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12541777 No.12541777 [Reply] [Original]

What book is this footnote from? It haunts me.

>> No.12541781

Jung's red book?

>> No.12541785
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>> No.12541808

It's from Hegel's "Science of Logic"[1].

[1] This was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.12541821

this footnote is referenced in Human all too human, too much of a brainlet for hegel right now but this always fascinated me

>> No.12541826



>> No.12541834

Fucking based
I hate citations and sources

>> No.12541973
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Used to laugh and enjoy some of his videos at first, but after years of watching him and trying to understand his views its has become clear to me that he has simply absorbed his wife's autism and applied to his according views. Every time you see the dude going into a disussion, it always ends up with confusion, misunderstanding of the past and spooks , literal fixed ideas that have no other holding behind them than simply shit like "reincarnation is real dude, you must be some tainted retarded soul if you dont believe it" and then proceeds to shit on the christians for believing in similar shit.
At this point i am just curious to see how are his kids gonna hold up when they grow. Its not that i have anything agaisnt parenting teaching, but i think his kids are way too isolated and out of touch with the world, they are gonna end up in either killing themselves or living as true cavemen. Guess this is the power of the snow niggers.

>> No.12542004


>> No.12542007

holy fucking shit based

>> No.12542023


page 8

>> No.12542177
File: 117 KB, 996x868, 1546419982683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u-umm?? c-citations please?? p-please give list of sources for claims???
>get fucked I was there
based fucking anti-nerds

>> No.12542216

>but i think his kids are way too isolated and out of touch with the world
He's actually very sociable with his entire family. They have lots of friends and sometimes make videos where they're just hanging out, contrary to the memes about him being a recluse.

It's purely his neo-pagan stuff that's odd. Other than that he's a remarkably good father, he teaches his kids how to maintain their vehicle and hunt and stuff, even has mathematics programs for them to complete, they're all at least bilingual, knowing french and english, he's probably teaching them norwegian too.

>> No.12542301

ill give you a secret anon: everyone is too brainlet for hegel. buy a commentary, let someone else do the heavy lifting for you.
still hard as fuck, but manageable imo

>> No.12542319

Not true at all
You just haven't read enough

>> No.12542407

Well atleast there's that, i honestly thought that his kids never made contact with another kid from another family in their entire lifes

>> No.12542504

he has neighbors and everything. i dont remember what videos they're in but varg had to walk over to another area because you can hear the neighbors outside working and talking. on the other side lives an old woman with too many cats iirc. someone will post them im sure.

>> No.12543185

fukken saved

>> No.12543322

>open an average diploma mill publication
>20 footnotes per page

pure sham business

>> No.12543776

Pretty sure Novalis cites his dreams too

>> No.12543879

can Varg be stopped?
in 50 years France will be overrun with chain mailed Varg babies

>> No.12544153

you telling me you read pdg without a commentary or a professor the first time?
good for you anon

>> No.12545062

He recently got into some beef with STJ.
Apparently he rightly criticized their books and their Placenta worship nonsense.
His reaction was painful to look at.

>> No.12545078

His poor children will have trouble integrating in society when their father's fortune won't be enough anymore and his investments will reveal themselves fruitless.

>> No.12545168

>home schooled by an autistic mother and a musician who likes to LARP as a viking and write role-playing games
They won't get very far.

>> No.12545184

STJ threw a hissyfit because Varg criticized him for using Patreon, and so STJ started attacking his wife and children even though he always praised and recommended Marie and Varg before being criticized. Both STJ and Varg are retarded faggots and an embarrassment to their field.

>> No.12545194

this shit is a bif gucking cope for low T bitches who were the good boys that listened to the teachers and did their studies at home in shitty public school

You don't remember 90% of the shit you studied there, you have lost literally TENS of THOUSANDS of HOURS in public school, accept it bitch

tfw I began reading during almost all classes in high school

>> No.12546555


What if Varg debated Destiny?

>> No.12546690


>> No.12547373

burzum tape boxset reissue is taking pre-orders for anyone interested

>> No.12547530

>I was there. I remember. Reincarnation.
