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14226217 No.14226217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate people.

Everything they do annoys me and disgusts me. From something like blocking the entire pavement to talk to their friends to actually thinking having children is good. I don't understand people who say "I love meeting new people" or "I love talking to others". You guys don't count, I only look at and interact with what I choose to and I can pause or delete you as I like. I don't understand how anyone enjoys being surrounded by dozens of people all the time. And if this post is making you angry then you're one of the subhumans I'm talking about. Just head in the clouds, oblivious to basic awareness of your surroundings or consideration for anyone but yourself. I mean, how hard is it to just pick a loaf of bread? It's bread, it's all the same, why do you take 20 minutes to pick one loaf when you've made the same decision every Saturday for the past 40 years?

>> No.14226229

Based. The reason why they take 20 minutes to pick the same loaf of bread they've picked every year is because of neurodegeration. They are all on brain-killing medications, drinking fluoride, and their obesity restricts blood flow to their brain. They are not keeping themselves physically or mentally active. Their idea of a good day is to drink a beer and watch TV, which is what many of them do daily. It's quite fucking horrifying.

>> No.14226243

Is there a word for this kind of petty and nitpicky misanthropy?

>> No.14226253
File: 35 KB, 474x629, ohno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking having children is good
>t. antinatalist

>> No.14226267

Yes it's called "Intelligence"

>> No.14226272

Ok Tyler Durden

>> No.14226277
File: 49 KB, 600x673, 1432853492693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are reaching levels of basedness that shan't be possible.

>> No.14226279

Also 'redpill'

>> No.14226321

I never watched that movie. I do feel like beating the shit out of people, though. I find that preferable to the inane passive aggression of the modern life.

>> No.14226340

Ah to be young and have adolescent nihilism again

>> No.14226348

>actually thinking having children is good

yeah why would continuing the human race be a good thing lol, fuck off nihilist.
really i think your problem there is that nowadays it's always the people who really shouldn't be having kids that do, just like it's always the people with nothing to say that say inane shit like 'i love talking to others'. yes, modern humanity needs eugenics badly, we can all agree, but that's no reason to write of humanity entirely.

>> No.14226356

There's no inherent good in sustaining civilisations... Also, why would you knowingly bring a child into the world when their life will most certainly be hell. People who procreate are sociopaths.

>> No.14226371

>their life will most certainly be hell.
You are projecting here. My life is great.

>> No.14226393

truly, there is nothing beautiful about this civilisation that we currently live in, the people who procreate and have children are low IQ animals who don't understand why it's bad to force something into existence just to be a slave to capital and their own biological needs, they will rant on about how it's in our "biology" to act this way and how we must "continue civilisation" as if they are spouting off lines from a hollywood blockbuster movie without once ever telling us why continuing suffering is good

most people are unaware subservient retards, they do whatever the TV tells them to and don't think twice before taking another action that continues the culture of apathy we are currently entrenched in

>> No.14226399

Couldn't agree more. Most people procreate to fulfil some sick fantasy or project their own desires onto the kid. Basically just a contest between scum parents. "Look what my kid can do".

>> No.14226409

What comes after adolescent nihilism?

>> No.14226440

My parents are like the people you described yet I turned out great and love life.

>> No.14226520

You're 21 and still in school, you don't know anything

>> No.14226570

adult nihilism, usually accompanied by a real NEET lifestyle, or some compromise/bloomer-ish attitude as you are faced with the reality of your own mortality and your limited time and decide to make the most of it

You're late twenties and recently out of school and also don't know anything

>> No.14226585

>You're late twenties and recently out of school and also don't know anything
kek, called it. Go back to class faggot. No one cares about the babbling of a child.

>> No.14226607

If it's still nihilism into your adulthood then why were you so condescending to that guy for being adolescent nihilistic?

