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/lit/ - Literature

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14428344 No.14428344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14428501

got a friend who gets pissed off that I read, his only hobbies are video games and getting pissed so whenever books are brought up around me he seems to get insecure then says some shit like "don't you just read about gay men anon" because I read confessions of a mask about a year and a half ago

>> No.14428531

Yes, I used to get that a lot when I was a kid. Reading The Hobbit, Harry Potter or Eragon was enough to impress people.

>> No.14428543

I never found Boondocks charming in the least. It is probably pushed more by the Jews into normalizing rap culture.

>> No.14428557


>> No.14428586

Yea a couple of times by friends and family.
They usually want to know specifics like how many books a month do I read and on what subjects, too.

>> No.14428603

well, he’s not wrong

>> No.14428630


>> No.14428632

You're retarded kys bitch.

>> No.14428635

kek oddly enough i know this feel

>> No.14428641

Go back to your containment board nigger

>> No.14428664

>"anon, you don't watch TV? what do you do all day then?"
>idk, read. (obviously i mostly just shitpost but i'm not gonna admit that)
>"what? what do you read, like mystery books or some shit?"
>no, like classics.
>"what, like huckleberry finn?"

>> No.14428683

It's unironically the peak of african american art and a rather good satire(though not a masterpiece)

>> No.14428728


None of you will ever be real women.

>> No.14428734

>yes I love the n word

>> No.14428754

not any of them and i hate jews, too, but wasn't boondocks made by gooks to shit on black people? i honestly don't remember because i was probably like 16 last time i watched it

>> No.14428790

I had a pale chubby qt in high school tell me she "admired" me because I read a couple of shit books. Took me years to realize she wanted my dick deep inside of her.

>> No.14428794

Nigga you gay

>> No.14428796
File: 69 KB, 903x508, boondocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14428836

I also had autism when younger anon

>> No.14428894

iktf. people get so defensive and insecure around me.
one time i told some boomers that I don't own a television and do not watch movies or TV. their faces were like they just watched me levitate and start bending spoons and summoning dragons out of thin air.