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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 183 KB, 926x1345, RobertFuddBewusstsein17Jh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13961764 No.13961764 [Reply] [Original]

Write for two minutes.

>> No.13961765

There he is.
Is it just him?
I'm here too.

You are always here.
What do you do?
Is that all?
Can you move?
Are you scared?
What's it like being you?
It's different than being you. I can't say.
I can know you're there.
I am.
I'm alone though.
Yes. I'm no company.
Are there any problems?

He was quite.

I don't think so.
I think I love you.
I love you.
Are you my father?
A friend.
What do I do?
I don't know.
Can you help me?
I don't think so.
You're not here.
It's just me.
Hello. I can see myself though, in a mirror i mean. I mean i can really see me. I'm there.

>> No.13961775 [DELETED] 

Hinestly this is a olace I come to often, a void of my own creation. Soending time here seems to be just a part of life at this point. Maybe it’s because I like to be alone, or maybe it’s simply because I am afraid to not be. Who really knows...

>> No.13961777

Falling away, resenting, not toward-to.
A song as red as time itself cracks like old parchment.
Bowling balls on slick wood and a turn of phrase uttered softly,
"Not just dimly, dimmer, not just haunting, ghastly"
Words echoing in the cavern I always carry around inside.
I wanted to speak to you for just a moment, yes it is something pressing.
If I could just hold you in place so I could tell you what I need to
But I don't know what it is I need to tell you, and now you are turning away

>> No.13961778

write write write. I don't know how to write. Can somebody help me wrtie. Beto O'rorik. out out out. Bad beto bad beto. Beto get the fuck out of town. Cause my mum said you're not that brown. Where did all the people go? Where did all my friends go? Stream of consciousness. I think I'm writing to slow. One thought at a time. My thoughts are so short. 1, 2, 3, 4. I don't think it's possible for me to have a long thought. Times up.

>> No.13961780

Shall i take a earing? I want to i want to scream fuck fuck fuck. I need to writes this book, why wont nobody fuck me.fuck me that deadlift workout at morning almost killed me 210 kilos for three reps thats some king to be shit

>> No.13961834

I saw this exact illustration while reading agrippa yesterday. Weird how I'm seeing it again on /lit/ of all places.

>> No.13961984

i liked it

>> No.13962058
File: 151 KB, 250x250, c12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two minutes,? No shit okay lets go. Why would these fools be interested in something so trival as these senseless scrawlings? Getting late here now. Thinking I might start getting undressed and tucked in. Hard day at the grind tomorrow. Ps, anon, your a shit stain and I hate you and will always hate to till the end of my days.

>> No.13962076

Dear anon. Good thread. Way to trigger the autistic creative tard in me who wants to share more than their fare share. Heres a minute long story: A man comes to realise he isn't in his home town and he doesn't know why. He attempts to discover what happened only to find out that he only invented the town as a way of coping with dealing with seeing his parents die in front of him in a car crash.

>> No.13962302

nigger nigger nigger some niggers ok okay nigger okay alright nigger okay /lit/ nigger niggerfaggot gay nigger in the bathroom okay okay okay

>> No.13962321

Sparrow on the mountain top, he seems a flop;

tadaadaa,tadaadaadaa, tada tada, tada tada.

Ooooooooooooooh ohhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh yeaaaaa, ooooooooooooooo ooooooooh oooooooooooooooooohhhhh okay, doopidoodoo, dudoopidooo, doodoo dadoo, doopidadoo, dundundundun...

Yes, yes yes yes. Mind dundundudndunduna Schopenaheur will r8k.

>> No.13962330

Yeesh, talk about ego insecurity.

>> No.13962342
File: 16 KB, 882x758, 1543970706781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13962347
File: 95 KB, 800x614, William Tell knocking over the boat on which governor Gessler crossed the lake of Lucerne - François-André Vincent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That eternal Will, that eternal suffering the struggle by the Void with which a desire by contradiction. It
is a nothingness by self contemplation but Will by experience. The animal's Will is weak and a beautiful
ever lasting simplicity of experience yet Man's not sated by life itself and yet it still yearns for this
animalistic experience through which there is no returning and through this yearning is birthed art, religion,
ideology, society, all that is apart from the necessity's of the Animal but a part of the necessity of Man.
The verility of the Wills children does not sway from whatever truth it be. Life for us is this, both an
individual and collective Will in which is born of imperfection yet is the Father of perfection. The aboriginal
man be closer to animal than the Nordic and so his Will is sated far easier by trivial and basic occurances,
he does not have the drive nor necessity for creation or greatness.

There is deep beauty in death and struggle, of all despairs counterparts not alone from reflection, comparison,
as the compensatory factor to joy and ease, nay from it's own identity it's own heart of independance in which
a great passion flows forth as many forms, the sacrifice, pure experience, causation of improvement ect. Yet
it remains unknown to me. Only as experience of purity and beauty do I know it, yet not its origination apart
from comparison. Perhaps it have no origination in itself and the same may be said for joy and it's counterparts.
Only can despair or joy be birthed together whether out of a nothingness of experience or a transcendental unity.

The possibility of self contemplation or the appearing void which originated consciousness. In other words did
the conscious mind and its understanding of oneself apart from environment and experience expand this void into
a hunger of which art and truth is the product or did such a void, a creative and generative urge appear as the
characteristic of a Man'a Soul and forced such consciousness, self contemplation. Can this Will be born from
accident, can this consciousness be born from despair, are they both causations and reciprocates to this
necessity of Truth.

