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/lit/ - Literature

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14166954 No.14166954 [Reply] [Original]

why arent you fucking reading, anon?

>> No.14167345

im having an emotional breakdown over a femboy

>> No.14167574

headaches too bad right now, going to take some morphine then when it passes read for a bit

>> No.14167621

It's raining so I can't go to the library

>> No.14167831

Too busy COOMing

>> No.14168077

I'm having some difficulty getting into the flow of In Search of Lost Time. Could someone who's read it tell me what mindset I should approach it from? Hyperactive focus on every single sentence, or should I let my mind relax and allow to book to make it's way to me?

>> No.14168455

When is hyperactive focus on every single sentence ever a good way to get into the flow of a book?

>> No.14168479

Idk depends on the kind of book. So the latter then?

>> No.14168488

I haven't read it

>> No.14168533

you bitch

>> No.14168574

How else would I understand what you posted?

>> No.14168596

On the toilet. Otherwise I'm studying Latin. What's your excuse? What hollow desparation has lead you to post this?

>> No.14168598

Cause I’m at work

>> No.14168747
File: 1.29 MB, 4288x2848, 1475599281981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting dark outside and I already read 50 pages of Nabokov in the cold

would've ready more but I need warmer gloves

>> No.14168756

i want to know more about this image

>> No.14168766
File: 923 KB, 1066x1500, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you fucking your mom?

>> No.14168772

I would say the latter as a rule. The beauty of a book is that you can always go back and reread and have just as profound an experience, maybe even more the second time. Don’t worry about milking every page for what it’s “worth”

>> No.14168787

I just got back from a calisthenics park. Now I gotta cook my lunch but I wanted to lay in my couch with my phone first. I read like 5 pages of Plato in the morning, and after lunch I’m gonna read some more. Felt like watching a movie too, I watched Il Decameron yesterday, pretty good I’ll watch something else by Pasolini probably.

>dear diary

>> No.14168793

busy playing JRPGs

>> No.14168806

https://www flickriver com/photos/acesandeightsphotography/sets/72157627541453590/

>> No.14168841

this is my problem, I read the same sentences like 3 times even if I got them the first time. Reading it only once feels negligent.

>> No.14169505

op here, this is the only acceptable answer of the lot you lazy bastards

>> No.14169876

Came here to tell the pseuds to leave. Also just woke up

>> No.14169900

Because it’s pointless and nothing seems fun or interesting.

>> No.14169991

Let’s see a pic

>> No.14169997

Because I’m too busy stressing over a job interview this afternoon

>> No.14170052

im honoured, cher

>> No.14170078

I probably read like 6 books in total and it was children's books. But i'm familiar with every philosophers names but don't know shit about them since philosophy is mental gymnastics.

I know more about Jung's and Frued's personal life than any psych major and i don't know shit about psychology or never read a book on it. I know some basic stuff

tldr i don't read books

>> No.14170152

I can multitask

>> No.14170294

how do you know this painting, op?

>> No.14170836

Saw it in a book while housesitting a couple years ago and I loved it

>> No.14170886

specifically, a book on Japanese woodblock art

>> No.14170887

Sniffles and conjunctivitis

>> No.14170938

too busy having intellectual discussions on the nature of reality with teens on 4channel

>> No.14171042
File: 18 KB, 263x400, here comes the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly been cleaning up the house for my grandparents to visit tomorrow once they fly in .
Current book reading pic related. I read a short story yesterday from Fyodor Dostoyevsky "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

>> No.14171063

I'm too indecisive to choose a book. I keep trying to find some piece of information that will make everything clear to me and give me an all-encompassing philosophy of life that I can operate from in any situation.
The result of that is I judge every book by this impossibly high standard and never read to completion. I haven't finished a book in months despite reading constantly during that time.

>> No.14171067

because i'm having sex regularly

>> No.14171153

youve got this hombre

>> No.14171238

Page 16

>> No.14172174

i'm confused about my future and who am I

>> No.14172179

One more layer of paint and I read. My boss is gone and I have to kill time until 5.

>> No.14172190

busy playing crusader kings

>> No.14172253

Thanks anon. It actually went really well. Better than I hoped!

>> No.14172400

>/lit/ - 2019

>> No.14172404

just haven't been feeling it lately desu

>> No.14173071

too much youtube and twitch overriding my senses

>> No.14173099

Mostly because there are so many distractions all around me, I could stick to a book a lot more than I could possibly to a TV show or a video game yet it's really hard for me to actually start reading, i truly wish this could change desu.

>> No.14173148

my dad's death throes in the living room are too distracting

>> No.14174157

playing games for my mental health

>> No.14174506

don't you have a gun?

>> No.14174581

Cause I'm taking a break from writing while I try to figure out how to convince my GF to touch my pp. Give me some slack.

>> No.14174638

Why doesn't she wanna touch your pp? What is she, gay?

>> No.14175805


>> No.14175826

I got too high to read again

>> No.14176306


>> No.14176310

Because I want to hate myself more. Coming here always does that

>> No.14176444

because i've got a bad case of nigger brains

>> No.14176657

You and me both, pal

>> No.14176698

I'm listening to hardcore history

>> No.14177675


>> No.14177713

I am reading, this post.

>> No.14177768
File: 16 KB, 372x338, 1571629503773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you anon: I don't know

>> No.14177773


>> No.14177784

Start by removing your biggest time wasters whether that be social media, tv, games, or whatever. You'll realize how much extra time you have and feel a need to fill it hopefully with reading.