>> No.14226618

Because he's in his first year of philosophy and doesn't know what he's talking about, he's barely out of puberty

>> No.14226627

you just hate yourself

>> No.14226631


>> No.14226633

What exactly do you think he doesn't know about? I can relate to some points in the OP, mainly that people are oblivious to basic awareness of their surroundings, I have that shit all the time. People blocking pavements or straight up walking into you because they're not looking

I don't agree with his bashing on "meeting new people" though, I'm not anti-social like that, but I can get here he's coming from, most people you meet in public areas are shitty

The part where you say he's in his first year of philosophy, im guessing that's not to be literally taken since he hasn't stated that anywhere

>> No.14226634

Nahhh, I'm pretty sure I hate everyone else.

When I'm alone I never get these feelings.

>> No.14226641

Oh look, another "intellectual" misanthropist, how original!

>> No.14226642

>What exactly do you think he doesn't know about?
Stop samefagging retard, I know it's you.

Go away and don't come back until you have an actual life to reflect on, a child in school has nothing to say worth hearing.

>> No.14226648

Seethe ignorant retard

>> No.14226653

I only made 3 posts in this thread, don't know what the fuck you're on about.
Guess you're another brainlet who can't into reasoning, color me surprised

>> No.14226662
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>> No.14226666

>don't know what the fuck you're on about
Give it up, no one is fooled idiot.

>> No.14226684
File: 128 KB, 1020x290, asdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see any (you)'s? you must be trolling right now. Also nice gets faggot

>> No.14226693
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>> No.14226694

You took a screencap of the OP (my post), and the first reply which isn't yours.

>> No.14226698

I don't WANT to talk to people, they have nothing I need or want.

>> No.14226727

I thought you meant that I was the OP, you're confusing as fuck dude, get a life

>> No.14226742

Ahahah, I take 20 minutes to pick a loaf of bread because I read all the labels, until i find something without too many additives. I also get a different one each time. And yeah, if you dislike talking to people, you probably hang out with low iq mouth breathers. Talking to interesting new people is delightful. Can't disagree with the point about having kids though.

>> No.14226773

OP gets mad that people talk to their friends, not that people talk to him.

>> No.14226785

I'm 26 and on a career break teaching English in Japan but again, nice projection. Learn to enjoy life you coward.

>> No.14226796

>they have nothing I need or want

yet you're typing on a computer made by people, eating food made by people...

>> No.14226800

Extremely accurate. My coworkers only ever talk about television, food, and alcohol to the degree that I’m pretty sure it’s all that they think about and do. The lack of depth to thought is really pretty shocking and I basically just avoid conversation with them because I don’t even really enjoy those things and I can only discuss our favorite beers so many times. They all think I’m weird because I read books, especially non-fiction books. I work for a prestigious University btw.

>> No.14226802

Even for people whose lives are currently good, you will age and your body and mind will slowly decay and die. Disregarding that, there are a limitless number of accidents, crimes, illnesses, or other events that could damage you in such a way that your life would become nothing but misery, any of which could occur at any time without you having any ability to avoid them. Having children sentences your child to this fate.

>> No.14226831

>needs to tell this to people online yet he hates people!!
I do get wht you say though, i hate NORMIES so about 99% of people. the best people to talk to are old people IMO

>> No.14226840
File: 259 KB, 320x306, e83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da fug wit doze dubs nigga? damn

>> No.14226844

Are you retarded? dubs means two numbers in a row, what you're referring to is called a quad

>> No.14226855

Why can't you guys stick to the basic unwritten laws. Laws are laws because they must be complied with, while unwritten laws are twice as important because those are in your very nature. It seems very clear, this disobedience unravels a sickening primordial form, distilled of beauty, vapid and arrogant. The world doesn't revolve around you and this sidewalk is mine! I have common decency and don't rudely confront you with erratic behavior just because I feel like it. It doesn't matter if you try to force your presence upon everyone. When the thought pops in my head to push you into traffic, I don't act on it. I am a decent human fucking being. These are the laws we all follow you overgrown degenerate cum sock. Why can't you just watch the traffic light and accelerate when the light goes green like everybody else. I wish someone would run you off the road for impeding everyone. Justice for all god dammit!! I don't have to drudge through your bullshit after taking orders for eight fucking hours. We can't all meander through life like a jelly fish, I hope you wash up on shore and roast in the sun, but as an annoying prick you would have to even sting someone before you died. Too important to just go follow the rules like the rest of us. Your life is in shambles, never seeing the road in front of you living a life of complete distraction. Put down your cell phone while you order dipshit. There are how many people in this line behind you, but somehow we all must be burdened by your self importance and your plans for the weekend. Nobody cares! Nobody cares! Nobody cares! I want to SCREAM in this fuckers other ear. Your fancy phone and your distant friends won't help pissant, you're going to learn something right now. The only thing saving you is the law and you will know it too late when somebody finally shoves it down your throat.

