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12175760 No.12175760 [Reply] [Original]

All hail the Divine Plato!

Pin this thread if you support Neoplatonism and understand the esoteric interpretation of Plato and have been fully initiated into the mystery cults.

Hide this thread if you support the monstrous abortion that is modern philosophy and think philosophy consists of sophism and word games rather than preparing for death.

Reply if you wish to engage in peaceful dialogue and shary comfy feels regarding knowledge of the forms at this late/early hour.

>> No.12175769
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Based and Platopilled thread. Modern philosophy can’t compete

>> No.12175775

I'm finishing a sci-fi book and then I'll head straight into Complete Plato. I'm excited! Is it going to be a hard read? I'm kind of a brainlet

>> No.12175776

640x480x 256 color VGA was the most patrician format prove me wrong

>> No.12175850

Standard VGA was 640x480x16.

>> No.12175930

Could anyone reccomend one of his dialogues, besides The Republic, That deals with the idea that being creates the world.

>> No.12175999

Absolutely based. To me, Plato is not the Father or Founder of Western Philosophy, he IS Western Philosophy itself, the Tree on whom all subsequent philosophies have grown as branches.

>> No.12176036

What is argument, guys? There are many definitions. Some say that all discourse is argument. Some say that only valid or sound formulations of logical form can be argument. Some deny that argument is at all. But what the fuck IS it even?

>> No.12176114

Based. Anon has realized that at-bottom there exist entities which cannot be defined in terms beyond themselves, which we are so familiar with we don't even notice our lack of ability to understand them. I have learnt much by following this road. Let me throw you a few crumbs of wisdom to set you on the right path. Here are some other concepts which can't be defined except in-themselves:
-Goodness, Beauty, Justice, etc
-Fire, Water, Earth, Air
-Sky, Mountains, Trees, etc
-and many, many other entities

Reflect on them anon. Ask yourself the same question of WHAT they are, not scientifically but as essences. Follow this road, and someday you will see. I can't give you my learnings, you have to get it for yourself. I'll give you a hint: Nondualism.

>> No.12176168


>> No.12176213

There is large variation in the difficulty of the dialogues. I would start with the traditional 4 dialogues sometimes called "The Last Days of Socrates," which goes: Euthyphro > Apology > Crito > Phaedo. These will give you a good taste for the genre.

>> No.12176221

based thread
please let this become a regular thing

>> No.12176259

Where do I start with Uzdavinys? He seems to what I’ve been looking for

>> No.12176334

You don't seem to understand, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.12176347

>the human being can be divine
You are not doing your homework correctly m8

>> No.12176368

Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism is the best intro. Very moving. Written at the end of his life. Similar to Kant's Prolegomena. Philosophy and Theurgy and Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth are somewhat beyond my ken, but worth owning. I would also suggest the authors he cites such as Hadot and McEvilley and Assmann.

>> No.12176379

Dialectic is an Encounter by thought with the outside of thought. Ie:love/sex/war/death/rebirth/etc.
>badiouan deleuzean maoist portato fascist with complete fidelity to the schizo socrates event

>> No.12176386

I can't put my finger on why, but I'm very grateful for this post. Thank you.

>> No.12176408

You might want a reading guide. Or not. Jumping in might be challenging. Jumping around might be fun. Neoplatonists promote the Timaeus and Critias and Parmenides as the peak. Symposium and Republic are usually regarded as the most favorite works of classics and philosophy students respectively. College classes typically read the Trial and Death of Socrates first (Euthyphro, Apology, Meno, and Phaedo).

>> No.12176416

Then continue to be so.

>> No.12176429












>> No.12176439

it reaffirms the mystery of life. The fact that over two thousand years later we still can’t explain these core yet abstract concepts proves that there are some things that feel as if they are beyond the mind’s comprehension. Why do we draw blanks when attempting to explain these ‘handles’? You can give examples but you can’t truly capture what it is. It is almost as if by defining something we put it in a box and isolate it. We can’t wrap our minds around certain qualities. They are too big for our minds to corral them. Following this line of thought deeper down the rabbit’s hole makes you realise some pretty peculiar things about the way we think and the nature of reality and the self

>> No.12176516

I read a lot of Plato and I like everything he has to say except the bit about art as mere imitation, I think Plotinus has a better idea there.
How do I go about understanding the esoteric implications of his ideas?

>> No.12176686

I can't answer it for you, other than tell you that you have the answers already.

You're welcome, friend. For your kind words, I'll give you a few more:
-Emotion (Sadness, Anger, and all others)
-Noses, Eyes, Teeth, Lips, Hair, Hands (and any other physical features)

Simply ask yourself the question of "what" these are. Again, not in their scientific definitions, but what they are to you, the one observing them.

