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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 510x448, canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13338204 No.13338204 [Reply] [Original]

have they ever written anything good?

>> No.13338212 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, 1560484439478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian here. Yes we have, you just need to pay more attention. Look up a list of Canadian authors and you'll be surprised.

>> No.13338227

holy fuck where do you live? if its southern Ontario ill put an axe in your skull and do this board a favor

>> No.13338230

Southern Ontario
Niagara to be more precise

>> No.13338236

Alice Munro won the Nobel but I hate her

>> No.13338240

Big, if true. I live in Western New York and Canadians from Southern Ontario are the biggest retards on the planet.

>> No.13338241

Figures. What’s it like living in that shithole?

>> No.13338248

Atwood. She predicted the rise of Drommpf

>> No.13338251

How do you hate Munro? Shes like Carver but good

>> No.13338254

I'm 40 minutes from Buffalo and 30 from Niagara falls, NY
It's for retired people and Chinese students

>> No.13338276

Oh shit you go to brock or something?

>> No.13338279

I live VERY close to it.

>> No.13338280

James de mille

>> No.13338291

You know what they say if you can walk and talk you can go to brock. You must fit right in

>> No.13338298

I know. It's not very prestigious.

>> No.13338968

Robertson Davies is pretty good. Northrop Frye is top tier in literary criticism. We can kind of claim Malcolm Lowry and Saul Bellow. Alice Munro as mentioned earlier is good for short stories. Not a fan of Yann Martel or Margaret Atwood, but they're big names you might want to look into.

Aside from those there are a number of good local colour writers like L.M. Montgomery, Stephen Leacock and Robert Service. Canadian literature isn't really up their with the greats, but it has some comfy stuff.

>> No.13338993
File: 23 KB, 310x499, GeneralsDieInBed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13339024

We're better at poetry. And we drip with morals like winter tapped maples. Our dicks are all spigots. We're like hard cocks on ssri's that never come, just pounding syrup and filling buckets. We don't like americans, but we sure do make their money sing with our welcomeness.
I almost bought that French book about you, and then I escaped the book store and went home and looked at my pile of unread books and sighed. I'm growing as a human being.

>> No.13339224

You're retarded if you live anywhere in New York west of Syracuse. We are all retarded though, you're right.

>> No.13339234

i once shat on a canadian flag and set it on fire and emailed the canadian government a picture of it. trudeau sent personally replied and thanked me for what he called a very inspiring art installation.

>> No.13339272

The Greeks were Canadian

>> No.13339656

Aeneas didn't settle in Italy he settled in Canada.

>> No.13339683

Want to fuk?

>> No.13339707
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 39A07230-F299-489A-8EE1-0B13EA2F5A01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reputation of your country is now being damaged by buttercrap

>> No.13339730
File: 36 KB, 728x421, australian shitposter in real life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry leafbro, my high opinion of canada has not changed one bit
regards, your sunburnt brother from the other side of the world

>> No.13339731


>> No.13339753
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>> No.13339756


>> No.13339777
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>> No.13339786

Presumably because she’s a woman.

>> No.13339805

Memeing aside I liked the madadam trilogy. Wouldn’t call it high art but it was fun fiction

>> No.13340090

My novelette desu

>> No.13340103

canadian William Henry Drummond wrote one of my favorite poems, "How Bateese Came Home"

>> No.13340143

Atwood is overrated. Alice Munro is much, much better.

>> No.13341413

leafs are to kiwis
aussies are to amerilards

>> No.13342006
File: 19 KB, 313x286, 1544912952038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also live in niagara
I'm so sorry everyone. I always thought they put something in the water here

>> No.13342041

Michael Ondaatje is pretty good. His earlier novels/poetry are much better than his more recent stuff.

>> No.13342343

I am writing a book based in Vancouver not only will it never be published but it will not even be good
It's about uni students willfully involving themselves in a shanghai money laundering scheme in a casino because they're bored

>> No.13342359

What town?

>> No.13343567

Fort Erie ;)

>> No.13344629

Based on a True Story by Norm MacDonald

>> No.13344833

Can I come visit? You seem cute, butterfly.

>> No.13345021

Greece had a Canadian ruling class.

>> No.13345207

Damn I'm close

>> No.13345242

we should meet up and have sex under the water fall

>> No.13345342
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1558571576361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grade 3 music / recorder teacher in Brampton wrote a book
Basket of Beethoven
Idk if it's good but it's Canadian

>> No.13345349

did anyone actually read that? is it good?

>> No.13345364

I live in Niagara, how much will you lads pay me to send butterfly over the falls

>> No.13345672

Al Purdy

>> No.13345695

sounds based anon keep at it

>> No.13345967

Hello fellow Bramptonian.

>> No.13346186

Those who look in /pol/ humor threads will always find a Canadian masterpiece:
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers