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/lit/ - Literature

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14306561 No.14306561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fascism is capitalism in decay

>> No.14306570
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>> No.14306582

Literally nothing Marxists say makes any sense, it's almost astonishing how many intelligent men have dedicated their lives to expounding on total gibberish that has never accomplished anything

>> No.14306592
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>economics is just capatalist theology

>> No.14306593

What specific claims of marxist analysis don't make sense?

>> No.14306609

number 1 that everyone is equal
number 2 that people should all be paid the same no matter what job
number 3 that rich people made their riches unfairly
number 4 that free market is a bad thing
I could go on and on

>> No.14306618
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>Despite its exceptional military capabilities, Fascism is still left with a thorny problem it can't resolve: whilst economic crisis keeps the reasons for a revolutionary upsurge continually to the fore, Fascism is incapable of reorganising the bourgeois economic machine. Fascism, which will never be able to overcome the economic anarchy of the capitalist system, has another historical task which we may define as the struggle against political anarchy, against the anarchy of bourgeois class organisation as a political party. The different strata of the Italian ruling class have always formed political and parliamentary groups which aren't based on soundly organised parties and which have fought amongst themselves. Under the leadership of career politicians, the competition between these groups around private and local interests has led to all kinds of intrigues in the corridors of parliament. The counter-revolutionary offensive has forced the ruling class, in the realm of social struggle and government policy, to unify its forces. Fascism is the realisation of this. Placing itself above all the traditional bourgeois parties, it is gradually sapping them of their membership, replacing them in their functions and — thanks to the mistakes of the proletarian movement — managing to exploit the political power and human material of the middle classes. But it will never manage to equip itself with a practical ideology, and a programme of social and administrative reforms, which goes beyond traditional bourgeois politics; a politics which has come to nought a thousand times before.

>> No.14306622

Fascism arrives out of the decay of capitalism

>> No.14306631

This did not make a lick of sense. Besides real fascism has never been tried

>> No.14306632
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>Yes I'm a NazBol
>How could you tell

>> No.14306633

>something marxists don't say
>something marxists don't say
>correct for the most part
>value judgement

>> No.14306637

The entire thing is predicated on the labor theory of value which makes no sense. I swear to fucking God if one of you reply 'Marx didn't invent the LTV' I am going to find and rape your entire family. No he didn't invent it but he explicitly outlines the concept at the very beginning of Capital and uses it as a basis for what follows.

>> No.14306639
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>> No.14306640

>number 1 that everyone is equal
Marx's most famous quote directly discounts the idea that everyone is equal: "from each from their abilities, to each to their needs"
>number 2 that people should all be paid the same no matter what job
Marx never said this, he was about the ownership of labour
>number 3 that rich people made their riches unfairly
not all rich people, and even then it isn't the rich people's fault, capitalism will always create a bourgeois class
>number 4 that free market is a bad thing
Marx advocates for a free market actually
>I could go on and on
I suspect it would just be more tripe

>> No.14306645

Everyone is equal. People should not be paid at all - goods and services can be exchanged as they are needed in a collective. Rich people's wealth is predicated on the toil of the subjugated. Every rich person profits off of hundreds more people remaining poor. The free market is ineffective at responding to demands that can't be quantified in exchange-values, i.e. the general public health afforded by a bus service.

>> No.14306647

What about the labor theory of value doesn't make sense?

>> No.14306650
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Redpill: the USSR was a fully realised corporatist society and the most successful implementation of fascism in history.

>> No.14306651

Fascism isn't real

>> No.14306653

>Fascism is Capitalism achieving glory

>> No.14306655

so you discount Smith and Ricardo in the same way I imagine

>> No.14306664

Labor is not homogenous and can't be averaged as a whole as if it were gold
yes the entire field of economics is a meme, if it weren't it would have predictive power, which it doesn't

>> No.14306669

I've only seen marxists say number 3. Where do you see marxists saying the rest?

>> No.14306670
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>b-but thats not true communism!
Cope, you are basically just a parody of the meme at this point

>> No.14306684

They're right though. Marx himself says that people are not naturally equal and never could be. Likewise communism seeks moving to a moneyless society, no one would be "paid" anything because wages wouldn't exist.

>> No.14306693
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>> No.14306700

>"The elimination of all social and political inequality,” rather than “the abolition of all class distinctions,” is similarly a most dubious expression. As between one country, one province and even one place and another, living conditions will always evince a certain inequality which may be reduced to a minimum but never wholly eliminated. The living conditions of Alpine dwellers will always be different from those of the plainsmen. The concept of a socialist society as a realm of equality is a one-sided French concept deriving from the old “liberty, equality, fraternity,” a concept which was justified in that, in its own time and place, it signified a phase of development, but which, like all the one-sided ideas of earlier socialist schools, ought now to be superseded, since they produce nothing but mental confusion, and more accurate ways of presenting the matter have been discovered.
Not that a letter by Engels is the be all end all of Marxist theory, but you should maybe familiarise yourself a little with any ideology you want to criticise before criticising it.

>> No.14306707

>Labor is not homogenous and can't be averaged as a whole as if it were gold
Sure it can. My wage and your mother's wage are both dependent on the quality and quantity of the labour we do, and yet they can be exchanged into a single currency and then compared in any way we want (including averaging).

>falling for the bait

>> No.14306713

it is for at least a portion of libertarians

>> No.14306746

90% of the pseuds banging on about le economics when pressed will cite only Austrian schoolers that are taken even less seriously by mainstream economists than Marx is.

>> No.14306748
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clearly hasnt read marx

>> No.14306753
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Communism will never work because the few limp wristed sissies that actually understand Marxism wont be in charge after the "revolution", some dumb proles with an ounce of testosterone will take the leading role, and come up with yet another totalitarian nightmare state

>> No.14306759

That doesn't make labor homogenous, money is just an abstraction used to exchange goods/services in a market

>> No.14306761

>mainstream economists opinions matter at all
Source: reformed mainstream economist

>> No.14306766

>He thinks Marxists still believe in "revolution"
Read theory past the 1910s

>> No.14306773

it is however a good summary of what communists actually believe

>> No.14306804

It makes abstract labour homogeneous, and it makes different kinds of concrete labour reducible to abstract labour. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to express wages of software developers and prostitutes in the same currency. Unless the particular character of a concrete labour has no impact on the wage of the worker.

>> No.14306806

>read the never-ending ad hoc rationalizations of a failed economic theory
yeah sounds very useful

>> No.14306814
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Why yes i do let my boss suck out all my surplus value, how did you know?

>> No.14306823

abstract labour doesn't mean anything. There are actually existing industries that produce things, the labor within them is a real, specific thing that contributes to the whole.

You may as well say that cars and potatoes are the same thing because both can be given a price

>> No.14306832

>Literally nothing Marxists say makes any sense

I agree.

>> No.14306833

My point is that it doesnt fucking matter what educated marxists believe because they're ineffectual and won't play any significant role in the real world

>> No.14306836

socially necessary labor time sweetie

>> No.14306860
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>Won't play any significant role in the world
>The second most powerful country on the planet is run by a communist party

>> No.14306868

Are you denying that it is capitalism or just that its decay

>> No.14306882
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>All of a sudden it IS real communism
You tankies are so embarrassing

>> No.14306908

I love this literature related thread. I love the good work the moderators put into maintaining quality discussion. I love when people discuss off-topic topics outside of their respective boards. I love the fact that off-topic politics are accepted everywhere outside of >>>/pol/ regardless of their relevancy to the board. I love how the mods patrol people for announcing sage but refuse to ban people who shit up this board with off-topic threads. I love how newfags, migrants and tourists persistently bump this shit. I love how this thread will remain in the catalog until it reaches the 300 reply bump limit. I did NOT sage or report this thread. Again, I DID NOT SAGE OR REPORT THIS THREAD. I have broken no rules in my current post.

>> No.14306911

Neither the USSR or China were ever actually communist societies. They were both capitalist societies led by communist parties. No communist society has ever existed nor probably will exist for many centuries.

My point is not that China is communist. My point is that China literally is run by educated Marxists as is their academia.

>> No.14306914

Did you just wake up from a thirty year coma?

>> No.14306918

>abstract labour doesn't mean anything. There are actually existing industries that produce things, the labor within them is a real, specific thing that contributes to the whole.
The fact that you can even write this means that you're already thinking abstract labour or labour in general, which is the same thing. If you weren't thinking labour in general and industry in general then you wouldn't be able to say "there are industries with labour", but only "there is footwear industry with shoemaking, there is software development with programming", which of course wouldn't even be sufficient for you to make your point.
So you definitely do know what it means.

>You may as well say that cars and potatoes are the same thing because both can be given a price
No, I may not. They're concretely different, just like the concrete labours that made them, but they both share the property of being products of human labour.

>> No.14306920

Fascism is actually modernism and liberalism in decay but tomato tomatoe

>> No.14306922

Hook line and sinker

>> No.14306926

you are the cancer killing this board

>> No.14306932
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>When /tv/ knows more about Communism than /lit/

>> No.14306995
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>When Jordung Pebblestone spends his entire career bitching about Marxism but the first time in his entire life he even bothered to read anything by Marx was the day before his debate with Zizek.

>> No.14307006

it's just one of their buzzphrases like "first as tragedy then as farce". they're cultish pseuds that's why they all repeat simplistic mantras like this.

>> No.14307014

Hegel was the one who said that and he was just going off the Greeks

>> No.14307021

Capitalism and Communism are two heads of the same JEWISH coin.

>> No.14307036

/lit/ is actually garbage for literary discussion. I have had literary discussion on /adv/ that was 100x greater than anything I've had on /lit/ in the past half-year. I think the people who are serious about literature are disgusted by all the shitposters and low IQ pseuds so they gave up on putting effort into discussion.

>> No.14307039

i thought it was from 18th brumaire of napoleon bonaparte

>> No.14307053

>Boohoo we need every board on this entire website to be about politics. You're not allowed to have a hobby unless your hobby is obsessing over imaginary political enemies.
I did not sage this post and I have broken no rules.

>> No.14307116

You can't abstract it. The labor involved in flipping burgers can't be converted into the labor involved in engineering aircraft. Just because you can string words together doesn't mean you're actually referring to something.

Furthermore you can't understand any industry by just looking at labor, which is only a part of what creates the products involved. Resources and the social structures involved are also as responsible

>> No.14307135
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>fascism is retarded

>> No.14307144

>Furthermore you can't understand any industry by just looking at labor
Actually, you can.

>> No.14307158

This is the power of what not reading looks like.

>> No.14307213

You yourself are abstracting it in thought, and it also functions as a real abstraction in the real world, because otherwise labour wouldn't be able to be transformed into wages.
>Furthermore you can't understand any industry by just looking at labor, which is only a part of what creates the products involved. Resources and the social structures involved are also as responsible
I agree with this.

>> No.14307244

Or rather shouldn't say that you're abstracting it yourself. It already has been abstracted in the real world with the division of labour and general exchange of commodities, and then it got reflected inside your head.

>> No.14307258

> abstracted in the real world
> then it got reflected inside your head
hegelian mumbo jumbo
you aren't even really materialists

>> No.14307306

This hasn't got much to do with Hegel. While I can at least begin to understand you taking issue with the first one (although it's still undeniable that incommensurable labours get abstracted into something that lets their derivatives be expressed in money form), the second one is completely innocent, and if you think that one is mumbo jumbo then that might be just my poor wording (t. slav).
All I had in mind was something akin to the difference between seeing the words "red, blue" on a sheet of paper and then abstracting that into "color" in your own mind, and seeing the word "red and blue are colors" already written down and just taking that in. That's about the least mumbo-jumbo thing imaginable.