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13103126 No.13103126 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fed up with being mentally weak and unable to handle difficult situations without becoming a burden to everyone.So PLEASE recommend me some beginner books on stoicism or some important stoic philosopher that everyone needs to know.

>> No.13103146

have sex

>> No.13103149

have sex

>> No.13103154

Already done that.

>> No.13103162

Sniff Panties then have sex

>> No.13103179
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>> No.13103185
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>> No.13103187
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>> No.13103196
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>> No.13103236

Thnx for the suggestion

>> No.13103262

Wait, what ?

>> No.13103266

But on a serious note, stoicism, just start with Seneca

>> No.13103267
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You thought lol

OP, instead of trying to cope with suffering how about try turning toward love. Try being honest and vulnerable. Ur a pain in the ass cause you’re role playing. Ur like that guy at the gym screaming at the top of his lungs because he’s squatting 315 for one rep. It’s like, bro, chill the fuck out. Why not squat 225 for 10 reps. You’re stubborn and quite frankly boring. Like I said turn toward love, love yourself, flaws and all. Be 100% you. Then someone will find you worth loving. Your love will grow. And that’s the secret to life, it’s the abundance of love and justice, but the truth can’t grow in a field of lies. You can’t have one foot in and one foot out. You can’t pretend. And I’m sorry to tell you this, but there’s no way to “cope” with this. Even if you numbed urself totally, the mere appearance of happiness and success in others would make you a bitter and spiteful person.
Stop trying to cope and open yourself to the love and abundance of it all. You may feel suffering, I’m not invalidating your feelings, I’m just saying that if you did some soul searching you'd find that the burden you carry no one but yourself is forcing on you. If you have the use of your body, it’s on you to enrich your soul. No one is gonna do it for you. And what’s more, if you don’t cultivate this plot of land that’s yours and no one else’s, it’ll destroy you, and you will forever be a swamp in the map of the world, a haunted house on the block
Praying you feel love today and everyday anon

>> No.13103272

there's lots of wisdom in proverbs and many other books in the bible
> There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it
1 Corinthians 10:13

>> No.13103307

>I’m just saying that if you did some soul searching you'd find that the burden you carry no one but yourself is forcing on you
This is something I realized too. also think this is what makes people unhappy these days. People put pressure on themselves they cannot handle because of the internet. thats how you get middle class people complaining about and comparing themselves to tech billionaires.
The internet makes more people unsatisfied than anything else. without the internet the different parts of society would never even interact with each other, not getting to the point where some get dissatisfied because of the mere existence of others.

>> No.13103319

That's actually quite interesting,all my life I've been told that I should hide my emotions and to never show weakness,but never embrace love.

>> No.13103329

The Present Alone is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson (by Pierre Hadot)
Hadot was a scholar who wrote a lot on stoicism. He keeps insisting on how ancient philosophy was a way of life rather than a system. This book consists of interviews in which he explains very clearly a few traits of stoicism and how they're useful in your actual life.

>> No.13103336

Yea but see scapegoating (e.g. the internet) is another way of forfeiting your own power, and the motive is strictly to relieve yourself of the responsibility of it
Evil is real, but it can’t hold a candle to the abundance of Goodness that surrounds us

>> No.13103355

Thanks for the suggestion, I never thought that the holy bible would ever become helpful to me.

>> No.13103396

Learn the difference between sensitivity and sentimentality. Recognise your emotional landscape as a source of nourishment and self-knowledge, as a tool, and you'll be more balanced and masculine than people who fetishize bleakness and suffering, who flit between rigidity and outbursts and call it strength.

You can't opt out of feeling something. You can try and subjugate that feeling (and sometimes that is possible, necessary even), or you can accept it in a way that makes it a source of energy rather than a drain on it.

>> No.13103482
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Great post anon
100% agree

Not to derail the thread, but I’d just like to expand on sentimentality. There is definitely a side of coping that looks like sentimentality, ideality, wishful thinking, that is more about plastering the world in bright colors and ignoring earthly tones and darker hues. It’s limited for sure. But I see this as role playing, a posturing of sentimentality, not a genuine aspect of sentimentality. What I mean is that, really strong courageous people, as far as I have come to rea and learn about them, were always, not a little bit, but at heart, sentimental. I think of Jack Johnson, the negro boxer in the 1920s, who was literally a pimp, but was always caught listening to romantic music. Or Beethoven, who plummeted the depths of the human abyss, and yet what he found there, at bottom, was a yearning for beauty and love. Being sensitive is part of the struggle, and I think people think they can either ignore it, or pretend they know the dark night of the soul, and they have that false sentimentality of the the guy trying to sell your kids cereal. Sensitivity is important, but don’t make the mistake of thinking sentimentality is fake or weak or a sign of immaturity, because it really is the opposite. You look at the paintings of heaven, what are they but the thickest coats of sentimentality.