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14054525 No.14054525 [Reply] [Original]

>Schopenhauer is my favorite philosopher
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.14054532
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>> No.14054544

The average /r9k/ poster.

>> No.14054550
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>> No.14054551

A self-hating normie piece of shit

>> No.14054552

I doubt the average /r9k/ poster reads philosophy, let alone has heard of Schopenhauer

>> No.14054554
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Someone that's based

>> No.14054623

Why would anyone want to hang around someone who just mopes and complains. Schopenhaur had some serious issues and just assumed everyone hated life just as much as him

>> No.14054648

why are people so afraid of death?
suffering exists to impose improvement
if existence is suffering than the meaning of life is to reduce suffering
a weak-willed mind such as Schopenhaur's isn't fit to give advice to others, as his argumentation has fundamental flaws to it

meme philosopher

>> No.14054677

An edgy STEM student who considers himself sophisticated

>> No.14055138

I read Parerga and Paralipomena. I like his essays; he makes sense to me, and he has done some good advice. Would his main works be similar to his essays? I'm iffy about metaphysics, and I'm mostly interested in a philosopher's take on the human condition.

>> No.14055189

Older than twenty-five
Of European descent
Sardonic humour
Disillusioned with modern society

>> No.14055217

>and he has done some good advice.
he had some good advice*

>> No.14055272

If these do not cover 90% of this board's regular commenters, I am in the wrong place.

>> No.14055307

A 14 year old me.

>> No.14055461

A pseud who visits /lit/. Same is true if your answer Nietzsche, Whitehead, Deleuze, and so forth.

>> No.14055500

>tfw that is literally me

>> No.14055515

they're all honest people, but if your favorite is just a confirmation of your negativistic suspicions it kind of indicates some pathological flaw

>> No.14055529

A doomer, probably an incel. The type of person that has many interests, but no motivation so you end up doing nothing. Probably a depressive mood disorder.

>> No.14055547
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Pic related is my favorite. How's it feel to believe in the most fearful philosophy?

Fight me.

>> No.14055551

>read schopenhauer
>become more compassionate
Anyone else?

>> No.14055555

What impels you to shill this faggot nonstop? Autism?

>> No.14055558

I'd say most of this board is younger than 25 at this point. The rest I'd believe.

>> No.14055560

I don't hate the named philosophers, but if you're on /lit/ and one of those is your favorite, you're probably a certain kind of person, and not a certain other kind of person (a philosophy graduate student for example). Hence: a pseud.

>> No.14055571

Not wanting to hate existance for the sake of existing. What's the point of dwelling on death if it's inevitable. Seems like a waste of thought to me.

>> No.14056603


>> No.14056852

Damaged normalfag born from a well off family who fucks constantly yet still whines all the time about how rotten and soulless our society is. Essentially a Delicious Tacos like person.

>> No.14056873

>if existence is suffering than the meaning of life is to reduce suffering
105 iq-lets should not post here

>> No.14056937

I dislike this implication.
I dislike this implication.

>> No.14057018

Deluded sourgrapea sadlads who heard on r9k that he condemned procreation and haven’t lurked long enough to discover Cioran.

>> No.14057028
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He’s a meme there. They haven’t read him if course but they just like to prop up a pessimistic Chad so they can tell themselves life is totally worthless.

>> No.14057039

>Damaged normalfag born from a well off family who fucks constantly yet still whines all the time about how rotten and soulless our society is.
Sounds like DFW

>> No.14058714

same anon same

>> No.14058718

what a waste of quints

>> No.14058726

Nailed me to the cross with this one, though I am aware of these traits and am attempting to correct the sarcastic humor in particular.

>> No.14059006

Depends how much time you got on your hands.
Schopenhauer shines in his 'side' writings that you have already read. His main work (world as will and representation) is honestly not great. Half of it is repeating kant and the other half is trying to deploy his idea that the kantian noumenon is actually a striving/desiring (but unconscious of itself) existential force he calls the Will. There are bizarre segments on epistemology and esthetics that can at best make you smile. He also gave a complete misrepresentation of Hinduism and Buddhism to make them fit his views (Guenon which has been memed around here recently hated Schopenhauer for it).
Then there is the four roots of sufficient reason which misses the iron-clad epistemautism of Leibniz and make it something retarded.
I love his style though, don't know if it reads well in English. Schopenhauer is among the very best in terms of 'life advice/wisdom' but his theoretical writings oscillate between forgettable, plain bad and extremely strange. He should have kept to making long blogposts and I don't mean it in a derogatory manner.

>> No.14059635

Noone cause im not a judgemental faggot

>> No.14059647

t. Toxic faggot

>> No.14060310
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>> No.14060329

Thank you for the response. I think, for now, I will stay content with having read P&P.
>Schopenhauer is among the very best in terms of 'life advice/wisdom'
What other philosophers would you recommend in this category?
And, would you have suggestions for reading Leibniz?

>> No.14060336

It depends. On one hand, those who take the philosophy and use it to accompany a negative outlook on life are really quite sour people that I have no care for.

However if they apply Camus' idea of embracing the pain and suffering, understanding the necessity of bad along with good, they are the absolute pinnacle of based.

>> No.14060352


>> No.14060537

>if existence is suffering than the meaning of life is to reduce suffering
Best way to completely end your suffering is by dying. Consider suicide.