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File: 2.04 MB, 1564x1064, indian_chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14276978 No.14276978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, I agree that the ancient Indians solved philosophy and metaphysics, how did you know?

>> No.14277011

Sorry but when you have something as racist and unjust as the caste system being endorsed by the same people who "solved" philosophy and metaphysics I am.... skeptical to put it mildly!

>> No.14277012
File: 30 KB, 960x540, 1483623426834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry but when you have something as racist and unjust as the caste system being endorsed by the same people who "solved" philosophy and metaphysics I am.... skeptical to put it mildly!

>> No.14277021

>that pic
you got btfo'd by every race you encountered starting from arabs all the way to anglos

>> No.14277024

>my system of morals are correct and should be imposed on others
The only racist is you.

>> No.14277033

It's known to all people endowed by their Creator that all humans are equal and that to oppress people based on immutable characteristics is wrong. I guess without the light of Islam and Muhammed's final sermon this wasn't openly expressed but still, a theologian should know better

>> No.14277054
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OP is bait and Indians are a poopoo race, but this post is peak reddit.

>> No.14277058

Thank goodness you posted this. For a minute we thought the picture was so persuasive that women worldwide were going to leave their partners and flock to India.

>> No.14277067
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>solved philosophy
>yet can't explain how they arrived at their conclusions

>> No.14277074

>*shits in street*
Ha yeah we sure figured it out fellow Aarav

>> No.14277077

Thanks for proving my point, bucko. Look upon the ugly fruits of racism and how they poison the grower and the earth upon which it is grown. Do you think someone like this will ever reach any real truths?

>> No.14277082


>> No.14277104

If only they solved how not to shit in the streets/

>> No.14277115
File: 206 KB, 968x733, Please don't hurt me mr pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one month until superpower status guys. I'm quacking in my boots.

>> No.14277286

>Do you think someone like this will ever reach any real truths
What truths do you want?

>> No.14277288


>> No.14277323

>t. Mleccha

>> No.14277392
File: 57 KB, 1200x799, 1572480041864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian thread? Indian thread then.
I've read the Gita and it was awesome.
My next pick would be:
>Autobiography of a yogi
>Sacred science by Swami Yukteswar Sri
>Inner ingegneering by Sadhguru
How are those? Have you read them?

>> No.14277464

Pretty much every branch of subcontinental philosophy is inextricably wrapped up in some religious bulltshit, try to untangle it and you could end up fucking hookers behind your wifes back.

>> No.14277468

>religious bulltshit
pleb detected

>> No.14277524

caste system is based and the west should adopt it

>> No.14277575

If some cultures are obviously inferior, calling them out as such has nothing to do with racism.

>> No.14277593

>Inner ingegneering
you really gonna read that?

>> No.14277605

before you know that's not even indian probably some nigger mixed with a mulatto

>> No.14277608

>t. has only read scriptures and never read actual Indian philosophical writings like commmetaries and treatises written in prose

>> No.14277650

you have to go back.

>> No.14277680

The Upanishads are great

>> No.14277737
File: 60 KB, 598x415, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's known to all people endowed by their Creator that all humans are equal and that to oppress people based on immutable characteristics is wrong.

>> No.14278705


>> No.14278719
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t. chandala

>> No.14278721

any reason the american girl is ugly?

>> No.14278866

Not ugly but morbidly obese.

>> No.14278878



>> No.14278884
File: 182 KB, 450x447, 1531949313285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only country on earth that supports the idea of a natural caste system in which "low caste" people are naturally inferior and dirtier, only fit to clean latrines and handle dead bodies
>it's the country that is most famous worldwide for being a massive open-air toilet, with inbred retarded rapists shitting on everything, eating street food contaminated with shit, sucking shit out of cow asses, bathing and playing in shit-filled rivers as shit-covered corpses casually float by

>> No.14278891

That shit with Culadasa was hilarious.

>> No.14279040

It's Alexander's fault for not utterly conquering them and fixing their shitskin ways.

>> No.14279062
File: 75 KB, 955x955, nader-shah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone, Pajeet.

>> No.14279401
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>> No.14279541

>Do you think someone like this will ever reach any real truths?
Only people like this will reach any kind of truth. Please go back.

>> No.14280017

I dunno, you tell me.
I think I'll go for it, thanks.

