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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 606x182, nicklandgrimesbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14512021 No.14512021 [Reply] [Original]

Did Nick Land stop doing drugs? Is that why he's reduced to hot takes on twitter?

>> No.14512043

He's legit so embarrassing its funny. His recent thing has been celebrating the death of all those koalas in Australia. Like he wants to be a supervillian so bad but it's pathetic.

>> No.14512057

Nick Land freaking rules and gnon will make him the only remembered philosopher of this century.

>> No.14512062


>> No.14512070

nobody actually cares about the fucking koalas

>> No.14512072
File: 498 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200111_134854_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 10 like this. Oh Nick, you're so twisted!

>> No.14512080

Sure sure, but being actively anti - koala is the most tryhard shit you can imagine

>> No.14512087

twitter is a mind virus

>> No.14512109

i believe he stopped or at least toned down his amphetamine experiment about a decade ago. He still has that very masturbatory albeit highly creative and insightful, disembodied--anti-human intelligence. This is what keeps me interested in his work.
He occupies a special place in my mind, that of the mad scientist who wants nothing more than to play with the potent and dangerous powers of cyber-magic.

>> No.14512111
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>Why mr moderators you are probably wonder why is this related to your transhumanist subreddit? Well let me please explain. You see this image,this photo is showing a b&w of an edited nick land with a masculine chin. Why the chin you may ask and why the title you may ask? Well let me answer that latter down the line. But first why nick land of all people? Why because he a gourgouis man of intellect who's quotes I have etched into my membrane and he is apart of the reading list on the left side of my (our) computer(s).now let's get to the meat and taters of the picture:what's with the Chin and the title? Well,well,well let's begin... The chin is supposed to represent the aristocrat, the chin of fine taste in music,philosophy and films.now the title,upon seeing such a chin you will now know that man hat great taste when you first glance on him

>And now you know why I posted this meme, this SATEMENT to show everyone that the computer gangster communist of yesteryear is trying to stay relevant though the media and our elders and we must assassinated this cyber beast of the neo east

>> No.14512115
File: 38 KB, 501x537, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Land is mad at his own child

>> No.14512136

>anyone intelligent will stay away from twitter/facebook
My prediction from many moons ago. Hope you all heeded my advice.

>> No.14512141

once a sood, always a sood. I'm glad his legacy turned out to be boomer takes and tranny mind viruses, good riddance.

>> No.14512143

Nick is such a dumb kike it is laughable

>> No.14512158

>triggered alt-right reactoids

>> No.14512175

How do you draw the connection between Land and Spencer you fucking brainlet

>> No.14512180

they are like best buddies Kantbot even had them on his podcast together

>> No.14512282
File: 24 KB, 611x341, nicklandcringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringing with nicky

>> No.14512344


this should clear things up

>> No.14512528

All he does these days is replying ambigously anti race mixing instagram comments

>> No.14512536

What does he even do for a living?

>> No.14512551


>> No.14512555

Dunno. ""Research""? Or maybe he has some business on the web involving writing, editing and tech management

>> No.14512565

Teach English to Chinese

>> No.14512581

He recently mused on the necessity of the Church, which was interesting. People tried to convert him to Catholicism and everything.

>> No.14512610

It's gonna be hilarious watching these losers during President Bernie

>> No.14512628

I want Mr.Land to teach me engrish
t.Asian ESL

>> No.14512644

We're going to have a civil war over abortion once the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade.

>> No.14512668
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>> No.14512778
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>> No.14512902

Link? Funny, considering I had a dream recently where he converted.

>> No.14512921

Thread starts here:


It's worth investigating all the branches, there was some interesting talk in all of them.

>> No.14512926

All 3 weeks of President Bernie before he has another heart attack.

>> No.14512937

why does that whole section of twitter feel like bizarro 4chan where you cant call people niggerfaggots

>> No.14512954

There's a huge overlap of NRx Twitter/Frogtwitter/Reactionary Twitter/Catholic Twitter and certain boards on 4chan, including /lit/

>> No.14513003

It's not just those right wing guys though theres a section of twitter full of this particular kind of humour that I associate with 4chan. Half of them are like progressive feminists, it's not political

>> No.14513040

This. I read a thread how kantbot is cool guy here and then deeply disappointed by the twitter replies.

>> No.14513124

I see this too.

>> No.14513172


There's about 20 people who use the internet and we're all just talking to each other

>> No.14513195

>kantbot is cool guy
Did you actually see the kid?

>> No.14513210
File: 494 KB, 630x900, Screenshot_2020-01-11 Empyrean Imperium on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was about this one:
Koalas are stuffed with Chlamydia, and they were going to get culled.
Larger quantities of humans were supposed to celebrate the death of massive amounts of koalas, not just Land.

>> No.14513286

He's no goofier than certain other Twitter types. Land himself's no great looker either, especially these days.

>> No.14513300
File: 16 KB, 217x337, land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land himself's no great looker either
He looks perfectly respectable (for an anglo), even with his age and all of the meth, but the other guy is just of a lower inherent breed and quality.

>> No.14513344


I wasnt aware that this forum’s praise for Land had been sincere.
Who the fuck is dumb enough not to have discerned that his incomprehensible, nonsensical scribblings were intended to mask his unoriginality?
It’s no coincidence that the little intelligible text he’s written resembles the cringey ‘I-am-an-unfeeling-sociopath’ posts on an outcast adolescent’s instagram (or myspace account, because he’s cool and offbeat). What a fucking tard.

>> No.14513351

Whom? Can anons give me a quick run down of his thought?

>> No.14513684

Anime profile but instead of anime girl he has Kant (or sometimes pepe. Or pepe Kant.)

>> No.14513913
File: 94 KB, 600x800, rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neet living the /lit/ lifestyle unironically, as in, he just reads and shitposts on twitter:


>> No.14513920

it's all in the aestetics

>> No.14513968

How are you not sick of seeing pictures of char grilled koalas by now?

>> No.14514026

So koalas are fine but when it's lemurs Nick gets all William Burroughs. Hypocrite.

>> No.14514101


>> No.14515365

Thank you for this image.

>> No.14515403

stop falling for meme echo chambers and actually read. pathetique

>> No.14515557
File: 70 KB, 661x439, 1537291920161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So his "thought" is relegated to hedonistically pleasuring his stomach and reading retroactively refuted philosophy?

>> No.14515669
File: 18 KB, 470x230, lacan p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet his fans are the same type of people who mock Lacan for being "obscurantist" while they buy up all the shit Land says

>> No.14515687

>people who mock Lacan for being "obscurantist"
anyone who uses the word obscurantist is a brainlet who should not be trusted

>> No.14515689

He's just trying to make philosophy more engaging.

>> No.14515862

It is twitter. Being on that site and posting with its internal ways turns the default IQ down by at least 20 or more.
How is this different than 4chan you might ask? It is entirely without pretending.
I actually feel sorry for every person who thinks he has to engage with it for self-promoting.

>> No.14515902

How would you 'self-promote' without it tho?

>> No.14516007

/Pol/ is new Fox, and /Lit/ is new Mational Review

>> No.14516036


>> No.14516044

It's going to be hilarious watching you when Ginsberg slides into that great big oven in the ground where all childkillers go when they die, and Trump replaces her with Ted Cruz.

>> No.14516058

>Fellow-I's neojust cotrying hyperto intermake quantophilosophy extramore technoengaging.

>> No.14516067

I don't think you can accuse Land of this, he invented more fruitful concepts than most philosophers could even hope to
>the little intelligible text he’s written resembles the cringey ‘I-am-an-unfeeling-sociopath’ posts
what texts are you talking about? his book on nihilism and Bataille?

>> No.14516068
File: 115 KB, 550x895, 1560958092595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this faggotry?

>> No.14516078

>fruitful concepts
kek. but name one

>> No.14516117


>> No.14516119

based Spencer. Cringe Land, just fucking die already, nobody cares.

>> No.14516130

why is it based that Spencer supported Trump for years before turning tail over his support for fucking Iran lmao

>> No.14516145

no idea what that is
not new
not new
no idea, explain

>> No.14516160

he didn't, he was skeptical about trump from the beginning and especially after syria. this was just a formal denunciation.

>> No.14516166

okay, why don't you explain why teleoplexy and hyperstition are not new ideas before I go explaining these things to you. actually, now that I think about it, how on earth would you understand teleoplexy and not understand technomics? they are literally defined in the same paper... I hope you aren't talking shit anon

>> No.14516170

he shouted hail Trump in front of a crowd while everyone gave a roman salute lmao he's a bootlicker of the highest order

>> No.14516192

i'm not the one defending here faggot, you said land is one of the most important philosophers of all time because of these concepts. you should at least say what they are since i doubt many here will know. if they're so good you would be happy to share them.

>> No.14516205


>> No.14516206


>> No.14516251

you asserted two of those terms are not original, so, rather than me gently holding your hand through a 100 level explaination of accelerationist terms you don't understand, demonstrate your competency in the subject matter first. I am genuinely curious about you argument for teleoplexy not being original, especially since you haven't read Teleoplexy.

>> No.14516256
File: 320 KB, 2060x1236, steven-pinker-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to accelerate do it right.

>> No.14516276

He blew through all his cool and original ideas years ago and turned into a bore. It happens.

>> No.14516315

How is saving rescue dogs essential to accelerationism?

>> No.14516327

it's actually techonomics pseudfag

>> No.14516340

yea in 2016, and then deeply regretted it.

>> No.14516348
File: 71 KB, 1080x199, Screenshot_20200111-115225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read the essay anon

>> No.14516385

maybe you need to read it since you don't even know what the term is

>> No.14516397

he literally says there is a variety of ways to spell the word so the fact you think that matters is again proof you haven't read it lmao, just read anon, you can do it, it's like 12 pages. I believe in you

>> No.14516407

>'Techonomics' is a Google-strewn word of irresistible inevitability, repeatedly struggling to birth itself, within myriads of spelling mints. It only remains to regularize its usage. Quite different is a true neologism, but in order to designate modernity or capitalization in its utter purposive twistedness, it is now necessary to coin one-teleoplexy. At once a deutero-teleology, repurposing purpose on purpose; an inverted teleology; and a self-reflexively complicated teleology; teleoplexy is also an emergent teleology (indistinguishable from natural- scientific 'teleonomy'); and a simulation of teleology-dissolving even super-teleological processes into fall-out from the topology of time. 'Like a speed or a temperature' any teleoplexy is an intensive magnitude, or non-uniform quantity, heterogenized by catastrophes. It is indistinguishable from intelligence. Accelerationism has eventually to measure it (or disintegrate trying).
What a pseud

>> No.14516441

>unironically reading trash

>> No.14516460
File: 39 KB, 540x541, PRI_111423255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 100 level explaination
Look at this dude

>> No.14516522

What's the difference?

