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/lit/ - Literature

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12325921 No.12325921 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12325937

In the sharp blades of moonlight piercing through the shades I shidded and farnted

>> No.12325965

The scrambled-eggs-for-brains did his best to follow the directions of the prompt. Alas, he wrote one sentence instead of the two that were required.

>> No.12325992
File: 99 KB, 900x554, night-in-the-desert---artist-singh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of deserts because one day I opened my eyes and found myself in one. What thirst I had! And I had been thirsty in this desert all my life without knowing it. An endless circumference of sand that heaved and surged with white heat in the flaming winds of the day and glittered cooly like mirrored firmament in the night, surrounding me on all sides behind some mysterious veil since birth.

>> No.12326003

Unironically chim yourself

>> No.12326025

I believe I live in a tree. Others tell me that I do not live in a tree. I respectfully disagree.

>> No.12326141

I've the penis. You've the vagina. It's time.

>> No.12326147

Your nuts

>> No.12326176

Well what is danger?
The potential of harm.
Harm creates a deeper bond between you and what has harmed you.

Pressing forward to understand that bond, truly, may very well be the foundation of wisdom.

>> No.12326670

“Hey Siri, what’s my favrite pokeman” bellowed the shirtless 43 year old retarded man, sending chunks of cold canned ravioli flying from his filthy rotting beard.

In her prim polite monotone Siri replied: “Your favorite Pokémon is... Squirtle.”

“GOD DAMMIT SIRI MY FAVRITE POKEMAN IS NOT FUCKING SQUIRTLE YOU FAGGOT ASS CUNT,” wailed the retard, simultaneously shitting his diaper and vomiting up another several ounces of half digested ravioli.

>> No.12326690

ok but what was his favorite pokemon?

>> No.12326695

That’s the ironic secret revealed at the end of the third volume, it really is squirtle

>> No.12326720

Damn, so much information conveyed in 3 sentences..didn't even need the 4th. Did you go to college or something?

>> No.12326722

lasercocks penetrating cyborg aryan vaginas in the face of all deciding ultimate racewar and i get to have first row seats, man oh man. blue lights flashing, the smell of kebabs and root beer permeates my nose and accumulates to a semi-vaporous droplet of garlic sauce. fuck my life and fuck jannies.

>> No.12326730

>accumulates to a semi-vaporous droplet of garlic sauce
+in the back of my throat

>> No.12326740

The screams of the prepubescent boy echoed throughout the cul-de-sac. His mother's refusal to buy him more V-bucks had set him into one of his signature fits of rage. Ted Kazcysnki was right.

>> No.12326943

The way she walked reminded me of the smell of damp ass in summer. All fatty motion and carelessness. Disgusting. Still, I was hard as a rock, and I made my way to her.

>> No.12327595

There are laws on all levels. Laws of survival. Instincts. Laws of the mind. Morals. Laws of higher power. Religion. Laws exist on all levels. As we progress more levels show themselves to us and thus more laws are created. Can you not see why I am so entranced by them? By their doctrines? Laws may be changed, laws may be eradicated but the level shall never not exist once the law is formed.

They are the only true measure of how far we have and can progress. I will defend them until no more levels remain to be discovered. Until deemed all under our own progress. These are my own laws.

>> No.12327711

>There are laws on all levels. Laws of survival. Instincts. Laws of the mind. Morals. Laws of higher power. Religion.

This is quite good.

>Laws exist on all levels. As we progress more levels show themselves to us and thus more laws are created.

This and the rest is needs to clarified or expanded on.

>> No.12327739


>> No.12327765

>hard as a rock

Fucking cliche bro. Fix that shit.

>> No.12327821

ty anon

>> No.12327905

>Well what is danger?
>The potential of harm.
>Harm creates a deeper bond between you and what has harmed you.
>Pressing forward to understand that bond, truly, may very well be the foundation of wisdom.

