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/lit/ - Literature

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14475341 No.14475341 [Reply] [Original]

How often has this scenario played out for you?

>> No.14475370

Every day of my life, cause I’m a pretentious elitist

>> No.14475375

That happened to me with Thomas Mann's books, but a girl recently said she loves german lit and we are still in contact. Probably not gonna message her again tho.

>> No.14475381

She probably meant that she likes Goethe.

>> No.14475385

When I worked at Barnes & Noble part-time a few years ago, almost everyone I worked with lied about reading or about what they read. At least three people said they had read The Count of Monte Cristo but coincidentally the only elements of the book they could remember were from the newest film adaptation, and they didn't even remember who Haydee was.

After the third try I stopped asking about that book to everyone because I figured it was embarassing for them. But it happened several other times with at least 5 other employees, really baffled me.

>> No.14475392

One time I had a copy of Will Durant’s “Story of Greece” with me and I was waiting in the hall for my class. This girl who looked like she might love books walked by and said, really enthusiastically, “What book is that?” I told her and she said, “Oh, I thought it was Harry Potter.” I got in my car and went home.

>> No.14475394


>> No.14475400

Even more based.

>> No.14475411

Nah, we talked about Joseph and his Brothers and some more obscure works. Zoomers also don't know Goethe, it's usually just Hesse.

>> No.14475414

Never. Quit using books as a tool to dump seed in art thots.

>> No.14475416

don't be a bookish nerd when trying to pick up chicks. Smile and crack jokes you autist.

>> No.14475417

Your standard 4channer is a blonde who only associates with blondes. That’s why we are so intelligent and nerdy.

>> No.14475418

>she’s flustered but unresponsive
What did he mean by this

>> No.14475429

Are you normally so sensitive? I want to fuck your asshole

>> No.14475432

she was actually interested in the doomer but he was too shy and awkward to pick up on it and thought he got rejected

>> No.14475433


Once I was asked if I had read A Farewell to Arms. Apparently she had just read it. When I said no, the exchange just dried up. She didn’t want to discuss the book I was reading.
I can still remember her big bottom

>> No.14475442

No, I was just at a shitty junior college for reasons out of my control. She was cute but I was truly just excited that someone wanted to know what I was reading. Then it turned out she never advanced past 7th grade mentally and I decided to go home and read. Usually I’m not a pretentious asshole but I was at my limit after leaving work, where I basically licked redneck boots for a living, so I called it quits for the day.

>> No.14475446

No, she said it in a dismissive way.

>> No.14475449

If a girl doesn’t try to a tune least pretend she’s interested in the autistic book you’re reading, then you’re not attractive/charismatic enough.

>> No.14475462

what's the point when she isn't /lit/?

>> No.14475464

>tfw arthoe I snort speed and stuff with always reads the same books as me and we can discuss them in detail, but she has a bf, who wants her to stop interacting with me
Killing myself.

>> No.14475478

She wants you

>> No.14475493

Women aren't supposed to read.

>> No.14475516

>taking the initiative to actually talk to a girl

>> No.14475542

If her BF gets jealous he is actually making himself look beta af. You're like a kind of "forbidden fruit" to her.

You might have a chance anon. Wait until the guy throws a hissy fit and they fight, then ask her to come chill can "console" her. Just make sure you're not a pussy; you gotta actually make a move. She will need plausible deniability so she won't feel bad about cheating

Afterwards, when you walk by the dude, you will feel like Achilles dragging Hector across the whole of Troy

>> No.14475546

tbf i read that last summer and i already don't remember half of it. wasn't haydee like 16 and the count like 40 and they still got married in the end? i feel like normies would not like that.

>> No.14475560

that shit isn't alpha, in fact its actually gay.

>> No.14475566

Not that fellow, but if I recall correctly nothing was said one way or another about what their relationship turned into.

>> No.14475579

What are you referring to exactly?

>> No.14475590

do you not know how to throw a punch?

>> No.14475594

The only thing worse than a woman who doesnt read is a woman who reads, steer clear of depressive arthoes and humanitiesfags

>> No.14475621

Arthoes make life worth living

>> No.14475641

fucking another man's girl. you're practically fucking him

>> No.14475646
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Not as often as this one.

