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12527289 No.12527289 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about veganism/vegetarianism?

>> No.12527316

I don't care about animals. Ops image btfo

>> No.12527331

But plants do have feelings, you know? And, for the sake of argument, let's assume that plants didn't have feeligns: would that mean it's alright to kill them? They're still living things. Let's say that there were a man who could not feel pain because of some medical condition: would it be alright for me to kill him? I would say to the judge in court: "Your Honour, the man could not feel any pain, therefore it was not wrong of me to kill him!"

Animals need to kill and eat in order to survive, and humans are just animals. Deal with it or just choke on a vegan sausage.

>> No.12527335

The cows will still be killed whether I eat them or not - I don't have the power to end meat-eating as a whole, or even start any significant movement toward stopping it. So one guy choosing to avoid burgers isn't actually going to make the cows' situation any better.

>> No.12527344

You kill insects and shit while farming plants. Veganism makes sense in the abstract, not necessarily in application.

>> No.12527356

>I care about animals
And what if I don't? What if I don't care about animals and I don't mind harming them? You can go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want, but don't push your ideology down my throat. I don't care if vegans don't want to eat meat, it's their business; what I won't tolerate is their HOSTILE behavior towards meat-eaters. You're supposed to be just like them; if you eat meat, you're evil.

Why don't vegans go to preach veganism to lions and sharks? Those animals are always killing other animals, so why don't you stop them?

>> No.12527368

>not realising animal husbandry is killing the planet and you should go vegan/adopt a plant based diet for this reason

>> No.12527374

no veganism is retarded

>> No.12527380

I’m sure you’ve come across some variant of “with the amount of grain used to fatten animals for human consumption, we could, if we all became vegetarian, eliminate world hunger.” The “case” for veganism suffers from the same limitations particular to consumer politics. In that it fails to understand capitalist production, the “air tight” arguments are shown to be nothing but non-sequiturs.

First, world hunger has nothing to do with scarcity. We continue to produce enough grain and other foodstuffs for human consumption to feed double the human population. Economists who speak of a “grain glut” mean that literally tons of grain is wasted and unused, not because people aren’t in need of it, but because they can’t afford it. Second, it speaks to incredible naiveté to assume that world agribusiness would give away any excess grain left over if the meat industry suddenly collapsed. When I say political veganism doesn’t understand capitalism, this is what I mean.

While there’s nothing wrong with seeing it as simply a moral issue, there is something incredibly obnoxious and self-aggrandizing about puffing out your chest, believing your diet will change the world. While the number of vegetarians and vegans has grown into sizeable minority, you would think that meat consumption would’ve shown a slight decline. But the opposite is true. Total meat consumption has increased. With food costs rising, meat has become more practical (in terms of calorie intake) and affordable. There is absolutely no substance to the claim that going vegan saves any animals. Capitalism does not plan production based on a one to one correspondence of a supply demand. In fact, its key feature is overproduction. A general lowering of demand will then likely mean two things: 1) animals not consumed will just be wasted 2) the price of meat becomes cheaper, increasing total consumption.

There is also no precedent for a boycott strategy that has shut down an entire industry the way it’s being described (and it would require a boycott of all supermarkets and restaurants). That’s because the consumer has very little power. One can “choose” to drive a fuel-efficient car, but can’t choose why cities lack efficient public transportation. One can choose to buy energy efficient light bulbs, but has no say about planned product obsolescence. No one can dispute that the factory farm model creates tremendous amounts of waste, contributing to environmental catastrophe. It does so because capitalism forces every industry to accumulate and capture as much of the market as it can, in the most cost effective way. It functions to maximize profit, not to meet needs or work rationally. So every industry is structured unsustainably.

>> No.12527383

>You kill insects and shit while farming plants

And you kill even more plants (and hence bugs) to feed the cows which you then kill than you would if you just ate plants. It's not an all or nothing thing, it's just sane to want to do less harm.

>> No.12527384
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But what if for the sake of argument, veganism got what it wanted? The world adopts a vegan diet, the meat industry collapses, then what? This is where their militant rhetoric unravels. The system can shed whatever it needs to, or create a small niche (which it has), but the drive toward exploitation, war, and environmental destruction will always be essential. “Animal Liberation” may sound radical, but instead of challenging the free market, it politically affirms it. Having said that, I find the term “Animal Liberation” to be as meaningless as the politics behind it. That’s not to say that a being’s capacity to suffer is not worth ethical consideration, but that the term literally means and amounts to nothing.

>> No.12527385
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Porphyry: On Abstinence from Killing Animals.

>> No.12527392

You fucking moron, you absolute fucking retard. Animal raising emissions do not even come close to the total amount of emissions produced of agriculture, transportation of produce, and maintenance (refrigeration and weather control) of said produce. You think they got fucking avocados, mangoes, and bananas growing in fucking sweden you absolute idiot? YOU are killing the world, YOU are exploiting poor illegal Jose working his ass off for 4 dollars an hour, go vegan n die

>> No.12527393

Veganism is a symptom of white privilege

>> No.12527394

You wouldn't say "I don't care if rapists want to rape, it's their business, what I won't tolerate is their HOSTILE behaviour towards non-rapists", would you? Some people think killing is wrong no matter what.

>Why don't vegans go to preach veganism to lions and sharks? Those animals are always killing other animals, so why don't you stop them?
Since we're human beings, we have the abiiliity to reason out and realize that killing is wrong. Animals can't, because they're dumb.

>> No.12527395
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I dislike most vegans and their rhetoric but it is hilarious just how BUTTHURT meatfags get. Just look at the replies in this thread. You can almost feel the furrowed brows and elevated heart rates behind those posts. Why are carnivores so fragile, bros?

>> No.12527397

ps; you fucken emasculated idiot

>> No.12527401


The Third Plate by Dan Barber is great, maybe one of the better food books of our lifetimes, asking mainly what will we eat in fifty years? One hundred years?

>> No.12527403

shut up, vegan sympathizer

>> No.12527418
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>(you)ing (you)r own (you)

>> No.12527420
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>> No.12527421

Vegan results in less death for plants and animals.

t. asexual boy

>> No.12527423

>Since we're human beings, we have the abiiliity to reason out and realize that killing is wrong. Animals can't, because they're dumb.
I’m vegetarian but this is cringe. Arrogant. Stupid moralist.

>> No.12527425

>The world adopts a vegan diet, the meat industry collapses, then what?
Then animals don't have to be brutally slaughtered in slaughterhouses.

>> No.12527434

This is stupid. The amount of greenhouses gases produced by a meat diet is astronomically higher than that of a vegan diet. They're not comparable. Meat eaters produce more CO2 than a frequent flier.