Well, what is danger?
The potential of harm.
And we are bonded to that which harms us.
The power to break the bond consists in understanding it.

>> No.12327949

dont quit your day jobs

>> No.12327952

Can you write a chapter about this boy and his his life in the first person please

>> No.12327994

The snowstorm had left a fresh lick of paint on the otherwise dour scenery. Children burrowed out of their house's as mothers stood shivering in their dressing gowns pleading them to wear a scarf; men wondered how long it would take their wifes to ask them to shovel the driveway and the older folks made the gas companies a little more money. There was much to be joyful for and much to worry about; one particular person was worrying whether one of those kids would find the body of Elmore Bradley before the snow thawed.

>> No.12328000

>the fish tried to not fall for the bait, alas, it ended falling for it in the end

>> No.12328010

i'm not a writer - if i tried to write a whole chapter it would be a putrid meme. i'm sorry to disappoint you, anon

>> No.12328016


>> No.12328029

He doesn’t want to slip and fall. He would likely never return to his position, let alone reach the top of the mountain. As the fear of falling fills his heart, he realizes it is fear alone that moves him, the peak of the mountain merely gives him an alternative to falling, or staying still in boredom. But a tempting thought suddenly enters his mind, one that will make him question everything: “What if I fall on purpose?”

>> No.12328031
File: 39 KB, 656x755, IMG_6760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12328063 [DELETED] 

>There are laws on all levels. Laws of survival. Instincts. Laws of the mind. Morals. Laws of higher power. Religion. Laws exist on all levels.
This seriously eads as the average prose in r/writingprompts.

>> No.12328068

>There are laws on all levels. Laws of survival. Instincts. Laws of the mind. Morals. Laws of higher power. Religion. Laws exist on all levels.
This seriously reads like the average prose in r/writingprompts.

>> No.12328087

I've said it before, but what you are trying to prove? And to who? You treat idle nonsense like a challenge. Like a means of validating something, was it ever worth it?

>> No.12328090

>outing yourself as someone who browses plebbit

>> No.12328091
File: 721 KB, 460x284, downloadfile-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my birthday, and as I trimmed my beard I pondered on the religious circularity that accompanies the process of aging. Through my occupation I knew well the innocence of children and the soft-souledness of the elderly. Every child’s face shines as though they had been delivered from the very summit of Mount Sinai and the laughter of every old man and woman is almost certainly an imported distillation of joy smuggled into this corrupted world from some unknown Elysium. I deduced that there must be some light that shines out from our first death, that forgotten death which precedes birth, and that this light is the same light which pulls us unceasingly towards our second death, the death no man can forget. The uncreated light that bookends life and death, which sometimes fails to penetrate the middle part of our lives.

>> No.12328105

I don't, faglord.

>> No.12328110

At last, the time had come. Julian lifted his blade into the stars and massaged his scalp with his fingers, which were cold in the night and ungloved. He closed his eyes, and massive tears flooded along his face as he felt his heart burn with ferocity and power.

>> No.12328121

Can you say why

>> No.12328124

This doesn’t make sense. Also read it aloud before you type it

>> No.12328141

Can you explain more? This doesn't really tell me WHAT to improve on, you're just comparing it.

>> No.12328146

How do I read it before it's typed?

>> No.12328149

Seventeen-years-old and slight of build, Timothy Darrow did not offer much in the way of a physical presence. His face was kind in a harmless and encouraging sort of way, as was his voice. Because of his size one might have, at first glance, wrongly described him as weak-looking; a boyish body with an old man's weariness. But this judgment could only be made by someone unable to perceive his body's rigidity and nervousness, like a coiled spring that could burst outward at any moment. From where he was standing George could see the scar on the top of Timothy's head, where it ran downward in his hair like a beige seam on a couch pillow. His eyes then wandered down to his son's left hand, which was gripping the strap of a backpack, and settled on the vacant space between the boy’s middle finger and pinky, where only a truncated ring-finger remained, beginning with half a knuckle and extending downward into the hand.