How'd I do?

>> No.13962350

fuck my writing was identical to this

>> No.13962351

>A man comes to realise he isn't in his home town and he doesn't know why. He attempts to discover what happened only to find out that he only invented the town as a way of coping with dealing with seeing his parents die in front of him in a car crash.
It's not really a story, it's more a pamphlet.

>> No.13962376

need to become strong i feel weak, and also fuck - i wish people knew what a trolley was inside the quarter of a jellyfish my guytar looks black in the lighting of this room ah yes a merry go round of the blue lane turning ever green colors and shit nothing else really

>> No.13962406

>necessity's of the Animal

Otherwise it’s nice

>> No.13962496

The sensations I feel are separated from my sense of self by a thin pane of glass, making it difficult to locate the source of each sense or to connect them with myself. In the same way my sense of self is a bubble contained between that pane of glass and another pane which separates my identity from the awareness of itself, and which is further separated from awareness-in-itself, or the fundamental awareness from which originates all other awareness, lacking a name and being indescribable by language or thought-in-itself. All parts that make up myself, from sensation to awareness-in-itself, are aware in themselves of the presence of a supreme force, an awareness-in-awareness, which radiates upon all awareness and nonawareness, the description of which is impossible with language or thought or thought-in-itself but which is recognizable by all parts of awareness as supreme without being understood or comprehended, even by the highest awareness-in-itself. This is the presence of God, which is more real than I am.

>> No.13962536

write for two minutes about what, about how this darjeeling is delicious only whenever it hasn't been scorched, or how i woke up hearing some older woman's voice, singing, "because now you're a man", after dreaming of spiders, perhaps i i don't recall now, i know it must be something to do with my mind sorting things in my sleep, forming scenarios best to learn by, this cup isn't actually filled with darjeeling, but how low the temp was, it brought out the flavor of it, just some twinings irish, probably a blend with darjeeling in it, it just reminds me of the darjeeling and how fruity it can become when it's not so damn hot, why the trend for boiling our tea, we're such fools, at least i am, it's not even drinkable anyway for so long, why bother scorching it to death and then my mouth, it's so much better this way, and yet still sometimes i am too impatient and just want my morning tea i think that's at least two minutes.

>> No.13962557
File: 229 KB, 936x720, 1568394544446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleuze and Guattari are like the Mario bros of philosophy in the sense that they offer a tangential unbiased source of thinking that challenges our conception of ontology which can be translated as metaphysics as an act of love that permeates every surface it comes in contact with. Of course this frame of thought is considered unorthodox and this caused problems in Deleuzes personal life. For example in 2005 when he appeared as a ghost in Jimmy Falloons Show he survived an assassination attempt from Cuban police which gave him extreme mental disorders

>> No.13962566

I should get off 4chan, stop listening to Russian music, have a bath and study. I'm wasting my vacation so far and it feels terrible. You ought to stop. You had a good time writing and now you should study. You'll stop feeling guilty and anxious.
What's the date? What's the day? I have no clue. A vague notion perhaps, but that's about it. I ought to get out of this house, live someplace else, find a home. Be with other people, in other words. I don't like this home, these people. I long for human interaction which doesn't begin and end in indifference.

>> No.13962576

oogaboogga nigger
wwhy ? can we suckeed
I dunno 3
how about you
on amazon prime
moving pretty fast bucko slow down
no I'm captain America
noy a schizo monkgang monkgang monkgang
nonce something informant
faggot ok I'm done, fuck jannies

>> No.13962579

This is beautiful. It's lovely.
*He was quiet.

>> No.13962588


>> No.13962598

i dont know man everyday everytime all in my mind is you are never gonna be happy while not being independent but i cannit visualize a world where i am happy there is no future im in despair what can i do im trying but everything saps me it feels like shit why did i have to be born under such circumstances why couldnt i be born like all of my friends who have stable and wealthy families while im in the mud why did it have to be like that and hear me out i dont go whining to other people because thats on me thats my problem but here isn a second of my life that this is not bugging my brain

>> No.13962652

These hands. They won't know what you feel like now. Before it was good, it was familiar. You were soft and warm and something beautiful. You've probably changed so much and I won't recognise and it's scary to me. Would I even see your face as it was? I want to know but i want to run away from the thought. From the possibility. I hate that you do this to me. The softness is all fading away through my hands and I try to grip and hold but it's too late, i'm clumsy and tripping and the past and the memories are laughing at me. How would it feel to catch up with the past and make it come back. These hands want to know. they want to remember. to touch and remember.

>> No.13962667

Hahaha I was younger since but yet now I seem older. Its good to have comrades who are somewhat younger than oneself as you can pass wisdom to them. A girl with a large rear just walked by me. I know her she is the sister of someone I know. Her sister is a bit annoying oh whoops a fly. I read somewhere that a fly gave us the first mapped genome. My 2 mins is coming to an end I hope you all have a pleasant day.

>> No.13962776

There it issssss i made ittt i made that poopy bwhahahahahahaha
I kick retarded men in the head. Why? It's funny. LOL!
shit shit shit awwwww fuck oh shieeeet nigguh dis some good-ass chicken
Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? *spreads buttcheeks and farts in your face*
*epically shreds guitar, total win style*
*fucks your gf*
*slaps your dick and kicks your balls*

>> No.13962791

Waking up from the noose made me loose in the head; erratic, not free. Others heh. Ha ha ha.
I'll do what I do, my heart hurts. I hear I am nuts, yet I don't even eat them. So how can that be? I even left out Hollywood.