Yours truly,

>> No.12527442


The most compelling aesthetic argument against veganism requires the pre-Modern and pre- capitalist optimized eras be considered, given how they gave us pasture land. Many farms and ranches can be ecologically harmonious, even catalytic, but that's certainly not the norm in our era. Seen from this way, carnivores help to finance ecology and improved care for forests and animals. Veganism won't do that. They'll just buy monoculture crisps from a faceless Agribusiness. Vegans are so painfully ruined by modernity that they are like a shambling set of instructions on how no one should ever live.

>> No.12527447

They're feeling cognitive dissonance and must soothe themselves because they are remembering the absent referrent that links meat back to the dead bodies of sentient, suffering animals.

I'm asexual, by the way

>> No.12527453

Thanks, I'll check it out.

t. asexual, atheist, vegan, black male

>> No.12527455

you'r* insane

my best,

>> No.12527477

Vegan drama is astounding in how mercenary and petty the motivations that lie beneath the well-meaning bullshit appear. ITT, "harm reduction" is embraced, like a diet, a cultural phenomena, is supposed to be designed by needle exchange program principles.

>> No.12527479

A different, 22yo white female asexual here to prove you wrong. Facts don't care about your feelings, I'm afraid.



inb4 fuck wiki, the sources are good.

>> No.12527481

While consulting pre-modern life can provide a good check on our own myopia and hubris, we can’t escape the fact that we are living in the era we live in and must live in it. Neither carnivores nor vegans adhere aesthetically, morally or pragmatically to pre-capitalist forms of life. LARPing is no solution. There’s also myriad examples of pre-modern vegetarianism in India, Greece, Christendom etc.

>> No.12527491

>>12527453 should totally romance >>12527479 and if she provided ambiguous consent, well, you've stores up all that good karma from your vegan diet. When are you going to make a karmic withdrawal, my veggie-sculpted onyx henge of Africanized masculinity?

>> No.12527499

>Since we're human beings, we have the abiiliity to reason out and realize that killing is wrong.
That's just your opinion. I don't think killing is always wrong. And you vegans kill plants anyway. Why is it okay to kill plants but not cows? Where is the line? Who decides?

>> No.12527505
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I don't given a fuck about animals suffering. I also don't give a fuck about the planet.
t. heterosexual

>> No.12527520

I don't eat meat but have no reason because you don't need to rationalize not doing something

t. sexuality is a myth

>> No.12527525
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>There’s also myriad examples of pre-modern vegetarianism in India, Greece, Christendom etc.
Yes but they were by old man philosophers who wanted to curb their spiritedness and libido by becoming anemic, see Porphery>>12527385 who advises against any active person abstaining from meat and restricting his advice to contemplative retired persons only.

>> No.12527528


I prefer pig raising. They're a great apolitical animal (as opposed to herds and shepherds) and are intended to connect us with wild forests, condensing their beauty into the pigs fat. They're so ridiculously efficient at gaining mass (200 lbs in a couple months) that it seems as obvious as figs that we're to eat pigs too. Pigs came to us. They weren't domesticated in the way sheep or cattle we're, captives that were selected for docility. Pigs showed up to eat the garbage of early humans and the rest is history. I don't have all the answers but pigs could and should play a big part in a better food system.

>> No.12527533

>Non-vegan mental gymnastics
I like meat.

>> No.12527534

My objection to eating animals is not the act of killing them for food, which I don't think is wrong in itself (I do not think it is ideal, but I do not think that it is in itself a sin), but rather the manner in which animals are commonly killed in the modern world, which I find to be profoundly evil. I'm under no delusion that my singular action of not eating animals would have an effect upon the market, but my conscience does not allow me to be complicit by increasing these industries' profits.

>> No.12527535

15% of sheep in a flock are asexual.

>> No.12527538

Pigs also play a huge part in our law enforcement system. Very important(although disgusting) animals

>> No.12527554
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Animals have value, and that means:
>you will benefit from consuming their lifeforce
>their sacrifice is worthy to the gods

>> No.12527565

>caring about automata

>> No.12527571

They still getted rammed.

>> No.12527576

low effort equals low quality

>> No.12527595

The only valid argument for veganism is one that pertains to the wasted energy from a higher trophic level. I can appreciate the attempt to lessen environmental damage as it directly pertains to the ability of humanity to function as a whole, but moralistic arguments don't really dent the issue. Humans are animals and killings can be justified when you strip away black and white thinking.

>> No.12527613

>Look at the diets of these cool conquered peoples

Vegetarianism was the Mammy-prescribed diet of the ironically bestial longhouse

>> No.12527627

You'd kill cats and dogs?

>> No.12527630

No, Pythagoras, Plutarch etc. advocate vegetarianism for moralfag reasons.

>> No.12527633

I'm Chinese so yeah

>> No.12527635

>I eata computa

Raising animals for food engenders a complex psychology, most of which is a sort of seflessness to care for these "automata" so they taste better. I like to think there's a pursuant greater harmony that the farmer or rancher seeks to join with their skills, some of which are technical and many of which are moral or ethical.

>> No.12527649

Breeding cows consume a lot of resources, and eating has as a goal to keep you alive, so if you consume all your resources you die, then you have as options to consume more sustainable food or not eat at all.

>> No.12527665

I'm honestly confused by this argument. Are people terrified of killing specific animals? Pigs and octopi are more intelligent than most house pets and we still eat those. I couldn't care less where the meat came from.

My diet is low on meat, but I frankly don't understand this line of thought.

>> No.12527670

Yes the morality of being withdrawn contemplative philosophers. Induced anemia was seen as conductive to the performance of philosophical virtue. A weakened body can less distract the contemplative mind.

>> No.12527677

I'd kill and eat cats and dogs made of beef or lamb.

>> No.12527680

I'm a grade school teacher in the Chicago public school system and I became the most popular white "teach" after encouraging my students to Bellow hearty "Suuueeeeey" everytime they see a CPD LEO. Parents think it's funny when their Escalade brimming with woolly milk duds roll their backseat windows down halfway and sing out to any cop they pass what I hope becomes an urban verbalization of rebellion.

>> No.12527686

You haven't even read them because their writings directly contradict what you're saying you stupid schizo faggot. Fucking die liar piece of shit. Nigger bitch.

>> No.12527691

The white man is behind every genocide. He is an instigator and a devil.

>> No.12527695

You're going to get those kids killed

t. concerned asexual.

>> No.12527698
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A demonstration of the anemic mind.

>> No.12527700

Killing feral cats is honestly hilarious. I love placing ten to twenty in a cage, depending on the day's fortunes, then dropping the cage in a barrel of water. If the foam on my beer subsides before the kitties stop their mortal sudsing, I generally judge that beer to be shit.

t. Urban farmer

>> No.12527702
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>stop eating meat
>local store sells less meat
>they throw the expired meat into the trash
>the cows died literally for nothing and I'm hungry

wow, world sure was saved I'm such a hero

>> No.12527704

Holy shit you definitely posted here a month ago on some psychopath larp thread right?

