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13731414 No.13731414 [Reply] [Original]

I started seriously reading about a year ago, spending 1-3 hours per day reading philosophy/history and stuff like that.

Lately I’ve been wondering if I’m deluding myself into thinking this is productive? At first it was good because the philosophy sort of turned sentiments that I held upside down and I started re-thinking the way I view women/religion/politics/life/death ect., but now I feel like I’m just slogging through abstract ideas and engaging in mental masturbation for entertainment

Has anyone ever just stopped reading because they found it to be unproductive escapism?

>> No.13731449

I dislike the physiognomy of that wretched individual holding the book as pictured.

>> No.13731479

always make sure you can find connections to your everyday life (thus making it meaningful) while also making sure you don't become literally addicted (thus escaping escapism). this is reading rule number 1, and breaking it leads to nihilism in the first scenario and/or NEETism in the second scenario

>> No.13731495

nothing is productive because everything that is produced will inevitably be destroyed. if you believe in an afterlife, then i have good news, knowledge is worth the time. if there's no afterlife, then why bother doing anything.

>> No.13731511

>everything that is created is destroyed
dwa fucking vwa, that's the same as saying that everything that is born eventually dies. the true redpill is realizing that destruction is a kind of creation

>> No.13731529

if destruction is creation, will you witness that creation? if you don't witness it, then is it really there?

>> No.13731538

Why do I want to beat him within an inch of his life?

>> No.13731545

Because he's Israeli?

>> No.13731547

if you're hinting at solipsism, congratulations, you are beyond help
>will you witness that creation?
yes, until I die. I can witness the destruction of animals for the creation of food, the destruction of buildings for the creation of space, the destruction of other humans for the creation of corpses. remember that the law of conservation of matter isn't just science

>> No.13731572

destruction is the ultimate process of the universe. heat is eventually distributed equally everywhere and so will matter. the difference between the sun and small bits of heat everywhere equally and a human and a corpse is one is meaningful and one is not. the universe is constantly regressing until all resemblance of meaning is dessimated. we as humans are split from each other, and in turn alienized from one another. creation only exists when there is no time to change. when there is, everything is split, even the mind and its ideas. if this is what you call creation, then nothing in turn is something.

>> No.13731581

uniformity is closer to nothing than unity

>> No.13731582

>nothing in turn is something
if you've said this unironically, you're redpilled
if you've said this ironically, you're not there yet

>> No.13731865

name something that isn't unproductive escapism

>> No.13732598

Our brain is a sponge. Our self is a tool to spend time with. What information we use to guide ourself to spend that time and what we do with that time is completely up to us. reading and doing are one of the same. They can be as useless and usefull as we make them.

>> No.13732614

You sound like a boomer retard that only values money, social status and pussy, hang urself

>> No.13732618

Maybe if you've read some more decent books you'd know that no medium is inherently bad, only ever conditionally so.

>> No.13732772

>inherently bad
obviously i didn't imply this
a profitable skill
the importance of profit is an eternal value, that's biblical you filthy millennial hippie
How is non-religious knowledge valuable for heaven?

>> No.13732792
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A profitable skill is escapism because the profit will not solve anything, you will still die. Unless you count that profit enabling you to have kids, who then can have profits so they have kids. The entropy gradient will fuck them all in the end.

>> No.13732799
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>the profit will not solve anything
>you will still die
people aren't trying to escape death with profit you absolute retard. You have to be 16

>> No.13732885

Hahahahahahahaahahahaha. "I am a big dumb faggot who poops in diapers while fat men pay me to watch". That's what you just said. See how retarded you sound? Hahahaha I suggest you go to the anime board or something, dumb dumb doober. You've already lost.

>> No.13732901

>Is film porn or propaganda
Your dichotomy is unhelpful.

>> No.13732904

Yes goy, keep producing for your capitalist masters! Recreation and joy are evil!

>> No.13732944

>"I am a big dumb faggot who poops in diapers while fat men pay me to watch".
while sucking cocks, yes

>> No.13733130

The heat death of the universe is the conclusion built upon a law of thermodynamics in a scientific model who's ultimate explanation for the existence of the universe in the first place is that this unbreakable rule was broken.
Actually think about that for a second, now consider the sheer impossibility of creatio ex nihilo. Nothing with a potential for something cannot ever be nothing, and since right now at this very second there is something that means there has always been something and there will always be something.