>> No.13962792

this is nice,
phoneposting and all,
here I am sitting on the shitter,
shitting myself anonymously,

I should get back to work,
exchanging with you was enough distraction for now,
bye bye

>> No.13962808

Sat on my phone having a shit on 4chan lit oh god it won't come out okay short breather I'll try again in a minute writing takes more brainpower than I thought might not have enough to concentrate on the shit okay trying again with a big push idk why my shits are like this they've been really weird recently might have something wrong maybe should go to the doctor but it's kinda embaressing like I'm gonna say doctor my shits either won't come out at all or slide right out as soon as I sit down he'd be like ok dude whatever go home and yeah 2 minutes up

>> No.13962827
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1566249226367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigger smell and the nigger stank, the odious odor of a nigger doth rank odious indeed, under the nostrils of the lay-folk. I reckon it is true what they say: "Fuck niggers and fuck jews." Indubitably so.

>> No.13962846

An angel came to visit me last night, not that I was expecting anything. Over beeps of the monitors and the hospital she appeared to me last night after everyone else had gone, and all their tears had been dropped for the day. She was the only smile I’d seen all week.

They keep saying I'll be ok, but that’s not what the doctors are saying. I should have never gotten in that car. Never made that decision, never done this, and put my family through all that pain. The angel told me to let go, and I think I will. It’s too late for me undo my mistakes. I belong with her now. Goodbye, Mom.

>> No.13962876

I'm fucking bored and I have nothing to say. I'm also kinda hungry as I woke up 3 hours ago and still haven't had breakfast. Life sucks until it doesn't and then it sucks some more. Jesus fuck I have to keep this going another minute. Nah I think I'll stop. Yea that sounds good. A mindfulness exercise. I'll keep quiet now for realsies. Fuck too late, fuck fuck.

>> No.13962902

very good

>> No.13962933

I’m so tired.
I know.
I’m not sure.
Why can’t you do anything?
I can only do what you tell me.
Do something, anything.
I can’t.
Why can’t you do anything?
I can only do what you tell me.
Do something.
I can’t.
Why not?
I can only do what you tell me.
I’m telling you to do something.
I am.
What are you doing?
I’m here.
What does that mean?
I’m not sure.
Why aren’t you sure?
I’m not sure.
I’m tired of you.
I know.

>> No.13963158


>> No.13963231

I like to spend my time in the cellar in my apartment. I open the door and slide like rubber down steps that steps sounds like singing. Apartment door to cellar floor, easy-peasy. 2 Keys, hope they aren't needed soon because they are resting like birds in a nest inside my pocket. One door, into the hole, the key goes, CLICK. Comforting sound, slow shimmying until the mechanism cracks like a bird fallen out of the nest being made dog dinner. One more door, the conductor shouts:
. Not as satisfying as the first door, because of the lack of tension. Silent. Im always noticing my sweat that secreted out of me like a defensive mechanism of some bygone african bullfrog. Coating itself in disgust to remove the possibilty of approachal. If one of my bunk buddies/apartmentals would throw a glance from their wall hole and see me, they would surely know that i do not ride a bike. Never have they seen me on a bike, and he is up-to-no-good-looking. Some privacy please. Always think of them, never seen em. Anyway, disregarding my circular thought patterns like the ring of saturn sped up and sliced the planet in half only to race down other celestial bodies for a fun game of tag, bag, rag, fag. I need a fag, gotta smoke a fag. I love to smoke cigarettes down here, mom always complains when i smoke cigarettes up there in middleclass heaven. Mom is sick again, always starts to complain when she is sick.

>> No.13963580
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 1527342154776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


darkness above, red growing dim
a songbird that sings only of pain
silent as my final act of
defiance colors drops of my rain

the time has come to make it stop,
I cock the gun and close the seams
outside, the red river turns black
as it sets, the sun of our dreams

>> No.13963604

humans cluster together in the center of the reality that they share, in doing so they attain warmth, security, and the possible of ascent by climbing on the shoulders of the meeker specimens. With time and effort one may make a mountain of the meek and climb to its summit. But this clustering behavior, though it seems to be the default, is not mandatory, and there are always people who evade the cluster and choose instead to climb the reality's naturally occurring mountains instead of the flesh mountains. Those natural mountains, though cold and unfriendly, are higher.

>> No.13963613

okay 2 minute timer started
this day was pretty good i'm honestly climbing up in life
uhh yeah pretty decent day so far i hopep you guys have had a nice day too
Bright sun dancing on us sure sounds good but it doesn't always shine
Maybe for you it is very rainy but trust me it will subside
The storm may last for your entire life
But you're not living your entire life
I hope the sun shines on your skin soon, lads

>> No.13963615
File: 44 KB, 500x376, the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13963623


Darkened king darkened king master of the herald of grey sitting quietly on a sunlit day.
Children hungry dauntless unlovable filth showers of unwanted lust make them up, are hey truly stout or pained or are they dumb

making making make building building build like the sweat of a worker too tired too see, his hope is in darkness his hope is in pleasure not you, not man not the king thats not concerned, working farceley broken backed mule of shameless guilty clamoring in the holding of a few.

controlling the yearning for emptiness old juxpedision tiredness and new where is the shadows of the king when the king is the shadow of conciseness.

is leaving leaves left loose lose lossed in a broken forward /end/

just seems like incoherent rambling

>> No.13963688

alright lets write for 2 minutes straight. i feel even more conflicted than before. uni has been giving me a sense of purpose finally, but it's still very wispy and vague, like it would fall apart at every moment. somewhere i still feel like that incompetent good for nothing loser who cant even find his way to the nearest bus station without almost calling mommy. how tf am i supposed to study doorstoppers of history and create a trustworthy scientific output that'll make me respected within the academic circle, alright thats all

>> No.13963756
File: 12 KB, 147x168, skull1 talking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time has started and is limited. There is no possibilty of me succeeding with adressing the issues within the current global social-economical state, let alone provide an answer to any of these unnamed problems.