>> No.12527705

thanks for reducing demand

>> No.12527708

Did a cat fuck your wife or something?

>> No.12527709

>A general lowering of demand will then likely mean two things: 1) animals not consumed will just be wasted 2) the price of meat becomes cheaper, increasing total consumption.
How does lowering demand increase consumption? In what world would that ever make any sense?

>> No.12527710

Any good book about vaginism or vaginian? Hehehe

>> No.12527719


Not true. They're the 15% that have sex outside the observable parameters of voyeuristic sicko scientists.

>> No.12527725

If humans weren't eating cows they would be extinct by now

>> No.12527726

Our woke clown world could easily be convinced that the foods no one is eating are secretly awesome. Case in point: kale, jack fruit, negress pudenda etcetera

>> No.12527728

Animals born and bred for the sole purpose of sustenance are fine to be killed. Killing for sport, or otherwise frivolous and vain means aren't.

>> No.12527729

Grain Brain

>> No.12527733

This argument make so many unfounded assumptions that it's hard to find a single point to critique it on

>> No.12527735

Humans born and bred for the sole purpose of sexual slavery are fine to be raped.

>> No.12527738

I do share my feral cat eliminatory strategies often. I could never cause them to suffer. I think of the drowning like an exciting water bath that exhausts them so deeply they awaken in the feline afterlife.

>> No.12527744

Those are widely touted as health foods where I live. I work on a kale farm in the summers. They aren't exactly undiscovered foods

>> No.12527749


I'm condensing much history of humans and animals, Anon. Happy to expand on anything though I'll concede there's little inherently amiss with a plant based diet but most vegans where I live love eating manufactured facsimiles of meat (fake chicken biscuits, vegan hot chicken etc)

>> No.12527752


They were until recently. Doubtful our parents ate much kale.

>> No.12527753
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Well, the Nazis wanted people to be vegetarians and the Jews want people to eat their kosher meats.
Who are you going to trust? A Westerner or a Jew?

>> No.12527755

Their is no sustenance to be gained from raping a slave, it is merely fleeting entertainment. Meat from an animal let's me live another day. Cannibalism is inherently wrong so don't even bother bringing that up.

>> No.12527757

How is wrong.

>> No.12527760

Rape is a viable reproductive strategy.
>Meat from an animal let's me live another day.
You don't require meat to survive, nor even to thrive.
>Cannibalism is inherently wrong
Who says?

>> No.12527765

cats are fucking vermin

>> No.12527775

Not as much as monkeys are. Every time I see a video on youtube of those fuckers I want to bash their skulls in.

>> No.12527779

Because it is dehumanizing and spits in the face of civilization. Only in the face of great desperation would it be considered acceptable, and most people don't live to tell the tale. It is no way comparable to a mass slaughterhouse.

>> No.12527783

You do you homie.

>> No.12527784

are monkeys the pepes of the animal world?

>> No.12527789

Implying humanity or civilization are real things.

>> No.12527790
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Well, for one, it's hard to say that the adherents of carnism are more ecologically minded than vegans are. The conversion of forests and scrubland into grazing land has changed the face of nearly every environment that humans have lived in. Remember the great forests of Mesopotamia? Or the Sahara grasslands? Or perhaps the Amazon rainforest? Not much left after millennia of grazing and human industry. Grazing herd animals are an incredibly efficient way of creating deserts were there previously weren't any. Animal agriculture is still an ongoing experiment in human history the consequences of which are still unknown. Humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years just hunting and gathering, it remains to be seen if we will survive fifteen thousand years of animal husbandry

>> No.12527791

You seem like a robot with a priori moral assumptions incapable of reasoning for or against them. It's not wrong that you have these moral prejudices, but the fact you take them for granted is severely low IQ behaviour.

>> No.12527793

Still shows that demand affects supply bucko

>> No.12527795

>eating people is wrong
>wow what a brainlet
Okay edgelord.

>> No.12527805

I've eaten your mother, and it seemed pretty right to me.

>> No.12527806

I think you're used to the emotional/aesthetic appeal kind of argument on /pol/ or r*ddit. Half your reasoning for eating people being wrong is that it "spits in the face of civilisation". There are a million critiques of slaughterhouses equally as rhetorically powerful. You're simply low IQ.

>> No.12527809

you are literally an animal, m80.
your mom, too.
especially your mom.

>> No.12527811


>> No.12527814

I meant to describe the phenomenon where an unpopular food becomes popular by marketing ephemera. It happens all the time. Businesses want that thing no one else is eating, and to find a way to get it into their fridge. I'm not saying low demand is coincident to high consumption, only that it's often a prerequisite.

>> No.12527817

Historically people eat each other whenever there is a lack of other food sources or when they live in a culture where it is acceptable. Appreciate your situation of not having to face the moral complexities of eating another person simply to survive.

>> No.12527819

This thread is about as many walls of text as I expected--it's like some kind of textual fortress construction site in here
That's what happens when trying to be political about your diet causes you to scold everyone who does not also politicize their diet in the same way.

I want suggestions on vegan books now too just to read through them and find out who is trying to ruin these people's personalities by making them ruthlessly attack anyone who isn't one of them. Knock off your Us VS Them strategy and try to make it an Us AND Them strategy so that you can do something productive with your false sense of moral superiority derived from eating less red stuff

>> No.12527825

Yes. It is to point out hypocrisy. Peta just did a tiny meaningless protest where they'd made a fake dog and a fake grill and showed the dog being grilled. Everyone lost their minds, and there were hundreds of articles written about how this horrid imagery could fuck up children.

Same goes for people showing slaughterhouse footage.

You might not be upset about it because you are a bad person, but it is clear that we as a society at least of some value on animal well being.

>> No.12527829

One more thing gang, what can I expect with my libido? Veganism makes NoFap a breeze but I also find myself daydreaming into homosexual ideation more often than when I ate meat. Will veganism eventually cure my butt's hunger to be probed and plundered?

>> No.12527831

Eating people is wrong because we as a species have evolved past the point of it being socially taboo, to the point where wanting or actively participating is sometimes interpreted as having a mental disease. It's considered wrong or taboo when more primitive animals do it as well.

Uncivilized people eat each other on a regular basis. That's my point.

It's because pets are friends, not food.

>> No.12527835

The Aztecs were a rather advanced civilisation who practiced ritual cannibalism.

>> No.12527836

Lmao no.

>> No.12527837

Who are you to say that those tribal men and women are worse off in terms of happiness and satisfaction?
Also, morality is quite subjective.

>> No.12527839

No to what?

>> No.12527842

They actually faked nearly every sacrifice. The ziggurat was originally designed as a stand-up comedy delivery technology.

