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13593345 No.13593345 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Hindus worship the cow? What literature supports this practice?

>> No.13593349

The Spirit of the Cow by Harundamat Krishnukanathan is what you’re after I think

>> No.13593351
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>it's not real
why did you get my hopes up

>> No.13593354

The cow bringeth the milk

>> No.13593366
File: 48 KB, 548x960, E09F12A2-7F4F-4848-9AAF-D8BB60D62712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just felt like being an asshole.

In all seriousness, I’m aware of a few western books that idolise cows, I imagine a few of them draw from Hinduism at the very least. I hope you find what you’re looking for

>> No.13593367

I heard the cow represents life and fertility and is not killed on these grounds

>> No.13594040

Matthew Stockow "Cows"

>> No.13594065

plough animals and fertilizer? celts/iberians worshiped horses
80% lactose intolerance

>> No.13594073

lactose intolerance is a meme and actually most likely sibo.
The tests done for lactose intolerance produce false positives (in case of sibo)

>> No.13594076


>> No.13594090
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I prefer not to save animals from ignoring their state of racism and loneliness, because it is my first exchange in years

>> No.13594097

you fail at doing anything better than our other resident markov posters

>> No.13594103

I prefer to think of selfish sheeps, because cannot think of a reason besides a terrorist why you are not directing ths message to me or saying so long

>> No.13594123

take your meds anon

>> No.13594140

> What literature supports this practice?
How bout the whole Veda? You waste of space

>> No.13594142

damn schizo

>> No.13594148

Virility and cattle where the prized possessions of the Indo-Europeans.
I suggest reading the Greeks and Romans to really get it.

>> No.13594177

what literature supports sacrifice of animals?

>> No.13594194

the bible

>> No.13594198


>> No.13594211

>80% lactose intolerance
I would wager that is the case among the lower classes.

>> No.13594212
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Peter loves you he would never hurt only that he has seen you around for so long that he is a stranger but in certain way knows all your sins

>> No.13594415

>he thinks the vegetal oil sold at the store as "milk" actually came from a cow
Based retard
Also the Vedas, but only up to treta yuga. After that they only sanction murti puja (deity worship) and jaapa (chanting)

>> No.13594483

Why don't Muslims eat pork?

>> No.13594499

Because(according to sharia) he's a filthy animal. Same as rats and dogs. But the Vedas go a step further and say all meat eating is filthy. Not the animal but the act itself

>> No.13594504

It also giveth dung.
Read the Vedas. Cowdung is a natural antiseptic. Shit doesn't even smell bad, you've all been tricked by the illuminati propaganda

>> No.13594983

Do Muslims worship pigs and rats?

>> No.13595647

I've seen loads of Hindu eat chicken and lamb.

>> No.13595677
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#20190702 Listas 404 y 40 lideraron la victoria de Lacalle Pou en las elecciones internas - EL PAIS

>> No.13595682


>> No.13595692

cows are evil

>> No.13595703

It goes back to their caste, Brahmins and those that aspire to be born higher won't go near meat but Kshatriyas and lower don't mind. Kshatriyas in particular did meat so could fight. Whilst the castes might not exist now the moral ideals stemming from it are past down the generations.

>> No.13595738
File: 2.26 MB, 1236x1504, cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this page from "What Is Hinduism?"

Also, cows were important animals to the ancient aryans, as the primary pasture animals they provided milk for nourishment and for mixing with soma juice. They were representative of natural abundance and the earth itself was sometimes represented by a cow. It's quite an intuitive connection.

>> No.13595750

Did Roman and Germanic pagans also worship animals?

>> No.13595784

Why are Hindus so prone to gang rape? Doesn't this betray the very ideals of Hindu?

>> No.13595811

>Shit doesn't even smell bad

>> No.13595814

It doesn't. Smell it sometime

>> No.13595816

Hindus? You mean Indians?

>> No.13595824

Have you ever gazed into the eyes of a cow? Seen the cosmos swirl in its wet stare? All the galaxies, all of creation, all knowing?

>> No.13595832

Never see Muslim or Buddhist Indians doing that shit

>> No.13595855

Muslims don't eat pork because when Islam came to be, kitchen hygiene was nonexistent in most cities.
Pigs are very likely to have parasites in their flesh, so you always have to cook it well before consumption. For example, dogs can eat most raw flesh, but pork makes them sick.
So they dogmatised basic hygiene to avoid the spread of diseases in the population. Jews did the same with pork, also they don't eat shrimp and there are many other retarded criteria for many religions that are obsolete in today's world.

>> No.13595862


>> No.13595874

Aryan used to honor the cow for it's nourishing qualities, retarded Abos from India were vegetarians, so they decided to worship the cow and lick it's ass instead.

>> No.13595924

India has a comparable if not lower rape rate per capita than many western countries (most of South and Central America is way worse too) but because of its 1 billion+ population there are more very-bad cases that make international news. Also beause it doesn't have media restrictions and keep foreign journalists on a leash like China does so the news is never suppressed about them.

>> No.13596008

Pretty much this, the Indian media also focuses on stories about it similar to how America focuses excessively on race relations

>> No.13596016
File: 188 KB, 800x1067, Apsara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Indians love their milkies
>And their heads were covered with black curly hair, and their finger-nails were high and red; their hips were fat and round, and their breasts full and deep.
>The helpless and disappointed and sad queens also, with breasts full of milk, also came out suddenly to recover their child.
>"We are full of affection for thee and desirous of giving thee suck. Lo, the milk oozes from our breasts!" On hearing these words, the mighty Mahasena became desirous of sucking their breasts and he received them with due respect and acceded to their request.
>Out of love for me Radha’s breasts poured forth milk immediately. Out of love she cleaned up my excrement.

>> No.13596064
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Absolutely Based and Calcium-pilled

>> No.13596069

>he said something bad against my precious hydrogen breath test.

you moron do not even understand what modern medicine has become.
what else do you believe? that everything is genetic? gen polymorphism here, throw some gen defect in there, voila, we have a answer to every medical problem
myopic scientific retards.

>> No.13596093



>> No.13596492

Cowdung specifically doesn't have any smell after it dries. And if you -seriously- smear it over the walls, it'll refresh the room. Works best with mudwalls

>> No.13596569

She's expensive and keeps giving you milkies after mommy stops and also her poop makes your rice and beans grow and she helps plow the fields you plant them in. Just an all-around bro of an animal. Also one of the important gods has a bull as his vehicle/symbol and cattle are associated with other gods and stuff too. You gotta think like a pagan to understand pagans my man.

>80% lactose intolerance
Indians drink tons of milk and eat tons of yoghurt and ghee and all kinds of dairy products. India was one of two places that independently domesticated cattle and for one or two thousand years or so they've been primarily used for purposes other than meat.

>> No.13596667
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Did you guys know that there are fuzzy cows?

>> No.13596695

Kinda rude to call that Scotchman a cow innit?