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12340467 No.12340467 [Reply] [Original]

Thomas Pynchon, William Gass, John Hawkes, William Vollmann, Joseph McElroy etc. are all degenerate Boomers obsessed with crude gross out toilet humor. They wrote tumescent turgid prose that bordered on gibberish in order to show off how smart they were. The faux-encyclopedic ‘language’ of their books is inferior to the great poetry of their time anyway, and the stream-of-consciousness technique they love so much is just a degenerated and retarded version of James, Proust, or Joyce.

There is no beauty, no soul, no grace in their works. It is nihilistic but not even in a good way like Pessoa. It is anti-art made by sterile bloodless academics. The Emperor has no clothes.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can’t.

P.S. I have actually read books by all of these authors and am probably more well read by you so don’t pull out the anti-intellectual card.

>> No.12340481

Joyce was a turgid degenerate look how smart I am encyclopedia gross out poop lover boomer too

>> No.12340483

There's soul in Pynchon, though.

>> No.12340484

You forgot David Wallace.
And I would say it's a side-effect of a mixture of wisdom, and ambition. Joyce wasn't so clean himself.

>> No.12340502

No. Joyce shows how you can do crude topics but still in an artistic and redemptory way. Finnegans Wake is NOT gibberish like Gass and Joyce is immeasurably more talented than any one of these authors.

>> No.12340520

Ive only read Gass I think he is p cozy

>> No.12340523

Very little of it, and what is there is distorted by the atrocious writing.

Wallace is not worth mentioning

I’m not saying these authors weren’t very skilled. They were but their skill was completely warped by the nihilistic and culture distortion of the times they were born. They choose not to rise above he filth but wallow in it. The writer who showed the most promise was William Gaddis.

>> No.12340524

stopped reading there to be quite honest

>> No.12340540

Gaddis was struggling to break free of (((boomer culture))) big time and he never quite made it out

>> No.12340550

In Inherent Vice you can clearly see the man has a soul.

>> No.12340551
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>bro calling anyone degenerate is laughable lmao degeneracy has never existed if you use that word you’re an automatic idiot lmao bro

>> No.12340560

Because he was a Christian. I’m not a Christian myself but it’s obvious for anyone who has read the Classics that the tenets of Christianity make a great framework for beautiful and worthy art. Biblical monotheism has shaped what we often take for granted in narrative art forms.

>> No.12340568

"Degeneracy" is just "thing bad." If you call something degenerate, you're not actually saying anything

>> No.12340587

>why are they writting about the world around them i dont understand

you might actually be autistic

>> No.12340591

Yes, which is why Inherent Vice is better than Bleeding Edge. I’m a bit biased against Pynchon because I don’t like his humor, which is a big part of his books. But still I wouldn’t waste your time reading this stuff unless you’re forced to in school.

Harold Bloom is at least right about this point (even though he likes Pynchon). Time spent reading Pynchon you could have read Shakespeare, Browning, Dickens, Fielding, Goldsmith, Sterne, Shelley, De Quincey and all the other innumerably better writers of the past.

>> No.12340626

I'm not entirely on board with this. A people can slip into moral, psychic, and physical desiccation. Behave in ways that are pathogenic and societally undermining and culturally demented. The better energies and capabilities can be blocked because a culture promotes psychological and moral weakness.
In any event, yes, the word has been overused and most of the time it is used emptily.
If you're a necrophiliac, you're degenerate. Like it or not there are optimal and stable ways for humans to be so that society resonates in greater harmony. If everyone's smearing poop on each other and having poop orgies while the house burns down, that's not going to play out for long or go down well.

>> No.12340639

You’re the idiot if you think these writers are actually doing an accurate mimesis of the world around them. Read Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature by Erich Auerbach.

Degeneracy is decadence, dissipation, decline, moral dissolution, loss of higher goals or purpose, destruction of beauty, vice, corruption, nihilism. AKA the state of the Western world in the past 150+ years as described by Nietzsche in Will to Power.

If you want good degenerate authors read Huysmans or Verlaine not the last flatulent excretions of a dead country (America).

>> No.12340648

you can't 'slip into desiccation'
what does that even mean
and anyway, what is the virtue of moral, psychic, and physical saturation?
do you know what you're saying?

>> No.12340659

Hmm maybe I was thinking of "degradation" I was trying to think of a synonym for degeneracy and it's late. Go easy.