>> No.12527847

Happines and satisfaction is a symptôme of prolonging your life, an advanced civ is near immortality

>> No.12527848

This is the shittiest thread I've seen on this board so far this year

>> No.12527854

>Happines and satisfaction is a symptôme of prolonging your life
That doesn't jive with the high rates of suicide and depression among the elderly.

>> No.12527855

The increase in vegetable fibre should teach you what your rectum is meant for.

>> No.12527857

An advanced civ would prolong your life, but you must live a life worth living to yourself. Technological advancement is not a guarantee of individual happiness. Neither is cannibalism, of course, but often that is ingrained into tribes culturally.

>> No.12527858

So I'm a bad person because I don't care about normalized concepts concerning which animals lives are worth more than others? People are instilled with these values through societal and cultural interactions. Just because I rationalize the small amount of meat I do eat with the idea that "animals eat each-other and humans are also animals," doesn't mean I'm "bad." Your ideas of death, life and morality seems simplified to fit a stringent worldview to be honest.

>> No.12527863

Because they will die as a cause of primitive tech.
It is, we feel satisfied when we eat because we extend our life time.

>> No.12527867

This. Any proud African Asexual pensively tapping their lips with a pencil would conclude morality is farcical and you should eat what you rape.

>> No.12527878

>Hating yourself so much you abstain from volunteering as a rite-of-passage boipucci for ethnic gangs

>> No.12527882

So extending your life supersedes all other forms of personal advancement? Why not just hook ourselves up to a tube system and be fed that way while minimizing the danger of the outside world to extend life?

>> No.12527883

>Sexual detected
/lit/ is an Asexual space, fapper

>> No.12527886

I care about you, anon.

>> No.12527887
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Because we can't do that without external help, also colour fatigue in other forms.

>> No.12527890

Not farcical, but subjective(not completely so, though). Your morality should agree with you internally.

>> No.12527891

>Pleasure is like a green bar on The Sims

>> No.12527894

Those girls look like they eat animals.

>> No.12527899
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>implying I said that
T asexual

>> No.12527907

Aren't many forms of technology external help?

>> No.12527916

im pretty detached when it comes to human suffering and oppression, im sure as hell not gonna care about animal suffering and oppression.

>> No.12527919

You did tho. Busted! Ha Ha!

>> No.12527922

With current tech, we still die anyway.

>> No.12527924

Would you dine at a steakhouse where they served calves you could have sex with before they slaughtered and fed them to you?

>> No.12527925

So...what's the ideal state of technology for you?

>> No.12527926

As an asexual, yes.

>> No.12527928

No but I have eaten beef at a brothel before.

>> No.12527929


>> No.12527930

Civilization should abruptly and immediately halt the moment were using petroleum to make fake penises.

>> No.12527934

When humans don't die, we are machines for living.

>> No.12527937

Do vegans use vaginal slurs like "beef" or do they say chicks have Morningstar pussies ?

>> No.12527939

That would suck.

>> No.12527940

no but i'd give the fucking a try

>> No.12527942

>When humans don't die, we are machines for living.
No we are machines for reproducing.

>> No.12527948

>I care about animals
>defines an animal as mammals and poultry with similar enough nervous systems to me, because fuck insects, bacteria, plants and all other life
>defines "not harming them" as buying into the meat industry so I can conveniently ignore the environmental damage my own plant based diet causes because I still live in a modern society with modern dietary needs

I'm free of contradictions guys, trust me.

>> No.12527950

Reproducing has as a goal extending our lives by projecting ourselves into our offsprings, is an aberration how ever as it fails to do that.
Why eat or breathe, just off yourself.

>> No.12527951

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.12527954

Well, do they ?

>> No.12527961

Why do people engage in danger for enjoyment, then? There are many activities hordes of people engage in around the world that risk death to varying degrees, but it's done because it's enjoyable and makes life meaningful to people. Living in itself isn't enough, you must fill it with substance.

>> No.12527967

No, survival is secondary to reproduction -- notice how humans don't live very long once they stop being fertile? The utility of the survival instinct is that those who possess it are more likely to live long enough to reproduce. You are clueless. Nature is wholly a mechanical process, why would "it" give a shit about whether or not some individual gets to live for a long time or not.

>> No.12527969


>> No.12527975

Because it degrades and dies, why do water falls? gravity.

>> No.12527983

Tepid milquetoast Moderns

>> No.12527991

What? Incomprehensible monkey brain.
Dumb computermale pseudo-reactionary.

>> No.12528019

The plight of the vegan box eater is two-fold: malnutrition and malignant microbes

>> No.12528032

>humans need industrial husbandry to survive
okay sweaty

Most plants are farmed for feeding livestock (10 to 1 at least), it's a numbers game. Also, who gives a damn about insects. It's mainly cows and pigs that have high level feelings we don' respect or even acknowledge.

Again, it's a numbers game. And the point of a social movement is that you're not on your own in quiting meat.

Veganism is indeed mainly a way of distancing yourself from an industry you think is morally bankrupt. It's not about consequence but about virtue.

Probably bait, but as I said above, most plants are farmed to feed livestock.

t. elemental particle

honest responses
t. vegan mental gymnast

>> No.12528037

>That's what happens when trying to be political about your diet causes you to scold everyone who does not also politicize their diet in the same way.

It's kind of pointless to be a vegan if few people are doing it, and so this justifies trying to convert others, as opposed to it being a petty 'lifestyle choice'. I don't understand this projection of 'moral superiority' though. Vegans ideally chose not to eat meat because they, for the most part, care about animals and wish other people did the same so that fewer animals would suffer. They lash out at others because they are genuinely horrified that other people seem to flat out not care at all and instead just try to excuse themselves from the fact that their actions, collectively, cause very real harm and suffering to creatures that are capable of feeling pain and love. Every vegan I've met has been a genuinely caring and thoughtful person though and I've never encountered anyone who's defended the stuff people involved with PETA do.

>> No.12528038

Monkey brain, you do things under a false assumption a mean and end is the goal and a very bassic and understood thing is clueless.

>> No.12528047

shit I meant to put the last t. under my whole post

>> No.12528049


>> No.12528065

Is that really your response to >>12527380 ?
You don't think people to go vegan as a way of reducing negative consequences on animals? It's all about bettering yourself, morally?

>> No.12528075
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>> No.12528083


There really should be a sort of mandatory screening for sociopaths. Then they could be made to "disappear".

I don't have any illusions - they'll always exist but culling them is the most utilitarian way to handle it. Also, they're not really human if you think about it. They're a sort of dysfunctional flesh robot.

>> No.12528097

Never gonna happen. They make excellent war machines and business leaders.
Also, sociopaths but not psychopaths(which is the genetic one)?