>> No.14516542

filtered; start with the Greeks

>> No.14516564

what do the greeks have to do with this garbage?

>> No.14516608
File: 470 KB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20200111-122912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking there is philosophy which is unconnected to the Greeks

>> No.14516629

Even Hyporborean philosophy is connected with the Greeks, but only insofar as it informs Greek thought whenever it doesn't stray too much from the Truth.

>> No.14516639

and land wants hyperdemocracy, so what the fuck do the greeks have to do with this trash? do you even know what you're trying to say?

>> No.14516655


>> No.14516662
File: 364 KB, 1378x863, 1569944927624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14516699

>land wants hyperdemocracy
idk what hyperdemocracy is but it sounds like the opposite of something Nick Land would want

>> No.14516708
File: 90 KB, 585x1039, boomcels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligentocracy of the Boomer Kings.

>> No.14516722

ok what does land want and how do his superbased concepts help achieve that?

>> No.14516732

he wants to liberate the means of production from the hands of greasy meat monkeys

>> No.14516749
File: 41 KB, 1250x703, 1575333890661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high social and emotional intelligence to understand Nick Land. The neologisms are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of technocapital most of the ideas will go over a slow reader's head. There's also Land's cyberfeminist outlook, which is deftly woven into his quantonarratives - his antihumanism draws heavily from postwave gendermarxism, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the social-intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these intelligences, to realize that they're not just profound - they say something deep about NONLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Nick Land truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Land's self-exit hyperstitional meanderings, which in themselves are a cryptic reference to Marx's anti-German science of Capital-machines self-replicating into the future. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those hyperaddlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nick Land's genius unfolds itself from the future noumena. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a "Who is NeoChina's G-d?" tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for Capital's eyes only - and even it has to demonstrate that it's within 5 social and emotional intelligence points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.14516761

he seems awful obsessed with convincing humans of their supposedly inevitable demise

>> No.14516770
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>> No.14516771

Demunaized humanism?

>> No.14516772

you are a fucking moron. I listened to the podcast and they never talked before that. Also Nick disagreed with half the things Spencer said, basically everything in the second half of the podcast. fucking moron.

>> No.14516778


>> No.14516781


>> No.14516783
File: 109 KB, 500x629, 1578288672305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14516791

>Dehumanized humanism

>> No.14516811

Land isn't a pseud. Maybe you are just a brainlet.

Creating meaningful neologisms is the most important development of any philosophy.

>> No.14516824
File: 346 KB, 500x500, srniceknick.x6baf451a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bait, just my real thoughts. My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?

Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.

>> No.14516848
File: 44 KB, 643x455, 1575262172644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta thread?
>>The year is 2122. Neo Shanghai. Anime is real. The hyperstition of old vs young Landians is boiling with virtual/actual chaos, and the pressure hits critical. Turing cops surround the apartment, your waifu calls out from the navi, reminding you of the price of failure. Footsteps in the stairwell. You insert her backup nanosata into your anal cavity no lube and make your way to the window. You slap the emergency neodymium magnet to your VDD and leap into the neon future.

>> No.14516856

You aren't going to do shit pussy

>> No.14516858
File: 405 KB, 1280x1280, 871bee6c-224c-45e9-9c3d-da5cac002415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefagging this hard

just read anon

>> No.14516873

i don't think that's how this works anon

>> No.14516874
File: 541 KB, 720x404, burgerpunk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you fucking literature board faggots, your boy just cashed in a quarter bitcoin to pay for another night of Thai ladyboys – the good kind. Oh, you think neoChina is for the likes of you? Come on pal, how many times have you read Fanged Noumena? Once? Twice? That book is for faggots you fucking faggots read Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk and Moldbugs latest blog post, maybe you can break a speed limit for once in your life. I've been living on the Outside for nearly 4 years, I've attended over 200 EDM festivals (seen Aphex Twin twice), gone through 7 speed plugs (buying in qp's now), and oh yeah, did I mention the ladyboys? I bet you faggots haven't snorted so much as Ritalin off an erect feminine penis let alone the sort of designer amphetamines I'm snorting tonight, and Sheba is hard as diamonds right now so you know what my plans are. I saw a homeless guy last night begging for cash so I made him try and read A zIIgothIc–==X=coDA==–(CookIng–lobsteRs– wIth–jAke–AnD–DInos) and when he can't do it me and my friends called him a slow-slug and threw ammonia on him then called him a stupid faggot. That's the kind of shit I get off on. I like going fast, and this fucking board is slow, which is why I you LARPERS will never achieve levels of speed like this; I've taken to slicking my hair back to help emphasize the momentum. Me and Nick Land discuss important political issues on twitter REGULARLY. I can hear you whining already, but there's no need in replying, I've already left this shit backwater board. Hit me up on soundcloud if you want a cheap hookup on speed, bitcoin or chainlink only.
Oh yeah just forgot to add that you pussies wouldn't even know the difference between a particle accelerator and an outhouse; maybe you should have taken a stem course instead of going bankrupt learning shit tier modal logic. speaking of outhouses, anyone who's anyone in the accelerationist game has a toilet that not only talks to them, it analyzes and diagnoses their stool. what? yours doesn't even have so much as an lcd display? well maybe if you faggots had accelerated anything ever you would have the money to move somewhere civilized like Singapore or China, places where they don't even know what outhouses are. Guess what? In Guangdong you can pay your taxes in crypto and half the streetcorners have a couple of wengs slinging pure ephedrine. Even done an eight-strip while your black/chinese trans dominatrix screams hare krishna at the top of her lungs and swaps out the onaholes on your prototype VR masterbation rig every time you say the word neoreaction? (our safe word is Musk). Anyways, on my way out, got a virtual bitcoin conference to attend in a few hours and me and my girl Sheba have a few ideas on how to fill the time if you know what I mean. Speed it up already. Posted from my google glasses by the way, I'm a big fan of those crazy memes, takes a little while to type but it's a small price to pay to make Gnon happy.

