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/lit/ - Literature

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13742291 No.13742291 [Reply] [Original]

How do I approach a bookshop?

I only ever go in when I know what it is I want to buy. How do people go in and 'peruse' and then come out with a book they found that seemed interesting? How do people come to the conclusion that 'this book is definitely worth my money over all the other books here'? How do you judge the worth of a book you've never heard of and just picked up off the shelf?

>> No.13742310

there's really no hope for you anon

>> No.13742350

>Go to a bookstore
>Walk around without looking creepy
>Open some books here and there and give it a read
>If anyone asks, you're just looking around
I was just like you. Felt no motivation to do stuff without apparent purpose, like going out with friends or hiking, for example. Don't worry, and if it helps you can put earphones and listen to some music. This way it is less likely that you'll be bothered.

>> No.13742361
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It's not hard at all, and really fun and comfy if you find you like it. I always go in, and if there's a coffeeshop or bar, I get myself a coffee or beer. This will alleviate any fear you might have that you're unwelcome there, but moreso (my reason), it's maximum comfy to peruse the stacks with a tasty drink. Then I'll take a look at each section that I have interest in: literature, literary criticism, philosophy, poetry, plays, and occasionally history/biographies. I pretty much always have a couple of "Holy Grails" I'm looking for, that I'll buy as long is the price is acceptable. Outside of that, I look for authors I already like, topics I'm interested in (especially important in history and bios) or if I see a title mentioned by someone who's opinion I value. Enjoy your comfy browsing, anon.

>> No.13742365

It really does feel like I can't be anywhere unless I am doing it with a clear goal in mind. Worst part is I judge other people when I see them dithering. If I need to buy something from a shop, I go in, I get what I need, I pay, I leave. But I feel like maybe I am missing part of the experience of reading, I am missing out on discovery because the only books I read are ones I have been recommended or are critical darlings.

>> No.13742385

Try going to those thrift stores that sell used books, they are made for the sole purpose of searching for new and obscure stuff. You'll always find something interesting there.

>> No.13742391

eh, I only use them to strike up conversations with arthoes

>> No.13742395

You don't. Sometimes, you just end up with stuff that's not worth it. But if you don't try, you end up with nothing.

>> No.13742407
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>Walk into the bookstore
>Look for the shelfs that have your prefered genre's
>See if there is anything there that you have heard of from /lit/ or your faggot friends talk about
>See if it interests you, if you are willing to read it
>Consider the price
>Buy it
Wow dude you just went to the bookshop!