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/lit/ - Literature

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1263918 No.1263918 [Reply] [Original]

in 2011 I am only going to read books written by women

recommend books by women that I've never heard of and I will read them

>> No.1263919

[ ] books written by women
[ ] good books

pick one

>> No.1263922

Jane Austen, Jane Eyre, Virginia Woolf, Harper Lee (Yes, she's a Woman!)

>> No.1263927

Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar
Marlen Haushofer - Die Wand

I honestly thought for a whole minute for more books but couldn't think of any.

>> No.1263925


Sorry, that would only work / be relevant if the OP had actually used the word 'good'.

>> No.1263963

Who wants to read bad books?

>> No.1263965

/lit/ - misogyny

>> No.1263966

"Dreams" - Olive Schreiner

>> No.1263968

"Voyage in the Dark" - Jean Rhys

>> No.1263974

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer

>> No.1263978

You should at least read all female nobel prize laureates

Herta Müller, Doris Lessing, Elfriede Jelinek, Wislawa Szymborska, Toni Morrison, Nadine Gordimer, Nelly Sachs, Gabriela Mistral, Pearl Buck, Sigrid Undset, Grazia Deledda, Selma Lagerlöf

>> No.1263981

read virginia woolf you fucking sexist

>> No.1264123

We need to talk about Kevin

>> No.1264126

Let me just say:


That is all.

>> No.1264135

Wuthering Heights, Middlemarch, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Bell Jar, To Kill a Mockingbird. Frankenstein.

>> No.1264141

Patricia Highsmith - the Ripley novels
Shirley Jackson - The Haunting Of Hill House and We Have Always Lived In The Castle
Donna Tartt - The Secret Story and The Little Friend

>> No.1264142

are you reatarded

>> No.1264144

ignore everyone who says sylvia plath

>> No.1264145

The Transit of Venus
The Great Fire

both by Shirley Hazzard. The Transit of Venus is almost as good as anything Fitzgerald wrote, IMHO

>> No.1264146

Deb Olin Unferth

>> No.1264150

Anything by Ayn Rand. duh

>> No.1264151
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>visits 4chan
>complains about misogyny

>> No.1264157

Not synonyms.

>> No.1264167


>there is only misogyny in /b/

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.1264169

Virginia Woolf
Sylva Plath
Jane Austen
Mary Shelley
Christina Rosetti
Anne Sexton

>> No.1264182

I'm surprised that some "feminist" hasn't posted a ton of "feminist" authors who are really misandrists, e.g. Adrienne Rich. Way to go, /lit/.

Also, OP, Elizabeth Bishop.

>> No.1264197
File: 20 KB, 242x300, Pete-Sampras-Photograph-242x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reading women writers is like being a vegetarian. You're missing out on so much, and you'll be looking like a faggot in the process.

Either way, if I were going to suggest some women writers that have yet to be mentioned, I'd go with-

>Alice Munro
>Aimee Bender
>Joan Didion
>Mavis Gallant
>Grace Paley

>> No.1264199

the only woman that can write worth a damn is Mary Shelley. And Emily Bronte was a decent poet.

>> No.1264200

speaking as a woman, people like Adrienne Rich are everything that is wrong with women, literature and women's literature.
> i hate her

>> No.1264209

Read Toni Morrison


>> No.1264214

Tabitha King is actually not half bad, writing-wise. just chooses stupid stories

>> No.1264215



Or is that offensive?!

>> No.1264221

i kinda liked the first few books by L.K. Hamilton. The it became vampire/furry porn

>> No.1264235

i really try to give equal opportunity to authors, but god, good women writers are few and far between, and you'll have to fight your way through a lot of crap. is that mysoginistic? maybe. is it true? yes it is

>> No.1264411

Flannery O'Connor, Simone de Beauvoir, Virginia Woolf.

>> No.1264412

Anne Carson

>> No.1264417

Margaret Atwood is feminism done right.

>> No.1264424

Jeanette Winterson

>> No.1264423

i won't be offended. brofist accepted

>> No.1264429

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Hilda Doolittle
George Sand

>> No.1264444

jaqueline carey
anne bishop
mercedes lackey

>> No.1264452

Jhumpa Lahiri
Jean Rhys

>> No.1264489

'Journey into the Whirlwind' by Evgenia Ginzburg

>> No.1264491

>read books written by women

You poor soul.
Why do you put yourself through such tortures?

>> No.1264763

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.1264770

Elizabeth Kostava
Catheynne Valente
Cherie Priest
Caitlin Kiernan
Margaret Atwood
Patricia McKillip

>> No.1264876

Read Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. It's about dragons and Napoleon and ships of the line. IT'S COOL.

>> No.1264881

Get out. Now.

>> No.1264889

James Tiptree Jr.

>> No.1264916

Women can write now?

>> No.1264938

Oranges are the only fruit

>> No.1264963


>> No.1264967

>Jane Eyre
Get ready to learn about the "hardships" of a woman in upper class England.

