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14246973 No.14246973 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.14247006
File: 39 KB, 680x543, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some other photos taken by shrek?

>> No.14247011

This was so cringey in retrospect, Peterson could have been a cool Jung boi, but instead straw-manned pomo and wrote a shitty boomer self-help book. Ben Shapiro is gross. Sam harris is a hack. This is as dead as disco

>> No.14247012

I wonder if their shit is as serious off camera as it is on camera. Does it go from the human condition to fart jokes and faculty stories? Are they just humans without their position of having to speak some kind of message?

>> No.14247017

You may not like it, but this is what peak intellectualism looks like

>> No.14247031

And peak money for most of them except I assume the jewfro in the back

>> No.14247057

Remember when /pol/ thought Joe Rogan is a psyop to make goyim take DMT?

>> No.14247060

Or when they thought Peterson was a psyop launched to prevent neckbeards from going full NatSoc?

>> No.14247580
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squad #2

>> No.14248453

Peterson's rise in popularity was poorly timed. His cutesy insights were not suited to the political gravity projected onto them.

>> No.14248546

>Sam harris is a hack
Any honest criticisms or just da joos?

>> No.14248564

>dude war in the middle east is moral because muslims are bad people who deserve to die lmao

>> No.14248571


>> No.14248572

where's the lie?

>> No.14248590

Does he really support war in the Middle East?

>> No.14248604


t.never read a sam Harris book.

>> No.14248706
File: 111 KB, 300x400, justpomomyshitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditionalists are grasping for any sort of intellectual legitimization
post modernism is making huge waves across America right now and people of the old guard have zero idea what is happening
once Peterson stepped outside his psychological boundaries he has become deconstructed himself
rambling on about archetypes, randomly crying, and checking himself into a mental hospital; the man has been utterly BTFO by the cognitive dissonance he must be feeling
he read Nietzsche but didn't do the important reading after that, so he is partially woke, but doesn't have that Deleuzian finisher to give him the perspective he needs to escape these trad psueds surrounding him at the table

>> No.14248753
File: 31 KB, 400x400, taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IDW is in shambles, completely over. Gabish?

>> No.14248760

for who?

>> No.14248765

>that tweet where Taleb completely demolishes that snake oil salesmen Harris

>> No.14248786

Peterson is okay for promoting Jung and Solzhenitsyn but this cult surrounding him that looks to him for advice on politics and even nutrition is bizarre.
Weinstein seems okay
Shapiro is good but dweebish and too focused on punditry
Rubin the same.
Rogan same but a bit better
Sam Harris is a fedora and a druggie.

>> No.14248796

If you hate 12 rules so much then just read Maps.

>> No.14249313

Kek what am I reading

>> No.14249325
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectual dark web

>> No.14249386

post it

>> No.14249415


>> No.14249458

Joe Rogan probably felt so cool in that picture

>> No.14249463

Where is the food?

>> No.14249485
File: 6 KB, 261x193, D0A19DFA-69D5-4032-B8E2-5AD26EB5BDD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called the intellectual dark web
>intellectuals of all fields and political outlooks deride them
>they aren’t particularly dark in skin tone or subject matter
>none of them are spiders
What did they mean by this?

>> No.14249504

They call themselves that for marketing. It soounds cool and trendy. Also the whole victimization thing also works

>> No.14249512

Is the IDW still a thing? JBP and all those guys dissappeared and the whole thing seems dead and forgotten. It would be sad if they weren't midwits