However it is healthy to direct a mind into pondering the aforementioned as the only way to get past an obstacle is to start...

[time was up here]

... Dividing it into it's component pieces and solving it step by step for hope of a peaceful utopian Earth that strives towards technological and social progress.

>> No.13963834
File: 115 KB, 375x500, 4d58iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cut of ham do I like? Really need to nail it down. Describe it. I just don't know what to call it yet. How could one get so far without knowing how to describe its texture? Ripe sinewy filaments? I usually wait and hope to happen upon it.

I do not care for this temperamental weather. A fitful, vindictive torrent that will not be placated. It hammers away at the glass as if it knows I'm speaking of it.

>> No.13963920

Pretty cool but I dont like teh mandate, not going to adjust much in my head besides trying to somehwat make it clear what Im thinking no longer watch the words type just watch tthe fingers work and see how they move and push on thge buttonds, probably actually less accurate, i think im still not writing exactly whats in my head, too fast to type it out, seven septillion workings happening in a fraction of a second how could anything so clunky sd fingers suffice, I wonder if the poster will read anythign or if it was just somekind of boredom, is this just boredom>?i have to go to the museum and look at the curator project thing then write about grief and loss, and im procrastinating. fuck. okay, thats probably two mintues.

>> No.13963930

hey bro i like this, i hope you have a good day!

>> No.13963959

In what world am I? There's every bit as much pain in this as the next. Where does it come from? How could this matter?
Too many people. Too many to know, too many to care. For what purpose anyway? I owe them nothing. That's your trolley problem.
I've started wearing cologne. It smells earthy, but I'm not. It's another thing I buy for others. Here you go. Take this, from me, stranger.
I can't hear anything. The cold of bathroom tiles. Suck the air from the room. There's no air here, just scents, just aroma.

>> No.13964014

I wish Hinduism was real, I love Kali Maa and want to lose myself in devotion and have precepts to base my life around. But whenever I research deeper into it, I can see it's a messy, human-man system. This isn't an invitation for Christians to try and convert me, your tradition is just as human, I've looked into it too. I'm sorry if I upset anyone with this, it's just what I can gather so far.

>> No.13964036

Niggas be like finna boutta get dabbed on lol. Anyway i was thinking about liberals yesterday, whats the deal with that? I mean like why though. Suppose to each his own. Your mother once asked of me to take her groceries from her van into your house and i did so. She was impressed by how much i could lift. At the time i thought you had the power position on me because you sat inside while i worked. Now however i see that it was actually me who had the power position on you, as your mother was salivating at me. Anyway thank you for reading this /lit/ post, be sure to like, leave a (you), and subscribe for more shitposts. FUCK NIGGERS 1488

>> No.13964054
File: 68 KB, 450x405, 1570489019687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you as well mate

>> No.13964068

I'm not a robot or anything, I'm fine, I don't hate women, yeah I'm a KHV but the other areas of my life are going okay, I get that I'm an ugly autist, it's alright, I don't need anything, if I tell anyone I want someone in my life they'll laugh anyway, I wanna qt smol long haired girl to cuddle with but my imagination of intimate relationships is probably far off the mark and I have nothing to offer anyways, I'm just going to waste another day watching weeb crap and probably crying in the shower again.

>> No.13964070

The temperature feels like nothing outside
No heat, no wind, no clouds, not a single bird chirp.
It's silent and dead.
A leaf fell.
Brown a with a fat caterpillar gnawing at rotted content.
What a dope.
Why'd he pick that leaf, now he's going to be forced to climb the tree all over again.
And he will, at his own due time.
I like him.
I wonder if that's how he likes his leaves.
Crunchy and old.
How dangerous, since they'd fall like that.
He seems alright.
It still feels like nothing.

>> No.13964076

I'm listening to the song Tragic Magic by Traffic right now. I was in Boston last weekend driving through and listening to Traffic, such a great band to listen to in Boston. It really captures the feeling of that city. I went to Quincy Market and there was a guy selling Russian nesting dolls, Matroyshkas or whatever they're called. There was the obligatory Irish booth too, they were selling stuff with pro-IRA slogans on them. Pretty funny. In the movie Black Mass, Whitey Bulger is an Irish gang member. I live in Rhode Island and in Providence, there was also the Patriarca crime family. Providence is a cool place, I like going to Federal Hill. Buddy Cianci really cleaned the place up. I'd like to go to Waterfire some day too. Traffic has a Ghanaian percussionist named Rebop and he plays bongos in this song. My sister went to Ghana for research for her Master's thesis. She helped African villagers strain their water to prevent parasites from entering them through drinking the water. Those parasites can really fuck you up. Parasitic wasps are some scary shit, I'm really glad I'm not one of the bugs they prey on.

>> No.13964077

I really liked it.

>> No.13964088

Take this wife and shove it, Barnaby said to Jeeter. Outside the hallways were passing by, ninety-two men have ardent trysts. Inexcruciating signals ballast in two ways. Lopesing I do, but without harassment. Invariably hazing a ritual gordant. Fifty hands waving their street map. Without parole, a life cannot be saved.