>> No.14475663

I tried it the other night, we got talking for a bit then she left. Feels kinda bad man

>> No.14475673

is it bad I prefer to listen rather than talk

>> No.14475686


>> No.14475715

Tried to get into a girl when she mentioned Vonnegut, turned out she's a they when they talked to a friend, and so I struggled to figure out what to talk to them about.

I asked about a drag bar suggestion and I got great advice on a local one. So my flirt attempt rebounded from my plan and I made an acquaintance.

>> No.14475739

I already punched him while high, which was another reason why he want me to stop.

All my sexual encounters have been "esoteric", so making a proper move could be weird, but I try.

>> No.14475749

No not really. It can be a great strength. Do talk some though.

>> No.14475757

Yes bro, stealing another man's girl is the gayest thing of all time

>making a proper move could be weird, but I try

Just go slow and don't force it if she tenses up, say you like her a lot and that it's no big deal

> already punched him while high, which was another reason why he want me to stop.

Bro you're alpha as fuck you got this

>> No.14475776

Stuff like this normally turns out gruesome. If you were to do this shit with my wife, I would dismember you, no joke. I would pretend to be on good terms, but in fact, I would have poisoned your drink. Afterwords, I would cut you apart, down to the last bone, and flush you down the toilet. Stop acting like a disgusting bonobo before you receive righteous punishment.

>> No.14475778

>Yes bro, stealing another man's girl is the gayest thing of all time
are you being ironical? of course its gay. would stealing a man's fleshlight and kissing it be gay? its the same thing effectively

>> No.14475796

>Stuff like this normally turns out gruesome
Not really. Most dudes find out way after the fact and just take it, maybe they'll make a public scene but they're always gonna be labeled the cuck and there's no coming back

>I would have poisoned your drink etc...

Everything you wrote is an expression of impotent rage. Let it be

>> No.14475802

For Christmas I was at my aunt's house and my cousin's new gf actually brought up Infinite Jest. She was a real fangirl, spilling her spaghetti. I hadn't even read it.

>> No.14475842

creepy girls ask me if i’ve read infinite jest all the time, and im like nah get movin before knock yo ass out bitch

>> No.14475847

Based druggie schizo anon, what were your sexual encounters?

>> No.14475853

Go slit your throat, you degenerate scumbag. If I found out you cucked me, I would buy a gun and silencer and shoot you in the back of the head. I'd do it when least expected too. Cheating around like a bunch of degenerate bonobos means you deserve to die. Stop acting like a nigger.

>> No.14475876

Why are you so angry at this fellow, who has no sort of obligation to you, when your wife is the one who has chosen to violate her oath of fidelity to you?
This fellow may be a scoundrel, but is not the one who betrayed you.

>> No.14475883

She hasn't betrayed me and never will.

There is a good and evil in life. Those who violate the good and fuck me over deserve to die. It is that simple. If you fuck with me and are doing obvious evil, why should have I mercy towards you? Certain actions are beyond the forgiveness of God, so I am doing what is just by ridding this world of depraved scum like you.

>> No.14475894

In the situation you accepted with much anger and fury, the assumption was that your wife cheated on you.
It is your wife who harms you first and foremost, not this man you have never met.

>> No.14475917

This is wrong. Most women are easily impressionable and swayed. I would never harm them because they are always being manipulated whether by slimey Jews or bad cultural trends. If a man cucked me, my issue would be precisely with the man. Taking the man's eye, or even his life, in recompense is just, which God would approve of. There should be no mercy towards adulterers. Thankfully, I have never experienced this during my life, but if you were to cuck me, I would, indeed, come for your life. I would also be sure to give you a slow, excruciating death.
Don't fuck with married women. Many men like me exist.

>> No.14475920
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>not offering a series of comfy evenings of reading it together
>not having her head on your shoulder/chest, quietly listening while you read it to her aloud
Oh dear, looks like someone's never going to make it.

>> No.14475956

>The only thing worse than a woman who doesnt read is a woman who reads, steer clear of depressive arthoes and humanitiesfags

I disagree entirely.

Most girls I dated and had sex/relationships with were boring one, at most, two-dimensional plebeians (this doesn't imply that I myself am not). But recently, one of my dates was actually very deeply into Tolstoy, Gogol and Dostoyevsky, and you could tell. Being a /lit/ dilettante, I realized that she was exactly what I was looking for. Fun times were had, we made out afterwards, but no sex (which is better in my view as it kept me wanting more). I subsequently ruin it with my awkwardness and over-texting because i kinda fell for her and thought she was the one

>> No.14475958

So you think your wife is incapable of making decisions? Even ones as simple as deciding if she wants to have sex with another man?