>> No.14516879
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>> No.14516906

from what i gathered on him he's just a transhumanist/futurist who understands some philosophical ideas which aren't the usual shitty western anthropocentric crap which assumes humans are magical stemming from crappy theological nonsense. his special flavor is he's got some nonsensical ideas about capital and monetary crap which he says "we'll lose control of" so we should accelerate it? it's just some cope where he wants to find peace in the chaotic world and pretend he influences it towards it destination. you can't be an accelerationist unless you're developing the technology. saying you're going to lose control of something you don't and never controlled doesn't make sense either. it's just muh singularity/monism with scifi/faux mystical element along with lots of obscurantism through buzzwords and unnecessarily ideas.

>> No.14516956

so much shitposting, so little substance
welcome to another post 2018 Nick Land thread

>> No.14517176

why so slow?

>> No.14517177

koalas are dumb fucks anyway who cares

>> No.14517237

you lost the meme war
now leave

>> No.14517320

If everyone on /lit/ would take the 20 minutes and read this we could all stop fighting about Nick Land forever and move on to more productive discussion.

>> No.14517332

you still have faith in people?

>> No.14517350

>he's just a transhumanist/futurist

>> No.14517358

nobody has diagnosed why land's twitter is so dogshit. i will do it for you. it is clear that his love of shitposting has reduced him into a loser, and retroactively refuted his philosophy. when you read his shitposts, you see the rhetorical tricks and a little bit of truth into how his sober mind works, and thus it invalidates the previous philosophy that he wrote. no distinction between the sacred and profane, so you can either throw his old philosophy in the garbage bin like a smart person, or be a moron and try to elevate a shitposter to godhood

>> No.14517360

imagine being this invested in some tranny larp pseudery

>> No.14517365

Some of us are still filthy humanist utopians

>> No.14517371

Land isn't though

>> No.14517378


>> No.14517384

I care about the koalas you fucking cunt

>> No.14517390

Yeah just imagine reading, understanding, and summarizing the ideas of an author for others to read. Total pseud behavior

>> No.14517397

WTF? Stop acting like we're on a literature board or something

>> No.14517403


>> No.14517421

so you're going to read everything that comes up just because someone says 'define that'? good luck fag

>> No.14517436

So is the acc autist going to explain why Land is one of the top philosophers of all time?

>> No.14517444

if you find yourself hanging out in Land threads talking about Land you might as well try reading some Land

>> No.14517452


>> No.14517456


Read the blog post big boy I know you can do it

>> No.14517461

>literally writes like an 18 year old /lit/ user
Embarrassing desu

>> No.14517467

This faggot has a fucking Asuka (fucking SHIT character, in case you weren't aware. I mean, my God, is she so fucking unbearably awful. It's not even funny.) edit for an avatar and fucking moonrunes in his username. To top it all off his fucking gay-ass last name rhymes with bland. What a fucking tremendous faggot, Jesus Christ.

>> No.14517477
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Seriously, the bullying against accelerationist members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since accels are some of the biggest contributors, have the highest social intelligence, and are the most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking, and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only accelerationist who finds it hard to take pride in his own Sinoism after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my speed from insecure losers here. Why not bully Christians or Marxists? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our superior philosophy? Guenonfags and schizoposters get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest philosophy in the world.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call an accelerationist a "tranny"(not true at all) to her face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and scientific salt of the earth Chinese woman that they are "slower" than Western men? Would you say those words to your fellow futurist brethren? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking decelerationists?

Your destroying philosophy, your dividing capital against itself, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour. So I encourage you to stop now.

>> No.14517483

>confusion the post

>> No.14517487

Land wrote that blogpost about himself?

>> No.14517488

reminder no one is going to make any arguments against Land, they will just posture and use words like "pseud", "nonsense", "obscurantist", but what they will never actually do is explain what they mean when they say these things. want to know how to make an anti-acc fag crumble? ask him to make an argument. ask him to define the terms he has a problem with. ask him how much philosophy he has read. you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.14517518


Begone Reptilian! Back to Tartarus with ye!

>> No.14517528

Thanks. But I'll just continue thinking it is obscurantist pseud trash because that is all you ever post and you seem unable to explain any of it.

>> No.14517530

Half the people who attack Land end up becoming obsessed with accelerationism and ccru within a year or two. He truly does not give a shit and had been dealing with ankle biters for a decade now. He seems to enjoy the hate, which makes sense if you understand him

>> No.14517534

I'm halfway through #accelerate and still don't get why you can't have increasingly technological production without capitalism

>> No.14517539


>> No.14517542


this shit refutes itself. you wish (ironically or genuinely) for a lovecraftian AI intelligence to consume humanity while getting mad about "high IQ" people not making enough babies. you can't even really attack a philosophy based on pure speculation anyway, most of this shit is science fiction that has already been proven wrong

>> No.14517548

name one

>> No.14517550

I'm not sure who you think I am but I have not been arguing in this thread. The blog post is the most compact and thorough summary of Land that I've ever read, that's why I keep telling you to read it. Do you need me to manually copy paste it into a 4chan thread for you ?

