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12601274 No.12601274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>brother wants to circumcise his son that's going to be born in March

Any books that expose male circumcision for the human rights abuse it is?

>> No.12601304

I don't know any

>> No.12601322

ask him if he's gonna remove the kids eyelids too since theyre basically doing the same thing

>> No.12601327

Mein Kampfy Chair by that one German Charlie Chaplin cosplayer

>> No.12601329

>Boohoo I can't feel as much when I cum ;_;
No one cares you degenerate hedonist.

>> No.12601330

Sorry, meant to say Australian rather than German, mate.

>> No.12601336

All the more reason not to cut it off. The only excuse is being an unwashed troglodyte collecting smegma in which case the circumcision should start at the neck.

>> No.12601346

Circumcision is an ordinance of God and thus is not morally wrong. It is not required of Gentiles, though.

>> No.12601363

What if God is morally wrong?

>> No.12601364

What do the jews do with all that goyisch foreskin?

>> No.12601365

>being a dick-cheese ridden premature ejaculator

>> No.12601369


>> No.12601371

>being a mutilated goy who doesn't wash his penis

>> No.12601373

>Why not leave the decision up to him when he comes of age?

Does he have an answer for that?

>> No.12601378

That's not possible since God is perfectly good. And what is good is derived from and determined by its accordance with God's nature of goodness. So there is no other standard even by which to judge.

>> No.12601567

what would this guy look like if he still had is foreskin
pretty comfy I bet

>> No.12601631

But what if it's in fact the opposite of that? Or at least what if there is a God independent of morality?

>> No.12601637

>not forcing your son to experiment with anal by making his main source of pleasure less effective

It's almost like you don't want more sissy traps in the world!

>> No.12601645

>brother wants to circumcise

I guarantee it's his cunt wife talking him into it.

>> No.12601672

ear lobes too

>> No.12601680

What if the moon is made of cheese?

>> No.12601681

>I don't believe in the tribal god of foreskins, but baby torture must go on forever!
I imagine conscription and taxation are here for the same pigheadedness.

>> No.12601710

Redpill him on the Jews

>> No.12601711

Your brother is a fucking retard. Why do you then assume he can read?

>> No.12601712

A good god wouldn't ask toddlers penises to be chopped off

>> No.12601718

yep, for sure.
OP watch the Eric Clopper presentation: Sex and Circumcision: An American Love Story.
It's a redpill and a half

>> No.12601784

Go actually kill yourself

Also this, was just about to link it myself. It literally got (them) to instantly fire him from said university

>> No.12602180

Literally the only based thing San Francisco tried to do was ban it too bad the Jews shoahed them.

>> No.12602185

Ask him if he is going to have his daighter’s clitoris cut off at birth as well. Tell him it’s only fair and it would be done on the name of equality.

>> No.12602199
File: 540 KB, 1008x1580, EA3A93BD-3CFF-43AC-9896-3D5B873FD7C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey!!!

>> No.12602209
File: 123 KB, 500x545, male-circumcision-cut-uncut-nuff-said-8664268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanon here. Look, no offense, uncircumcised guys, but it's disgusting. I just don't want to touch let alone put it in my mouth, it looks gross, the texture is gross, and it smells gross. Just, eww. And then you guys here wonder why you're STILL virgins... lol.

>> No.12602217

You can always wash. What's the point of being able to hold back from ejaculation more if you can't feel anything during sex anyway?

>> No.12602223

Tits or gtfo

>> No.12602230

Femanon here as well. Uncircumcised penises are so much prettier. Considering the picture you posted, uncircs are shinier and less dull than circs, besides, I'm not European or Middle Eastern and people normally don't get their penises cut.
Who would want to be in contact with a Jewish penis unless they were Jewish? It's not very attractive.

>> No.12602232

obviously this isnt a woman but even then you might want to work on your retarded bait a little more since the majority of the world has normal dicks but hasnt magically died out due to female rejection

only literally brainwashed third world shitholes do it

>> No.12602244

Yeah. That's only because your selfish. A whore by nature doesn't care about their partner, so aslong as you yourself are happy you don't care about anything else. So obviously you'd choose mutilated, it has more benefits for you, but less for your partner, but since you're a whore it wouldn't be a problem for you anyway.

>> No.12602251

>religion is brainwashing
>being THIS much of a fedora
This 4chan sub is a joke.

>> No.12602256

>it has more benefits for you

proven false, anyone who believes otherwise is actually brainwashed or just a legitimate retard using logic that would, if applied "fair", mean that everyone in the world had their eyelids, ass cheeks and especially outer pussy lips ripped off

its brainwashing to systematically convince human beings that its a normal thing to get a body part surgically cut off at birth for """""medical""""" reasons built on proven to be falsified statistics. Go back to working on your le epic bait

>> No.12602300

Yet you'll have the millionth Christian thread here sucking each other's dick.