>> No.14475973

Rip anon, yeah everything seems to fall apart as soon as you catch feelings. I see where you're coming from, but I prefer talking theory with the boys

>> No.14475988

>implying I have ever talked to a girl aside from my mom and sister

>> No.14476010

she's getting anally fucked by chad right now, how does that make you feel?

>> No.14476012

I'm not in the mood to listen to your pseudointellectual babble and patronizing nonsense. Keep life simple. 1. You fuck married women. 2. You risk death, which is moral and justifiable. Most religions discouraged adultery for a reason. In fact, it is in the right of any man to crush the skulls of those who would dare to fuck his woman.

>> No.14476028

I don't think you're giving bad advice, and I don't mean to contradict you as far as your advice is concerned, it just seems to me that your newly purchased firearm should properly have two targets rather than one.

>> No.14476030

all the time. ha ha nice op

>> No.14476035

I haven't met anyone who read bukowski :/

>> No.14476036

>knowing Hesse
Zoomers only read Twitch chat.

>> No.14476055

If a girl turns to you to console her, then she's not going to fuck you. She's going to use you for emotional support and fuck her boyfriend.

>> No.14476060


>> No.14476064

>everything seems to fall apart as soon as you catch feelings.


Women I want nothing with, will not leave me alone,
but those I deeply care about, steer clear and far away

You are probably right. But I don't care - she has shown me the features I now seek in women.

>> No.14476505

No more wojaks, please, I cant take it

>> No.14476871

...more esoteric sexual experiences please?

>> No.14477006

just recite Norm Macdonald jokes you fucking sperg

>> No.14477008

>implying girls don't like YA novels

>> No.14477056

I've learned not to even bother. Some of them get kind of defensive about it as well. At some level they know that they should read, but it's too hard and there's too many distractions, so they don't. Asking them about it makes them feel bad, but instead of blaming themselves they direct the anger at you.

>> No.14477117

Me on the right

>> No.14477231
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This picture just reminded me of a time last year when I hit it off and danced with a QT emo-looking chick, but brushed off her very evident interest for her silver haired friend who was fucking a 50 year old.

I was just so focused in her friend that I completely disregarded the fact that this cutie was practically humping my leg.

Jesus christ, boys.

>> No.14477254
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>> No.14477768
File: 434 KB, 840x854, end me now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. You're so focused on someone who doesn't like you that you ignore the ones who do

>> No.14477822

I never read Infinite Gayst

>> No.14477829
File: 25 KB, 294x329, 1577818259642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks this actually happens
This ain't anime faggot, this is real life.

>> No.14477830

Women don't find Norm MacDonald jokes funny especially if they're not delivered by Norm MacDonald

>> No.14477832

>this is real life.
No, its a shitty wojak image lol

>> No.14477854

What the fuck are you on about

>> No.14477858

read the post you were replying to

>> No.14477872

>misinterpreting what "this" means

>> No.14477979

I feel ya brother, all the times I have had sex I have been very high, and almost psychotic.

>> No.14477988

>I got in my car and went home.
Someone gild this man!

>> No.14477998


>> No.14478003

based yahweh-worshipping jewhater

>> No.14478154

>Zoomers also don't know Goethe
>It's usually just Hesse
Yeah nah. Just, nope.

>> No.14478176

Based, unsure if retarded or redpilled.

>> No.14478189

Ooh, so scary. So tough, your girlfriend must run away screaming when she sees you.

>> No.14478194

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14478199

>Certain actions are beyond the forgiveness of God
Like murder. Murders a big no no to God. So try not to do it.

>> No.14478209

A-anon, are you sure that's legal?

>> No.14478211

who cares, we're in love

>> No.14478225

Have you read the bible retard? It says right here
>Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: [39] But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Now I'm no theologian, but I imagine that it doesn't mean fucking killing them.

>> No.14478288

Has she read Lolita?

>> No.14478290

>sophomore year of high school
>”in love”
You too autistic to attract someone of your own age, boy?

>> No.14478566

Was your pic made by a schizophrenic? Completely incomprehensible

>> No.14478578

I knew I was in love with my ex when she finished Shklovsky's Zoo that I gave her in less than 48 hours.

