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/lit/ - Literature

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12928302 No.12928302 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read David Foster Wallace's novel Infinite Jest?
Please keep your answers short and succinct. Daveposting is optional but encouraged.

>> No.12928322

i've read like 50 pages. seemed pretty cool stuff, something an imaginative nerd would write, but not up to my english vocabulary levels.

>> No.12928329

And but so is himself black or is Avril?

>> No.12928330

No, why should I?

>> No.12928331


>> No.12928349
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>one digestive fuck-up and they took him off the Nardil

What a horrible decision.

>> No.12928503

i think himself is from what i gather

>> No.12928508

No, why should i?

>> No.12928619

I read it when I was 18 or 19 and I don't remember that much from it (25 now) other than that I generally liked it. I was a pretty big fan of DFW then, especially of Brief Interviews but haven't read anything by him in years. I am kind of interested to revisit his work since I have read so much more since then and his hype has (somewhat) slowed down.

>> No.12928681

Stop being a pleb and just read it.

>> No.12928736

So what the fuck is happening in the first chapter?Is the mold that hal ate some sort of natural DMZ?
Did JOI really kill himself or did someone kill him(Avril/Orin)?
Whats up with the half full liquor bottle near him?
What the fuck is up with Hal,Gately and John Wayne digging JOI's head?
Did Orin send out the Infinite jest cartridges?

>> No.12928746

The master was in his skull retard, but Orin already had it and was sending it to people who cucked his dad.

>> No.12928754

But if the master was in the skull,then how did Hal not see it when he walked in on his dad in pieces after his suicide

>> No.12928847

I stopped reading after the first page but it felt like I read the whole thing, so I tell people that I did.

>> No.12928851

It was a fake skull, his real one exploded

>> No.12928920

I had a lot of similar questions and found some answers. There's good reason to believe dude killed himself because of a specific infidelity, which is open to speculation. Likewise safe enough to say that Orin is the culprit. The digging is supposed to suggest that they all go looking for the master tape in the coffin together.

The whole mould DMZ thing has never been explained to my satisfaction. I just don't see any logically consistent pathway there.

>> No.12928954

So what was the deal with Hal in the first chapter?
Did he somehow got a taste of the infinite jest movie,is it just weed withdrawal(i've never really had any big effects after a month of not smoking personally).Since the dmz is missing i assume did it but he never says it in the book,but the other characters notice something is off.

>> No.12929400

I'm 81% of the way through the book.
You fuckers need to learn how to use spoilers.

>> No.12929416

the book is older than most of the posters here, spoiler tags aren't necessary

>> No.12929423

I don’t remember him making that face in the interview

>> No.12929429

I would have appreciated them.

>> No.12929448
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>> No.12929461
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Anyway, I’m currently reading it, haven’t picked it up in three weeks and last I checked I was at page 33, should I pick up or start over

>> No.12929479

Oh wow, I never realized it was Orin who sent the master to that medical attache

>> No.12929489

My interpretation is that someone put DMZ on Hal’s toothbrush or some shit causing him to freak out during his interview

>> No.12929884
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It's older than me by six days and I'm pretty sure I'm older than most posters these days
>ywn be underage b& on >2011 /lit/ again

>> No.12930019
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It was truly a most infinite jest of fate.

>> No.12930033
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honestly just finished the pale king a week ago after putting it off for a long time, felt like i was finally closing the door on old dave

hold me bros ;_;

>> No.12930053

I'm older than Infinite Jest by a year and two months, kiddos.

>yfn be 13 and discover /b/ through Encyclopedia Dramatica again

>> No.12930946

How do you figure?

>> No.12930982

I think it was weed withdrawal. That seems like stretching it, but I think that was it, and maybe some long overdue after effects of the mold, probably set off when he stopped being high all the time.

>> No.12931070

>underage 2011
Fucking christ, what year did it become. Where am I?

>> No.12931096

>keep your answers short and succinct
DFW should've taken that advice when writing this 1000 page piece of verbal diarrhea

>> No.12931097

why does hal get high in secret?

>> No.12931266


>> No.12931295

start over. that seizure scene is fucking awesome

>> No.12931313

Why would you enter a thread about a book right before you finish it?

>> No.12931337

>not "keep your answers brief and gender neutral"
you had one job

>> No.12931783

Cuz he likes it

>> No.12931876

he likes to feel like he's in control, but in unaggressive ways.
His character ark is about reconciling his programming and putting it to real use, i.e. not passively.

>> No.12931895
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Where was the master cartridge located? Orin didn't know right, who did? Underground tunnels beneath the facility? Will the AFR find it?

I want to know god damnit you can't end it like this

>> No.12931923

/lit/ is dead.

>> No.12932437
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>>yfn be 13 and discover /b/ through Encyclopedia Dramatica again
It all went downhill after that moment

>> No.12932590

It's implied that the master is in JOI's head and Orin dug it up(i think he found out from his dad's will or something)and sent it to people his mother fucked(like the atache) or critics of his movie.The sender address when the atache gets the IJ movie is from the same city Orin plays football in.
Since the year of the glad is listed as the last one and there is a super epic jet of theirs mentioned its implied that they will somehow end the Gentle administration.They have Orin locked up and then in the first chapter it's said that he is alive so he probably gave it to them so they will release him.