>> No.12528111

Sociopath/psychopath is a fuzzy category and the whole dichotomy is some retarded pseudo-clinical meme anyway. Besides, some psychopaths are hella fr*ckin based.

>> No.12528142

I think vegans correctly diagnose the meat industry as being rotten. Some of them no doubt believe they are changing something. A lot of them just want to protest the system, in a Camus' l'Homme révolté sense. There is a reason veganism got big first in punk subcultures.

>> No.12528195
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>> No.12528236

>not boiling the water first

>> No.12528240

i dont like animals at all. is that such a stretch?

>> No.12528245

I met a ~50yo vegan once

She looked so frail I offered to feed her real food

>> No.12528246

Is it really so hard for people to understand "live and let live"? You can survive without meat.

>> No.12528258

I understand it, I just don't agree with it. I like eating meat more than I like animals not being killed.

>> No.12528259

I haven't heard of anyone who went vegan to end world hunger. It may be mistaken to tout veganism as the solution, but generally people seem to be focused primarily on animals or health/fitness and maybe the environment.

>While the number of vegetarians and vegans has grown into sizeable minority, you would think that meat consumption would’ve shown a slight decline.

You wouldn't think that unless the vegan population was increasing at a higher rate than the population of meat-eaters, which it isn't.

It almost sounds like you're saying there's no relationship between the amount of animals slaughtered and the number of people who consume them. Surely there's a tipping point where farmers decrease the amount of livestock they breed because consistently there aren't enough people eating them. There wouldn't be 50+ billion animals killed every year if hardly anyone ate meat. That wouldn't be cost effective.

>> No.12528283

what you like determines what you agree with? are you proud of yourself?

>> No.12528288

Vegans are pathetic. No one cares, no one will change their ways. You are operating on the logic that we are eating meat while ignoring ethics, when we actually see no unethical issue that needs to be addressed. Your argument is for the converted, those that need to feel like they're doing good or somehow morally superior because they don't have the stomach to live in reality.

In fact I would go as far as to say you are complicit: a useful idiot for big business and the elite that want to ween the plebs off food that makes them strong and onto expensive "ethical" substitutes while the rich carry on eating duck a l'orange in high society.

>> No.12528291

HM, no sweety, there's no such thing.

>> No.12528293

>what you like determines what you agree with?
Yes, what else would determine what I agree with?
>are you proud of yourself?
I only feel pride in what I achieve, not what I feel.

>> No.12528299

Killing to satisfy your own desires is objectively wrong. Whether or not you like meat has nothing to do with it

>> No.12528302

I disagree.

>> No.12528305

Yes but dogs are different because they were rendered into being from wolves by White people as their fur-children. You can unwind 40,000+ years of mutualist evolution.

>> No.12528318

>objectively wrong

>> No.12528327

Killing is how the world works. Things kill, things get killed. Do you get pissed over wolves killing deers too?

>> No.12528330

What else? How about truth and reason.

>> No.12528349

If truth does exist, then humanity is too small to grasp it. And if we can somehow understand even a small part of this truth, it will be beyond ideas such as life and death. ecks deeeeeeeeeee

>> No.12528351

Why would truth and reason determine what I agree with? Truth and reason are not prescriptive, they're descriptive.

>> No.12528379
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the strong should devour the weak

>> No.12528399

I envision the future as a vast concrete plane upon which brainwashed urban kulaks chew cockroaches and crickets fed upon the slime of the algae vats, complacent and content in their positions as the elite upon the utmost levels of towering ivory skyscrapers dine on steak and wine every night, having convinced the proles that their dietary sacrifice is for the good of the planet. I will be among neither of them. I will roam the only remaining grasslands, the last pastoralist with my flock, my herd

>> No.12528403

Meat is decadence of the highest order.. the sacrifice of living flesh, the divine spark, to temporal mouth cums.

>> No.12528404

most people don't restrict the word agree to ethics. you can agree about whether something is true or not, can't you? why wouldn't you use truth and reason in that determination.

>> No.12528413


no lol

>> No.12528415

honestly, why do i need to apply morality to my diet?

>> No.12528429

To the contrary, it is an affirmation of life itself and an essential component of the cycle of the "divine spark". In consumption they feed those after them as the consumer will one day be consumed. Why do you suppose that plants are any less divine in source?

>> No.12528431

Ethics are not material, they're subjectively held values. What's ethical is what you value is what you like.

>> No.12528443

Holocaust and abortion is affirmation of life -- murders for utility of nation and/or mother.

>> No.12528470

You don't think what you like is materially represented as a state of your brain?

>> No.12528487

>what is supply and demand


>> No.12528491

A material configuration of the brain that is inclined to approve of certain things isn't what's being referred to when we discuss ethics. A vegetable is not a moral agent. Also, even if we could say ethics are material, that would just mean they're materially unique to every person and being ethical would still consist of following your inclinations.

>> No.12528502

epistemological brainlet

>> No.12528506

no one cares about your sexuality you fucking attention seeking faggot stop posting this shit in every thread

>> No.12528521
File: 51 KB, 755x433, WokeCapitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I won't eat meat, it's not nice to animals."
>"Have you seen the new Iphone? It's really great! I don't really care that Ping Dong working in a factory in China committed suicide by jumping from roof while making these though ! :^)

Daily reminder that vegetarianism/veganism/environmentalism is the new Communism for the upper class, and it's not a threat to capitalism.

>> No.12528523

>fat fucks that can't stop stuffing dead flesh and animal secretions down their throats

sounds like 4chan

>> No.12528534

>iPhones exist therefore I can eat meat! Haha!

Do you think before you write?

>> No.12528545

all the pseuds ITT only make me want to cook up a stake

>> No.12528548

Um lmao
sweetie, um, the um, fragile, um, masculinity um, sweetie, um incel, um virgin, in this, um, thread, is, um, hilarious, um

>> No.12528554

Well to be fair, this IS the internet.

>> No.12528557

I don't love animals you fucking faggot, I respect them like I would respect an opponent soldier on the battlefield. I wouldn't gloat over his death but it's either me or him.

>> No.12528563

More like you enjoy humans suffering and you don't care while conscious, but you whine about animals being knocked out and slaughtered not experiencing a shred of pain.

>> No.12528567

>it's either me or him
Except it isn’t

>> No.12528571

I don't have an iPhone. I'm not sure how the two topics are related or why purchasing an iPhone prevents one from not participating in the mass suffering and death of animals.

>> No.12528583

The point is that you participate in the exploitation of third world labor and the attendant suffering that brings upon human beings, but you care more about animals being eaten?

It's a complete diversion and isn't a threat to capitalism.

>> No.12528592

Again, what the fuck does this have to do with the unnecessary suffering and death of animals? Would you like to provide an actual argument supporting the unnecessary suffering and death of animals or do you just want to whine about capitalism?