>> No.1264983

Carole Maso: Defiance

Mary Gaitskill: Bad Behavior, Because They Wanted To, Two Girls Fat and Thin, Don't Cry

Lorrie Moore: Self-Help, Like Life, Birds of America, Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?, A Gate at the Stairs

Rachel Ingalls: Mrs Caliban, I See A Long Journey, Black Diamond, Something To Write Home About, The Pearlkillers

Joyce Carol Oates: Zombie; My Sister My Love; Sexy; Beasts; Demon and Other Tales; Black Water

>> No.1265020

>Only reading women writers is like being a vegetarian. You're missing out on so much, and you'll be looking like a faggot in the process.

Except someone can have a legitimate reason for being a vegetarian. If you want to read more books by women that's great, and more power to you, but this is just stupid.


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke
Packing for Mars - Mary Roach

>> No.1265025

>Jane Eyre

That book is fucking horrible. Don't read it, OP.

>> No.1265031

The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon

>> No.1265372

Got some new ones from this thread, good work so far everyone. Bump.

>> No.1266283


>> No.1266298
File: 24 KB, 314x495, Christine5x7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"She's Not There" by Jennifer Finney Boylan
"Crossing" by Deirdre McCloskey
"Conundrum" by Jan Morris
"Second Serve" by Renée Richards
"Mirror Image" by Nancy Hunt
"A Personal Autobiography" by Christine Jorgensen

>> No.1266329

My friend did this one year and said it was a very worthwhile and fun experiment. It's like vegetarianism in that there's no reason to give a fuck whether somebody else wants to do it unless you're an internet dork with permanent yellow pit stains on all your lighter-colored shirts who is prone to flying into irrational rages when other people do things with no impact on your life that Don't Seem Right to you.

"Female writers, lol...EXCEPT FOR MARY SHELLEY" might be the single worst commonly-seen way /lit/ards have of trying to affect an air of intellectual superiority and instead just taking a giant dump in their pants, by the way. It might as well just trigger an autoreplace of your post with "I'm 15 years old, I take SEVERAL honors classes, and I'd definitely be valedictorian if teachers weren't such faggots!!!"

>> No.1266365

Read the shit out of Middlemarch and To the Lighthouse for sure

Flannery O'Connor
Iris Murdoch
Hannah Arendt
Simone Weil
Emma Goldman
Alice Munro
bell hooks
Deb Olin Unferth, Vacation
Lorrie Moore, go for the big Collected Stories volume or Self-Help if you can't find that; avoid A Gate At The Stairs even if they have that nice display up at Barnes and Noble telling you to buy it
Zadie Smith (avoid The Autograph Man)
Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
Tove Jansson, The Summer Book. Or whatever, just read some fuckin Moomin books
Elizabeth Taylor (different Elizabeth Taylor)
Give Jane Austen an honest shot if you've ever thought "fuq dat my mom reads that shit"

>> No.1266405

2011 will be the year OP finally goes through with his suicide.

>> No.1266702

This is a terribly pointless exercise.
The value of literature does not depend on the downstairs mixup of it's author.

>> No.1266706

it just sounds like an interesting way to mainline some different perspectives

there are a dickload of great books out there, you can decide to narrow down your slate of coming attractions in any arbitrarily chosen way you like without suffering for it

>> No.1266710
File: 27 KB, 280x440, SteadManChildren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1266711
File: 162 KB, 1000x1224, wuthering-heights-olivier-oberon-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl-F wuthering heights
>0 results

Shit, Tyrone, get it together!

>> No.1266713

Oh hell yeah

And I always knew Franzen came to 4chan for all his triple-dickgirl unbirth manga needs, how's it going bro

>> No.1266717


you might wanna try that ctrl+f again . . .

>> No.1266754
File: 10 KB, 241x291, George Eliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jane Austen [Everything]
George Eliot [Everything - notably, Daniel Deronda and Middlemarch]
Anne Brontë [The Tenant of Wildfell Hall]
Charlotte Brontë [Villette, Jane Eyre, her poem "life" (easily found online)]
Emily Brontë [Wuthering Heights]
There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor's Baby: Scary Fairy Tales by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
Virginia Woolf [Everything]
Elif Shafak [Everything except The Gaze]
Amy Tan [Everything]

Gulag by Anne Applebaum
The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s by Sheila Fitzpatrick
The Memoirs of Catherine the Great by Catherine II Romanov

>> No.1266769

Anything by Tricia Sullivan, but especially Maul, Double Vision, and Sound Mind.

>> No.1266788
File: 42 KB, 323x480, carter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angela Carter's 'Nights at the Circus,' or her short story collection of folk tales re-written to expose their latent misogyny, 'The Bloody Chamber.' Carter is basically Nabokov, if Nabokov didn't kid himself about there being no ideology behind his work. Her prose is rich and incredibly referential; you could take nearly any paragraph from one of her works and read much further into it than what the language portrays on the surface.

>> No.1266840

Seconding this. Carter is a legend.

>> No.1267354

Just to add some more:

Helena Blavatsky (wrote some bizarre horror tales)
Banana Yoshimoto (yes, she signs her works as "Banana")

>> No.1267362

i can't believe i've never heard of this lady before, thanks for the rec. sounds right up my alley