>> No.14280029

>I think I'll go for it, thanks.
If you're willing to read commentaries on the text in addition to the Upanishad itself these ones by Shankara are quite good


>> No.14280031

We're not obliged to believe that.

>> No.14280085

Why are caste systems bad?

>> No.14280115

Alexander was a globalhomo.

>> No.14280118
File: 661 KB, 1249x1149, P8HGFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people who have only a surface level understanding of caste imagine it to be a legal regime such that farmers are legally bound to work in their fields and do labor etc whereas in reality that's not actually the case and the traditional caste-rules found in the manusmriti and other dharma-sastras place increasingly onerous responsibilities and extra-severe punishment for breaking rules the farther you go up in caste and for the lowest caste people they have the least obligations and observances and the least severe punishments out of anyone but are supposed to maintain their distance from and not intrude into the spaces and living quarters etc of the educated priestly caste.

>> No.14280124

> durr hurr go bek tuh riddit
> reddit is an aggregate of internet links and information used by millions of people, all of which carries over to 4chan
> nuh uh wur ohrijinel and you-neek hur muh jooish kunspeerashy

>> No.14280126

read the Upanishads and find out for yourself

>> No.14280150

Its a circle jerk of unfunny beta faggots. No one disputes that it has "internet links" as if there is another kind of link.

GB2 reddit you faggot

>> No.14280178

they breed retards
humans aren't bugs and if you try to breed humans into bugs you just get garbage

>> No.14280203

Caste system is a spiritual hierarchy. It's pretty tough up the top because you're strictly bound by ritual duties.

>> No.14280649
File: 1.72 MB, 2454x2450, 16917D23-ABA2-49C4-8111-AC13564D77ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right I’m going to attempt my debate for why the caste system is negative on a societal scale. The caste system looks out for what is best for society and places humans he serves as a cog in a machine which is society to get the “best” result. Arguement s in which some say they are happier with the caste system ignore the different forms of happiness, and while they may have the happiness of stability, they never have the happiness of true exploration which I feel is essential in an understanding of the Self. The caste system also places everyone into a system which, while covering their base desire, ignores their spirtual desires for deeper understanding as the only understanding one gets is “ Muh net happiness for all”. Overall, a caste system, ignores what separates us as humans from machines and cattle. A caste system make everyoneperform menial tasks, all fo which lead to everyine losing out as the less menial your job, the more punished you get for incorrect behavior toward it. Overall, everyone loses rather than a system of true expression and what allows us to display our individuality as only humans may.

Pajeet btw, would be High Caste if system was in place due to ancestry

>> No.14280660
File: 150 KB, 680x680, ABFF1593-0E61-492D-B31A-27732D539742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTFO by a Shitskin

Based and Assimilationist - pilled

>> No.14280710
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, 00D5B7BB-35AB-476E-943E-4E7D4585454D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Furthermore, do you really all think that schools of thought such as neopragmatism and postmodernism itself could have ever popped up in the first place with a system such as the caste system implemented on a global scale. The only people free enough to think would be the highest caste of priests who would probably be too corrupted with the idea of “ Muh Infinite Gods “ or “Muh morals” or “Muh (((traditions))), to actually set any thoguht to something like this. The only manner in which the Human Experience would be considered is how it could be used to benefit society. If you look at all Indian morals desu, they all state what is basically a social contract to look out for the benefit of the whole. With this, y’all fags would have shit like Gravity’s Rainbow to read today. Also, the Indian society is brainwashed as a whole and has too ju her of a strong focus on traditional values. This is probably what leads to irrational beliefs such as the caste system, as now, “Grandpa was a proud farmer, therefore I should be a proud farmer”. With a system like this, we would have a world that exists, not one of mental and spiritual true exploration. Somebody like Micheal Foucault could come along and state his theory on human sexuality and he could be told “ Boy shut up keep picking the ((( capsaicin))) poisoned peppers for our curry tonight))). The Indian society basically states that a man,is born, gets a wife, gives birth and dies “ honorably “ <- XD. Furthermore, if you need an ultimate arguement against this system, think of the untouchables, men and women so branded negativity by society, a little girl must wash her eyes out after seeing one. A system which can advocate against a person so judge mentally and negatively making the “untouchables” into an anathema for society without people putting further thought into it is clearly very very flawed.

