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/lit/ - Literature

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12229513 No.12229513 [Reply] [Original]

>go to library
>put bible in the nonfiction section

>> No.12229525

>go to library
>librarian asks me why i never tip her

>> No.12229536


>senior year of high school
>need to do a book report
>go to public library instead of school library
>realize don't have a library card
>get application from guy at desk
>go home to fill it out because I needed some info I didn't have with me
>go back to library
>"I'm sorry you're under 18 you need a parental signature"
>nothing on the form said anything about that
>go back home
>tell dad
>dad becomes furious and calls library to bitch about how ridiculous the bureaucracy is
>get signature from dad, he goes with me back to the library
>extremely uncomfortable conversation ensues, get library card
>end up not checking anything out because at this point I just want to leave as soon as possible

>> No.12229540

>go to /lit/
>put frogpost in the hide section

>> No.12229592

He cute

>> No.12229594

>go to >>12229540
>move it to my cringe compilation

>> No.12229602

This happened last time at a bookstore

>Buy crime and punishment, sherlock holmes novels, siddharta, tale of genji, epic of gilgamesh and shakespeare sonnets and have em all piled on the counter for the qt cashier to scan and comment on
>some jonathan franzen looking dude behind me looks at the stack and goes "What a stack of classics! Not just dead white men either!

It didnt trigger me but now in retrospect i really dislike that whole meme of disregarding the god tier classics based on the gender and ethnicity of the author. If yo uare that guy though and recognize this story, don't feel bad it just threw me that's all

>> No.12229928

whoops haha fell off my chair

>> No.12230284

>go to the library
>secretly throw books in the trash
>go to library
>set up at a computer
>repeatedly leave chair to find more and more obscure books
>create a couple of stacks
>act like you're writing something really esoteric and cool
>leave, don't put anything back
those are my favorite things to do in library.

>> No.12230683

>go to B&N
>put fortnite book in religion section
>take pic
>put book back out of respect for religious patrons and the retail workers

>> No.12230727
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>go to 4chan
>put janny in his place

>> No.12230835

>put book back out of respect for religious patrons and the retail workers
Based and courtesyspilled

>> No.12230945

>kek achieved
>kindness maintained
the ultimate redpill

>> No.12230961

respectful and kind hearted

>> No.12230982

>If yo uare that guy though and recognize this story, don't feel bad it just threw me that's all
too agreeable you should have said "if you're reading this you are worhtles idiot fucking waste of a life prepare to have your brain erased and repurposed - it will be gifted to some down syndrome retard who's life value infinitely better than you"

>> No.12231010

Last time and first time I was at my new local and independent bookstore

>aimlessly browsing all shelves
>see lots of travel books, children's books, cooking books, sports autobiographies
>ask the probably owner why there is no sci fi/fantasy section
>probably the owner implies that kind of shit is for the corporate book warehouses
>buy penguin Dracula and Don Quixote and an early Kerouac

As soon as the next ASOIAF is announced I'm going there and I'll buy that dude a coffee and bring it him and I'm pre-ordering Winds there

>> No.12231101

i check out blood meridian from every library i go to and return it filled with punctuation marks

>> No.12231136

>Go to reading section in library
>Put some Greek classics on table next to me
>Read some YA fantasy novel
>Every one looks at me in admiration