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12524684 No.12524684 [Reply] [Original]

Why has education gone downhill so much? Someone I know is getting a PhD in German literature, and when I asked what she was doing with it, she said her education, like her clothing, was purely ornamental. This could be said an increasing range of majors. More people are going to higher ed and getting degrees which will get them no where but makes money for schools

>> No.12524696

people just don't wanna live an adult life

>> No.12524709

is this a new meme?

are you really that threatened by a woman being more educated than you that you have to make threads like this blatantly lie about what she said?

or if she did say what you say she said then it was most likely a joke and you're just too much of an incel asshat (and stupid) to get it.

>> No.12524723

^240p bait

>> No.12524724

That actually sounds like a step in the right direction if you ask me.
Instead of pursuing some trash education about shit you don't care about in the hopes of landing a well-paying career, someone went to a place of education just to learn about things they wanted to learn about. God forbid college be a place of learning and not a degree factory.

>> No.12524743

Or sometimes, SOMETIMES, people are actually shallow.

I don’t know if OP is telling the truth but I’ve heard undergrads day similar things.

>> No.12524755

common core

>> No.12524758

1) Take a look at those who've pursuded post-secondary education and those who haven't. There's a stark contrast, there. Yeah, I know, the "working class" really just refers to people who can't afford college—people who feel they've been sidelined by the elusive "American Dream"—and so they resort to bigotry and xenophoboa. It's stoked by right wing pundit bullying and left wing reactionary bullying. The Gaza Strip of American politics isn't the middle class, anymore. It's people who work two jobs and can't afford to take time off for funerals.

2) Post-secondary education has always, always, always been struck along a distinction of science and philosophy. As recent as the 20th century agricultural schools were the terminal for most working class who aspired to middle class. It wasn't an "ornamental" education, as you describe, but it wasn't the epitome of philosophical tutelage you're likely imagining.

3) What is cultural capital?

>> No.12524779

>she said her education, like her clothing, was purely ornamental
you might not like it, but this is based
would grab coffee with and see where it goes/10

>> No.12524799

It's capitalism, fucking capitalism, the fucking bullshit of capitalism, the reign of fucking bullshit and rightist ideology.

>> No.12524835
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fuck off libcuck

>> No.12524841


>> No.12524862

She does have a point.
Higher education nowadays is mostly about signaling. You don't learn how to be a better person (if anything, in some areas, higher education makes you a worse person). In most areas, you don't learn technical skills either.
Higher education is mostly to show employers that you are capable enough to get a degree.

>> No.12524905

For defending the working class?

>> No.12524912

A working class is necessary. Not everyone is cut out to be elite but that's just human nature.

>> No.12524922

What's your point?

>> No.12524928


>> No.12524929
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and who is really to blame?

>> No.12524936

Massification of education. You have to dumb stuff down to cater to more people. Doesn't help that most people who go into further education aren't really interested in it and only do it because it's expected or for job requirements. STEMlords just study STEM because muh money, and msot humanitiesfags study it because it's seen as easier while having no actual interest in the subject (the amount of people who study literature for example but barely even read is insane). Higher education has become a job factory.

>> No.12524940

>being this dumb

>> No.12524945

he wants to be a british elitist, but can only achieve it in his imperious daydreaming

>> No.12524947

Tell her that just like her clothing, her degree will never generate any monetary returns, let alone pay for itself. Debtcucks btfo.

>> No.12524948

The purpose of education is blind obedience.

>> No.12525030
File: 21 KB, 180x284, 75ECAECD-CEF9-4131-8B59-42514A717646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this

>> No.12525035

>the "working class" really just refers to people who can't afford college
What? The working class probably have degrees.

>> No.12525044


but what is an adult life?
that's the real question

>> No.12525176

That depends on your definition of "working class," doesn't it?

>> No.12525280

I guess, I mean working class and middle class are pretty much the same thing. And just about every person I know who works the typical 9-5 m-f has a degree and none of them are particularly well off and none of them are even close to being wealthy

>> No.12525346

She's a trust fund baby. I asked her if she then thought education was unnecessary, but she just looked at me for a couple of seconds and said, unnecessary for what, hm?

>> No.12525378

The schools are lies. There keeping us all from the truth. The lord is the way. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CdC_zdTeUoA

>> No.12525383

If your definition of the phrases "working class" and "middle class" are the same then you've got practically useless definitions of those phrases.

>> No.12526401

PhDs and most research is largely a scam.

>> No.12526413

Vague faggy babbling.

>> No.12526426

Nice exegesis, stupid.

>> No.12526440

>she said her education, like her clothing, was purely ornamental
pretty patrician desu

>> No.12526523

This is a good rec

>> No.12526654

prole vs lumpenprole. craftsman/small business operator vs dalit/prostitution/unholy work.
in how they live can be incredibly similar - but the difference exists. just because materially they could be similar doesn't mean that they are.

>> No.12526659

stopped reading there

>> No.12528113

when has it not?

oh wait


>> No.12528255

I'm pretty sure I'd get along with her as well.

>> No.12528284

being able to produce stuff that will still be there when you die
I wonder. perhaps their own parents, because they're not being parents, to begin with