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12903252 No.12903252 [Reply] [Original]

>reading wikipedia page or biography of famous smart person
>"His parents forbade him from watching tv."
>"The entire family read books at the dinner table."
>"There were always books all over the house."


>> No.12903272

Bill Gates doesn't let his children have smartphones. Technology is prole control.

>> No.12903276

But your mum gay

>> No.12903280

So is weed and public schools. This is why rich people are so much better and smarter.

>> No.12903294
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>people watch tv or play games to escape their problems
>drop any form of entertainment in my life, fell in love with the boring stuff
>turns out the problems aren't even half as bad as they seemed to be

>> No.12903295
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Christ has wiped the slate clean my friend.
Go and sin no more. You will come to see the beauty of your situation.

>> No.12903314

If it at all helps my dad threw the TV out the window when he was drunk and fighting with my mom while I was 6 or so and staying at my grandma's, didn't get another one during my childhood
House covered in books we read all the time, both alone and together
I'm still a total fucking retard and just sort of feel like I missed out on Spongebob

>> No.12903331

Loads of rich people send their kids to public schools. They just have good ones in their neighborhood.

>> No.12903787

Don't worry, 99% of parents are retarded; this is actually how they became parents too.

>> No.12904048

>"His parents forbade him from watching tv."
>"The entire family read books at the dinner table."
No but we didn't watch TV either, we ate our dinner and talked to each other, TV dinners are degenerate. Everyone in my family does read though.
>"There were always books all over the house."
If this wasn't true for you you'll never make it, I can't imagine a house with no books. I'm sorry for you.

>> No.12904076

>sort of feel like I missed out on Spongebob
You didn't

>> No.12904083

What are u doing here then?

>> No.12904898

>not learning to read as a toddler reading books by yourself
never gonna make it

>> No.12904933


>> No.12906069

>he didnt have the Illiad and Odyssey narrated to him by his father while in his mother's womb
>he wasnt born litterate
>he didnt write his first poem at age two
Never gonna make it.

>> No.12906093


>> No.12906102

>he hadn't mastered Attic Greek before 5
just give up

>> No.12906136

best thing my mother ever did for me was try as hard as possible to block me from screens. warned me every day about how dangerous they were and this was back in the mid-2000s when smart phones and laptops hadn't yet become ubiquitous, especially among youth (within 10 years EVERYONE had one in public high schools). didn't put up with any of my bullshit and severely limited my time with phones/video-games/tv.

didn't let me watch spongebob or any of the rest of that mind-dulling crap. we had a shitty old TV but watched high quality shows and movies on it. forced me to read and study. when i finally got a smart phone she only let me use it at certain times of the day.

i was pissed off, not really because of not having screens but because i thought that she was treating me like i was more immature than i was.

lo and behold 15 or so years later and i am grateful every day that i am least aware of the extremely pernicious nature of electronics, screens, technology, social media, the internet, etc.

my generation (older zoomers) lived through one of the greatest and most harmful generational shifts in human history. barring at massive collapse, it doesn't seem like it can be reversed. smart phones will just get cheaper and cheaper (they are already universal at all ages) and more and more invasive.

1984 is really here, and it's because of lies, deceit, and irresponsibility by our braindead rulers, rather than (necessarily) by some kind of dystopian government.

every day i get more and more pissed off at the fact that our rulers couldn't even be intelligent or decent enough to get on the same level as my mom

as soon as im able to ill quit the internet forever but for now it's not a possibility for me

>> No.12906152

>If it at all helps my dad threw the TV out the window
weird, my dad threw the TV out of the window too

>> No.12906159

be careful of reverse correlation anon.
There was a famous study once that found that children who overperformed in school tended to come from households with lots of books.
Queue parents of underachieving kids filling their house with books, to little success.
The truth was that parents who read were more likely to be smarter, which meant they were more likely to have smart children.

Essentially having lots of books in your house became a cargo cult mentality.

Taleb calls it the 'swimmers body illusion', after he tried to get the well defined, top heavy swimmers physique by taking up swimming.

His folly was that it was those who already had that physique who were likely to excel at swimming, rather than gaining in by the act of swimming.

Don't fall into that trap anon. Do not confuse the aethetics of widsom with process of gaining it.

>> No.12906162

Because smart people know that TV is a tool to control dumb cattle.

>> No.12906177

good post
brainlet take

>> No.12906180

Fuck you TV selling jew, fuck YOU.

>> No.12906185

This. Another big thing is smart people will talk about 'deeper' stuff at the dinner table. Not the latest gossip of the town, or run-off-the-mill "how was work today, honey?" stuff. Maybe some politics, maybe some discussions on art, etc. Kids pick up on this as well. I remember a study that said something akin to children of smart parents growing up with 20x the vocabulary of children of average or dumb parents. Or it could be rich and poor parents, I don't remember.

>> No.12906216

You’re worried about books? Here is my advice: never EVER let your children near the liquid sugar jew. Processed foods aswell for that matter. I know from experience, anons.

