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/lit/ - Literature

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12565955 No.12565955 [Reply] [Original]

chart thread post /lit/ charts

>> No.12566000
File: 1.80 MB, 2200x3200, Essays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12566056

ITT: copy-paste 4chan /lit/ wiki charts

>> No.12566065

Rabelais and Montaigne imbalance the bloomer chart, nothing in doomer side can compete

>> No.12566100

pessoa, bernhard, and artaud compete

>> No.12566218


>> No.12566248

can someone update this with actually decent selections for the doomer?
Why does the bloomer get to claim all of Shakespeare? hardly fair, make them equal.

>> No.12566271

replace ligotti with hamlet ligotti is the only meme one there the doomer has great selections and if you dont think so you have bad taste. but the chart has been changed like 3 times already so just leave it as it is.

>> No.12566301

>Camus, Gass, Celine, the Matrix Book
>not memes
the doomer should have The Greeks, Pound, Crane, City of God, maybe some more from the canon. please change it.

>> No.12566328

god shut the fuck up the chart is fine all those are memes too except maybe Crane

>> No.12566380

none of what I posted are memes. you're under read.

>> No.12566391

the greeks are the biggest meme on this site, pound is a fraud, and yes augustine is a meme

>> No.12566419

Also Sterne

>> No.12566450 [DELETED] 
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The only chart you need

>> No.12566670

as was explained in the other thread, hamlet is not a 'doomer' selection

>> No.12566699

yes it is

>> No.12566722

hamlet does not resign himself to his fate, nor does he regret his life
after fleeing from it for most of the play, he finally embraces it in the last two acts
you cannot point to any speech in the earlier parts of the play and declare that they definitively express hamlet's attitudes. everything must be considered together. there is a clear evolution to his thought as the play progresses, and his understanding of his own role is enriched through those changes.

>> No.12566743

Why does bloomer have Frankfurt school and Spinoza for ethics out of all philosophers?

>> No.12566756

what about Georg Trakl

>> No.12566774

huh, you're right, that is the only thing I need to achieve a sparkling clean anus! Thanks ;)

>> No.12568062

i don't see the frankfurt school and ethics is mostly a metaphysical treatise

>> No.12568371


>> No.12568470
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>> No.12568493
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>greeks and Augustine are a meme
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. It is impossible to overstate the influence of them in the continuity of western thought.

>> No.12568495
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>> No.12568509
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>> No.12568514

pessoa reads like he's wearing a diaper lmfao

doomers don't stand a chance

>> No.12568517
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>> No.12568524
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>> No.12568531
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>> No.12568547
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>> No.12568575
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>> No.12568607

>no trivium or Rhetoric

>> No.12568651

Is there a 2000's literature chart

>> No.12568761
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>> No.12568812

Like a quarter of this chart is written by a blogger advocating for NW US becoming a neo-white state.

Who made this?

>> No.12568873
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language learning

>> No.12568889
File: 1.26 MB, 800x3300, WhatDoILand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accelerationism resources

>> No.12568903

Anyone have something like this for Japanese?

>> No.12568913
File: 1.78 MB, 2048x3277, bo-kniga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12568922
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>> No.12568943
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>> No.12568990
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>> No.12569003

Asking again:
Any good intro to Psycho Analysis?

>> No.12569018
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>> No.12569027
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>> No.12569032
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>> No.12569065
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/his/ Folder:
Language Stuff:
Military History:
Marxist Audio
zundel bunker
Propertarianism Library

>> No.12569097

>/his/ Folder:
>Language Stuff:
>Military History:
>Marxist Audio
>zundel bunker
>Propertarianism Library
damn boi

>> No.12569163

so much shit so badly organised

>> No.12569193
File: 263 KB, 3504x1064, GaPEIBr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569200
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>> No.12569205
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>> No.12569207
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>> No.12569209
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>> No.12569214
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>> No.12569290


>> No.12569322

what exactly is the criteria for the bloomer chart?

I though bloomer meant more optimistic or positive works of literature.

>> No.12569328

>pessoa, bernahrd, and artaud can compete with shakespeare, rabelais, sterne, and montaigne
read before posting

>> No.12569503

this gives me hope there might be a norwegian chart

>> No.12569525

These threads are too common for any new charts to be made in the mean time. At this point it is just regurgitating the /lit/ wiki. Limit yourself to a thread once every 2 weeks or something, not one a day.

>> No.12569541

ive read billy shakes and montaigne if you cant appreciate writers from the 20th century that is on you those three writers mentioned are great

>> No.12569640

same here, don't really have and idea what to use apart from memrise

>> No.12569652

If you're looking for Norwegian too, here's what I use:
Duolingo (people accuse it of being Duolingo's best course, but I find it extremely tedious midway through)
klartale.no (simple news)
Skam (popular show teen drama show that seems easily understandable)
Pokemon without subtitles

Was just hoping I might catch some good resources or advice

>> No.12569784

bloomer as in growth, development, change
curiosity, exploration, refinement of perspective

>> No.12570453

Holy shit thank you so much for this

>> No.12570542
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>> No.12570643

>Mekhanite Sarkicism

>> No.12570654

>Alien Abductees (anally probed)

>> No.12570659

Learning spanish's got to be a pain. Besides all the tenses and stuff, there's so much fucking slang and the same word can mean radically different things in different countries

>> No.12570710

Not sure if any resources there cover it but there is a really easy way to figure out if it's supposed to be "de" or "dem", simply substitute it with "vi" or "oss" and if it makes sense with "vi" then you should use "de" and vice versa

>> No.12570910

I shiggy diggy

>> No.12571662

Have you ever studied a language that isn't your native one? Ignore the slang, at least at the beggining. That's pro-tier shit you might not even use, since slang ususally depends on fashion and goes out of date quickly. Also, the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) dictionary includes the meaning of words for all Hispanic countries. But it's not like a Spaniard can't understand a Nicaraguan guy. The differences are anecdotical, like "coger": "catch" in Spain, "f*ck with" in some Hispanic places.

>> No.12571706

they are a meme and this board places too much emphasis on them. writing has improved much much more since them.
and augustine is not essential at all unless you are a christcuck

>> No.12571728

utter fucking brainlet

>> No.12572032
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>> No.12572074

The bloomer part is such an exquisite bait, I laugh every time

>> No.12572754
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>> No.12572775
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>> No.12572789
File: 3.06 MB, 4616x9336, Political_philosophy_chart_v1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12572802
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>> No.12572809
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>> No.12572825
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>> No.12572840
File: 1.18 MB, 2989x1598, Merged Recomended Reading List Post Version(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12572854
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>> No.12572862
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>> No.12572871
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>> No.12572879
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>> No.12572896
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>> No.12572911
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>> No.12572947

Friendly reminder that the spanish from south america is a nigger tier spanish. Learn proper CASTELLANO pronunciation if you want to be taken seriously in Spain.

>> No.12572972
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>> No.12572982
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>> No.12572987
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>> No.12573126

/lit/ is not a philosophy board. /lit/ is not an academic board. /lit/ is a literary board. get it through your cement skull, you purple cocked starch-collar mathematician motherfucker.

>> No.12573174

>fucking thermodynamics

>> No.12573239

Can someone post the guide to reading the classics?

>> No.12573706
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>> No.12573764
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>> No.12573948
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>> No.12574879
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>> No.12575460

I'm a Doom Bloomer..