>> No.12528607

he thinks calling you a hypocrite is an argument

>> No.12528608

oh shit we awakened the janny he's purging the shitpost threads

>> No.12528612

>Again, what the fuck does this have to do with the unnecessary suffering and death of animals?

Humans are animals. If you don't care about the unnecessary suffering of human beings, then why should I believe your pathetic arguments in favor of veganism or vegetarianism?

You're just a hypocrite, and your veganism/vegetarianism is only a tool to increase your social status with a group of people who don't care about you anyway.

>> No.12528616

>Humans are animals, therefore if you don't care as much about humans working a job for a low wage that means you aren't allowed to not support the unnecessary suffering and death of non-human animals

just stop

>> No.12528631

>it's either me or him
tfw if you don't eat meat lions come into your house and fuck your wife and your wife's son before eating you

>> No.12528635

I never said you weren't allowed to do anything, I was pointing out that your reasoning for being a vegan/vegetarian has less to do with actually caring about animals, and more to do with you being a social animal that cares about your privilege and status, and that you're probably in an upper middle class clique that brainwashes each other to think that being a vegan or vegetarian actually has any effect on the world besides inflating your own ego.

Oh, it obviously also has the added benefit of producing even more inequality in the world by making sure meat producers go out of business and a few corporate psychopaths who specialize in selling vegan goods to self-righteous retards like you get even richer.

>> No.12528642

>I was pointing out that your reasoning for being a vegan/vegetarian has less to do with actually caring about animals

No it doesn't. I like animals therefore I don't want to kill or harm them. It's as simple as that.

>by making sure meat producers go out of business and a few corporate psychopaths who specialize in selling vegan goods to self-righteous retards like you get even richer.
>vegan goods

You mean fruits, vegetables, and whole grains? Yes, I hope farmers who produce those goods keep doing it.

You're such an assblated autist. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.12528661

Right, so you agree with me. Good.

>> No.12528666

Congrats, you've completely debunked veganism.

>> No.12528675

Thank you Satan.

>> No.12528677

>one guy

Well yeah but it’s not one guy though is it mate

>> No.12528704

>I only think in the short-term

Wow we got ourselves a bright one here fellas

>> No.12528716

>do something productive with your false sense of moral superiority derived from eating less red stuff

This was a really really really good argument.

>> No.12528721

Living flesh doesn't matter. Only human flesh does. The only entitlement of living flesh is not being harmed while alive for no purpose.

>> No.12528740

>conveniently forgetting that different animals or forms of life have different capacities to suffer
>changing the vegan argument to “not harming them” instead of “causing much less harm and environmental damage than an omnivorous diet”

I’m free of projection guys, trust me.

>> No.12528756

>have different capacities to suffer
So humans have the highest capacity therefore we should eat other animals.

>> No.12528766

That is the worst take I’ve seen in a while. Good job.

>> No.12528848

you dont suffer by not eating meat, my friend

>> No.12528950

>you dont suffer by not eating meat


Then why do vegans look malnourished, lose their teeth, but also clearly are mentally ill?

>> No.12528960

Feral cats are nearly varmints. I love cats because they elimate rodents. But trust not the feral tabby to forgo mauling you

>> No.12528983

>cherry picking

come on m8, thats not very honest

>> No.12529004

given that a human life affects the environment far more in a lifetime than a cow or a chicken, morally you have to kill yourself if you follow this line of thinking

>> No.12529019

>humans efficiently slaughter an animal to provide meat, glue, leather, skin grafts, etc.
>omg so horrible animal rights now
>lions massacre a gazelle herd, tearing them apart and leaving whatever remains to rot
>lol they're just animals bro

Humans aren't inherently superior to any animal. Why do you fight what is natural?

>> No.12529029

Mixed diet is obviously superior and needs much less supplementation. We could do with less red meats though so I agree with the vegfags on that.

>> No.12529043

Gotta share a personal funny very /lit/ anecdote over idiocy of vegans. I just happen to be academic, but all my kin are farmer, including my family, so I have grown at farms all my life. Now, one day one of the snob vegans pushing their agenda at any lies and means necessary made a case that humans are not supposed to eat meat because if you put dog or cat near baby, it doesn't attack and eat it instantly out of instinct. He then proceeded to say that if you put smaller animal next to actual meat eater, it attacks and eats it instantly.

Problem here is of course combination of stupidity and sheer lunacy. This simply is not true. Dogs, cats, gerbils, cows and chickens make jolly good friends at farm. They are never attacking each other. Never. Not once have I heard of or seen such case. Cats guard outdoor chickens against nasty rodents that are not part of the gang.

Attempting to gently explain that is the actual case when it comes to pure meat eaters actually being friendly with rest of their adoptive herd to vegan is of course futile. Stupidity is one thing, ignorance can be remedied, but coated with that sheer lunacy no can do. Thre is no reasoning. Mental gymnastics exhibited go to such lengths that first there is admittance that shepherd dogs exist and guard the flock, but dogs are pedigreed from wolves, wolves attack sheep, therefore shepherd dog obviously attacks sheep. It's pure madness.

>> No.12529059

Roads, cars, languages and monumental works of art aren't natural either. I guess we better give those up too?

>> No.12529077

Most vegans don't argue eating meat is inherently bad, but that the concept of owning and breeding animals for the sole purpose of consumption is both unnatural and immoral.

>> No.12529087

>like 10 people in the video, all of which are people who promote veganism by having Youtube channels
>almost all of them look like Uncle Fester


>> No.12529093

Check this out: i got a vasectomy without having any children, so if i want to eat an endangered dolphin im still contributing more to the environment than some retarded vegan breeder.

>> No.12529095

>for the sole purpose of consumption
You can play with piglets and cattle too you know.

>> No.12529104

I'm glad your defective genes won't express themselves ever again

>> No.12529112

>muh genes
Cope any harder breeder

>> No.12529121

Why do vegefags live in cities if they care so much about nature and pollution and dislike that which is unnatural?

>> No.12529123


Humans aren't the only species that builds things. Bees, beavers, termites, the list goes on. There is nothing unnatural about synthesising new things from natural materials. We are, however, the only species to feel guilty about what we eat.

>> No.12529125


It's a bit pedantic. Ever since humans hunted they would follow herds and formal captivity evolved over time. The animals we eat we're also domesticated. They were literally created by humans for humans. I think the portrayal of husbandry and ranching as inevitably immoral is PR for wheat and söy businesses that insist upon the perception that meat eating requires the industrial model we have presently. I don't live in the most economically successful area but even I have access to pig, cattle, chicken, lamb and more that's raised within 100 miles of me, by farmers I either know, could easily visit or who have also been vetted by opportunistic chefs who see themselves as an ethical preserve in a corrupted food system. Veganism, to me, is giving up and eating uninteresting mush. There is so much culture, so many traditions and clever concepts that meat eating has engendered. Ranchers and farmers are easily some of the sharpest and erudite people I've met. I don't get any of that richness, that depth, that inspiration, that spirituality, that sense of connection, that I sense in good ranchers and farmers. Vegans have given up on life and betray their fellow man by their timidity and unfaithfulness. If only Judge Holden was still around, he'd split some vegan butts and leave them to their arterial spray in their final bathroom.