>> No.14478594

The style and the weird replies as if it were normal makes me think there's an infestation from one of the more sophisticated Indian fake comment mills.

Fuck it dude, if it's legal and they're happy (and he's getting teen poon) who really cares?

>> No.14478681
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>girl says she's a reader
>swears and says "like" every other sentence
>laughs at everything

>> No.14478703

IJ is for pseuds.

>> No.14478704

This scenario actually happened to me with the roles reversed once

>> No.14478709

>thinks readers couldn't possibly swear or laugh

what a fucking joyless loser you must be

>> No.14478712

The first time I was arrested I kept it to myself. But now I need your help

>> No.14478724


if you use those as commas it's a sign of poor vocabulary

>> No.14478731

Just yesterday
>do you like reading?
>yes, but it makes me sleepy

>> No.14478743


[citation needed]

whatever, sperg

>> No.14478749

She's nervous

>> No.14478760


sounds like I triggered a 2nd generation asian-american 20 year-old beatch

>> No.14478772

fuck off with this bull crap shit fart

>> No.14478804

Is the woman supposed to be schizophrenic?

>> No.14478823

>trying to talk to womne
what good could ever come from this?

>> No.14478830

The funny thing is, you're the idiot in both situations.

>> No.14478833

lmao what a cuck
hes clearly her emotional dumpster dont be this much of a faggot

>> No.14478855
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>> No.14478863

literally never becuase Ive never met a person in real life who likes to talk about books/art/ideas so I jut gave up years ago and now I am only invested in myself, and my interactions with people are simply a farce to uphold my own bubble

>> No.14478864

Have you read Infinite Jest?

>> No.14478876

>hates Jews
>is strictly an Old Testament guy
That’s gotta be some powerful cognitive dissonance friend

>> No.14478878

God in the Old Testament isn't so nice though.

>> No.14478890

based illiterate retard

>> No.14478893


>> No.14478973

I was on your side until you said it was love.

>> No.14479011
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>That happened to me with Thomas Mann's books
It happens to me every time I bring him up.

>> No.14479017


>> No.14479028

Take your meds.

>> No.14479504
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>purposedly use verbal tics to seem more relatable
>even written messages
Lock me up

>> No.14479556

I have literally never met someone my own age who was as well read I am, or if I have the subject of literature never came up. Most of the time when literature comes up, or I quote a book, most people look uncomfortable.
I'm not very well read either, I read maybe a book a month, but none of my friends read. Most girls seem to read a little bit but it's always shit like Rupi Kaur. My ex claimed to love Hemingway and have two of his novels and a collection of his stories on her shelf but she had only read one of the books. I never assume anyone has read anything and avoid the subject of literature.

>> No.14479798

>Well read
>Maybe one book a month
Keep on lurking kiddo

>> No.14479821

It's just generally people don't say yes... to be honest I've never actually thought this far ahead...

>> No.14479853

I'm talking to a lit hoe and she has massive tits and a perfect figure and she's slightly mentally ill. I bet the sex is fucking transcendant. I want to feel the orgasm with every fiber of my being. She's the type of woman I won't pull out for. I will learn from your mistakes anon. I will post here and tell you guys how the sex is.

>> No.14479987

I remember Megan Boyle asking Terence Tao (or Tao Lin, same shit) in "Mumblecore" the exact same thing.
He obviously didn't read it, he still banged Boyle.

>> No.14480123
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I found /lit/.

>> No.14480177

I'm still fantasizing about sex with her bros. I know she will make me feel things I've never felt. I'm going to pull her in tightly and stare in her eyes while I cum in her. I'm going to feel something so intensely that it'll make me cry for the first time in a decade. I'm going to cry in her arms post-sex, if she isn't mad that I came in her.

>> No.14480198

>Zoomers don't know Goethe
Is Faust not a required read in high school?

>> No.14480204

Today at mass I saw this qt redhead with her father and her sisters. Good catholic girl looks, etc (iirc she's 16). On the way home I got on the train with two art hoes, one looked like the wojak girl in the OP. Despite being very different types, I still would marry either in a second. How do I talk to women ?

>> No.14480221

Pffft. The Iliad and Moby Dick weren't even required reads for me in highschool (I'm in the United States). The only things I remember reading in highschool were short stories from Dubliners in 9th grade. 10th grade To Kill A Mockingbird and The Metamorphosis. 11th grade I don't think we read at all. 12th grade some short stories about rape and murder and demons that my Jewish teacher made us read, they were pretty good desu.