>> No.13964242

Write for two minutes, is there time. I have no idea how to use "proper" punctuation. I'd rather not, I really like just using conversational punctuation. I dont want a normal job anymore, I don't like cash registers either. The whole idea seems completely counter intuitive to my social structure. Scroll up, I havent written anything. my Roommate is talking to me about job listings; he's in his 40's. I'm not. I should publish my magazine stuff, im being lazy now that im unemployed. Its nice but not. I could sleep forever.

>> No.13964298

My left hand is brittle and my right hand is blunt. The space between is a hiccup of time, a place where the touch falls on a lack of reins.

>> No.13964615

words. some more words. meaningless to anyone but the select elite that spent the time connecting a series of shapes/pitches to an abstract concept.
hearing foreign languages really hammers down this point. they're completely and eerily alien to our entire everyday experience, yet those aliens seem to be perfectly comfortable blabbering on like this all day long. In these moments the arbitrary and absurd nature of human existence and perception materializes and weighs down on your psyche.

>> No.13964635

I can't write fast enough.

>> No.13964873

you fucking bitch ass nigger fucking bitch ass bitch ass nigger. I'm writing for two minutes, or gonna be anyway. shit, listening to nice nigger music, yes. nigger music. even though I myself am one, tahnk you very much. An astute observation to make, as I am sure will be commended by many of fucking non-niggers here. Fuck why can't i write about anything else. Negrified. petrified. Tetrified. Heh, Pynchon take a look at this, take a lock at this, suck my cock at this, stew some broth from this. Keep my name outta yoour mouth. shit eight seconds to go. peace

>> No.13964895

uh h nobody read ur shit anyway fag retarf ur golden shitpost goes unnoticed ur favorite book is a bad book and you lose the creative mind draw of life and that not a bad thing but incel bookworm need to get a fuking life lol

>> No.13964896

Old gold the rold bold nold told brold that sold the fold. Blue wizards eat liquid shit from the squeaming glistening cracks of design. Golden is the one who sees beyond the eye. Shrimp fish were born to fry. Began begat beseetch the sun to stop me from having fun. I've seen the star that sits in the night like a sight before the light. Beyond the sphere it whistles to me the sea of the ocean's free. Behold the bomb which breaks the mind and stifles the stinging sensation, of a world of the blind and the mind which can't smell conflation.

>> No.13964911

DO BURPEES! GET DOWN! front back go six inches forty five ninety hey can you grab me a leaf from that tree over there? no I want a different leaf no I said a different one hey can you low crawl there? hey I need these water jugs moved over there, no I mean over here, no I mean way over there, how about LIFT THEM ABOVE YOUR HEAD GOOFY meet me out back with a water source and an ammo can know what I'm saying

>> No.13964917

Sitting in the toilet, listening to Funk Music made my Australians, the name of the band is Hiatus Kayote. Discovered them by a "Whats in my bag?" video with Theo Parish, the legendary DJ and producer. Going to read Society of Espectable now. I'm feeling sick and my throat hurts, I hope tomorrow I wake feeling better. Time's over.

>> No.13964929

minutes shit aids i wan tto kill for love kill destroy create build a house why not life is pointless lol haha fuck this shit why are you so retarded this is an cia datamining operation for niggers who glow in the dark my hands are moving on their own please save us linux is not an operative system by itself but i'd rather kill as many niggers as i could why yes i am a deranged murderer how could you tell

>> No.13964991

Ask me how I know you're a gamer.

>> No.13965029

What the fuck, how did you know? I used to play more though so I woudln't call myself a "gamer" right now.

>> No.13965057

You write interesting prose, but I don't believe you

>> No.13965075
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>> No.13965081

I like how quickly you managed an escalation from relatively petty grammar rules to more rigid societal structures, getting a job.

>> No.13965385

ever so confused
the wrong path
yet the path is perfectly correct and fine
but what wilt he choose for thy passion?
how much time does he have?
why ever so lonely by thy own fault?

>> No.13965414

for two minutes

>> No.13965431

Nice, whoever wrote this - please save it.

>> No.13965444

It's all about sex and money. Everything you do is for sex and money. I want to fucking die but too pussy, what should I do- those depressants man, they don't work. Fuck pills, don't want to be enslaved, I wish I was never born. But ok fuck natalists and natalists, they can all die in a hole, I just want to be left alone. Fuck 4chan, absolute shithole of a place, I only come here for jokes and laughs, but leave completely broken inside. Fuck, this is cringe as fuck, but I'm continuing to write it, my grammar is so fucked, I don't know what to sa.y I fucking hate you all AND iwish yud can rc eri Whwa tt si sup omy fuck irjn gidosal i J ujs twant to rea sd ifss you r ieeo s wha t fuck WHith eaha e dni NE T Hhz sc eSeu en aKSU sn d iaoka UTkrush musi cM Si ff+is v ehr y inst ersitn gI jsu tw ant a anci eain wife min deep a saucbocnscisou ss but aI bate amy sej fa FH pe, aheual sp am ea sd but ai H pride NAHa aidhat ejerkign o f FF hpleas ed nt nofpa mgtwo a shJ oKER MOViv e NCnel vilence ,a so djh sbdsfsdasddgasgf comp o netn

>> No.13965451

Im hoping that I can help you in some way. What did my professor mean by saying that I'm too forceful? It had the effect of making me seem like some rapist fuck. I don't fault her for it. I'm glad she made it obvious that no one cares about me. Oh well. I've gotten through addiction and abuse so what difference will this make? I hope to be a good person some day. Will it ever happen? I don't know. I really hope so.