> inb4 untouchables = niggers hahahhahahahaha
> inb4 all Indians are untouchables hahahhahahah

Finally, imagine yourself being an untouchable. Unironically ostracized by society through no fault of your own, basically being a manlet * 100. If you are free to allow yourself to live in a system, where such a caste may be laced upon u go right ahead. However, it is my strong belief that the caste system is abhorrent as was right to be removed.

>> No.14280713


Even though you kind of sound like a psued, based

>> No.14280722

You could not be more wrong if you tried.

>> No.14280794

Here is why your argument falls apart, you are operating on the assumption that Christian/European/Enlightenment ideals are true and self-evident. If we accept the possibility that reincarnation is true, that there is karmic destiny, then you would only be born an untouchable if your karma was terrible, and if in your life as an untouchable you attained the necessary spiritual wisdom to be born a priest you would be. By abdicating social mobility to a higher power you naturally produce a healthier society, your example of Foucault is precisely WHY a caste system is healthy, fortunately his karma gave him aids and he’s probably right now starving to death in some village. By eliminating the karmic system you lead more souls astray. But of course this is all meaningless to you since your a e*ropean materialist who believes society should be structured around some a priori values like freedom that you can’t even articulate very well. Embarrassing.

>> No.14280899


>> No.14280911

>the Indian society is brainwashed as a whole and has too ju her of a strong focus on traditional values.
That is precisely why India is so fucking based, aside from the literal shit. Long live Narendra Modi, fuck Muslims.

>> No.14280922

>Somebody like Micheal Foucault could come along and state his theory on human sexuality and he could be told “ Boy shut up keep picking the ((( capsaicin))) poisoned peppers for our curry tonight))).
Based. Fuck Foucault.

>> No.14280925

t. prison

>> No.14280928

>fortunately his karma gave him aids
Holy kek based

>> No.14280956

You can always tell a jew by their unwillingness to type out 'jew' correctly.

That and 'God'.

>> No.14280958


This, and dubs prove it.

It’s no wonder India is so filled with poverty, disease, ignorance, crime and several maladies, and that in spite of a rich and impressive cultural and scientific tradition that dates back to thousands of years ago. Politics and government organization are a sort of applied system of ethics, and if you fail on the concrete world all your words are nothing but sweet-sounding vapor.

The real gold standard of a countries level of civilization is that it doesn’t allow the weak to be too weak and the strong to be too strong. Poverty is one of the greatest forms of violence, and it’s effects can be felt several generations in the future. The education of a person begins more than 100 years before that person is born. Also, there’s no way towards progress when the opinion of a single person or just a small bunch of people is all that matters: there needs to be debate and a constant clash of ideas.

Who knows what India could have been if it were more democratic. It’s no wonder the US became the US, since it adopted democracy (failed, still crude, but democracy nonetheless) before all the countries of the world (not counting the short dream that was Athens).

If one wants to be part of a strong, powerful and influential country one better fight for the right of voice even of those people you don’t agree with.

>> No.14280965

You look like the type of poo that could get a white gf without having to out-earn every white guy in a 40 mile radius by 300k

>> No.14281067

I'm curious. How would it happen specifically? Like old aristocracy followed by jews followed by retarded goyim?

>> No.14281182

It would actually be like:
Super jews (rothschilds et al)
Ashkenazi jews
Sephardic jews
Shabbos goy

>> No.14281224
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Actually I use racism and sexism as a litmus test for rationality. Anyone who believes in racial and gender equality is coping massively with the horrifying nature of our reality. Only a person who is racist and sexist can even begin to articulate rational thoughts because they have broken the two greatest intellectual taboos already and are on their way to exiting the cave.

>> No.14281228

So why did India fall so hard? It had a few hundred years of sages doing philosophy, then thousands of years of getting shit on by Muslims and Euros?

>> No.14281741
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>> No.14281774

If by Indians, you mean those of the Americas, then yes.

>> No.14281843

How did the ancient indians of America solve philosophy and metaphysics

>> No.14282412

Thank you!

>> No.14283022

You have no argument. You just assume poverty is the worst thing to ever exist and then provide no proof. Also nice reddit spacing, you onanist.