>> No.12906239


low-iq brainlets. yes, there are clearly ppl who are born with capabilities that others lack. doesn't mean environment and education don't make a huge difference. just look at college newspapers from 50 years ago compared to now. yes, more retarded people are entering colleges, but it's also a matter of an education system that has degenerated at all levels, even (and especially) among what were once the 'elites'

>> No.12906249

lmfao laziness ruins you cuck

>> No.12906366

all food is poison
imagine if you will you actually had required knowledge, opportunity and capital to go live out on a secluded farm
where the fuck would you actually get uncontaminated seedlings? chicken that are actual animals, not roided up clone freaks that practically vomit growth hormones?
it's fucking done, unless you have access to a time machine you are fucked

also remember that you can never 100% control your child, you got relatives, school, children their age and so on - impossible to shield all negative influence
if you did somehow manage to look your kid up and monitor it at all times it would turn out fucked in the head too

>> No.12906398

true take the black pill. humanity as a positive force is finished. thanks boomers. the 20th century literally destroyed everything positive humanity had been striving towards

>> No.12906785

>tfw never any books in house as a kid, wasn't even allowed to go outside either because crime filled slum
>only started to educate myself in last year of university
>stunted at least 5 years behind where I should be because parents are fucking drug addict ghetto dwellers (white)
>somehow born with a really high IQ despite that, thank god, freak of nature
Given the deck I had to draw from, I won the genetic lottery somehow. Good looks, decent health, and high IQ. If only I didn't have the childhood of an abused negro, man. Waste of potential but oh well. After a few years of intense self education you can be smarter than 99.5% of people in this country, anyway.
Could have been worse. At least I was never raped.

>> No.12906812


>After a few years of intense self education you can be smarter than 99.5% of people in this country, anyway.

True. The standard is so low that it's easy so long as you're self-motivated. Remember to pass on your good genetics by marrying a high-iq qt and fostering the potential in your children as it was never fostered in you.

I was raised by a father that was incredibly dedicated to my education, my learning, etc. Read to me all the time, forced me to read even when I didn't want to, instilled in me a sense of beauty and truth, etc, and then out of the blue he died and I was left with a family that was completely brainwashed by bourgeoise consumerist crap and had no sense of discipline, self-improvement, etc. I was fucked up for a few years but luckily I was able to find discipline in myself and I am dedicating my life to ensure that other intelligent people are able to find some freedom from the degenerate dehumanizing nature of the society we were born in.

>> No.12906828

>reading wikipedia page or biography of famous smart person
>he comes from a family of brilliant people. Physicists, engineers, doctors etc


>> No.12906856

What happens when the son is completely feminised by a mother and then when people are mean to him (unable to be mean back) they stop him from learning

>> No.12906863

Since no one else asked, I guess I'll go for it.

Give us some fucking examples.

>> No.12906870

he either motivates himself to become stronger or, if he does not find a father figure (out of his control), withers away and becomes either a beta male or a poltard

>> No.12906886

>reading biography of famous writer
>his father tried to stop him being a writer
every time

>> No.12906890

Well, if you have a lot of books you're supposed to read a lot. Who buys books just to display them?

Oh, I forgot where am I.

>> No.12906922

What bills kids are like 30 years old

>> No.12906995

>grew up in a low-to-middle class family with parents of average intelligence
>they still went through the trouble of having me attend French classes starting from age 5
>dad taught me whatever mathematics he knew (the basic stuff) so I could get a head start
>dad basically forced me into the chess club starting at 8 but I liked it
>got me an amateurish telescope and got me interested in astronomy
There is a middle way, Anons.

>> No.12907028

are you a famous smart person?

>> No.12907033

This should end the discussion.

>> No.12907039

Oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.12907052

great point

>> No.12907058

wasn't all this sort of implied in the OP though?

>> No.12907127


cringeworthy and bluepilled SHOWS OVER FOLKS GO THE FUCK HOME

>> No.12907148

No but I am the first PhD student in my family. It's all about upward mobility. Hopefully my children will be even smarter than me. That's what I intend anyway

>> No.12907153

>Research any notable European thinker, writer, etc.
>"His father was a lawyer from an aristocratic family and his mother was an artist"
>Research any notable American
>"He was born in New York City to Ashkenazim migrants from eastern Europe"

>> No.12907155

>where the fuck would you actually get uncontaminated seedlings? chicken that are actual animals, not roided up clone freaks
Seed banks and reputable breeders. Most of those were set up long before you were born to protect stock from modernisation. You probably live in America or a developing nation if you don't know about these things. It would explain why you also believe
>you can never 100% control your child,
If you are American middle class and probably white. You can never control your child because you are a fucking child who is easily distracted and lacking discipline. Same reason you can't farm.

>> No.12907204

the american dream

>> No.12907211


>research any STEM supergenius
>"His father was a Philosophy lecturer and his mother was a home maker."