The anon here claims the "mystery of life". But I ask you, anon, what is mystery? Mystery is itself a mystery, isn't it? And yet, can this be? Can one speak of a concept at all, here "mystery", without one already knowing what it is?

As I have said, Nondualism holds your and the other anon's answers. Both Plato and Advaita have the answers, which are both Nondualist but from different angles. You must reflect on what I've just told you on your own. I'm sure you'll come to where I have in enough time, just as I did.

>> No.12176776
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Christ is the Form of the Good

>> No.12176809

>philosophy is about preparing for death
I’ve never been able to articulate this but have always felt it.

>> No.12176820


>> No.12176835

This implies Plato was human.

>> No.12176844
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Any good secondary literature on the Forms? I'm very unsure of my understanding of the idea, but it seems to me that distinct forms emerge as a result of the space between matter and the contrast that this distance provides.

Also esotericism is a big gay borderline head-canon

>> No.12176897

Foucault is better than Plato.

>> No.12176906


>> No.12176924

What works should I read for a basic understanding and/or introduction to Plato?

>> No.12177050

He was

>> No.12177063

Reading Plato by Szlezak

>> No.12177068

Jesus Christ, just read it. Why do you need someone to dumb it down for you?

>> No.12177087

Do as >>12177068 more crudely said and simply read his dialogues directly, anon. His work is presented very accessibly, it's merely that the concepts themselves are so profound that one can and likely will contemplate them for a lifetime after. The concepts thenselves, however, are not difficult to grasp in a basic sense. You'll have plenty of resources afterward to serve as commentary, but you should first read him directly. They aren't simply expositions, they're plays and have dramatic elements in them as well which need to be read directly.

>> No.12177106

No evidence for that. In fact all the evidence suggests otherwise.

>> No.12177192

This. The general scientific consensus is that he was indeed Divine.

Fun fact: Dante, in his Inferno, placed Plato in the first circle of Hell. Because he was a "virtuous pagan" but not a Christian, even though he lived before the time of Christ. LOL

>> No.12177218
File: 442 KB, 3000x2000, 1506886609257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this thread, OP.

>> No.12177248

Plato’s mother was pregnant of Apollo and forbid his father to make love to her, the muses brought honey to his mouth when he was a child to signify that he was going to speak incredible truths, he was the brother of the medicine god Asclepius send from Apollo to humans to tend their souls.

>> No.12177373

[citation needed]

>> No.12177563

>and have been fully initiated into the mystery cults

How can you consider yourself a "Platonist" in the fullest sense if the initiatic chain of these mystery cults has been severed for a thousand plus years and you completely lack a basis for any sort of theurgy?
The only things left of these traditions in themselves are the texts, and the philosophy they taught was in no way meant to be confined to reading books and thinking about things on a purely virtual level.

>> No.12177686

I think he meant it metaphorically, as in, being a metaphorical member of such cults.

>> No.12177696

This is true, but you must start somewhere, and the texts are as good a place as any.

>> No.12177719

What anons think of Giovanni Reale?

>> No.12177930

They’re everywhere, retard. It’s not my fault you have no grounding in the classics.

>> No.12177944

>comfy death
you're really stupid desu

>> No.12177976

Not an argument.

>> No.12178052

will do thanks friend

>> No.12178057

Ill check it out, thanks

>> No.12179325

>Now that which ever-liveth, differs from the Eternal; for He hath not been brought to being by another, and even if He have been brought to being, He hath not been brought into being by Himself, but ever is brought into being.

>> No.12179450

I just got the Complete Works and started it, planning to get through some of it during the Christmas break, but at a nice slow pace.

So far I’ve read Euthyphro, Apology, Phaedo, Crito and Theaetetus, and the prose and arguments are actually easier to follow than I expected, with minor exceptions where Socrates makes linguistic jokes that don’t translate into English (they’re explained in the footnotes though).

It’s amazing how much stuff still feels relevant, practical and useful to analyze today, especially the ideas about justice and the social contract in Phaedo, so far.

>> No.12179559

I'd say start with The Symposium and The Phaedrus. They are great reads and introduce some interesting concepts. Also read the Apology if you're interested in it. Then you can probably tackle The Republic and you've got yourself a basic introduction of some dialogues and Plato's most important work.

Absolutely retarded answer. How much of value do you think a new reader would retain from simply reading Plato's complete works from beginning to end? As >>12177087 state without grasping reading Plato can very well be a undertaking of a lifetime and there's no point in rushing into it.

>> No.12179636

>undertaking of a lifetime