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File: 331 KB, 873x873, Sartre_1967_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12196985 No.12196985 [Reply] [Original]

Was Sartre the Vegeta to Camus' Goku?

>> No.12197004
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He was a janny to Camus' __arab__.

>> No.12197025

No. Camus was Piccollo, Satre was Vegeta, Kierkegaard was Goku

>> No.12197067

>From Nausea, by Jean-Paul Sartre
>Published 1938, before World War 2 and his marriage to Simone Beauvoir
>"The humanist philosopher who bends over his brothers like an elder brother who is conscious of his responsibilities; the humanist who loves men as they are, the one who loves them as they ought to be, the one who wants to save them with their consent, and the one who will save them in spite of themselves, the one who wants to create myths, and the one who is satisfied with the old myths, the one who loves man for his death, the one who loves man for his life, the happy humanist who always knows what to say to make people laugh, the gloomy humanist whom you usually meet at wakes. They all hate one another : as individuals, of course, not as men."
>post WW2 and marriage to roastie
>Mao, Castro fuckboi extraordinaire
>"Existentialism is a Humanism"
>Camus, "hard pass"

it's like, what if Vegeta started off as good pals with Goku, then after the Frieza saga, goes on an intergalactic villain fellatio tour with Bulma.

>> No.12197084


correction, he never "married" Simone Beauvoir.

>> No.12197091

Camus can do but Satre is smarter

>> No.12197092

Thread is over

>> No.12197177


Sartre was ambitious. He wanted to be the mayor-turned-guru of the hip, metropolitan Parisian intelligentsia/youth. To do that you have to suck a lot of dicks, say and do edgy things like say killing Europeans is cool and deny Nobel Prizes (which actually is sort of cool).

Camus, perhaps by virtue of not suffering from a weird eyeball disorder, didn't feel the need for such posturing or validation. Hence why his interactions with women are gracefully Chad-like (rocky marriages, multiple affairs with 9/10 actresses) and his politics are original.

>> No.12197205
File: 152 KB, 600x600, c70a0367-7fce-4e71-bb12-d7b84c935830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chad Camus.. look at that beaming smile.

>> No.12197209

he was quoting the Simpsons
>Camus can do, but Sartre is smartre.

>> No.12197213
File: 82 KB, 634x535, 318D451C00000578-3463779-image-m-32_1456411492951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cucked Sartre
>open relationship

>> No.12197216

But is Sartre as charming as le Camuchad?
note: video is mislabelled


>> No.12197233

Just listen to that sexy voice, Camus RADIATED Chadness.

>> No.12197289

How would Celine figure into all this? Then again though, Celine has more of a duality with Proust despite them definitely having never met each other

>> No.12197291

Sartre is a fartre