>> No.12602311

What the fuck am I reading? Go kill yourself you fucking retarded piece of shit, I dont give a fuck about muh religion and the second some mouthbreather pulls MUH FREEDOM OF R-RELIGION as an excuse for mutilating babies irl, ill fucking beat them to death

>> No.12602387

As an Australian, every time an American replies to me, I just remember that they’re circumcised and I laugh. How can anyone take the posts of a mutated dick person seriously?

>> No.12602390

Just show him my scarred, twisted, calloused dick, desu

>> No.12602458


This is the best article I've found on it.

Considered in terms of the march of medical science, circumcision is an anomaly.

Considering that the original intellectual framework for medical circumcision in the late nineteenth century, was, during the years after World War I, dismantled piece by piece, one might have expected circumcision to go the way of other surgical fads. Instead it gathered strength. During the 1970s it has been estimated that as many as 80 percent of American males were circumcised in infancy. For roughly the first two-thirds of the twentieth century routine neonatal circumcision was an unquestioned aspect of ordinary pediatric practice. Around the turn of the century, American medical textbooks and journals that used illustrations began to adopt the convention of depicting the normal penis as circumcised - a convention subsequently adopted by publishers of medical books for lay readers.

it is worth noting that so far the cause and effect relationship between circumcision and disease prevention has not been established strongly enough to convince physicians in other industrialized democracies to incorporate it into their clinical routines. It has the distinction of being one of the few instances of American exceptionalism.

Regardless of what the journals said, American doctors in private practice have continued to place a high value on clinical autonomy and, in a new age of medical marketing, on what they perceive to be the preferences of the patients who pay the bills. Surgical fees for the five-minute operation range between $50 and $125, leading some critics to suggest that the profit motive has been the most important factor sustaining circumcision. Yet, for those predisposed to circumcise, there has been just enough scientific evidence to make it seem reasonable.

>> No.12602480
File: 18 KB, 1000x1000, 1AE0C855-65B8-4C46-B4D6-4BFAF8A92C00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some old Jews wrote something down in a book about mutilating baby dicks and I’m dumb enough to believe this is the word of an absolute and divine God and not the works of raving fanatics in the desert

>> No.12602484

Also Gollaher apparently wrote a book about it too.

But yeah basically it's a cosmetic/superstitious surgery. It has no more basis than female genital mutilation, or for that matter chopping off your toenails to prevent ingrown nails later in life.

People arguing in favor of circumcision are rationalizing after-the-fact, taking it as a fait accompli that circumcision WILL be practiced and then arguing it has beneficial effects. It's fairly obvious that obliterating a mucous membrane and turning it into a desert will "beneficially" prevent certain infections of that area to some degree, for example. Again, that's like saying "if you remove your ears you won't deal with as many ear infections."

The question is why you would painfully, traumatically, and riskily (there are unnervingly large risks of surgical complications, including DEATH) surgically alter a baby based on a cultural ritual from the Middle East that Europeans/Christians never practiced. Only Americans do this, because of a few somewhat related medical superstitions/fads in the early 20th century. It just got grandfathered into the culture after that because people became accustomed to it and doctors charge a fee for it.

>> No.12602518


The usage of the word “victim” here makes me think whoever wrote it has an agenda and is not a scientist. Maybe that’s why the research wasn’t published.

>> No.12602526


Speak for yourself. Cut guy here. I still feel plenty during sex

>> No.12602550

Normally it's cut guys who insist on it because doing otherwise would be admitting that theirs was unnecessary

>> No.12602559

This. My eyelids were removed at birth so ive been almost blind my whole life but I still see plenty. Fucking based, I literally dont even have to open my eyes every morning

>> No.12602567

Hid body, his choice. Isn't that right? Ask him if he's going to circumcise his daughter too.

>> No.12602603
File: 17 KB, 495x362, db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they cut my penis without asking me
Am I fucked anons? I heard sexual sensitivity decreaces when circumcised.
My damn muslim family, now I taking revenge by atheist brainwashing them. Islam cut my peepee, they are only good at cutting something

>> No.12602608

This, I had 3/4 of my tastebuds removed at birth but I still taste plenty.

>> No.12602680

destroy them, cut their heads off, let allah protect them from your rage... or you know, just move out, I heard the difference is very minor, if any. Also how do you atheist brainwash anyone, atheism is mostly just throwing stuff away

interesting topic for a literature board.. not

>> No.12602705

Orgasming still feels great tho

>> No.12602715

They cut my dick but I wont let them cut my nephew's. This is what I am talking about. I am telling them their dogmas are meaningless. Nobody has become atheist in my family but I made them more secular and more rooted to their original culture than jewish/arabic culture.

>> No.12602735

Its just your idealization for constitutes sexual pleasure and you'll never know any different. It actually makes it a far more effective form of sexual oppression than just castrating someone completely too if you can preserve their behavior while simultaneously destroying most of the sexual pleasure.

>> No.12602739

Yeah imagine having a bias against raping babies. What a bigot!

>> No.12602801

that's fucking gay