on much. All of Guenons books are free on archive.org

>> No.12047913
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>> No.12048002

He was a retarded med subhuman nordic supremacist who ironically believed in magic

>> No.12048088

No Ted k poorly copied hiedegger and Frankfurt chums but added leftists are cucks

>> No.12048121

Yeah, spirituality is based on fucking meme feels rather than the rigid Tradition Evola describes in the very first start of RtT.

This is why religious leaders are men and spiritual gurus women and effeminate homosexuals like yourself.

>> No.12048122

>spirituality is materialist
>wibwals are weftiss
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no
>wull ackshully occultism was ackschuwwy secretly feminist pock resistance because...
preemptive lmao because I'm not going to listen to you if you respond with this

>> No.12048597

literally no evidence

>> No.12048646

>Reality has a left leaning bias
>Reality is an entity capable of political bias
This is some seriously advanced bait

>> No.12049166

>Which books or thinkers are in your opinion, the spiritual fundament of the left?
If by "the left" we mean the broad, vaguely-Marxist inspired ideas that has come to dominate progressive politics for the last 150 years, the answer is really "there is none", since this form of leftism generally downplays the need for a connection to the sacred and/or posits a purely materialistic metaphysics.

>> No.12049265

>i'm right and you're wrong lol!

>> No.12049873
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Evola's traditionalism is esoteric and spiritual at its core, your conception of spirituality and what it implies is completely wrong.

Spirituality =/= New Age bullshit

>> No.12049883

Benjamin was pretty "spiritual"

>> No.12049957

It's really not hard to figure out why figures like Evola are so popular on /lit/. This board is filled with intelligent malcontents that want a political philosophy that rejects modern society. At the same time, they hate most radical political philosophy because they associate with girls with blue hair who wouldn't sleep with them in college. Once you leave out the liberals and the Marxists all you have left are right-wing bastardizations of critical theory like Evola and genuine nutjobs like Ted. I kinda like Evola (and Ted, and Eliot Rodger, and so on), but the dogmatic hatred some people on this board have for everything associated with the "left" is retarded.

>> No.12049969

>right-wing bastardizations of critical theory like Evola

what are you talking about

>> No.12050013

More Ellul than anyone else.

>> No.12050897

rejecting modern society implies you also hate neocons, capitalists, etc. you basically become a cynic. The left is simply what you would associate to most of modern spooks, the modern "right" is only a few steps behind their path. But yes, many /pol/ tards completely misenterpret him and are not far away from being as domesticated as the modern left

>> No.12050898

The left has created modern society.

>> No.12050918

you can't attribute modern society to one factor the industrial revolution could also be partially blamed for it. Even if "the left" had created it, it would now be called "the right"

>> No.12050941

>the right are the real npcs

>> No.12050944

peak bugman statement. do you also let your egirlfriend fuck niggers while you pay superchats to her so she doesnt turn off the live stream you fucking low test retard

>> No.12050953

And what spiritual fundament has the left? Also if anything it's the right that has a spiritual fundamenta since most are christians.

>> No.12050962

you are dumb and incorrect

jews created modern society

>> No.12051078

Kill yourself, just fucking do it

>> No.12051289

Magic is real, just not in the way you think

>> No.12051322

everyone is a npc, if you think about it. every group almost always tries to generalize and tribalize the other group instead of analyzing their ideas in a detached manner

we are all godless, souless animals following our stupid absolutes and binaries, after all

just like we see beauty on simmetry because it helps us to identify healthy develepmental patterns on nature, our intellect is also purely designed for our survivel, not for true slublimation

you can say that the right or the left is better all you want, in the of the day, none of this matters

>> No.12051325

What are some books like Ride the Tiger but without the Hindu mysticism and with more palatable LARPing?

>> No.12051332

>just like we see beauty on simmetry because it helps us to identify healthy develepmental patterns on nature, our intellect is also purely designed for our survivel

wrong, even you admit there is an objective component to beauty: order in nature

>> No.12051337

>what are some books about metaphysics without the metaphysics

stick to fiction

>> No.12051343

This is more or less where Berkeley sees God in nature, and I find it kind of convincing as well. Since for Berkeley everything is an idea conceived by a spirity, the world, existing independently of humans, is the ideas of God, which betray a 'wise, good' mind according to him, because of how much more ordered they are than our own imaginations.