>> No.14226944

You guys realize that Travis Bickle was meant to be a pathetic loser, right?

>> No.14226950

...is this a new copypasta?

>> No.14226959

Reminder that nobody does all of the things you mentioned at once. You're cherrypicking flaws of vastly different people and sticking them on your own frankenstein strawman you call 'people'.
>having children is bad
I probably won't have any progeny and even I think this is a retarded opinion.
>consideration for anyone but yourself
And do YOU have this consideration? All I see is you bitching about everyone else, because they're not exactly like you. These are narcissistic traits.
>why do you take 20 minutes to pick one loaf
Because I'm preparing a tasty meal and want to think through what bread taste would go the best with it. Because some of them aren't crunchy and have gone kinda stale. Because there might be a discount on one of them.

>> No.14226972


>> No.14226983

I dont speak Indian pajeet

>> No.14227087

>It's bread, it's all the same
post body

>> No.14227787

I get mad they block the sidewalk to talk to their friends, it's basic fucking respect not to do it

>> No.14227867

ok brainlet

>> No.14227945

The more people are born on the planet, the more most of these people are useless. I understand your hatred, I feel it too and find it hard not to be swallowed up by it. It’s precisely the PETTINESS, the SMALLNESS of people’s behavior and habits which, paradoxically, is the more and more frustrating. If someone accidentally ran over and killed a family member of mine, I’d be more willing to forgive them. But when a group of young women talking to each other walk toward me on the sidewalk and don’t make any room for me to go when they easily could and when I can’t move for them because I’m smushed up by the wall of a building, it makes me want to punch them. It’s precisely the pettiness that’s so infuriating.

Part of it is definitely narcissism — not just theirs but my own. Expecting the whole world to be polite to you, especially care for you and go out of their way for you. Well, in an ideal world, everyone would be especially polite and attentive to each other, even in such small things as getting out of your way in the sidewalk when they should. But eventually you just have to learn to view people as worthless robots, bugs not even worth the energy of your contempt. Maybe even worth some type of compassion or pity, if you want to be a condescending saint.

>> No.14227950

Kill yourself. You’re not entertaining anyone but your fellow cowards in procrastination.

>> No.14227957


>> No.14228335

>Reminder that nobody does all of the things you mentioned at once.
They do and I have witnessed it every day of my life. Today I saw:

>Woman and her daughter standing at the herbs and spices aisle for 20 minutes, no exaggeration
>They kept looking at a list and didn't seem able to decide what they needed
>Whenever someone came over and said "excuse me" they parted like moses parting the waves and stood there with blank looks on their faces while another braindead cunt spent 5 minutes deciding whether she wanted ground pepper or white pepper
>When she was done they went back to standing there with dopey looks on their faces
>Then when I was leaving they were blocking the pavement talking to another woman and her daughter
>My choices were either walk on the road where the cars drive or barge through, so I barged through
>Y-YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID EXCUSE ME you're probably thinking, but FUCK YOU you're old enough to know better I'm not wasting my breath being polite when you're having 0 consideration for people around you

>> No.14228366
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>I mean, how hard is it to just pick a loaf of bread? It's bread, it's all the same, why do you take 20 minutes to pick one loaf when you've made the same decision every Saturday for the past 40 years

>being a hole in the bread fag
>eating shitty pleb bread
>eating a loaf of bread A WEEK

>> No.14228373

Bread goes off before the week is over, what in the fuck are you on about?