>> No.12907231

humans as a species are ignorant it's not necessarily the boomers' fault. if it had all been delayed a few decades the zoomers would be creating all kinds of stuff that screws up the next generation. that's how it's always been

>> No.12907251

>read Harvard Crimson
>it's good
>read old Harvard Crimson
>it's also good
Don't get me started on state school papers though. Those have always been trash.

>> No.12907291

>read old Harvard Crimson
>it's also good

lol nah. that's like saying the New York Times or the New Yorker are quality reading. just because they used to be prestigious doesn't mean that it's worth jackshit, especially in our time.

and state schools and their newspapers haven't always been trash. they were actually pretty good up until the 90s. i visited my sister at Mizzou and read one of the newspapers from the 60s and it was better written than any of the modern 'journalism' pumped out today. now they're complete garbage. maybe 1% of students attending those schools should be at a university.

>> No.12907330

So you've never read the Crimson then. It focuses pretty tightly on issues within the school and immediate surroundings and does a good job at it. I get the feeling you're just saying this as a proxy attack on legacy media when they're not the same thing at all.

>> No.12907459

>Parents encouraged reading, had small but quality personal library
>Refused to buy "trash" children's and YA books
>Went to see an opera every couple years
>Active in local Shakespearean troupe
>Dinner was at a set table with no television and a summary of your day
>Lived in backwoods so no cable
>Only dialup until 2010
>Only allowed a half hour daily on computer as child, measured with timer and threat of whoopin
>Did not get a smart phone until senior year of high school
>Still have ADHD, experiment with drugs, and struggled with entire school career until college
Granted, I went to a dismal redneck school that had a required class of military propaganda. I do think a lot of cartoons and internet fuck with kid's heads, even as an adult people constantly frame everything through these. Though maybe I don't like it because I never saw those and only get the references because they're repeated constantly. You can go the opposite way with this, people who were forced into "culture" and a strict schedule are stunted and can hardly take care of themselves. I think sheltering kids is worse than too much media though. Children who were never told about how the household functioned and never knew or thought about serious problems grow up to be the retarded adults I run into in college. Just be honest with your kids, they can handle much more than people think and need to grapple with real problems.
I do have generally good genes, though luckily I got the IQ without the violent alcoholism that seems to usually go along with it in my extended family. just regular alcoholism
>What are heritage breeds?
>Roided up chicks
You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.12907496

This, was homeschooled for years by highly-educated but fundamentalist parents and then went to a protestant school. I was an extreme academic achiever and accomplished athlete but still feel like simpleton next to my classmates at the Ivy League school I graduated from because their upbringing better equipped them to deal with the world as it is.

I'm sure /pol/ would have described me as nearly the ideal young white man and my classmates as degenerates raised by insufficiently "traditional" parents (because /pol/ doesn't know the difference between a tradition and a folkway) and yet my classmates are thriving and I still feel like an autistic hayseed when I'm not out in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12907497

did you also fuck your sister since you were in missouri?

>> No.12907538

are boomers the 'blackpilled zoomer' equivalent of jews

>> No.12907590



>> No.12907597

Does he let his grandkids have them?

>> No.12907660
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>> No.12907670



>> No.12907686

>Feel like an autistic hayseed
Damn, I still feel that way too. Despite all those things in my post I had a lot of freedom as a kid to go outside and do what I wanted, and genuinely enjoyed going to operas and the like. I think I'm well prepared for the real world because of this and I succeeded at work during my year off after high school, even turning down a management position to go to college. I'm already working enough to support myself while studying. Still, I feel like I'm not meant to be in the world and have trouble connecting with people. This could be part cultural divide and that my learning issues left me with an inferiority complex around my intelligence that I can't shake. I always thought I was retarded, but even after getting the results of my cognitive battery I decided I was still retarded because I'm not a genius like my great grandfather.
I can play the game, but I will always feel like I'm watching it from the outside. I don't know if other people can see that distance or not.

>> No.12907767

My father fucking raped me multiple times during my childhood yet here you are whining because your parents propped you in front of the tv to watch Fairly Odd Parents.

>> No.12907815

Hey Anon, I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that. You'll be happier if you learn to stop seeing any acknowledgement of a problem as a misery contest.

>> No.12907831

Hey Anon, i'm not sorry to hear that you dumb fucking nigger. Maybe you should stop crying like a little bitch and get the fuck over it dude lmao.
Sincerely - Pops.

>> No.12907877

Did you try counter raping him to take back control?

>> No.12907898

damn you are like the opposite of an incel

>> No.12907922

>not having your parents read the illiad to you in the maternity ward.
Tbh though it was because my mom was in college at the time and taking a Greek classics course.

>> No.12907967
File: 185 KB, 1200x803, BostonAthenaeum-openhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled. Between parents reading to you and time spent with the books by yourself you should be able to read competently at the age of three. If you can't you're never going to live up to the real verbal geniuses or even understand them.

I want to be clear that I am not trolling.