>> No.12328152
File: 22 KB, 400x421, BB19CB0A-1D7D-4B27-BEDE-B559E5E6951C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12328170

I think this guy is just going around and shitting on peoples stuff without reading them desu

>> No.12328174


>> No.12328183

The boy now danced over untrodden earth. He knew that his foot was the first in centuries to conquer this soil because it was yet crisscrossed by delicate twigs and was frequently breached by the kinds of proud green stems that are never known to last on the beaten trails of men. He continued like this through the twisted wood for what could have been hours but was remarkably only minutes. The boy soon found himself in what felt like such a remote alcove that even the glaring eye of the sun could no longer creep at the back of his neck, for after traversing the mean blackness of space it's rays were finally interrupted in their charge by the thick green roof which ever sheltered this small corner of the world.

>> No.12328196

It's trite, and ironically not itself a deep investigation of the levels discussed; feels like an attempt at sounding profound through the surface level presentation of the observation that there are principles which govern the world, and that you are determined to find them all. If that's a mockery of someone, it's very effective. If this was serious, I'd suggest starting significantly smaller. If you want to talk about this kind of thing, use an illustrative experience to make your point.

>> No.12328205

it is a mockery thank god
its a man trying to defend his own crazy beliefs

>> No.12328375

>Seventeen-years-old and slight of build, Timothy Darrow did not offer much in the way of a physical presence. His face was kind in a harmless and encouraging sort of way, as was his voice. Because of his size one might have, at first glance, wrongly described him as weak-looking; a boyish body with an old man's weariness. But this judgment could only be made by someone unable to perceive his body's rigidity and nervousness, like a coiled spring that could burst outward at any moment. From where he was standing George could see the scar on the top of Timothy's head, where it ran downward in his hair like a beige seam on a couch pillow. His eyes then wandered down to his son's left hand, which was gripping the strap of a backpack, and settled on the vacant space between the boy’s middle finger and pinky, where only a truncated ring-finger remained, beginning with half a knuckle and extending downward into the hand.

Seventeen-years-old and slight of build, Timothy Darrow did not offer much in the way of a physical presence. His kind face was as harmless and encouraging as the voice which sounded from it. Because of his size, one might at first glance describe him as weak-looking. But this judgment could only be made by someone who failed to notice a certain musuclar rigidity, a bodily nervousness which wound his entire strength like a spring. From where he was standing, George could see the scar on the top of Timothy's head. It ran down along his scalp like a beige seam. His eyes then wandered down to his son's left hand, which was gripping the strap of a backpack, and settled on the vacant space between the boy’s middle finger and pinky, where only a truncated ring-finger remained, beginning with half a knuckle and extending downward into the hand.

>> No.12328387

My lack of filter backfires, but it paints a clearer picture of those who surround me. In turn I attract the few who are similar, but in the process I piss off countless others. This practice has taught me that being alone is not nearly as terrible as media would have us believe. I will decay as a forgotten man, a criminal to my surroundings.

>> No.12328423


>> No.12328450

Through an obscure sense of cultural prejudice and years of hate, she failed to judge the woman in front of her. To my/his astonishment, she embraced her as a daughter, as if to say; the years of indifferences didn’t matter anymore. And right then I knew that we were two imperfect people living near-perfect lives.

>> No.12328457
File: 70 KB, 600x304, 93143DFD-BB8D-403B-B9E0-32A9E6A5AB57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sat on my couch. I ripped my bong. I took a sip from my Monster Energy Zero TM. “Yep,” I said “it’s gamer time”

>> No.12328471 [DELETED] 

Thy wanton soüp: it tasted like anoth' kinduv soop--itself--the soop tasted kinduv soopee like itself, yea son, that thy wannatonna soop itselfuh that et tasted like, yeaow; so yea yea, tiz whats izuh and all dæt, &c., &c. Another day, another day, another day.