>> No.14228378

I get mad at this too, but come one man, this is a first world problem, just sidestep them

>> No.14228379

Existential angst

>> No.14228394

Depends on what happens. Beware of pitfalls like religion or suicide or oviposition fetishes. Seek the light

>> No.14228397

>to actually thinking having children is good.
This bit makes me assume you're still young and a bit immature, which sucks for you, because people are 10 times more annoying when you become an adult and enter the real world.

>> No.14228401

>I hate people.
>I'm antinatalist
Choose one or none.

>> No.14228407

extreme coping

>> No.14228425

>just sidestep them
What part of "blocking the pavement" do you not understand?

To walk AROUND them I'd have to walk IN THE ROAD.

>> No.14228434


>> No.14228436

>This bit makes me assume you're still young and a bit immature
I'm 29, having babies is for retards and egotistical retards.

>> No.14228447

I'm not walking in the fucking road, I'm not a dog. The path is for everyone, make way or I WILL walk right the fuck through you and if you confront me I WILL kick your teeth in.

>> No.14228451

oh damn dude you need to grow up. Like, having those edgy views at this age is legit worrisome, something a sperg would do.

>> No.14228459

Give me one good reason to procreate, just one.

>> No.14228467

There are many different kinds of bread each with their own unique flavours

>> No.14228472

that might have been the most "yeah no, i'm hopeless" response you could give, damn.

>> No.14228479

You can ask them to move aside

>> No.14228596
File: 46 KB, 310x247, 4248E57F-5423-4389-B8EF-97778200744F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not that I hate life, but I hate how we continue it.
If I’d have a kid I’d support it financially for some time after 18, teach it everything I know and make sure it is healthy throughout its life period that I somewhat control. I’d also respect its own personal space, explain that their body is their own, etc.
Meanwhile mine just had me, didn’t teach me anything even though they’re both pretty educated, forced me to hug or kiss those I didn’t want to, made me fat during my childhood, didn’t give me any personal space, gaslit me constantly, etc.
I’m on a phone so I’m not going on the rant I really want to go on but this goes for so many. And I see so many other parents just not respecting their kids. Was out eating the other day and parents sitting in front of me with their 10 yo kid beside them started talking about how it was crying because of some video game or something. Same as my mother telling everything to everyone about my life throughout my childhood, it’s disgusting, non respecting and non loving. Parents don’t love their kids, they’re just narcissistic objects to them.
Kids aren’t stupid either, I remember how conscious I and multiple of my friends had become at the age of ~8. Yet you’re treated like absolute trash that doesn’t know anything hearing “you’ll appreciate it when you’re older” over and over.
What’s even the point of a family, mine have only been a total hindrance to my development and have kept me away from really being myself. Just controlling and insane. Like a long cancer through generations. Same problems, same broken personalities.
Honestly I think so many people love the Harry Potter movies because the kids are away from their parents for most of the year. Our civilization shouldn’t have small individual families. Should only be one as the nation and then close groups of friends.

>> No.14228693

I hate you too OP you niggr

>> No.14228707

don't move and let them pass you.

>> No.14228757

>You can ask them to move aside
Fuck off.

They have eyes, they can see, they know what they're doing and they're so used to spineless faggots walking in the road they think I will do. Every week I walk right through ignorant cunt women who walk 4 a side and think they own the path. And I KNOW they do it knowingly because half of them respond with "ok geez god". They know what they're fucking doing and I'd do a lot more than walk into them if I could get away with it, it's pure fucking disrespect. Like I'm nothing to fear. Stupid cunts.

>> No.14228768

I'm waiting

>> No.14228775

You are an adolescent and you don't have the earthy depth and maturity of an average adult. When you do, you too will relish a cheap slice of bread and contemplate the taste and nutrition of competing loafs.

>> No.14228779

>he can't justify his own shallow inherited worldview

>> No.14228798

I'm 28, blow me faggot. Bread is bread you fucking pansy, it's sustenance.