>> No.12529160

They want to live in a non dead place without eating waste, what's so bad about it.

>> No.12529513

how ugly are you

>> No.12529536


Lesser Beasts is a great book about the histories of pigs and people

>> No.12529551

Life feeds on life. No gymnastics necessary. I want to eat meat. I eat meat. And I'll continue to do so until you can find and measure a soul. Find me a place, presumably in the brain of an organism, where some no physical event influences physical ones. Find me some organism capable of physically uncaused effects and then we can talk about consciousness being sacred or feelings being anything other than the activity of a nervous system and life being anything other than a great way to keep meat fresh.

>> No.12529556

hilarious image, also i became vegetarian months ago bc i care about animals and dont want to eat them. Ill never eat one agan

>> No.12529594

forgot to add, since going vegetarian, I've climbed the ranks of my local poly group and I've ascended from the ranks of the felch receptacle and human toilet and moved up to fluffing and creampie cleaner.

>> No.12529618


>> No.12529632

i dont undersstand half of this but yes very funny, vegetarian = degenerate

>> No.12529641

Not the same guy but most of the time veganism is a consequence of detachment from rural life. You could argue veganism is a way to reconnect with nature by caring about cattle. Kind of weird

>> No.12529646

Could the overly domesticated animals even survive naturally if we just decided to go plant based? Would they go extinct? Wouldnt we still have to feed them the grains we do now anyway? Where would they even go? Probably letting them roam and eat whatever they want isnt good either and i dont see making then entirely grass fed as viable...

>> No.12529658

the ethics of eating animals is one of the better ways to show just how much of a meme morality is

>> No.12529677

>I need there to be consequences in order to not want to hurt others.
If souls exist, yours is weak.
>They’ll die out if we stop raping them into existence.
This is a good thing.

>> No.12529699

Thats if veg fags dont want to interfere and just let them all starve to death. Which I doubt their "morality" will let them do

>> No.12529711
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If someone tried to do bad things to my cats, I would defend them because I care about them on a personal level. Meanwhile, some cow dying so people can have a barbecue means absolutely nothing to me.

Is that mental gymnastics? I don't think so

>> No.12529717

You’re right, they’d probably insist we take care of them until a natural death, stop breeding them, and give them a proper burial too. I say just stop breeding them and eat the remainder.

>> No.12529724

>ywn catalogue all the aristocratic foot phenotypes on display in Brazil's mixed qts

>> No.12529738

You don't care about animals.

>> No.12529750

this is in reality how human suffering is dealt with as well. You will go to great efforts to help your family members who are in pain, but likely will not lift a finger to help some random kid 1000 miles away. Or even that homeless guy you pass on the way to work

>> No.12529751

What consequences? Form a coherent argument. I need there to be falsifiable facts when I form an ideology.

>Soul is weak.
After clawing my way from homelessness and drug addiction to a career as a teacher and personal trainer, I know perseverance and discipline like few do, but your diet is nothing but a means of signalling virtues. It cannot survive except in a highly moderated environment. Like I said, show me proof and I will change. But no amount of ad hominem and insisting upon unfalsifiable pretenses is going to convince me because I'm not influenced by peer pressure you dipshit twenty year old.

>> No.12529754

I don't care about animals as a category, yep, I care about individual animals that mean something to me

Ecumenical love is extremely heady and unnatural

>> No.12529760

Mental gymnastics

>> No.12529770

are there any good critiques of singer's vegan utilitarianism?

>> No.12529800

This but with people too.

>> No.12529876

>What consequences?
>You need there to be a soul before you care about your needless violence. Presumably because nothing short of hell would motivate you to not be a dick.
>can’t handle drugs
>can’t leave high school
>Signals virtue while accusing others of virtue signaling.
Fucking called it.

>> No.12529927

Jesus Christ kill yourself. This may work on the twenty year olds you surrouns yourswlf with but I signalled no virtues and said nothing of hell. Even if there were any reality to your imaginary moral high ground, it still would not stand in for lack of anything to say that isn't ad hominem.

>> No.12529932
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My argument.

>> No.12529970

Retard. Even people who believe in hell know that the bible sanctions eating meat. And the rest of your posts are a pile of nonsequiturs and ad hominem. You called nothing. And if you have nothing better to do with your day, legit kill yourself.

>> No.12529997

Yes? If they didn't serve a more important role as pets you can bet your boy pucci I would eat those mother fuckers. Back in the day people would keep pigs as kind of pets and the children would play with them and so on, even though they would get slaughtered and eaten some day.

>> No.12530007

Based and Linkola (and Varg) pilled

>> No.12530096
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Literally the only responde that beats the fuck out of vegans everytime. Just say you only care for the animals you take self interest in (like pets) and dont care for the rest of them, same applied to people.
Vegans that try to come up with bullshit like "b-but saving muh animals is a moral obligation, do you even understand what that means!" are 100% spooked and need to understand that their shitty morals are not better than any other. They way they treat their moral as obsolutes is just as the same as a fanatic christian tries to convert people to their faith shaming people who dont follow their bullshit.

>> No.12530754

>It's not about consequence but about virtue

This is precisely why I don't give a single fuck about veganism. If there was a consequence for not eating meat, like God would destroy all slaughterhouses if I stopped, then I would stop. I could sacrifice my whole life and it wouldn't stop.

>> No.12531589

wtf happened to that guys hairline?

>> No.12531628

Are you one of the people who leave really violent comments on youtube videos of monkeys? What the fuck is up with that?
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qxt3E34RpM
>This baby monkey does not deserve milk. It deserves to be beaten regularly and punished for pooing out of turn. Baby monkey Solita was a big time Loser with a capital L. Not good enough for her real mama. Then gets kicked out of her home. She just worthless no good squint that deserves what she has coming to her.
-Peter Monkey Beater

>> No.12531637

Appeal to futility logical fallacy >>12527356
Retard who probably has had pets and wouldn’t kill them but says he “doesn’t care about animals” (if he says he would then he’s clearly a psychopath)
Retard who thinks Veganism will happen society-wide overnight who’s appealing to futility probably because he can’t stop shoving meaty cocks down his mouth >>12527392
Literal retard saying grains contribute more to climate change (with no proof), while ignoring the fact it actually takes more grains to feed cows then it would to just feed humans grains anyway. >>12527393
Random SJW faggot retard with another non argument. Vegan diets are far cheaper and white privledge isn’t real besides the privledge of having superior genes.