>> No.14480225

You need to kill her boyfriend. This will not only logically make you the first person in queue to owe the woman, but also it will estabilish you as the alpha, guaranteeing that she's loyal and obedient to you for the next -+30 years.

Stop doing speed though or you will end up like the guys in Requiem for a Dream

>> No.14480230

this is a rage comic

>> No.14480246

Internet culture is going through cycles. Our generation had Political Guy Fawkes masks and rage comics. Their generation has Political Clown face paint and rage comics.

>> No.14480248

"Hello woman."
In formal situations
"Hello human female."

>> No.14480252

i'm sorry for your loss

>> No.14480265

r u dumb

>> No.14480278

if I say that to the redhead her dad will think I'm a creep and punch me. If I say that to the art hoe she will think I'm a creep and call the cops.

>> No.14480284

Say it to both at the same time and have the dad punch the cops EZPZ

>> No.14480301

>How do I talk to women ?
You have to learn yourself. Nobody can tell you what works or doesn't. You have to be brave enough to be able to bear the "EEW, CREEP!"s you receive and you will learn through trial and error. Eventually it gets easier and you eventually find some woman who has some positive trait other than being attractive.

>> No.14480415


>> No.14480536

I read a gangstalking thread on /x/ a while ago and it was just 300 posts of exactly this

>> No.14480556

You can do all three of you’re attractive enough

>> No.14480560
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>> No.14481105

What do you do if you literally did this same thing but to a girl and she was far more rational and emotionally and psychologically mature than you and you can't stop replaying it in your mind and you feel awful for how pathetic you were because you really liked her and overshared with her because you were obsessed with her?

>> No.14481218

how'd you do it?

>> No.14481353

Youre overcommited to this arthoe. Shes gunna text you for a week then ghost you for being clingy.

>> No.14481564

She jokes about sex with me. I'll be less clingy than she is to maintain her attraction until I get her into a position to have sex.

>> No.14481605

You lack perspective.

>> No.14481611

>as well read as I am
Work on those reading skills bucko. Maybe take a look over your ESL primer again.

>> No.14481649

You're a crab in a bucket who wants others to be as miserable as himself.

>> No.14481717

>approaching a woman with a cigarette in your mouth

>> No.14481724

I'm only saying you're clingier than you realise, don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.14481752

I do realize I'm clingy. I was partially joking when I said I would hold her tightly and stare in her eyes while I cum inside her, then cry to her.

>> No.14481759

>I was partially joking
Time to get your clown face on you jokester.

>> No.14481790

She doesn't date pseuds, OP

>> No.14482150

If you cry she’ll never fuck you again (assuming you close the deal the first time you loon). Get yourself together man.

>> No.14482168

I only need to fuck her once and I'll be satisfied. Do you think she'll still talk to me about literature after I cry to her?

>> No.14482174

what did you want to do to her big bottom?

>> No.14482175

Probably not, art hoes don’t actually read. Watch breakfast at Tiffany’s or something if you want something to talk about. They all have that Hepburn poster on their wall after all.

>> No.14482194

Nah she actually reads and she's fluent in three languages. She provides better literary discussion than 99% of people on /lit/, but that isn't a difficult standard to meet.

>> No.14482270

Mann was really popular at my university. My friend got with his girlfriend because they both wanted to do a presentation on Mann.

>> No.14483160

I never had a gf

>> No.14483845

>The Count of Monte Cristo
Would i be able to enjoy this book being and adult ?I heard somewhere that it's for the kids or younger people?

>> No.14484031


You parents will never be forgiven for conceiving you.

>> No.14484034

there are maybe 5 people on this board that have read IJ

>> No.14484125

it's entry level but it's about the best kind of entry level book there is, you should read it. that's why it's not hard to read so i guess that's why it's often read by younger people (i guess it's long but that doesn't matter)

>> No.14484132

i've seen this post before

>> No.14484393
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You all sicken me. Set your mind to something constructive, bask in the mastery of our forebears.

>> No.14484407

can't post here until you're eightteen

>> No.14484410

literally entry literature
you're not speshul

>> No.14484447

have you read it?

>> No.14484464

I'm not that guy but the book is infamous for being loved by schmucks. It's not a bad book though.

