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14508425 No.14508425 [Reply] [Original]

Would my writing skills benefit from writing 500 word stories or 1000 word stories?

>> No.14508453

What the fuck is that webm?

>> No.14508460

Of course anon! Write what you like and don't forget to have fun!

>> No.14508462

Well it would be better than writing nothing because you give up on the big projects a few days in.
How much do you write now?

>> No.14508481

What a fucking CHAD

>> No.14508488

a few words a day. I want to develop discipline and I know 500 words will be more manageable than 1000.

>> No.14508492

me desu

>> No.14508510

This but unironically and said in a less queer way

>> No.14509969

I've been doing 1000 for a while.

I count words I add throughout the text (through editing), and not only in the new paragraphs that I write.

>> No.14509985


>> No.14510057


Holy fuck thats disgusting. They are just trying to ride the train, probably just going home and some sick pervert sexually harrasses them by dangling her sexy thighs right next to him. Makes me sick.

>> No.14510071

this makes me feel better as an American, because if somebody was doing this on our public transportation they would at least look homeless or mental lol

>> No.14510087
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These two should meet up.

>> No.14510101
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Give me one reason why he's not justified in quenching his sexual thirst like that.

>> No.14510107

>tfw no woman has ever done this to you

>> No.14510121
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>tfw you sit down to write 500 words and you hit the zone and when you snap back you have 5000 words

>> No.14510195

Because I don't think it's right.

>> No.14510231

me on the left

>> No.14510241

this, but completely unironically in absolute seriousness, like literally actually in a resolutely concrete sense this in all sincerity

>> No.14510262

Your writing skills would benefit from writing the kinds of stories you want to be good at writing, whatever the length may be.

>> No.14510274

what would you guys guess she's on?
she might aswell be mentally impaired, but she's kinda too tidy for that.

>> No.14510332

You don't think it's right? Do you think it's not right when you see another man eating or drinking?

>> No.14510339

common public decency

>> No.14510351

forgetting everything else..
what the FUCK is the retard wearing?

>> No.14510377

Why should etiquette and social contract trump a man's right to fulfill one of his basic needs?
If a man is starving, he will be fed
If a man is dying of thirst, he will be given water
But if a man is being consumed by ravenous sexual hunger, not only is he not given a plump strumpet to pump, he is not even allowed to relieve this hunger by himself only using the scenery to aid him?! What twisted logic do you need to follow to believe this is righteous is beyond my comprehension!
This is not decency, but tyranny.

>> No.14510387


based & chadpilled

>> No.14510423

>stick your hand in their pants
>theres a cock
he did the right thing lol

>> No.14510547

People don't even have consensual sex in public because it's not a scene people want to see, especially if there's children around, let alone some frustrated autist jerking off in public. It's disgusting and in no way is it an attribute of a man. It shows you have no patience, virtue, empathy, self control. Like a drunken derelict in the street pissing.

>> No.14510592

okay give me one reason some fat sweaty faggot cant masturbate while standing 5 feet in front of you staring right at you on the train

>> No.14510638

You mean you've never been blown at a movie theater?

>> No.14510661

>People don't even have consensual sex in public because it's not a scene people want to see
You would be surprised, my friend. But even if we assume that this is true, it does not matter what people want to see. As long as you are not violating their personal space or stand in people's way there is nothing inherently wrong with this as long as proper hygiene is applied. And the children will not die from seeing a completely natural act of passion.
And a so called frustrated autist has just as much of a right to quench his thirst as any other man.
>It's disgusting and in no way is it an attribute of a man. It shows you have no patience, virtue, empathy, self control.
Again.... it is about as disgusting as eating an apple or drinking a bowl of water, you are merely fulfilling your basic needs and hungers as a human being.
Masturbating shows i have no patience? Nonsense. When you need to urinate, do you wait until your kidneys are about to explode or do you just go piss when your body tells you you need to? It shows i have no virtue? What if virtue, to me is - to live with accordance to nature and to enjoying the simple pleasures of life without worrying about social contract caging me like an animal? It shows i have no empathy? I would say the opposite is true. Hiding my virile physique and manhood from the masses would be a crime. I am showing them perfection of the human form. Masturbating shows i have no self control? Wrong. If i had no self control i would rape every woman i saw. I have immense control of myself, if you could only imagine.
>Like a drunken derelict in the street pissing.
Nothing wrong with that. What is he to do, piss his pants instead?
He can. I will join him.

>> No.14511709

nice pepe

>> No.14511786

He is invoking the very real fear and threat of sexual violence and in fact perpetrating a mild strain of it.

>> No.14511793

The man is simply giving a clear indication of his sexual agency.
It's his right as a human. And in turn she has the right of her own sexual agency to remove herself from the situation if uncomfortable or, in a polite society, drop her pants, kneel on the bus seat, position her middle finger over her puckered anus and insert the digit to the second knuckle while simultaneously massaging to clitoris of her vagina.
We all make choices.

>> No.14511796

The 2016 ghostbusters sucked pretty hard.

>> No.14512433

I have a 500 word habit but I keep writing fan-fiction.
Would a bullet to the brain cure this?

>> No.14512446

she started it though, it's her fault

>> No.14512472

unmodest girl got what was coming

>> No.14512484

This is why they need a social credit system

>> No.14512516

why not do it at home

>> No.14512518

because immodest women deserve to be made uncomfortable

>> No.14512599

>Women have done it to me
>I acted just like the guy on the left because my mom told me to ignore bullies.

>> No.14512612

The optimal technique for fapping in public is to whoosh your thighs together very fast, so people will just think your a spazz and not a deviant. I haven't tried this intentionally.

>> No.14512720


Do you actually count the words or does your word processor do the counting?

>> No.14512741

I wrote a spate of three paragraph essays a long time ago. It helped to refine my style for political writing. Do what you want and do not worry about pleasing us. Obligatory:

>> No.14512752
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>> No.14513004

Chad would make her pants wet, not his own

>> No.14513037

There is none dog

>> No.14513287

I do 500 words every a day when I need to work, 1000 when I'm free.
It's easier first thing in the morning.

>> No.14514213

why do women dress like that if they don't want to actually sexually provoke people

>> No.14514312

because they want only chads to be sexually aroused, but women have no power over which men will watch them

>> No.14514545

Im not judging him for jerking off in the public next to a cutie but what the fuck was this nigga thinking with that outfit?

>> No.14514553

stfu mohammad

>> No.14514558
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>> No.14514648

i would pay good money if thats me in the booth and the girl outside