>> No.12531640

what in the fuck is this, some inside joke or somehting

>> No.12531758

>One can “choose” to drive a fuel-efficient car, but can’t choose why cities lack efficient public transportation. One can choose to buy energy efficient light bulbs, but has no say about planned product obsolescence.
Not a vegan, but I don't see where you get off making either of these claims. The first issue is not directly a component of commodity markets, and the second is most certainly a direct effect of consumer demand. I guess you're trying to highlight supposed contradictions of capitalism which are to be resolved through sublative processes, but such a dialectical view of economic history imports a blind intrinsicism that is easily dismissed through a theory of subject-oriented utility.

>> No.12531761
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>> No.12531774

>Demand lowers
>Price lowers in reaction
>Demand heightens in reaction

>> No.12531788

Based. Incredibly based

>> No.12531789
File: 70 KB, 524x542, 1544308599871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bateman approves.

>> No.12531798

I hope your house gets infested with bedbugs. Then you'll look like a real idiot hahaha.

>> No.12531805

The music fucking kills me.

>> No.12531811

>Funny Brave Monkey Messes with Two Tigers
what is it about this title that is so instantly recognizable as youtube

>> No.12531898

I have no idea -- there are load of monkey videos with comments like these

>> No.12531904


>> No.12531925

I threat animals like I threat people, I don't care about those I don't personally interact with.
Yeah, I love my dogs, I love my cat, I wouldn't harm them because I care about them, maybe even animals I see on my daily basis, like a stray dog.
Can't say the same about a pig that was bred specifically to die and feed me, I don't give a shit about it.

Is it that fucking hard to understand that we choose who to care for?

>> No.12531992

Peter Singer - Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for our Treatment of Animals
Peter Singer - Practical Ethics
Godlovitch, Stanley; Godlovitch, Roslind y Harris, John (eds.),- Animals, Men, and Morals: An Enquiry into the Maltreatment of Non-Humans
Clark, Stephen R. L., - The Moral Status of Animals

>> No.12532874

My hunting license pays for your environmentalism. Fuck off with your moral high grounding.

>> No.12533075


yeah bro, veganism is so unhealthy. Look at these unhealthy weak men.

>> No.12533090

Michael Huemer's dialogues are really as good as it gets for pro-vegan arguments. This guy is as smart as it gets.

>> No.12533095

Lmao not caring about animals doesn't make you a sociopath

>> No.12533171

you = mental illness

>> No.12533512

Probably a mix of fetishists, psychos and third worlders who have to deal with the little shits every day.

>> No.12533613

1 Corinthians 8:6-13 KJV
6] But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
7] Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled.
8] But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.
9] But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.
10] For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;
11] And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?
12] But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
13] Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

>> No.12533721
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>> No.12533869

But plants do not have feelings. They live but don't feel.

t. horticulturist

>> No.12533891

This. I hate cows, chicken, pigs and fish.

>> No.12533893

If I visit China. I would definitely try dog meat desu

>> No.12533912


>> No.12534055

At least you guys are consistent

>> No.12534101


I mean yes one person choosing to do or not do something isn't going to change things but then ask yourself this question how has literally anything gotten done throughout the entire course of human history?
It's because of people who did not think like this

>> No.12534126

>vegans aren't annoying and condescending guys, it's the meat eaters!

I'm going to screen cap this and show it to everyone that says that from now on.

>> No.12534477

Veganism is a bad solution to a real problem.

>Animal Suffering
Factory farming is wrong but that doesn't mean all forms of rearing animals are. In most family owned, grass-fed farms the animals are cared for and genuinely loved, they have nothing to want for (any sense of adventure has been breed out of these animals 100s of years ago) and only experience pain/stress at the moment of death (which for un-halal methods is rather quick and painless). If you still think this is wrong then I am guessing you also support anti-natalism.

Veganism isn't defacto better than an omnivore diet. A vegan who gets their vegetables shipped in from other counties via a supermarket and regularly eats things like Avocados, Mango, etc which cause draughts is probably worse than a omnivore who gets all of their food from a local farmers market.

>Extinction Concerns
It's funny that they think we are killing the world (which will outlast us what ever we do) when the argument should be for keeping it inhabitable for us. Whilst they care so much about this many would be happy for everyone to go vegan leaving all domesticated animals (used for food) to go extinct as they could no longer live in the wilderness and no one would keep them.

I've yet to see a single study comparing veganism against a balance diet. It is always against the standard american diet which is awful. Veganism main benefit is how restrictive it is and most suppliers make everything with whole foods. You shouldn't need to actively supplement a standard diet in order to meet base requirements. A balance omnivore diet with quality sources and whole foods would be a lot more healthy.

>My Solution
People should eat meat only from quality sources (thus incentivising that side of market). Most people should eat less meat than they do and only go for whole simple foods. My ideal future would be to have lab-grown meat for the everyday purposes and small local farm reared meat for special occasions (and rich people).

>> No.12534510

90% of our advancements are from either clever or influential individuals. The shift into a more ethically/environmentally friendly way of eating will likely come from advances in technology/science (lab-grown meat is likely) or from influential people in food production/politics.

The collectives vs/them (and black/white) narrative only makes it worse. I know many people that would never consider veganism arguments because of the aggressive people that push it's ideals. The vocal side of veganism (and the belief of moral superiority that most of them hold) is only hurting their cause.

>> No.12534524
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>t. horticulturist
Then you're a bad one.

>> No.12534536
File: 379 KB, 800x450, PlantReactiontoDamage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But plants do not have feelings.

>> No.12534542

Huh, it's like a nervous system.

>> No.12534674

>In most family owned, grass-fed farms the animals are cared for and genuinely loved
Wrong and also genuinely killed. Retarded argument; "to stop human suffering we shouldn't stop killing humans, but do so out of genuine love".
Not going to read the rest of this post btw. Absolute faulty logic.

>> No.12534722

try getting 180g of protein per day whilst doing OMAD from a plant diet, not a chance

>> No.12534735

Why do you have such a boner for dumb farm animals? They've had the brains bred out of them, fuck off.

>> No.12534762

I can't speak for you country (likely burger-land) but in the UK every local farm I've been to is like this. You also misinterpreted my argument. I'm not suggesting that they be/are killed lovingly, I'm saying that a life full of love and happiness with 1 hour of stress and a early but painless death is better than not existing at all. This is why I compared it to anti-natalism since humans have an even greater capacity to suffer through life.

I feel that you read my post to disagree with it and jumped and your first chance to.

>> No.12535067

>180g of protein


>> No.12535963

Yes. Vasectomies and abortions are pretty popular among vegans.