>> No.12328487

Thy wanton soüp: it tasted like anoth' kinduv soop--itself--the soop. Taste-ted kinduv soopee like itself, yesson, that thy wannatonna soop itself that et tasted like, yeaow; so yeah yeah, tiß whats izuh and all dæt, &c., &c. Another-other-ther day..., 'notha 1-one-wan biteßßß.

>> No.12328498

Perched atop a shiny throne. With a broken heart, I groan.

Many ages I've been in pursuit of defecation, but all one's got is flatulation.

>> No.12328507


>> No.12328512

One of the subtler effects of Phuc’s persistent psychosis was a degradation of the experience of privacy. Even wholly internal personal musings became performances for the little atomized enclaves of insurgent streams of consciousness in the upper deck of his headspace.

>> No.12328522

Night fell like a kid-glove on a marble floor. Unseen bough-clutching birds mingle their songs with the lilting cicada cadence, an inscrutable summer fugue. The softness of the clean-swept sky soaked in dying dusk descends into darkness and I feel alone. Alone amid the tremblings of the leaves in a waking trance of shrugging insouciance.

>> No.12328571

The green green of her green-green heart pulled away the flesh of her belly with fine vine-ish digits, each tipped with feathery filament, peeled it up past her breasts. Seamlessly her ribcage streamed, rafter to rafter, while cathedral light gleamed verdant and calico-spotted, illuminating her shimmering and slimy heart, tap tap tapping noiselessly on the glass of eternity. As she opened it shivered and quickened its walk. Each pulse revealed on her face, and before she could hesitate, her heart stepped from a ledge and had fallen.

>> No.12328572

actually not bad. reads like virginia woolf writing while drunk

>> No.12328586

Why thank you anon, that's very kind of you say.
But if you don't mind, could you explain what you mean by "reads like virginia woolf writing while drunk"? I've never read Woolf, so I don't have any context.

>> No.12328796

I will always be adrift with you. Like gossamer as seasons blend and skies alight. Softly as a zephyr breathes, our path will lead, gently, towards the night.

>> No.12328817

While his blatant conformity only briefly comforted him, he still mused relentlessly of his what ifs and how he’d change the world. How could he hold on to these ideals when he was no longer the man of fortitude, never questioning why lady justice wouldn’t take back.

>> No.12328837
File: 8 KB, 250x250, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. Nigger!

>> No.12328849

Soul in hands, weathers cold and the bar girl (looks young like my wife) pours one down the inside of a glass. She turned away fast after I paid, caught looking at her top and a bit of foam caught there. Doesn't help i'm the only here at midday.

>> No.12328866

When I determined to become a writer, I knew nothing of writing save that it was a hole that failed academics crawled into when life became too difficult for them. I have spent the better part of my life writing trash. I know that it is trash because it follows the whims of my juvenile attention span, because genres are little more than fashion statements. I expect to be published one day, though I bear no ill will towards the rest of you and cannot imagine you deserve such violence inflicted on you; I simply hate myself.

>> No.12328874

So descriptive without saying fucking anything.

>> No.12328933

this boards elitism amounts to this, lol.

this is the most cringe i've ever seen, deluded neckbeards.

>> No.12328977

Good first bit, I would change still mused relentlessly to something like "stirred restlessly" or something with a bit of movement to it. 2nd bit I think is a bit confused with "never questioning"when previously he's doing just that. Lady justice wouldn't take back is a great line.


kind of neat, kind of don't know about last line.

>too close to the bone

Criticism for much of the writing on /lit/,

>> No.12328978
File: 120 KB, 1440x864, 1529948912906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12329293

p nice good job

>> No.12329300


>> No.12329491

>>>12325921 (OP) (You)
>Night fell like a kid-glove on a marble floor. Unseen bough-clutching birds mingle their songs with the lilting cicada cadence, an inscrutable summer fugue. The softness of the clean-swept sky soaked in dying dusk descends into darkness and I feel alone. Alone amid the tremblings of the leaves in a waking trance of shrugging insouciance.

