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12422936 No.12422936 [Reply] [Original]

I need a book about how to externalize my genius.

At the moment I am, internally, a confident, profound, witty and nihilistic puppetmaster thinking at an intensity and on a plane several leagues above most of my contemporaries. Mysterious. Assertive. Really just an awe-inspiring kind of personality which I have taken great pains to mould and develop over time to the point where it is almost insurpassable in terms of its virtuousness and ability to grasp complex information etc. But externally I am a limp, lackluster, submissive weirdo who can't articulate a single sentence without tripping over a word or blushing or mumbling and repulsing the listener, especially if she is of the female gender. It really isn't fair because this isn't an accurate representation of my aforementioned internal genius. Somewhere along the supply chain from my mind to my speech and conduct the logistics are all screwed up. How do I fix this? Are there any books that might help me? I need my genius to flourish in external reality.

>> No.12422996



>> No.12423092

Op you're obviously a clever guy (I can tell from your writing style) and I hate to see copious talent go to waste, so let me help you out by saying that you need to be more confident in your abilities and less concerned about pleasing others or meeting any standards they may have. Believe me, anyone using this board will read your post and understand right away that you are a sensitive soul who is simply too overwhelmed by the decrepit nature of the world to successfully assert his will in a way that is conducive to success in the eyes of others. And as a female, hey, I kinda like guys like you because I know there is something there to explore beyond the surface. A keen mind. A penetrating observational capacity. Really just someone of true significance that I personally (we're probably on opposite continents, *sigh*) would just love to get to know. But the first step is being confident in who you are on the inside and allowing that person to step outside. Take the first step bro, you deserve that.

>> No.12423106

Wooster & Jeeves

>> No.12423155

Looming in the shadows of your mind is the immense desire to possess a vision capable of consuming and accounting for and expecting, to the last detail and with a great familiarity, all the thoughts of all men. You have called this desire, which all men hold, egoism.

It is an ironic desire because it undermines in its expression precisely those motivations of the self which would more readily obtain it. In short, you excuse yourself of the need to exercise the intellect in reading and study because you assume they will not lead you to the "egoism" described. You are afraid that all you will find at the end of these labors is a slightly more eloquent mediocrity. Clearly this suspicion is at odds with your hope to obtain a greatness surpassing everything.

Truth, rather than the ability to see further than so and so, must be the goal of your reading and your studies. Better still, you must only ever strive to see further- much further- than you now can see.