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14281487 No.14281487 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever noticed the extreme hypocrisy and contradictions of 4chan neet's view of sociality?

The conceptualization of "Chads", "Staceys", "mogging" etc. is such a reduction of sociality that it's simply isn't reflecting real life. All at the same time neets claim they know the real truth about sociality; that it's all power and sexuality, genetics and domination. According to them everyone who doesn't agree with this (the majority of people) is just living sheltered in a lie.

So why this rigid obsession? It is because neets wouldn't be able to explain their existence without it. It makes sense to be a neet in such a worldview. Becoming a neet in a world, where everybody just want be happy and that most people actions are normal actions with good intentions, is a hard thing to

In this sense i diagnose 4chan neet's as largely sadist almost to the point of the Stockholm Syndrome: The continued personal belief in something that keeps one down. I beg all you neets to free yourself from your isolated existence behind the computer screen and meet with eachother. Talk with the normal people around you that you don't really notice when focusing on your continual humiliation of Chads and Staceys. See that you are not special, and rejection, pain, anxiety is a part of most average peoples lives.

Disclaimer: I'm not stating that there isn't problems with power, sexuality, SoMe, capitalist ideology and so on in sociality. I agree that many neet's probably have hard harder times with sociality in school or at work. The point is here that doesn't justify the neet's worldview; specially with it is said worldview that keeps neet's themselves depressed and down.

>> No.14281493

It does too reflect real life fucking retard

>> No.14281496

You're banned from using semicolons, ESL.

>> No.14281525


>> No.14281527

This is typical defense mechanism which arises whenever someones ideology or worldview's contradictions and faults are exposed.

My next post is going to be about the extreme narcissism and hostility that premeditates and follows 4chan's worldview. Not only hostility to the outside world but also against themselves in connection to the widespred symptoms of anxiety and depression in posts of 4chan.

>> No.14281530


>> No.14281533



>> No.14281534

>t. gets mogged by chads on the daily

>> No.14281559


>> No.14281560

This, OP internalized his inferior position in societal hierarchy so much that he thinks getting mogged on every moment of the day is somehow normal. It isn't, you're just a pile of genetic waste.

>> No.14281580

For christ sake you're really delusional. OP is right; you would know it if you were a normal person. Even "chads" can have a hard time or be rejected by a woman at some point. It's totally common. Your delusional worldview where external people lives an hedonistic and easy life of constante pleasure is totally detached from reality

>> No.14281592
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>"OP is right"
>types exactly like OP

>> No.14281609
File: 450 KB, 1080x2270, Screenshot_20191203-115734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a faggot

>> No.14281627

>postercount stays the same
>thread doesn't get bumped
Yeah, it's OP. You're here seething while Chad is nailing Stacy.

>> No.14281629

This is signs of your rigid obsession. Because i don't agree with your ideology, i necessarily must be living in a lie not recognizing the truths of what you claim.

The problem here is the pathological quality of your ideology; not wether we are being constrained or not by powerful agents in society. We're all "mogged" by the decline of institutions and basic moral values under the rule of late capitalism. However sociological critique is an actual academic and political endeavour that is much superior in its complexity and use than 4chans pathological worldview.

I'm OP, not this guy

>> No.14281657
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>there isn't problems with (...) capitalist ideology

>> No.14281677

fucking mentally ill freud posters I swear to god I'm going to hunt and kill everyone of you jew ball licking retards

>> No.14281735

Knowing what this word means is cringe

>> No.14281748

Every time two people are interacting, one of them is getting mogged in the process. It's just how power dynamics work.

>> No.14281786

insightful post. however, if you convince them to adopt your viewpoint, they'd find another reason to stay NEET within an hour. it's all just a veil and cope to excuse staying a NEET, on a deep level.

>> No.14281935

I agree, self-deprecating memes are funny and show that one is laid-back and introspective and all that, but what strikes me all the time is how it became serious to the point of an online community constantly fucking bashing itself with them. This could be a place where people are self-conscious and curious about each other's worldviews and interets, supportive or contradictory, but it's just like 80% pure fucking hatred.

Despising jews for being shady is understandable, same for fags (which is supposed to be affectionnate here), or people with different opinions. In the end though, it doesn't create a real community if everybody is against everybody else for any reason. It's like ordering drinks with friends and instead of getting shitfaced together you start stabbing each other to blood loss.

We are anonymous so as not to attach to each other, not to hurt each other. There are too many sad people here, it's good to acknowledge that.

>> No.14281973

>It's like ordering drinks with friends and instead of getting shitfaced together you start stabbing each other to blood loss.

/pol/ culture is, at the limit, foid culture
few will ever realize this

>> No.14282044

If you havent figured out that 4chan is a modern times version of a "gom jabbar" then i dont know what to tell you.
Time to separate the men from the beasts.

>> No.14282055

there isn't a non-modern version of a "gom jabbar" because that is a thing from a sci fi book

>> No.14282071

>he doesnt know what Dune really is

>> No.14282076

Just because you feel mogged during every conversation you have doesn't mean it's real.

>> No.14282079

i know what it's not: an account of historical events

>> No.14282158

Yes you are correct anon. But if its not that then what else could it be?other than a good story?

>> No.14282169

Are you by any chance a nigger or do you genuinely feel so inferior that you normalize it?

>> No.14282191
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You want to fuck your mother

>> No.14282194

see >>14281629

>> No.14282198

Mines dead, can I borrow yours?

>> No.14282215

Negroid Jew, “haha yes nothing is wrong with reality haha” you are either a fascist who thinks degenerate culture is acceptable or a kike who wants to profit off of it

>> No.14282348


>> No.14283038


>> No.14283070
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>> No.14283078

>The continued personal belief in something that keeps one down.
These exist, though. They are called beliefs. Believe yourself to be a loser, and you'll remain that way. When enough people believe that democracy is the way to go, everybody suffers - with the exception of oligarchs.

>> No.14284032

>premeditates 4chans world view
Don't use words that you don't know the meaning to.

>defense mechanism
>outside world
You have the vocabulary of a 21 year old female liberal arts major, kill yourself.