Night falls like a kid-glove on a marble floor. Birdsongs descend from the treeboughs into a lilt of cicada rising from the reeds, an inscrutable summer fugue. A cloudless sky swims and burns in the bloodlight of a dying sun. The soft rednesses of an agonal dusk are transmuted into the darkening purples of night—and I feel alone. Alone amid the wind-trembled leaves in a waking daze of shrugging insouciance.

>> No.12329502 [DELETED] 

Too much low quality alliteration my dude

>> No.12329506

Too much low quality alliteration my dude

>> No.12329518

Yes, it's an excerpt that would require more context for it to be meaningful. I should have picked something else or just written something new.

>> No.12329535

Not too bad anon

>> No.12329555
File: 74 KB, 550x734, harry-potter-fanatic-paints-an-entire-page-from-one-of-the-books-on-her-wall-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good, one of the best ones in the thread.

>> No.12329563

Good stuff Anon

>> No.12329571


>> No.12329572

I lay in the motel bed, half drunk and wholly exhausted, praying to any higher power that I had run far enough, could cease my flight. The room's old tube television hummed in a corner, its grainy pornographic pictures flickering with ghostly tricolored afterimages.

I wept and tore at my hair when my dead wife began cooing like a baby from the vent above the television, black ichor oozing slowly down out of its grates.

>> No.12329584

This *clap* is *clap* true *clap* art *clap*

>> No.12329659

He furiously massaged the keyboard with oil of personal damnation for the last thirty minutes, with no hesitation. And suddently he stopped, as if he was woken up from hipnosis with snap of fingers, cartoonish hallucination. There must be more to life than misery and sadness fetishization. And even if there isn't, another person does not need to acknowlege that. "I mean for what?" and even his mind didn't talk back.

>> No.12329664

>I lay in the motel bed, half drunk and wholly exhausted, praying to any higher power that I had run far enough, could cease my flight. The room's old tube television hummed in a corner, its grainy pornographic pictures flickering with ghostly tricolored afterimages.
>I wept and tore at my hair when my dead wife began cooing like a baby from the vent above the television, black ichor oozing slowly down out of its grates.

I lay in the motel bed, half drunk and wholly exhausted, praying to any higher power that I had run far enough, could cease my flight. An old tube television buzzed low in the corner, screen flickering with grainy porno and tricolored afterimages.

I think this is a bit cleaner, but pretty good otherwise.

>> No.12329732

That bitch
Karen, my once and former love
She took the kids with her when she left with my heart

>> No.12329787

Yeah, I wasn't 100% sure how flowery to get with the TV, and also I typed it out in the space of 2 minutes on the toilet. So it's not necessarily my best prose, but my best for that given circumstance.

>> No.12329824

>The snowstorm had left a fresh lick of paint on the otherwise dour scenery. Children burrowed out of their house's as mothers stood shivering in their dressing gowns pleading them to wear a scarf; men wondered how long it would take their wifes to ask them to shovel the driveway and the older folks made the gas companies a little more money. There was much to be joyful for and much to worry about; one particular person was worrying whether one of those kids would find the body of Elmore Bradley before the snow thawed.

The snowstorm had left a fresh lick of paint on the otherwise dour scenery. Children burrowed out from their homes as mothers stood shivering in their dressing gowns and waved scarves at them pleadingly; the men savored what they could of the snowy respite and waited indolently for their wives to demand a shoveling of the driveways. The older folks with their cold-pressed metabolisms made the gas companies a little more money. There was much to be joyful for and much to worry about; though only one person was worried that these kids might find the body of Elmore Bradley before the snow thawed.

Good, I tried to clean it up a little.

