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13541449 No.13541449 [Reply] [Original]

Is the self something that has the thoughts, desires, and memories while remaining distinct from them, as Descartes believes? Or is the self merely the concatenation of its thoughts, desires, and memories, as David Hume suggests with his so-called bundle theory of the self?

>> No.13541451

there is no self at all, there are individual conscious moments that have an illusion of being merged

>> No.13541457

then what’s the trace that binds them? What’s the spine that keeps them erect?

>> No.13541461
File: 181 KB, 452x572, 1A053E58-CB43-4976-B6BD-62297E6C1F7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13541463

the structure of being is like a tree, and the leaves are conscious moments, but the tree unites with other trees, everything is ultimately the same tree, and you are only locally more united with the conscious moments that belong to your self than the conscious moments of the world beyond you

>> No.13541469
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The self is distinct from the mind; the self is composed of both mind and body, regardless of whatever gnostics or consciousness uploaders will tell you.

>> No.13541492

So you agree Hume?

>> No.13541502

What would stop someone from uploading a body along with their mind?

>> No.13541526

You wouldn't download a body

>> No.13541527
File: 67 KB, 850x400, schopenhauerhume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13541542

Sartre’s case i like.

The self (ego) is something out in the world. It’s something we discover. Like Kant puts, it is possible for the “i think” to accompany all of our thoughts. But does it? No, we often are in states of consciousness thag are distinct from us in the sense that we do not perceive ourselves in them. But we are always there regardless of whether we are perceived by ourselves or not. The existence of the self is something we take a logical substratum of our conscious experience. We are in the world in the same way a rock is. And we are experience ourselves in this way aswell, that is, from the outside.

>> No.13541548

If you don’t listen to music are you a brainlet? At first I thought it was the degeneracy but even classical music just hurts my ears. Despite this I always have one of the higher scores in iq threads. Also had the highest score in that word memory thread the other day.

>> No.13541556

It's more a sign that there is something wrong with your soul tbqh. You really dont like any music at all?

>> No.13541560

Very unusual but music only seems to have a very thin connection to anything functional so I wouldn't say it's worrying in any way.

>> No.13541567

go to bed Kyle, I'm on to you

>> No.13541574

I guess he’s right

>> No.13541590

Never liked it as much as other people, never understood the fascination with it, although I had songs I liked it was hard to cultivate an interest in just listening to music like people do and eventually I just stopped trying to listen to it.

Even if you’re probably tone deaf? I remember this experience as a kid trying to drum a beat to the instructions of this african drummer guy and he was frustrated because I wasn’t doing it right even though I thought I was.

>> No.13541597

>although I had songs I liked i
Ok so youre not actually an alien, just not that interested in music. That's fine m8

>> No.13541601

Some tiny percentage of people seem to naturally lack the sense of rhythm or pitch. If you're in that group it makes sense to not enjoy music. Maybe listen to something a little less conventional?


>> No.13541612

I always had trash rhythm. I could pick up song really quickly on the guitar but couldnt stay on beat to save my life.

My friends once forced me to play bass in a show they were doing because their bassist couldnt come and I literally ruined the songs it was hilarious to me, but the singer got mad at me, to which I told him 'you knew this, i told you beforehand'