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/lit/ - Literature

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12607809 No.12607809 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a conversation.

>> No.12607863

I have to take a shit and pee but I am holding it for a while

>> No.12607868

Very unhealthy.

>> No.12607879

Kid's literature.

>> No.12607885

I'm asexual.

>> No.12607892

About the constellations
About sound and light and matter and vibrations
The mathematics needed just for your genetic sequence
While humans are distracted studyin' devils and demons

>> No.12607913

have you read anything that she created ?

>> No.12607920

I'm not that guy but I read Atlas Shrugged and Anthem. They both fucking suck, her philosophy is a joke, and she was a miserable shit. The end.

>> No.12607921
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just open the door my brother.

>> No.12607924

Did you guys hear that some dumb american anarchist named "John Galton" got shot to death in Mehico? what a faggot, with a moniker like that he definitely had it coming

>> No.12607926

No actually

>> No.12607927

Sucks ass

>> No.12607929

Then tell me whats wrong with her philosophy.

>> No.12607934

I'm a kantian marxist, AMA

>> No.12607936

You have any adult recommendations ?

>> No.12607945

What is the end game in Marxism ?
How should be decided who the central planer is and how long he is in charge of the state ?
Also how is the X Year Plan created ?
Why did Socialism allways fail ?

>> No.12607951


>> No.12607958

>What is the end game in Marxism ?
Gay luxury space communism-
>How should be decided who the central planer is and how long he is in charge of the state ?
The singularity
>Also how is the X Year Plan created ?
By the singularity, notice that Stalin made a huge leap foward that the rest of the world took longer time to accomplish.
>Why did Socialism allways fail ?
Have you tried cooking food and rushing it? The same thing, you shouldn't be to quick.

>> No.12607959

laissez faire cannot work for the same reason anarchy cannot work. the strong (rich) will create their own police state to protect their own interests and dominate the weak. or else the weak will revolt. I was always baffled by how Taggart and her gang would enforce property rights, whichiirc Rand consistently called the most moral / important rights. How do you enforce right without law? How do you have law without government? You definitely can't have government without taxes. Seems to me, Rand's solution was to have a privatized security force. In the book, this is replaced by a magical force field that works by static electricity. Rand uses a skyhook because she knows her ideas have no basis in reality.

>> No.12607974

You got some more ?

>> No.12607979

It has worked countless times. You want me to make a list with some links ?

>> No.12607994

by all means show me a government that exists without taxes

>> No.12608001

also laissez faire doesnt mean that there is no state or that you dont have taxes. It just states that the goverment wont regulate. You need the Goverment to lay the groundwork for trade and stuff like this.

As Milton Friedman said: "The classic liberal is allways cautious with giving the goverment more power".

You are right anarchy wont work, its just a theoretical model, like communism.

>> No.12608012

Her philosophy was absolute dogshit. "Like, yeah, everyone should just serve themselves as much as possible and the ego is the greatest thing ever and collective ideals are all stupid and individualism is what it's all about, I tell you what, fuck everyone else its all about making your SELF happy and wealthy"

Basically antithetical to the actual values that lead to a happy and peaceful life. Also basically the mentality of any given 5 year old. Have fun with that. Ayn Rand certainly didnt have much fun with it, but that didnt stop her from shoving it down her cult followers' throats.

>> No.12608015

Ayn Rand was a minarchist my famalam

>> No.12608027

Laissez faire doesnt mean no Taxes.


Bahamas and the Caymons are a good example.


China heavily depends on FreeTradeZones where no taxes are applied, no import taxes and mouch for stuff that is good for business.

>> No.12608063

>Basically antithetical to the actual values that lead to a happy and peaceful life
There is not just one road that leads to a happy life.

If everyone takes care for themselfs than everybody is take care of.
Her philosophy is based on rational thinking. Mans means to his ends is his reason.

>Also basically the mentality of any given 5 year old
Just a random thought: Arent a lot of 5 year olds way more content with their life than a lot of adults ?

>> No.12608073

Laissez faire doesn't mean no taxes, you are correct. But Ayn Rand believed forced taxation was immoral, and believed taxes should be paid "at will." it's clear she wanted government to serve the rich

>> No.12608076

Philosophy is a rather grand word for bad sci-fi. Is L Ron Hubbard a philosopher?

>> No.12608077

She wanted a goverment that served the people.

>> No.12608082

It's one of the shittiest books of all time. It's also /pol/'s #1 b8 for their invasion of /lit/

>> No.12608087

Would you consider dostojewski as a philosopher ?

>> No.12608089

laughable claim. the entire nation, which was made up of "looters" and "moochers," perished in her "magnum opus." this is because Rand hates poor people

>> No.12608096

Nah I dont have mouch in commen with the /pol/ people. I dont think the white race is the best one, I dont think we should form an etho state and other /pol/ bullshit.

>> No.12608103

She hates people that want to take what they didnt earned.

>> No.12608117

Rand saw everything in either-or terms. How can you have a conversation about her work? You're either for it or you're against it.

>> No.12608120

>Arent a lot of 5 year olds way more content with their life than a lot of adult
It's because they don't have responsibilities and are dependent on adults.

>> No.12608123

Okay maybe I am wrong, but I think her way of reasoning is pretty sound so give me a chance to explain it to you.
I think you are never to old to learn something new, so maybe you change my mind, I change yours or we both walk of with the same opinion.
Please list the points you dont agree with or that you think that are bullshit. I will give my best to answer.

>> No.12608128

I'm willing to bet that when the nation collapsed, millions of blue collar americans went hungry too, millions more than simple welfare babies. stop posting at any time, you apologist scum

>> No.12608130

I dont know what you did when you were 5 but I myself had some responsibilities.

>> No.12608133

you sound like a faggot and I refuse to engage with your "ideas"

>> No.12608134

you sound like a communist

>> No.12608141

Think harder friend.

>> No.12608142

They supported a goverment that stole from people and that made them also responsible. They also were willing to blindy attack the "rich", the " one percent ", because they were the evil, because they didint sacrificed them for the state.

>> No.12608145

Don't compare earning money and keeping house with children "responsibilities".

>> No.12608154

You can only be right or wrong when you talking about facts, but how the fuck do you think you can only hate or love her ?????

>> No.12608160

Isnt the same, you are right.

>> No.12608168

Dont go. Please for your own sake, try to engage with ideas you dont like or dont understand. It will increase the range of ideas you know and will improve our life.

>> No.12608192

Can you maybe provide a list with thinks to read ?
Ich habe nämlich schon ein paar Sachen zur Politischen Theologie gelesen.

>> No.12608198

>this is what capitalists believe

>> No.12608223

Capitalists dont belive sacrifice.

>> No.12608712


5 year olds have all their shit paid for by someone else. hmmmmmmmm

>> No.12608821

haha oh wow

>> No.12608831

Never read it, but it seems to piss off communists and redditors. What's it about?

>> No.12608972

Which is better? Atlas or Fountain?

>> No.12609003

Free Trading Zones that are protected and financed by a government that obtains taxes from non-free trading zones, in the hopes of boosting the larger economy of the country.

lolbertarian ideas will never work.

>> No.12609051

The black market is about as libertarian as you can get. What is your definition of "works?"

>> No.12609060

>Which is better? Atlas or Fountain?
Fountainhead is the better book. Less preachy, more based in character driven storytelling and plot.

>> No.12609654

Not him but the very existence of a black market is dependent on the regulated market, the prices and modalities are defined by what is legal and what isn't, there is much less competition because of the scarcity of the products or services. The client is captive and the seller makes the rules, the exact opposite of the libertarian ideal. Selling coke kids or killings would barely be profitable if it wasn't illegal

>> No.12609679

No, because you are a statist, non-productive consumer drone. I'm going to hang out with misanthropic egotists who none the less build cool shit and play with trains. Ayn is cool.

>> No.12609732
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>> No.12610236

I want a gun

>> No.12611376

Textbook penis envy. Wrote idealized caricatures. Patron saint of dorks who are deluded into thinking they are inherently great.

>> No.12611586

1000-page fanfiction by an ugly girl. Taggart slept with three different chads while ignoring her beta orbiter.

>> No.12611597

There is no "t" in "egoist" you goddamn moron

>> No.12611598

If you take something, how isn't that earning it?
Why is it only "earning" when the rich take labor and resources from the poor, but when the poor do so from the rich it's "theft?"