>> No.14484478

That's why books were invented. They're literally sexual competition for betas. You couldn't impress a girl with your body so you try to do it with your mind.

Art thots are the most logical target because they already want to be in and around your community, and if you aren't banging your community's thots, then those thots are parasitic to that community.

That's why gamergate happened. Lots of thots who will throw on cat ears and lingerie and stream videogames. But none of those thots want anything to do with the men who started and grew the community.

>> No.14484480

Never Im not that much of a spaz.

>> No.14484495

I know about it's reputation on this board but I've never heard a real review on it other than "2/10" "it's a meme" etc etc

>> No.14484518

It's a fine book. I don't come here often enough now but we used to do Infinite Summer read alongs. I haven't read it all, but I enjoy DFW's other work.

>> No.14484536

Not German, mong

>> No.14484543

My wife and I use Infinite Jest as a door stop.

>> No.14484544

if you are not going to message her how are you still in contact?

>> No.14484545

It's still German literature.

>> No.14484574

pfft lying about what you read just to impress people on /lit/. shame on you

>> No.14484623

good post

>> No.14484635

Lmao. Its a masterpiece, it has political parts that would bore a kid, but for an adult its a romp. Im halfway through it myself

>> No.14484740

jesus, take your meds

>> No.14484945

none of you degenerates are going to make it.

>> No.14485100
File: 31 KB, 678x710, B74A8D16-76E5-4F82-8160-DF6D64A1D07B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god guys how do I get a cute art hoe gf. I don't drink or do drugs I'm a virgin I'm pure why am I still alone

>> No.14485111

they are touching but wont message her you idiot

>> No.14485125

Can't relate. I'm 32 years old and I've never talked with a woman who wasn't a family member.

>> No.14485220


>> No.14485241

That's a whore red flag giveaway.

>> No.14485255

I'm feeling personally attacked right now.

>> No.14485274

Kafka belongs to jewish lit.

>> No.14485278

And German lit. And Czech.

>> No.14485296

Your wife fucks black men when you're at work.

>> No.14485301

hahaha retard u think ur purity is attractive? i personally know blind people, druggies and literal paedophiles that get relatively attractive gfs like its nothing, you better submit urself to some radical self-improvement or ull end up dying alone like the rest of us

>> No.14486117

based. but don't get arrested. Where did you find her and does she have a virgin sister?

>> No.14486127

Faggot, fucking text her back.

>> No.14486143


>> No.14486167

me too. doesnt everyone do thhis? my second year of college i was so self conscious and measured every word out my mouth was a verbal tic or slang. pretty cringe in retrospect.

>> No.14486232
File: 83 KB, 1200x672, 1547054929728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perennial question: If speak about the author, novel or philosophy book as if I assume everyone present has read or knows about it, I risk coming across as pretentious
If I explain the thing first, I risk coming across as condescending.
The solution is to not talk about intellectual things at all

>> No.14486242

>Approach girl at bookstore
>"Are you looking for anything?"
>"Yes, please show me where you keep your Wallace"
>"Wallace? like David FOSTER Wallace? Whoa, cool, I thought you were gonna ask for that Steve Jobs biography or something. Yeah man, Infinite Jest's right over here.
>She hands me a copy of Infinite Jest
>her: "So you like Wallace huh, yeah me too, have you read Brief --"
>I hold up a single open hand while she is speaking, immediately silencing her, then turn to a random page in the book
>I smile quietly to myself as I read the entire page, occasionally snorting cryptically
>After finishing the page I close the book and hand it back to her, still smiling
>Me: "He's terrible, isn't he? Absolutely awful. Put that book back and please show me your Joyce"
>She puts back Infinite Jest with an alarmed look on her face, then takes me to the Joyce section of the librairie
>Her: "Joyce? Yeah I read part of Dubliners in my 400-level community college English class. Do you, uh, d-do you think he's good--"
>"Read this"
>I have shoved Finnegans Wake under her nose
>"Out loud"
>her: "ba...babba......bababadgharf....bababagargrfap--
>I rip the book out of her hands and stare directly into her eyes
>me: "Completely wrong, it's bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoor-denenthurnuk. bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoor-denenthurnuk is portmanteau of various thunder-related words from languages all across the globe; in this context it represents Eve's tragic fall to Satan and the subsequent collapse of Eden. It is perhaps the single most important, emotive, and creative word ever spoken in the entire history of human speech, literally transcending language, and you cannot even read it."
>I throw Finnegans Wake in her face and inform the store manager that he has hired an illiterate

>> No.14486249

You forgot to mention the farts.