>> No.12329908

Looking at this woman, Domhnall O' Foster, a misdirected and forlorn human gyroscope, had stared into the eyes of love for the first time. His mouth was agape, and his mind drifted to and fro between embarrassment and bliss, as though yo-yoing within the space between their faces in which an infinity of things was left unsaid.

>> No.12329916

I think it's a good example of how much of difference the way you stack descriptors makes.

1. I saw a red fat bird.
2. I saw a red, fat bird.
3. I saw a red and fat bird.
4. I saw a bird, red and fat.
5. I saw a red bird, fat.

1. I saw a ghostly tricolored afterimage.
2. I saw a ghostly, tricolored afterimage.
3. I saw a ghostly and tricolored afterimage.
4. I saw an afterimage, ghostly and tricolored.
5. I saw a ghostly afterimage, tricolored.

Obviously which arrangement you use will depend on context and other factors, but it seems to me generally that 3 and 4 are best, followed by 2 and 5, and lastly 1.

>> No.12329935

>Write 2-4 sentences of your best prose
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I fucked your dad,
Now I'll fuck YOU!

>> No.12329961

What is the real difference between 2 and 3?

>> No.12330015

You'll wish one-day you did not wake up wanting, wading through the mire of a past that clings to your clothes, seeps into its fibers and weighs you down. Yes the sun shines down brightly, engulfing the damp, dull figure laid out across the bank, but like a child you jump back in. An endless cycle until, one day, you fail to return.

>> No.12330064

For me its about the sound. In 1, there isn't enough time/space between ghostly and tricolored, so they get mashed into one another and the individual impact of each word is weakened. It's the opposite problem for 2. There is too much time/space between ghostly and tricolored. The flow of description is broken and punctuated. 3 is perfect. The "and" separates the descriptors enough so that they retain a clear identity and the descriptive cadence is preserved. 4 is good because although there is a pause with the comma, it's not a pause that breaks up descriptive flow. 5 splits up the descriptors with a noun and a comma, but in a way that makes the 2nd descriptor like a bonus or a surprise, so the break in flow is compensated for with some other syntactical quality.

>1. I saw a ghostly tricolored afterimage.
>2. I saw a ghostly, tricolored afterimage.
>3. I saw a ghostly and tricolored afterimage.
>4. I saw an afterimage, ghostly and tricolored.
>5. I saw a ghostly afterimage, tricolored.

>> No.12330074


>> No.12330370

Your favourite show is bojack horseman?

>> No.12330376

There was nothing to left to say so he left it. He knew the only choice was to push forward, ever forward, but it was impossible to move when they were still rooted in a past that kicked and throwed and buckled under the crushing weight of the present. The future was an uncertain thing and he had no use for the uncertain or the changeable.

>> No.12330408

Oliver needed a poo. Each of the three traps he stood beside housed a squatting shitter. Despite being fairly desperate, Oliver waited, trying not to breath as heavily in the odiuosly warm room.

Keeping a fixed gaze on the redness of the 'occupied' sign on the nearest trap door, a rattling of toilet roll around toilet roll holder sounded. Oliver knew his poo was soon to be birthed.

>> No.12330488

This gets the most replies, yet people say borroughs is a shitty writer, this board sucks.

>> No.12330999
File: 997 KB, 500x475, tree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stars outside danced like the fire in their fireplace, and as myrrh drifted to sleep the universe felt simultaneously larger yet more like home than it ever had before. though she felt small, she felt safe, and when she fell asleep she dreamt lucidly of the civilization on the riverside, with the calls of ospreys in the daytime and the beating of drums in the nighttime. this time, she wondered if she hadn't made it up, but instead was visiting a memory that she carried on from her ancestors.

>> No.12331022

Yeah well if Burroughs were a shitposter he'd get lots of (You)'s as well.

>> No.12331044




mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama


>> No.12331053

i love the emotion in this...