>> No.13965664

mmm i read some of no longer human last night and i will probably finish it within another day or so. going about 100 pgs a day because i like it so much. i only read at night. i only really have motivation to do anything once its about 5pm. i feel dumb and retarded before 5pm. but what i was thinking was that i had read some part about how the mc was introduced to alcohol and smoking and about how it is such a better deal than anything else you can purchase. i agree but in a sad way that i want to change, but maybe its correct and its just too good for me to handle.

>> No.13965697

a thought begins to inseminate in the mind, small at first but it grows with much haste, i think therefore i am, or perhaps being lets me think... sometimes i think and get lost, i stare at the 25 pages ive accrued, i worry for the future, the way it slips in my hand like the sands at the beach when we were young, the wave crashing into me like a spill of tea on to the floor.

It makes me sad but I am quite happy to have made it this far...

>> No.13965802

There’s no way I’m writing for two minutes on this fucking website it will be more like one minute give or take. My awareness has shifted to the gray ceiling fan. I barely ever use it.

>> No.13965943

Had my gf sit on my face today; I love that sweet white ass so much. not the biggest but plump enough provoke my virility every day, and make my friends stare at it.

Speaking of friends one of mg pals has tried to be a bit familiar with her and she has complained. if that fucker does it one more time I'm going to knock him out in front of everyone

Fuck I need fuck again but she sleeps; I need that perpetually tight pussy around my fat dick once agajn I need to be rode till I dump tadpoles in her like a fucking Coinstar

>> No.13966162

That's not what stream of consciousness is though.

>> No.13966184


>> No.13966199

Damn heretical monstrosities breathing in my bloody air. Foul. Soiling my sunshine with pubic hair, encroaching on my airy lair. Why? They need to, it is in their nature to squirm about: unwanted and unfettered they writhe. Never-ending. When? Now, then always. Can't get rid of the buggers.

>> No.13966248

Wat russian is that russian music that you are used to listen to, and why the heck you should stop doing it, whyyy

>> No.13966258


>> No.13966349

idk what to do anymore feels like my life is over. was born a follower. not interested in anything really, everything i do for "fun" is just a waste of time. not even interested in girls anymore since i learned that sex doesnt even feel good. it doesnt feel like anything. i have a girlfriend and i dont care about her at all. i want to go back to 7th grade when i thought i was gonna be the next napoleon or caesar or something. and as much as i want to believe in a religion, i just dont.

>> No.13966551

Write for 2 minutes? The clock says 22:55. I always found it interesting how absent my reaction was when my therapist told me that people, by and large, didn't need to learn emotions. It was interesting, mostly, due to the fact that this lack in reaction drew such a strong one from my therapist. I don't understand why she reacted in such a way; after all, I did promise to be myself and not wear a mask during this session. Fuck phone posting, I type slow as fuck on this device.

>> No.13966569

>necessity of the animal
Whats wrong with that?

>> No.13968171

A winter gathering. A feast of all feasts. Boar, more, awash in the hoar from within. Curled by the fire, it may not be real, but fire is fire. Living for yesterday like there is no tomorrow. Misgivings beneath the warm. Lacking the wherewithal. Werewolfwithal. With all werewolves we were.

>> No.13968841

I got a big dick
It swangs, real thick
When I walk outside with it, people stop and point. Dogs bark. Old ladies drop their groceries on the sidewalk. Women cover their mouths, but not in horror. They do it because they know I'm arRRgghh aaaaa I'm COOMING hhughghhgh wooOOOOOOOOOO BABY

>> No.13968847

He's right. We need a different term.

>> No.13968861

Pkay that's hair I guess. I'm letting that typo leave in. Oh I should start timing this now. Okay that sound song is playing now and the sun is coming through the window my hands feel alright I don't want to tell you why I don't want to see you cry I can't stand it some people It's a nice feeling okay why haven't it has happened yet peeing and it's alright I'm thinking of thoughts of how to think it's not what I expected I expected something a lot more interesting this is interesting perhaps but not as much as I thought it would be it would be better if I thought randomly like a blimp exploding in colors like fireworks real fireworks in a night sky it's not that interesting either I feel that pressure seeping up the column of my body it's not alright I'm not alright but I am because I need to solider on.

>> No.13968878

I wonder why I even bother posting on this board. Honestly not sure. I have a lot of free time. Not really though, I'm just putting off duties I've set up for myself. Writing this as I'm waiting for my water to boil. I'm hungry as fuck, just woke up this morning. What's even the point of writing this on this board. What do I gain. Why even make the thread. Is it some kind of board-cultural phenomenon? Speaking of this thread, I recognize the image from another thread. One about free will, or something. Fairly certain I've seen it on some other shady blog from those early 2000s years where people could actually string together long enough coherent thought threads to make posts about it online. Wonder if my mind's been fractured like that with time. What do I mean by fractured anyway, it's not like I have concrete proof that technology rots my brain. It's just a belief I have. For what it's worth I see that the thread has some value to me now in that it helps me sort my head out. I'm not sure how much time's passed yet. Might as well stop writing and go check on my pot. A watched pot never boils afterall.

>> No.13969210

Hexagram 7 - Army, changing line in the fifth place. Obviously. It's starting to become a pattern. The mob cannot rule.