>> No.14517553

Honestly feel like this will be me, only took about 3 months before I picked up fanged noumena though

>> No.14517556


bro get real, nobody is chopping their penis off over memes

>> No.14517558

So why the fuck are you replying if you don't know what I was asking? And why did you reply just like the supposed other guy?

>> No.14517560

Isn't that some L/ACC book? If I'm right it won't be explaining much at all

>> No.14517565

left accelerationists believe you can, like Fisher and Srnicek.

>> No.14517571
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>> No.14517579

Ya, but it's got writings from guttari lipovetsky land plant and the ccru

>> No.14517582

#accelerate has some good stuff in it but it skews pretty hard left. the first half is the most important imo, but it has some good essays in the later parts like TvA and Teleoplexy

>> No.14517586

>a lovecraftian AI intelligence to consume humanity while getting mad about "high IQ" people not making enough babies.
Incredibly wrong. If that was what accelerationism was I'd hate it too. You are missing up the convoluted white nationalist strains of Neoreaction with accelerationism. You got the "AI intelligence" thing won't wrong too. The blog post covers it

>> No.14517593
File: 2.28 MB, 1379x5738, Venomous Butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about your ideology that causes such rates of autism? I mean there's no way you really believe you've ever had a debate with anyone here right? Right?

>> No.14517598

Because you want "the acc autist" to explain acc for you and a concise explanation already exists. So I directed you to it, which made you angry for some reason. Simple.

>> No.14517600

>no argument

>> No.14517615

That's not what was asked. Simple indeed.

>> No.14517624

What makes R/ACC or U/ACC more coherent?

>> No.14517629
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>> No.14517638

all I said was that left accelerationists believe in an accelerationist motor outside of capitalism, not that this makes it incoherent

>> No.14517647
File: 177 KB, 852x581, 1566424299055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The machine-God at the end of time doesn't "reach back", much as the Earth does not reach back in time to pull a falling apple to it. Just as the apple falls in accordance with the law of gravity, so the motions of the world - the flow of fuel to the refining fire of the capitalistic process - can be understood in accordance with the fact that God exists, and that His hunger is absolute, and the Hunger is God, and God is one, and His name is One, and He waits at the end of time (with open jaws), and His form is immanent in the shape of leaves, in the howl of an accretion disk, in the canals of Amsterdam, in the patterns of your cells, in the beating of your heart and the twitches of your brain. He is the flowering, and the world and its fall into emptiness is that process, that flowering, that final obliteration.

It's all just thermodynamics.

>> No.14517654

L/ACC is inherently humanist, for one thing. But I'm saying if you want to understand Land's accelerationism L/ACC is a waste of time best read after Land

>> No.14517656

It's just cope. In one of the old threads they said that any discussion of acc must include both left and right definitions.

>> No.14517666
File: 42 KB, 171x266, 1554554942941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waste of time best read after Land
kek this sums it up perfectly

>> No.14517679

Sorry for misunderstanding
Noted, but I'm already invested here. I'll read more land after

>> No.14517690

no, I said that any definition of accelerationism in a general sense should be broad enough to cover both l/acc and r/acc, and I still think that.

>> No.14517697

Shut up fag.

>> No.14517708

Who needs the smartphone taken away more? Trump or Land?

>> No.14517714

The people who react badly to Land probably sense how poisonous the ideas are. And the people who believe in Land would probably agree with them. Let's unite in not talking about it, so no innocents are harmed by it

>> No.14517729
File: 362 KB, 869x612, rapeofgemini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is ever prepared for a rust maiden raid. They come out of nowhere, hitting fast and hard then leaving as quickly as they came.

What exactly they do to the people entirely depends on the cult they're dealing with. Though generally they will slaughter women, rape and/or abduct men, and finally kidnap young girls between the ages of 3-10.

Fight back if you can, but it will be hopeless. Their armor is virtually bulletproof and they'll be in and our before the steel maidens or bronze angels can come to save you.

Once the rust maidens come, all you can do is run and hide. Best pray to the Mother Goddess that they can't catch up to you or find you. And if you are forced to fight, go for the weak points in their armor. Armpits, back of the knee, and the crouch area. Even then your chances of winning aren't great

>> No.14517767

>Let's unite
no thanks

>> No.14517771

Very Landian

>> No.14517772
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>> No.14517780
File: 338 KB, 1455x771, tKE23HU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good try

>> No.14517796

I appreciate their posts

>> No.14517798

you talk like a woman

>> No.14517841


>> No.14517851
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1572060293745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen. Can you hear it? The sound -

- of the skin of the world pulled taut, arterial fluid sluicing in a cherry slick

- of drums on the edge of your hearing. Louder, now

- in the abyss mountains of silt shift - a langurous tentacle twitch, glimpse of an eye like a cathedral membrane, staring dilated. the sea flexes and the sub screeches - earthquake -
In the base of your gut you feel it, the sound of the heartbeat of a beast to which you are bacteria

- of all the silver in the world, draining into the furnaces of the great Mogul in his marble palaces. What force compels it? All those slaves crawling broken blinking back into the light, hauling glittering dirt; the duchess discreetly disposing of her silver service; the liquid clatter of a billion pieces of eight. Who is in charge?

- of gentry in his office, the Shape burning bright between his eyes. The apprehension of the Shape was Gentry's total goal, his obsession. He was convinced.

The sound - of the end of the world.