>> No.12331056

based mama cornflakes

>> No.12331103


>> No.12331164
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, DC727F35-DA05-462E-818E-1776963B457E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not forget the love wind carries my friend. For as long as leaves whisper and the clouds are steady in their transit she is there for you.

>> No.12331181

You asshole. You stupid fucking nigger. Fuck you, nigger. Nigger.

>> No.12331230




>> No.12331318

I would read an entire book of this

>> No.12331327


>> No.12331339

You cracked the code of true poetry.

>> No.12331344

Thanks for the gold stranger!

>> No.12331348

Mountains may be seen in all directions. From the long end of the lake, they rise fjord-like at unwalkable angles, gaunt near-overhang the round stone banks. Near-shadows grade on the heaping rock, where pounding snows have bled the mantle's offerings to crags. Gathered in the gash, the blue eye colored water, darkened at the middle's setting clay. Ferns wither in the peeling stone.

>> No.12331364

Why was 6 afraid of 7? No, it wasn’t some dumb joke; back in 74, lost in the humid jungles of Indochina, we were forced to do unthinkable things. One day, starving and dying, corporal 7 was found with half an arm shoved down his throat. That arm belonged to private 9, and in that moment I had to end 7s life.

I have the concept but I could improve this.

>> No.12331421

Edit: This blew up, but I will read all the comments.

>> No.12331688

Holy....I want more

>> No.12331693

Remove the “no it wasn’t some dumb joke”

>> No.12331771

You asked me to see my prose
I gave you sperm full of fructose

English is not my mother tongue
Take my dong
And suck it all day long

>> No.12331824

I doubled over, submitting. Heavy hands grasped my neck, ankles, elbows, back. Everywhere: flesh. I heard the telling snap of the condom, and braced myself to be entered.

>> No.12331836

Finally, some literature that women such as myself can understand. Good to see some female representation!

>> No.12331877

But I was writing from the perspective of a gay man :^)

>> No.12332584

She had no idea how to react at first... After all, she had never expected to be in this sort of situation, where she was being bent over by some brat half her size but with an absolutely gigantic cock easily twice of the length and girth of anything she had ever been with starting to rail into her insides. "Ghh... Agh!" There was no way anybody could be prepared for that, nor the absolutely vulgar spanks and squeezes which that devilish dark-skinned brat began to torture her body with as inch by inch that fat cock disappeared inside of her sensitive folds.

>> No.12332654

Do you find that it's the things that mean the most to you that are most likely to hurt you? I might just be guarded, but I think there's a good reason for that. My mind has created a system where emotional investment equates to vulnerability. I can't really ever care for something, or feel anything less than indifferent about quite anything at all. It's a funny world, isn't it?

>> No.12332696

Holy shit, that was good anon!
Do you have anymore?

>> No.12333468

“You know what you gotta do, boy,” Daddy wheezed, his breath a heavy panting, grape seed oil dripping from the patchy hair of his pasty-white 430 pound body, “go on and spin mah Chore Wheel.”

I shuddered, the only sound was the crinkle of my diaper as I stepped forward and seized the warm leather handle of the Chore Wheel, and jerked it downward with all my might.

The chore wheel clacked on as Daddy licked his lips and the other guys looked on in stunned silence, no one daring to come to my support, not even Ricky.

The wheel slowed and came to a sputtering stop on... no god, please... it couldn’t be... but it was, the wheel had landed on... Daddy’s Choice!

>> No.12333491

It reads like a YA novel but the actual content seems far too disturbing for the target audience.

>> No.12333601

The Guinness World Record man looked up from his arbitration clipboard, "I don't think any more can fit." The pain was incredible, shooting, tearing, but through tears I stammered, "One more!" Johnny was a monster, reared on beef and push-ups, and his cock was aptly-named "The Terminator". He scooped a handful of Vaseline from the tub and lathed his girthy member. "You want this?" he asked. My fear hardened to resolve. "Yes." He entered me and I fainted from pain.