Navy blue suit, single breast, notch lapel, half-canvass, dark red pocket square, Tommy fucking Hilfiger socks. Tough times, in other words. Waist has to match the shoes.
On top of that, there's no reason to walk through the road with gypsies. Especially in trains.
Bright red pen, solid material. Notes, stress, alcohol.

>> No.13970634

this thread needs a bump

>> No.13970665

Yeah, whatever, hmm. Gotta think. Fast. Uhh. Errm. Shit. Fuck. This is not working. Thoughts don't really flow in English. Aah. Um. Snap. I can't snap my fingers. I understand the technique but the snap just isn't there. Same with whistling. My musculus orbicularis oris is just too weak. It's twitching while I try to hold my lips in the correct position. My table is dirty. So is my keyboard.

>> No.13970758


>> No.13970769

A hearkened blow, a feeling to the past. I looked out the window with a tearful gaze. I last remembered him from my youth, his face the most beautiful thing in the world, the mousy amber hair and freckles speckled every which way. Those damn glasses he always would have on, making him look like one of those librarians we loved to pick on. I knew he had died, I was there. The grim memoirs of those days forever etched into my mind. Those trenches which he brought the light of Christ. Truly my greatest friend and maybe even light house of which kept me alive. I will always remember you my friend, my one, and my only.
My dear Frederick.

>> No.13970784

I like the ending.

>> No.13970810
File: 439 KB, 492x503, 1569929754530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mildly chilly night here in Amsterdam; this morning I received a gift from a friend for my cominf up birthday.
He sent me ''Why I am so Clever'' !!!

/lit/ boys I have sexual advice for you:
Just get to know what she likes to read.

>> No.13971999

The cool damp wind blew on me and I knew the bees were coming. They came. Every day. Every fucking day there were more. More fucking bees. Who the fuck let the bees in? Was it I or just a past memory of myself? The me that loves the bees or the one that hates me them. God, fuck bees. I know that I'm crazy, but goddamnit fuckk bees. They sting they lash they keep fucking me over. EVERY FUCKING DAY ITS THE BEES.

>> No.13972164


My room is dirty, dirty room. Dust on the floor, cups, one cup from david’s wedding. Tiki themed cups as a wedding favor, one for each guest it’s on my floor near my bed with some water still in it. I’m not going to clean it up but the water from the sink in my bathroom i’ll drink. then i’ll put down the cup and leave it there until i fill it back up from the water that comes from the sink in my bathroom. It’s the best water in my tiny house, the sink in my living room tastes like the soap i bought four weeks ago that’s in my bathroom next to the sink that has water that i fill the cup from david’s wedding. A memento of things past. Why did they give out tiki cups if they had their wedding in florida.

>> No.13972200

Wasn’t too happy with my first try so going again.

Field of green so unrecognizably beautiful. Flowers with no natural flaw, perfect 12 pedals, perfect lime green stem and perfect shape that resembles a lawn decoration. Living breathing sky with skirt stake clouds sizzling in the pan under the low simmer sun. Endlessly tall hills but no effort climbing, only the accomplishment of reaching the top. Rocks soft as a fat man’s stomach the color of burnt bit of meat. Pristine streams twisting among the grass beyond the way of the secretive deer and friendly yet reclusive hunter. I want out.

>> No.13972231

Have you always wanted to die?
Long as I can remember Ma'am.
Please limit your answers to yes or no, the system is liable to malfunction if your answer is too complex.
I looked over at the screen on my right, an avatar was eyeing me cautiously. I looked back to the woman.
Yes Ma'am?
The question.
Yes. I have always wanted to die. Long as I can remember.
Very good sir.
The fans inside the computers stainless steel dome began humming & the avatar feigned thought.
Please put your hand on the screen sir, right where Curie is pointing.
I placed my hand on the sterile glass and matched it with the on-screen diagram.
Like this Ma'am?
She raised her index finger to her lips and pointed at the avatar with her other hand. She walked out the sliding doors. I watched her skirt flutter as she left. I turned to the avatar. It seemed agitated. The words "YOU ARE OUT OF TIME" flashed on screen. The avatar hunched over, befuddled, then it laid on the ground writhing to the beat of the flashes.

>> No.13972346

I don't have much else to do on a bus. 7am every morning. One hour to college. I hate it. I'm too tired to read Borges. I'm interrupted by a cacophony blasting from several seats back. A kid with earbuds. Earbuds. They're in his ears. I take a look out of the window. The greyness intensifies as the sun rises. Shit I have to get off.

>> No.13972671

God this place sucks. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck gooooood god i want to reap a fret. Get a fat wedding ring. Cooooooooooom pot level of dread. Feed the gasket on trench packet love you spleen macadamia nation of worgels. Glep meflofeles made some tranny soup which i gloop onto my chair and sit on.

>> No.13972682

The only real way to write is not anonymously but blindly without refernce to others or any expectation of them reading itn

>> No.13972715

I hate shit god dammit what is wrong with this world we just need to tear it all down I don't think I'll ever love someone again like I loved her, too bad she's fucking crazy now and you blew your chance to save her you Muppet. This cannot last, all of this. The fancy cars, the fast food, the amazon deliveries. It will all go down and when it does I'm not sure whether to be scared or excited for it. I hate them all so damn much. Sometimes I just feel so angry and then I bottle it all up like ignoring it will help.

>> No.13972750

Getting a replacement cunt will make you love the world because its busy-ness will reflect the hopes of those who, like you, have acquired replacement cunts.