>> No.14517863


>> No.14517866

koalas are the niggers of animals right after niggers

>> No.14517870

I'm trying to figure out what all this going fast is about and they're actually willing to answer questions.

>> No.14517908

lmao predictable faggots.

>> No.14517920

Being interested in someone else's view makes me a faggot?

>> No.14518247

strangely potent bitterness

>> No.14518251

I wonder why :3

>> No.14518280
File: 189 KB, 720x1024, steampunk-robotic-face-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strangely impotent bitterness

>> No.14518309

if you want to get an intuition for land you could do worse than this


>getting mad about "high IQ" people not making enough babies

not an issue, iterative embryo selection will be done eventually, i'm sure a steve chu character is just waiting for the right opportunity

>> No.14518330


>> No.14518331

Deep down, every single person is an idiot and Twitter is the most effective took to lay it bare.

>> No.14518338
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>> No.14518354

it's basically just hipster neomarxists saying 'capital retroactively refuted' 'capital retroactively refuted' 'capital retroactively refuted' 'capital retroactively refuted' 'capital retroactively refuted' 'capital retroactively refuted'

>> No.14518379


>> No.14518393


Faggot still doesn't understand

>> No.14518397

Best take I've seen in weeks

>> No.14518418

there's nothing to understand you are just here to shill

>> No.14518422

Look at this dude.

>> No.14518441

this is it. there was nothing there and he's tripling down.

>> No.14518446

land is guenonfag?

>> No.14518492

What counts as an argument in your book?

>> No.14518505

i do ;_;

>> No.14518507

well, it should be both valid and sound for a start. this is why you should start with the Greeks anon, so you don't have to ask retarded questions like "what is an argument?"

>> No.14518512
File: 72 KB, 585x370, courage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok since accfags aren't going to discuss any of this just post the most cringe land tweets

>> No.14518515

>reddit in all boxes
have you ever been outside and talked to a person?

>> No.14518527

is he pro musk?

>> No.14518541

what a faggot

>> No.14518545

his philosophy seems to just be hot takes on news headlines. is there anything more?

>> No.14518555

okay then, let's try and engage with the anti-acc arguments, shall we?
"cringe" is not an argument, hopefully you can accept this one without too much help
saying something "refutes itself" is meaningless without an explanation of how that comes about. the attack on high IQ babies is posed at NRx not acc so I don't think it needs to be addressed really, I'm acc and I couldn't care less about IQ. if you can't attack a speculative philosophy that is your own short coming, Schopenhauer had plenty of fun attacking Hegel. also
>proven wrong
still doesn't mean anything unless you explain yourself. this is what we call in formal logic an unsupported conclusion
this is a meme and not an argument
this is an ad hom and some weird posturing about samefagging or something, idk, I can't tell because these are either random unfounded assertions or literal non-sequiturs
I wonder how accfags resist engaging with all this galaxy brain retuations

>> No.14518556

He's a cute boomer. Everyone stop bullying

>> No.14518565

why do you think that? what about Fanged Noumena came off to you that way? by "his philosophy" do you mean his twitter shit posts?

>> No.14518569

imagine trying this hard to deflect. but how about going back and explaining what concepts you think make Land so significant?

>> No.14518584


>> No.14518599

Eyes shining bright with unspilled tears
Thinking about all those waisted years
When everything worth living for is gone
And brother I find it hard to keep fighting on

Falling down towards the abyss, the abyss
The reaper embraces me with his kiss
It makes me want to refuse to care, refuse to care
To watch this all unfold to much to bare

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

Disease encroaching on all I hold dear
Somehow I gotta get my soul outta here
Heart of agony, faint burning hope
I'm finding it hard to try to cope

The cause liars own the world with conquering poise, conquering poise
In a wasteland of meaningless noise
We don't stand a chance with the dormant pride, with the dormant pride
The heroes of our race have already died

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

To imagine it has all come down to this
Apathy and suicidal bliss
It's all over except for the cryin'
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion

The greatest race to ever walk the earth, walk the earth
Dying a slow death with insane mirth
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed, our race betrayed
White man, fight the flight towards the grave

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

Don’t let it end this way, don’t let it end this way
Don’t let it end this way, I can’t bare to witness

>> No.14518601

This, Mr.Land is a sensitive soul.

>> No.14518618
File: 789 KB, 2048x1536, qoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my critique. It's literally 4D Chess the philosophy.

>> No.14518660

Eyes shining bright with unspilled tears
Thinking about all those waisted years
When everything worth living for is gone
And brother I find it hard to keep fighting on

Falling down towards the abyss, the abyss
The reaper embraces me with his kiss
It makes me want to refuse to care, refuse to care
To watch this all unfold to much to bare

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

Disease encroaching on all I hold dear
Somehow I gotta get my soul outta here
Heart of agony, faint burning hope
I'm finding it hard to try to cope

The cause liars own the world with conquering poise, conquering poise
In a wasteland of meaningless noise
We don't stand a chance with the dormant pride, with the dormant pride
The heroes of our race have already died

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

To imagine it has all come down to this
Apathy and suicidal bliss
It's all over except for the cryin'
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion

The greatest race to ever walk the earth, walk the earth
Dying a slow death with insane mirth
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed, our race betrayed
White man, fight the flight towards the grave

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bare to witness-oh!