>> No.14283184


what if all the dalits decided not to reproduce in one generation, thereby leaving noone in that caste?

>> No.14283546

>You have no argument

The same guy that states: "Also nice reddit spacing, you onanist".

As for arguments, you don't need that much effort. Just a few examples:

Athens attained its highest status as a cultural and political power after the institutionalization of democracy.

Rome grew and transformed into Rome when it adopted the republican system, where power was divided among several people: they were wolves, but wolves attacking wolves, none of them turning into a bear. After the creation of the empire and a brief period of fullness Rome began to decline.

The US has become a superpower largely due to its experiments with democracy. Compare the political mindset of the founding fathers of the United States with that of South American royalists and see the difference between countries.

Countries with the best HDIs and happiness ratings are democracies with broad freedom and equality among people, as well as low corruption and cases of nepotism.

A large number of influential scientists and artists in the world today, and increasingly after ages such as feudalism, were people from families devoid of "noble blood" and "royalty." Today brilliant students at various universities in Europe and the US are descended from peasants and servants who were considered inherently inferior by the nobility.

>You just assume poverty is the worst thing to ever exist and then provide no proof.

It's one of the worst things. Being executed by torture is worse, for example. This does not change the fact that poverty causes severe deformations in the mentality, health, psychology, and personality of people who suffer its effects.

>Poverty is tied to structural differences in several areas of the brain associated with school readiness skills, with the largest influence observed among children from the poorest households. Regional gray matter volumes of children below 1.5 times the federal poverty level were 3 to 4 percentage points below the developmental norm (P < .05). A larger gap of 8 to 10 percentage points was observed for children below the federal poverty level (P < .05). These developmental differences had consequences for children’s academic achievement. On average, children from low-income households scored 4 to 7 points lower on standardized tests (P < .05). As much as 20% of the gap in test scores could be explained by maturational lags in the frontal and temporal lobes.


>you onanist.

What are you? Some reactionary monk-cuck or something?

>> No.14283564

don't reply to yourself guenonfag

>> No.14283619

tocharians white PIE invaders and elite caste got outbred. see egypt, sumeria, greece, see rome. see europe, america.

>> No.14283643

holy shit that paki chick is a fucking smoke show.

>> No.14284022

>unironically citing Athens and HDI
found the monk-cuck. India is the largest democracy in the world and has the best constitution.

>> No.14284422


Whe were talking of the historical development of India. And a lot of India’s law is dead law, merely written words. The caste system still exists and is considered a fact of life by the majority of population.

By the way, are you even from India?

>> No.14284525

Guenonfag face reveal?

>> No.14285076


His card says "moops".

>> No.14285173
File: 55 KB, 897x897, Integral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaphysics is an evolutionary subject and there is no "final" metaphysics. If a metaphysical system is successful, it will nourish the conditions for it to be eventually replaced by a new perspective that can account for the current contexts and relevancies of experience.

Always assume that those in the future will surpass you in every way. You will not be disappointed: there is no limit in our ability to grow, the achievement of a new ultimate immediately created a new terrain upon which ever higher terrains of engagement are exposed, beyond the assumed conditions of the previous achievement.

"Life is priceless" is the only truth. From this truth comes the imperative to respond to this investment, an exposure to the problems of action and thus engagement with one's intimate problems of knowledge. The will to love carries with it the imperative "to know," with the goal of this knowledge being to encourage the co-nutrition of the loving organism and that which it loves.

The most visible, attention-getting aspects of living creatures involves competition, conflict, and exhaustive mutual struggle. Spoken much more delicately but omnipresently are the rhythms of mutual coexistence and thriving that are written in longer rhythms, in the slow fostering of the mutual conditions for growth in ecosystems. In this delicate whisper is written what life is truly about when provided what it needs to achieve nourishment: to grow even further with others.

Spoken in the activity of life itself is a thesis of its own value, that it is worth all the pain, suffering, and risk it entails. Life is a mad enterprise, a radical gamble thrown into being from the emergent creativity of physical processes, a Wild Ride that I cannot help but find incredibly righteous and inspiring! Even the smallest cell is an outlandishly courageous daredevil, daring to try to survive in a blip of an instant. The song that life sings is "adventure."

>> No.14286210

Ok fag

>> No.14286210,1 [INTERNAL] 