>> No.13972775

>literally cant stop thinking and spacing out
>see this thread


>> No.13972924

man id onmt know ghow to start other than fuck niggers man the cup of diet soda in front of me is really bothering me let me move it

ah thats better oh man im really hyped about my acid trip why the fuck am i becoming one of those people who cant shut up about psychadelics fuck i should be better than this lets think about something else instead

nice stuff i should have put a two minute timer before I started writing i wonder if anyone actually reads these posts or if people are just navelgazing i know im not gonna read anyone elses post i should read more

i also

i completely blanked on what I was going to think there i wonder how close to the 2k word cap i am hmm that was at least one minute i guess thats good enough

>> No.13974175

Fucking shit why the fuck can't these fucking retards write down when a menu is spicy? Fuck them. I'm hungry as fuck now, but I used my bonus. Who the fuck eat spicy food, honestly. Retardsa and niggers I assume. You gotta be fucking fucked in the head to to eat that shit. Maybe make the food tasty and you won't need to make it burn for fuck's sake.

>> No.13974350

Here I am what is life where can we find the way into the hearts of others? i can't feel anything no matter what i try it just won't get through everybodys numb to pain to love to happiness to sadness. nobody feels anything anymore. hey why are you crying when there's so much going on around you just open your eyes to what you can't see the whole world is watching but everybody is blind. you can see what you can't see if you only open your heart.

>> No.13974391

Fuck it all

What’s the use in it

A simple realization of

Fuck the system
But not her system

Not like that
Not like this

But fuck the system
The iron bars and fire walls
Sitting on me shitting on me can’t breath can’t believe

Not that I knew I wanted it different

When a child

But now I know and see behind the curtains

I know what happened to us

Is this even real
It doesn’t feel real
It never does
Is it the Kratom or this schizoid life system

>> No.13974501

fuck everything. i'm tired, i don't wanna go on. no one but my parents care about me. i'm just looking for attention and affection, i want nothing else at this point. i'm too retarded to get it. i'm extremely clumsy, forget where i am or what i'm doing at the slightest distraction.
i've thought in length about killing myself almost every day lately. it's all a sick prank.
no one cares about anything i do in uni. I can't string a thought together quickly enough to teach, I'm not accurate enough in my writing to get good grades on my papers. i notice people 3 years younger than me have a better understanding of the world than i do.

i don't wanna do this anymore, i just wanna fade into nothingness forever. fuck this shit, it's not worth the enormous effort required to function on a basic level.

>> No.13974544

i know what i'll do. I'll go out when most everyone is asleep with a pillow in a bag, as well as my wallet with ID so they can identify me for my parents. i'll go to a dark, quiet spot along the tracks and in case the rail is uncomfortable or electrified when the train approaches, i'll put the thick pillow onto it. Then it's just a waiting game after I've presented my neck on the track for the metal wheels to churn through. hope it'll kill me instantly

>> No.13974621

She probably thinks you're a fucking psychopath.

>> No.13974692

This is obviously just a ploy to get data on what’s going on in one’s mind at any given point, why would an anon post on here asking for people to post what they’re thinking about and then not leave something themselves. If it is the release they sought for, they could have easily done so in the comfort of them being alone. Open notepad, just write, it isn’t that hard. Why do i have to post my thoughts online for all to see? Is the world not saturated enough as it is? I am, i for sure am. My mind is overflowing with all that is occuring, all the memes i have consumed. And now i have to create a new one, or perhaps just repost an old one, it’s been modified though. Fuck you

>> No.13975675

It would explain a lot of things if I was, but it doesn't help me to get that officially diagnosed. I want to be a normal person, I don't want to be treated as a demon because of something I was born with.

>> No.13976503

very nice

>> No.13976524

The blue haired female drawn in anime style on the top of my screen is distracting me. I wonder if putting a quote I like as my desktop would be a good idea. I wonder if seeing it everyday would reduce its weight in my mind, similar to how the beautiful images I've previously filled my desktop with have lost any meaning they held in my mind after the constant exposure.
Constant exposure and cycles, constant exposure and cycles, constant exposu- there it goes again my mind filling in the blanks with repetition then it goes through this thought process and wonders at why it does that. No answer. I wonder what I should write. My prose is shit. Two minutes is probably fast approaching. George Orwell, Politics and the English Language I think that was its name all those pre-constructed phrases. How do I go about giving my writing good rhythm? What does that even mean? You know it when you see it and yet...

>> No.13976532

Shit your prose is really cool

>> No.13976564

To think they used to teach in school that you should cover your nose with your hand when sneezing. Effectively that accomplishes nothing but alter the vector of infectious transmission, from moisture particles in the area to whatever gets smeared on doorknobs. It makes me ponder how much more bullshit goes by unnoticed, tacitly accepted, for dormant bullshit is far more potent than blatant bulllshit. Bullshit that poses as fact, that wears an official uniform, that forms a complete sentence is far more dangerous than egregious bullshit, sloppy bullshit, inarticulate bullshit. There must be so many junk assumptions out there operating as self-evident truths. My English teacher in highschool told me the lie that we swallow a certain number of spiders every year. In fact this was a deliberate piece of misinformation spread in the early internet as an experiment to see how far and how quickly bullshit could spread. (Evidently this is why he was an English teacher.) The whole phenomenon of fake news points to an automated, high tech industry of bullshitting on a scale that dwarfs the petty peddling of the past. Soon enough we will reach a singularity of bullshit, much personified by someone like Trump, which will puncture the universe and send us all tumbling into a sea of shitty confusion for all eternity.