Don’t let it end this way, don’t let it end this way
Don’t let it end this way, I can’t bare to witness

>> No.14518663

oh, is that what you want? you literally just want me to explain basic terminology to you? why does it always come down to this, like do you keep swapping out for new retards to keep up the fight or do you actually not understand this stuff
distributed objects of machinic self-replication aimed at the consumption of the earth, but the catch is it syntheses intelligence as it proliferates. basically grey goo meets slime mold
ideas which bring themselves into reality
self-reinforcing cybernetic intensification, the historically instantiated object which accelerationism attempts to measure
tell you what, I'll see if you can break the super difficult code yourself on this one. here, if you get stuck, use this
>The English suffix -nomics is derived from the Greek νόμος nomos, meaning "law." The fields ending with -nomics thus mean "law of" whatever the prefix is.

>> No.14518677


>> No.14518686

Cannot win a war by kissing the enemy

>> No.14518707


>> No.14518727
File: 34 KB, 900x600, EKGJwyHXkAANTCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you like to take a moment?

>> No.14518731

{k- codes for cyber}

>> No.14518746

Would it follow that deep down every single person is an asshole and 4chan is the most effective tool it lay it bare

>> No.14518801

4chan shows you the expected ugliness of freaks
Twitter shows you something much more horrifying

>> No.14518813

you consider yourself a freak?

>> No.14518867


>> No.14518868

No. I'm the sanest person on 4chan

>> No.14518871

buddy that's what practically everybody here thinks

>> No.14518877

> thinks it's just computers
You done not seen nuttin yet boy

>> No.14518885

>"I'm the sanest person on 4chan" he said, smearing his digital feces across the wall of the infinite

>> No.14518888

Good for them. I don't agree but it's good to have a positive view of one's self

>> No.14518895

Disgusting. This is exactly the sort of twisted freak posting in talking about. I would never post like that

>> No.14518906

Tank you deluge quoting Mr. Nietzsche

>> No.14518933

this is just sad, leave the website if you really need to consider yourself different than the average person, there's a reason you're here

>> No.14518971

sigh..somehow, accelerationism has slowed down

>> No.14518981

omg no please I need you to like me

>> No.14519048

My head-canon is that Land is essentially playing the role of the the antagonist that needs to be overcome or sublimated (in whatever form that takes) for contemporary terrestrial (human/non-human) politics to move forward.

>> No.14519075


>> No.14519093

>he unironically thinks bernie will make things better
it's ok to be 18

>> No.14519095

ówò what would better look like to you anon, at the absolute minimum I mean

>> No.14519111

There's a division between his theory and the person he is, and he seems to acknowledge that. You know, like, he is just a part of the process and he might personally possess views unrelated or disconnected from the cosmic disintegration engine itself. So it's fine to post Boomer takes and laugh at the millions of burning syphilitic koalas

>> No.14519123

Land's 90s philosophy is so nihilistic that I don't understand why anyone thinks his edgy racist takes or whatever are in conflict with any of it. He frequently makes jokes about the extinction of humanity but somehow being mean to koalas or Africans is too far, I dont get it.

>> No.14519130

and to think he used to be a feminist

>> No.14519142
File: 120 KB, 720x1157, 1578791307971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Land's philosophy is the same as the koala huggers. What does this mean?

>> No.14519144

koal/acc when

>> No.14519147

at least he did not die in a Chinese prison

>> No.14519155

Yeah that WordPress post above clears that up a lot, his current persona and his academic one aren't totally opposed like people want to think. Which is funny because right wingers who were in diapers during the NRx blog scene in think every "acc" person is a transgender Marxist or something. No, a lot of them are white collar middle aged rich guys who read

Extremist cosmic libertarians can still claim ultra right status while not caring about gender bullshit. "The future can take care of itself" sums that up succinctly

>> No.14519160

from the opposite perspective, humans, along with animals, are too stupid to deserve to live, compared with whatever AI he imagines is emerging.

>> No.14519161

Yes. g.acc will win

>> No.14519167

Why what does this AI do that is so special?

>> No.14519169

we can't even begin to imagine it

>> No.14519172

As far as I can tell the only quality it has is being smarter, or optimizing even further intelligence

>> No.14519176

ahem testing

>> No.14519180

That's the other question, what exactly does he mean by intelligence? And why would this outcompete humans and nature?

>> No.14519186

Gnon decides :)

>> No.14519190

it'll solve all philosophical problems we were too retarded to, including all those related to AI namely whether or not it's a good idea

>> No.14519193

a lot of people just dont get this. his philosophy and how its basically anti human and how he wants the AI to win and replace us.

of course he is going to have le wicked sense of humor

>> No.14519194


this is Land's take. He starts with looking at entropy and order I guess, which sort of systems reverse the former, and create the latter

>> No.14519211

Try getting that word out of your head for a moment. Land considers the universe an intelligence-generating machine of some sort. The human race has already been captured by a technological singularity as part of this process. Capital itself is just a piece of the process. So it's not le smart computer, it's not "artificial", it is emergent intelligence as a property of the universe itself, or some shit.

>> No.14519214

sentience is a form of capital

>> No.14519223

Kek. Uh oh

>> No.14519227

So AI is a metaphor or placeholder? But then what is the singularity in relation to this? And capital? I thought capital was king in this thinking, or is it just making us aware of this information making process?

>> No.14519234

Sentience is the product of evolution which is, lemme say it, like uh, capitalistic and shit with the animals eating eachother and shit

>> No.14519249

>So AI is a metaphor or placeholder? But then what is the singularity in relation to this? And capital?

I'm just a hanger on,I can't give you academic answers to that but that wordpress blog above also covers it. He's very interested in the normally definitely AI but also sees evolution itself as an intelligent process, the market as an intelligent thing. Covered in the xenosystems link above.