>> No.12051345
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>I read the Unabomber's Manifesto and agreed with it and memed it for a bit but some folks here told me Teddy was just trying to paraphrase Evola
Very bad and uninformed opinion. Evola is also a very peripheral thinker, the intellectual foundations of the fascistoid ideologies are Hegel, Nietzsche, Sorel, D'Annunzio.

>> No.12051348

based berkeley poster

>> No.12051351

>political philosophy

>> No.12051379

well yaeh, i know there is an objective component to beauty. my argument is that our brains, even though following underlying clear perimeters, are just pragmatic tools for survival, not for real philosophy. the universe, although ruled by order, is too stochastic for us

>> No.12051389

okay, recommend some fiction for that feel of Ride the Tiger

I don’t mind metaphysics, I just don’t care for Hinduism/gnostic bullshit Kali Yuga woo-woo bullshit.

>> No.12051403

given that "real philosophy" is only thinkable for something like a brain, yes, if there is such a thing as real philosophy, it would only be found here.

you fell for the pop sci meme. a strictly "pragmatic tool for survival" would not have a concept of itself as such, bemoaning our lack of access to truth already presupposes SOME access. take the hegelpill

>> No.12051407



start with harry potter

>> No.12051412

okay LARP fag

>> No.12051413

the pop sci meme is actually a totally defensible philosophical position. Consciousness as accidental or non-causal, emergent or panpsychist, human behavior as entirely the result of evolutionary pressures, animals as physical automatons.

There is not actually anything wrong with that as a perspective.

>> No.12051436

you didn't actually defend your point, you just said it was defensible.

emergentism is incoherent, evolution is not a teleology, mechanism is axiomatic over organicism only for mongrel anglos. yes, there is plenty wrong with your perspective.

have fun worshipping the void of objectivity. any science that can't reflexively account for its own place in the model it pronounces is not much of one.

>> No.12051449

I said emergent or panpsychist neither of which are incoherent unless you bring in a bunch of preconceptions you would have to defend. Evolution doesnt need to be a teleology to explain behavior, mechanism is at least plausible, whats your issue with it?

Youre the sort of person who can't even examine the perspective im talking about for reasons of 'spiritual hygiene' so im not going to bother with you.

>> No.12051872
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>spiritual fundament

>> No.12052105

>spirituality is inherently leftist and liberal.
Hold it right there. Leftism and liberalism oppose holiness and sanctity of everything. Right tends to view life as holy, cultural heritage as holy, landscape and nations as holy and even historical buildings, positions and even being.

>> No.12052682

Dumbest thing I've read today.

>> No.12052741

>reddit spacing
>retarded nihilist theory
yep you should kill yourself

>> No.12053016

Capitalism created modern society, but it is liberalism which exacerbates the weakness and power vacuum created by the market and capital. Also I don't like the idea of blacks being in Europe.

What we need is NAZBOL with Evolian characteristics.

>> No.12053036
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>tfw anons don't recognize shitposting when they see it
Read Spengler and Yockey instead.

>> No.12053138

evola is a tard. If you're interested in rightist philosophy read Nietzsche. If you're interested in mysticism/religion read Eliade. Evola is useless. the man couldn't even get siddhis for god's sake, how am I gonna trust his word on tantra

>> No.12053143

Nietzsche wasn't fascist, but he was "fascoid". he was an anti-egalitarian rightist who was also against demagoguery and plebs and would've been against nazism as it was too lowbrow/populist. He would've probably been pro-neoliberalism/making a jewish-german hybrid superrace of aristocrats

>> No.12053861
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that's enough /lit/ for today

>> No.12053897

I literally never claimed Nietzsche was fascist, learn to read retard.

>> No.12053901

I see you haven't read Evola or any philosophy associated with the Left, standard for a comment such as yours on our board, welcome