>, what is the virtue of moral, psychic, and physical saturation?
Because, silly, nobody wants to live in a world where everyone simply lives to promote their hedonistic desires, neglects the cultivation of higher human sensibilities and graces, and thinks that the grosser and more tasteless they act the freer and more "individualistic" they are. If you think going down is going up, you're wrong.

>do you know what you're saying?

>> No.12340919

Pynchon at least is a true aesthete. Hardly anti-art, Pynchon writes about decay and fear with a full array of haunting beauty.

>> No.12341008

Lot of truth in this. Echoes many of my own opinions. But I disagree with some of it since I think most of these writers did a lot to advance the spectrum of style, even if very little spiritually or life-affirming can be taken from them. We should strive to move past degenerate boomer fiction and onto something new nonetheless. They were monumental failures as cultural stewards.

>> No.12341042

heh, turgid

>> No.12341082

that's kind of the point buddy, i bet in the back of their minds they excused themselves at being the only kind of author that their own times deserved

>> No.12341099

Is it me or did authors give up on trying to capture an aesthetic after 1960?

>> No.12341125

What’s wrong with toilet humor? Quixote and Pantagruel, Chaucer and Boccaccio have it.

>> No.12341139

You've never read McElroy, pseud.

>> No.12341162

I don't care if you like the shit or not but wouldn't calling something gibberish imply that it's completely incoherent? That is simply not the case with these authors

>> No.12341173

Some of McElroy and Pynchon's work can veer into gibberishland, as can some of Gass' essays.

>> No.12341276


agreed. not sure why though. seems like culture shifts exponentially faster than it did in the past just due to the l nature of the Information Age. Could be something to do with it

>> No.12341324

I've read Cannonball and Plus nigger. My problem with McElroy is more his prose than his thematic concerns, which are more sci-fi and speculative than any of the other writers of this maximalist pomo coterie.

If you can't see the huge difference then...

Jason Schwartz and McElroy go into completely anti-narrative land where it's just a jumble of sentences with no connection to each other. Basically inferior versions of Modernist poetry.

>> No.12341514

who cares, they are just books, some people find them fun, some don't

>> No.12341543

>man i hate postmodern writers for speaking of their own societal decay, this really shows how decayed we are as a society
impressive critique

>> No.12341561

They aren't speaking about it, they're not doing mimesis of any sort retard

>> No.12341564

the author as actor, in a way yes they are. lena dunham is an example who can basically be read as 'yes it's fucked up that a woman thinks this way'

>> No.12341577

Please inform me as to how mimesis could even be applied in a state of hyperreality, if not through the narrative of a text

>> No.12341618
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Yikes this poster is dull.

It's a pretty clear sign of artistic immaturity to dismiss any significant art you don't understand as rubbish - a cult of self-deception, pseudo-intellectual etc. Far more interesting is the ability to find beauty in art, far more difficult actually but clearly far more worthwhile.

Another adolescent misunderstanding of art is to think of it as a tool with a single purpose, whether that be to educate, to philosophise, to capture 'beauty' etc. Again, this is a misshapen conception of all that can fall under the vague label of art - a reduction which cannot hope to cover all of art's possibilities and impossibilities. Art existing in the secular world _does_ struggle to justify itself, and two nonesense solutions are found by those not willing to strain in the effort to solve that problem, the first is to decide simply on art as having a single purpose (why the singular? who knows it seems more conclusive) and to then justify backwards further and further into mysticism, the second is equally mistaken, to find no purpose in art, to dismiss it out of hand or to dismiss all criteria for judging it.

You've chosen the first position and are attacking now all that you do not understand, which you do not understand because it doesn't conform to the extremely vague rubric of truth, beauty, yada yada which you passingly mention. You do this whilst writing (in your own turgid and insecure way) a post which reeks of childish misunderstanding.

Postmodernism as an artistic movement was decadent, fine - bourgeouis literature has tended towards decadence of one sort or another (of course Joyce was decadent) but that doesn't undermine its potential for beauty (of a new sort), instruction, artistic prowess, or serious thought, for character, for dialogue, for entertainment - postmodernist art was at its best an art movement like any other at their best. The decadence which it explored is now clearer, more obvious to a hypermodern audience, and movements to come will seek (as movement have done in the past) to move beyond a decadence which they can really only hope to obfuscate till it is discovered and chastised by future artists - perfection wasn't found here, but failure neither, you don't have to like the postmodernists as you don't have to like any other celebrated product of the human effort but for god's sake, don't embarrass yourself by trying to condemn both it and those who enjoy it.

>> No.12341627

Wait, how can you dislike Pynchon’s humor while simultaneously liking Sterne?

>> No.12341635

You're right.