And that's the story of how I took eight cocks in my anus simultaneously.

>> No.12333996

hot tbqh

>> No.12334012

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. nigger nigger nigger nigger. nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

>> No.12334034

I like it... The last sentence is unnecessary large though.

>> No.12334678


>> No.12334771

Nowame yule, soul joe. Nowame ubermensch, I coincide.

>> No.12334817

fuck the shit. i get my hand put in my dick
let the mountain out of the ground hover above my sin
let assembly equals groping wolves die n word
circus of grog eat the slosh consume the sword
parvus man lays red trinkets falling out of my fingernails
why is my daughter on fire

>> No.12334821
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Did I say it before I thought it?
Or did I think it before I said it?
Perhaps it doesn't matter, the bitter words rang out like a gun shot in a funeral home, irrespective of intent or beginnings
I said
Fuck Jannies

>> No.12334822

Reddit tier

>> No.12334824

Why don't you homos take anything seriously

>> No.12334826

I would read a whole book of this

>> No.12334827

I unironically hate prose. Its too shallow, it can be easily interpreted at face value.

maybe I am just too autistic to understand it.

>> No.12334838

Nothing was here - just rocks, broken icons and the bones of rats and other small rodents. The ceiling had partly caved in and he could see thousands of stars and perhaps the past and future along with them in the abyss. The Knight suddenly felt ill and sat down. He looked up at the stranger who was wearing a long black cloak with a hood. He had pale skin and no facial hair or hair on his head. His eyes were vapid, his teeth cracked and yellow. The Knight knew this because the stranger was smiling at him.

>> No.12334858

The sky was as mollifying as an ipad tuned to exhentai. I walked along the East docks, walking North perpendicular to the roped yachts, and dreaded at my weight, that I was not lolita-sized and that the wood creaked at my dockhand-sized steps. They were rich, obviously, annoyingly, and but so I wanted a self-feature which was obvious, even annoying, when in reality I was subdued and faceless, lacking as much of two eyes and hair as my co-"workers", excuse me.

>> No.12334877


>> No.12334882
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>> No.12334895

This. The ideas are more important. You should be able to speak the writing without sounding like a faggot

>> No.12334933

I’ll see you on the log between the bramble. Me I’m a klutz. Determined to be so I suppose.
Scratches heal.

>> No.12334975

inside a store i look at things for sale. the more i look the more they fall away into distant sorts of shapes. i forget what laundry detergent is. the lights are full of dead bugs and even some living ones and the corpses and live things move with the humming of the light.

>> No.12335065

After discovering the categorical imperative to destroy myself, I chose to live and bear the guilt of my existence. Then, I encountered the Real; my flawless integration into cosmic machinations demonstrated my pathetic truth — when unfurling animal chaos threatened my being, I immediately capitulated to the authorities whom, until then, I disdained for their repression of that very animality. The encounter haunts my movement, compounding into the totality of my experience to undermine my feeble attempts to subordinate that totality to reason (I have no fucking idea what I’m doing and I’m scared of almost everyone I love). God offers me little in the way of refuge — his pulse grows ever weaker as we await his material end.

>> No.12335191

He is nothing if not inexperienced. If only he knew how to coherently, even beautifully put down the tempest of ideas on paper, he would be content with his content. A tempest is nothing without wind, however - and he lacked any sort of inspiration.

pls dont be too harsh this is my first time writing for any fun at all and desu i memed it out

>> No.12335208

not bad, anon

>> No.12335212

except i fecking realised i switched tense like a dubass ungh

>> No.12335663
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Grael stepped off the battle platform and staggered to a stop before looking back over his shoulder. His opponent, a muscular man, and considerably larger than himself, lay on his back, blood running from a dagger stuck in his throat.

>> No.12335687

What they dont tell You when You join the army is that You should treat Your rifle like You would treat Your dick. No, they shout it at You.