>> No.14228812

give the world a good 50 years to really reap the fruits of climate change, when first worlds will basically be onions green.

>> No.14228824

Green onions? That sounds pretty good desu

>> No.14228828

It might be a good approach if you were playful about it. Dude doesn't want to be happy so whatever though.

>> No.14228834


fucking insecure wordfilter

>> No.14228858

>It might be a good approach if you were playful about it
I don't want to fuck these women I want them to FUCK OFF. Men never do this shit, it's only women. Men understand the unspoken agreement of "treat me with respect and I'll treat you with respect and whoever acts the cunt gets fucking hit". Even the dumbest pigshit man knows to make way. But women live in cloud cuckoo land where every cuck ruled by his dick bends over backwards for them so they never learned this shit. So every woman I walk into who stumbles and gasps as her worldview shatters around her is a win in my book.

>> No.14228862

For now, then you will be old and your body will decay and you will be sen to a nursing home as your faculties further decline.

>> No.14228878


>> No.14228905

insane. u are literally the guy from notes from the underground

>> No.14228913

It's not insane to expect the respect you give.

Men can do it, women have no excuse.

>> No.14228920

Based and I’ll start walking into women good one anon

>> No.14228926

>Laws are laws because they must be complied with, while unwritten laws
Didn't read post this point
>All laws are just

>> No.14228929

men doing something doesn't mean women can. hell you seem to have plenty of evidence that it is literally impossible for women to act in a manner you would consider respectable

>> No.14228944

Then women can deal with me walking through them then, I don't give a fuck. I'll do it the rest of my life, I refuse to bow to their self centered egotistical selfishness.

>> No.14228953

keep fighting the good fight brother

>> No.14229011

If you truly despise all life, why won't you just kill yourself? Are you an exception? Is everyone to be judged by your moral standard, even if the vast majority doesn't agree with it?

>> No.14229016

You forgot weekly toxic doses of EtOH. Week after week. Drinking to the point of puking and forgetting everything, then waking up and spending the next two days from the glutaminergic rebound. This is most of the people in their 20s and 30s in the west. You can see there is nothing in there eyes. Full blown alcoholics are in better mental shape than the weekly "getting wasted" type, because at least they do not suffer rebound exitotoxicity and weekly kindling. Usually the chronic alcoholic leads to some unique (unique is not synonymous with ideal) things too, like religious thinking, creativity, and invariably lowers testosterone which leads to non-cumbrained thought whereas EtOH in the other instance is almost always accompanied by debauchery or at the very least, the desire of it, thus instilling a conditioned place preference and ruining whatever rough pharmacological utility it may have had. Examples such as Tesla come to mind. I do not drink aside from perhaps a shot or two of whiskey here and there but if you placed a gun to my head and asked me if I would rather 1) get wasted every friday or 2) be an alcoholic, I would without hesitation pick 2.

>> No.14229041

>If you truly despise all life, why won't you just kill yourself?
Because I hate everyone else because they get in my way. Every day is a death by a thousand cuts of petty slights and disrespect from people so full of themselves they can't conceive of the benefits of mutual respect.

I don't hate myself or being alive, when I'm alone I'm happy and content. It's only when other people enter my sphere that I experience anger, annoyance and frustration.
>Is everyone to be judged by your moral standard
Am I asking THAT much? REALLY?

>Make way for people coming the other way on the street
>Be aware of the fact other people want beans so don't spend 10 minutes blocking the shelf, decide BEFORE you leave the house
>If you piss on the seat of a public toilet, wipe it
>Don't spit in front of other people
I mean, this is just basic fucking shit a child can be taught. If you insist on being a selfish cunt then one day you'll meet someone like me or worse who'll leave you in a fucking ditch on the side of a road because you thought you'd be the big man and illegally overtake risking my life and your own.

>> No.14229056

Then why don't you show those women who's boss and tell them to step aside? Otherwise, to me you sound like some loser who stays quiet while fuming that women aren't letting him through

>> No.14229079

how many people actually live like this? i feel like most people i knew outgrew that in their second year of college if they ever did it to begin with

>> No.14229082

Because they don't deserve to be spoken to like a human being, they deserve to be barged through like the animals they are. I'm not wasting my breath on subhuman whores when they get the message from my actions alone.