>> No.14487372

A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
Never mind...

>> No.14487449

based attainabilitycomplexcel

>> No.14487497

You were lucky, anon. No one I know has read Mann except my grandmother (who lives 300 miles away) and a colleague at my old morgue job.

>> No.14487611


>> No.14488384

You messed up the pasta, it ends with
>I leave the store hiding a copy of Artemis Fowl under my shirt

>> No.14488396

>How often has this scenario played out for you?
It's happening right now.

>> No.14488432
File: 200 KB, 1152x1535, 0073A020-3039-494A-A26F-449C76B9B045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if she weren’t married to some baseball player, I’d’ve liked to’ve stroked and held it some. It was a really nice bottom.

>> No.14488498

dirty prot. everyone knows /lit/ is orthodox

>> No.14488654

prudes are boring legit

>> No.14488681

shut up skank

>> No.14488685

Literal pedophiles often have the best gfs ;)

>> No.14488714

I've read Infinite Jest 3 times ask me anything.

>> No.14488736

Anyone have the mspaint image where a guy is holding IJ like a bible and preaching onto a bunch of girls who are circled around him?

>> No.14488989

Was in a sex shop with friends the other day and the 8/10 girl behind the counter was reading. I asked what and she said palahnuik.
"Oh i love him"
Then i walked away

>> No.14489066


>> No.14489135

Arthoes are like that bro, they get fixated on a friend and then leave you for some bullshit reason. If she dumps her bf you'll be next

>> No.14489148
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>> No.14489194
File: 73 KB, 750x936, 4878E1D1-0444-44B9-B43F-B03A2C86B48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14489197
File: 125 KB, 720x959, D84E0264-D271-4490-B9FA-D6FF74FDFE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14489207

max laughter. Hilarious.

>> No.14489442

I read it in high school but that's because the local bookstore was selling it discounted.

I can get why zoomers don't want to read books they can't find for a bargain

>> No.14489468


>> No.14490418
File: 65 KB, 894x894, FB_IMG_1578270162371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14490616

uhhh sweaty Kafka is Aryan, read Jordani

>> No.14490630

holy...i want more

>> No.14490660

what is happening?
I am getting a bit scared.

>> No.14490696

Not Goethe's Faust, Marlowe's Doctor Faust is read in High School. Goethe's Faust is "too hard" even though I prefer it
t. 19 Year old /his/fag that had to study Marlowe's Doctor Faust in High school.

>> No.14491114

amazing, love where this meme is heading

>> No.14491120

holy shit yes.

>> No.14491141

You need to
1. Have sex.
2. Stop falling irrationally for people. You met someone once. You have no idea what that person is like. Look up the magic pixie dream girl trope. You created projected a fantasy. Women are people too. No one is perfect.

>> No.14491303

>If speak about the author, novel or philosophy book as if I assume everyone present has read or knows about it, I risk coming across as pretentious
That's just your insecurity; the true intellectual chad knows how to adjust knowledge to people with his Fe. Women and men both enjoy it in the right contexts and if done according to their level.

>> No.14491978

anon are you high?

>> No.14492049

This meme is cringe asf.

>> No.14492066

ok now i get it
these are funny

>> No.14492067

It's not one or the other. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. And intentionally hiding a part of your personality to pick up woman just makes it worse. Unironiclly be yourself

>> No.14492103

>"Reading" with other people
I bet you're the dude that suggests study groups

>> No.14492109

This is the product of a butt hurt woman or numale feminist cuck who clearly missed the irony of the original meme concept. Humorless npcs

>> No.14492128

It's like any other fear, you face it. If you were scared of rollercoasters no amount of reading, watching videos, and theorizing about it is going to do anything. You literally just wait in line, strap in, and ride it. Now you're not scared

>> No.14493042

based schizo poster

>> No.14493045

U mad bro?

>> No.14493055

She's so cute I wish she loved me

>> No.14493060

Maybe she does, or she could. Who knows?

>> No.14494219


>> No.14494301
File: 101 KB, 600x600, Jakob Macht D.A.K..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14494311

That is the Dale Carnegie Method.