Act like a selfish cunt and I'll treat you like one.

>> No.14229096

OP really is the modern day Underground Man.

>> No.14229101

Look, I get where you are coming from but seething about it in some Japanese cartoon imageboard isn't going to make a difference. You have to stand up for yourself. Even if you don't intend it, you are sending the message to these women that they can treat you like shit and get away with it because you'll keep quiet.

>> No.14229111

I do stand up for myself by barging through them. Trust me, they get the fucking message because not one of the 100+ women I've pushed through has tried to confront me or chase me down. At worst I get a pathetic "oh geez ok wow" as if to say "ok geez I'll move I'll move don't hurt me".

>> No.14229139

Okay, so you're mad because they should've have stepped aside instead of you having to barge through them? I don't know where you live, but it does seem that society has gotten a lot ruder.

>> No.14229165

Every path in every town and city in the world is wide enough for at least two rows of people, one going north, one going south. If there's no one else coming the other way, then fine, walk two by two with your friend. But if you see someone coming, then make way. Go single file and both sets of people get to use the path. It's a very simple and intuitive concept, it's not hard and it's not extra effort on your part.

I'm not asking anyone to step into traffic, I'm asking them to share the path.

>> No.14229167

>You can see there is nothing in there eyes
>there eyes
So, how many times did you black out yourself?

>> No.14229177

Based. That's why I work the nightshift

>> No.14229182

Anon I've been sober for 10 months and your post makes me want to start drinking again.

>> No.14229187

Don't do it anon. I love you!

>> No.14229193

I went to idleness and quietism

>> No.14229215

I've never seen such a straightforward display of vulnerable narcissism.

>> No.14229224

I know OP, but some people are just rude, even if there's no reason to be. You have to stand up for yourself, don't let those people treat you like shit and avoid them. It seems to me that you just had a bad day. Take a walk, sit down in a park, read a book, eat some chocolate.

>> No.14229238
File: 740 KB, 244x284, ksure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates people
>actively engages with a site full of people

>> No.14229242

How is barging through them not standing up for myself?

What more can I do? Lecture them? Why? They're animals, they never learn.

>> No.14229245

Path A (usually taken by more neurotic, schizoid people, ones with severe trauma, inferior looks, bad living conditions and so on): mild schizophrenia, inceldom, obsession with conspiracy theories, depression, visible isolation from reality. Also, less often: suffering from manias, self-destruction in various ways, insanity.

Path B (usually taken by more emotionally stable, less sensitive, somewhat extraverted people): love for self-help, growing up, stabilizing in life, becoming a bland, regular citizen. Optionally: coping through addictions.

>> No.14229250

I've described itt why I hate people, it should be obvious why 4chan is an exception

>> No.14229281

>Lecture them?
No, but them not taking the hint gives you the right to be rude? I'm not telling you to be a doormat, just be firm without being a jerk

>> No.14229291

>No, but them not taking the hint gives you the right to be rude?
If you refuse to be respectful, you forfeit any right to respect. That's my personal rule.
>just be firm without being a jerk
Fuck off you utter fucking cuck.

I'll do as I please, these whores are lucky I don't break their nose.

>> No.14229294

enjoy highschool while it lasts op
you might think your misery means something now but looking back on your life you'll only regret not getting teen pussy

>> No.14229306

I'm 28, blow me you child

>> No.14229311


>> No.14229313

No, you still have the mind of a 15 year old. An adult would never say "blow me faggot," not even online. Life is much more full of color on the other side.

>> No.14229315


>> No.14229326

>An adult would never say "blow me faggot," not even online
Blow me faggot, being an adult is not about pretending to be mature and refined.

People who do that are faggots and boring fucks.

>> No.14229330

Yeah. People who say they turned out great are always the bestest mostest awesomest people in the room. Every single time.

>> No.14229337

Oh look, another deluded boob who’s tricked himself into thinking he believes in something. How original.

>> No.14229341

Preach on, mah bruthaa ...!

>> No.14229344


Well if there's an exception then you objectively don't hate people. I think what you hate is company. Subtle difference, and pretty typical among those who spend a lot of time alone and are smarter than average.

Age, finding close friends/relationships, and seeing that the world does have some good in it tends to temper this. Reading widely also helps. After all, its "people" who wrote all the books you love.

>> No.14229349

What if you’re 80 years old like me and still think this way?

>> No.14229355

You're 80 and on 4chan? Damn I'd like to meet you in real life before you die.

>> No.14229356

You forgot your pills gramps

>> No.14229364

>After all, its "people" who wrote all the books you love.
They can go choke on a railroad spike for all I care.

Edgy but you get the point. I care about the art, the artist can go fuck themselves, I'm not interested in them at all. And no, I don't care how their lives influenced their works. The best works are standalone, they live and breath on their own merit. No, I'm not grateful to them either.

>> No.14229461

Fair enough. I like Shakespeare for that very same reason.

>> No.14229480

You are legally allowed to murder other anons as long as you can pull it off

>> No.14229500

This is fucking cringe, not because the ideology behind it is all that flawed, yes people are boring and are amused by boring things. But get over it, nobody fucking cares about you either. Why did you feel the need to post this? Do you get gratification from repeating this shit over and over as you probably do? This whole farce sort of counteracts your point of hating people because as much as you say it, you're still trying to get attention from us with your "baby's first thoughts" thinking that it's at all unique from the millions of other people that think the same as you. Just fuck off OP. this is a literature board.

>> No.14229508

Try reading the whole post before you respond, retard

>> No.14229515

t. 17y/o who just scored 125 on an online IQ test

>> No.14229523

t. salty braindead bitch I was talking about in the OP

>> No.14229560

I really have a hard time believing any 28 year old would speak this way, no matter how sheltered. Because I tell ya you're doing a great impression of an angsty teenager.

>> No.14229562

>I really have a hard time believing any 28 year old would speak this way
That's because you're a child with childish notions of what being an adult is.

>> No.14229578

I don't think so. I think I've come to really be beaten down by life these past couple years and come to understand how much of maturity is a cope and how much is a selfless put on for the benefit of others. I don't think your bratty brand of misanthropy can really sustain a person under any pressure, so I would guess if you are 28 years old you still live with parents who provide for you or else you are comfortably dependent on the government. It's certainly not the attitude of anyone working a below minimum wage job. It's not that we haven't all thought that way before but it's something you learn to suppress, you come to understand as universal and then universally suppressed - you learn to live with one another in spite of your being at odds. (and we all are)

>> No.14229587

*above not below

>> No.14229595

>Just be a pathetic pushover, suppress your self respect, don't cause waves just contribute to the system quietly
You'll forgive me if I dismiss you as a worthless peasant

>> No.14229619

>I think I've come to really be beaten down by life these past couple years
How old are you?

>> No.14229620

go back

>> No.14229635

If I make it to 70 I'm gonna shoot some people then die in jail

>> No.14229647

What light

>> No.14229655

I've noticed that kids always look alive and present but adults look like zombie NPCs, you can see it in their eyes and face, it's really weird

>> No.14229660

I didn't say any of that and it's a bad extrapolation from what I did say. If your rant about how you hate people is your only equation for self respect I do feel sorry for you. I would never suggest you live like a pushover. Make waves if you've got waves to make. I don't see how any of that is relevant to the matter at hand. You're espousing a purely negative and insular world view which doesn't lend itself to contributing anything positive or asserting itself in any real way. You're the one building yourself into a pushover by shutting the world away. Probably you have been rejected throughout your life, and you have had the strength to take credit for this rejection, and say "it was I who rejected them", but it's an empty gesture toward abstract dignity. You exist for us and we exist for you, the world is yours go taste it.

>> No.14229666

>I turned out great so you should totally gamble with human life!

>> No.14229687

This is the cringiest post I've seen all week