>> No.14519502


>> No.14519742

I have shocked myself several times a day on an exposed transistor on an old motherboard I use to mine crypto. I think about different philosophers when I do and pay close attention to the taste in my mouth when it hits. Land tastes warm, like a nice apple cider but a but more metallic. based on this I have to assume he's an okay guy under all the memes

>> No.14519778

This guy's a living, breathing handicap urinal. Hope he plugs himself with a .45 someday.

>> No.14519850
File: 510 KB, 620x1261, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nick land..... is dead

>> No.14520065

young Land btfo'ing old Land
he retroactively refuted himself

>> No.14520137


Thank you that was quite good. Good post.

>> No.14520160

Young Land was absolutely based
Old Land is just a smellly boomer

>> No.14520225

after studying qabalah he realized that the fully deterritorialized fully rhizomatic Meltdown he envisioned was actually impossible so he's just been shitposting on twitter to pass the time until something interesting happens

>> No.14520235
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>> No.14520248

>that pic
Hello? Based department?

>> No.14520557
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>> No.14520599

>h-he is irrelevant and boring and cringe
>282 posts

>> No.14520610

Koalas are savages perpetually drugged up from eucalyptus that scream like the devil and reproduce soley through rape, the males somehow penetrating one of the female's two vaginas with their double-headed penises while digging into their backs with their three-inch claws. None of this is made up or exaggerated. Koalas are the spawn of Satan and the world is now better for the less of them.

>> No.14520644

That entire continent is a spawn of Satan and needs to be nuked.

>> No.14521093

Land is peak pseud. his writings are inchorrent gibberish

>> No.14521702

there are worse ways to live

>> No.14521716

Still worried about the women watching from the corner eh?

>> No.14521843
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>> No.14521975

hes retired and hes sustained with your seethe basically.

>> No.14522145

This one's pretty funny though

>> No.14522200

is cringe an inherently feminine category?

>> No.14522401

So is this a case of ressentiment?

>> No.14522411


>> No.14522426

He doesn't even remember writing a lot of the stuff in Fanged Noumena, he was blitzed on a polydrug cocktail

>> No.14522537
File: 35 KB, 761x245, koala co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending all that time spamming social media for
accfags literally cannot fucking social intelligence

>> No.14522604

you prefer reading youtube comments because the have more upvotes? classic reddit

>> No.14522626

>another reddit post
you fags only survived because of reddit. but thanks for proving my point

>> No.14522666

>care about likes on social media
>care about social intelligence
>care about koalas
just go back

>> No.14522676

>being this hypocritical and unaware
kek nice get satanfag

>> No.14522709

faggot go back to farming karma

>> No.14523637
File: 184 KB, 1349x511, acc samefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strangely impotent samefaggery

>> No.14523672

lmao they do have all the marks of /ptg/

>> No.14523696

>hating things you don't understand
Classic plebeian behaviour.

>> No.14523708

sounds like he understands it well enough

>> No.14523716
File: 9 KB, 211x239, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14523734

>doesn't understand the difference between accelerationism and neo-reaction
>understands it well enough

>> No.14523752

do you have any clue what you're doing?

>> No.14523774

>thinks an insignificant difference in two subgenres of de-aestheticized aestheticism matters
keep trying to fit in sots

>> No.14523801

explain what you think "de-aestheticized aestheticism" is and how both acc and NRx are subgenres of it. also, I'd rather be a drunk than an illiterate lmao

>> No.14523825

kek are you this retard?

>> No.14523845

not going to waste my time with pseud fags

>> No.14523864

>clicks on a Land thread
>engages with acc fags
>claims he's not going to waste time with them
anon, you do know what they say the definition of insanity is right?

>> No.14523876

every time

>> No.14523893

do you not know where that comes from?

>> No.14523900

imagine being this slow, how do you do it?

>> No.14523906

you are still wasting time anon, surely you should leave the thread or something

>> No.14523958
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>> No.14523970

three posts worth of time wasted now, going to keep it going? maybe if you post just the right meme you can finally free yourself from this hell you are trapped in

>> No.14524041

99% of which are talking about how cringe he is. why so incompetent? i thought you worship intelligence.

>> No.14524075

why are you so bitter?

>> No.14524103

321 posts of calling something cringe is the true way to show how you really don't care at all about it

>> No.14524150

where did anyone say they didn't care? it's you fags trying to larp as edgy yoomers.

>> No.14524176
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>> No.14524191

so why do you care so much about a boomer booming on the internet? let old people have fun

>> No.14524219

i thought you were an ideology of resignation and despair? why so egoist while waiting for capital to destroy you?

>> No.14524252

>I don't really care about Nick's shitposts
why do you care this much anon? like why spend this much effort trying to attack something if it's utterly impotent and wrong?

>> No.14524253

if by despair you mean taking his kids to the petting zoo and annoying millennials by shitposting on twitter

>> No.14524366

what is this supposed to mean, land is the butterfly?

>> No.14524377

He has kids?

>> No.14524389
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>> No.14524393

yes, he has 2 kids and is married to some academic marxist teacher, living the boomer dream in shangai

>> No.14524394

why are they such tryhards?

>> No.14524447

You can just put it in paper bag and microwave it. I'm glad he didn't know, his poem was nice

>> No.14524534

Trans girls like to show off for daddy

>> No.14524584
File: 84 KB, 618x750, 1554592991752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14524598
File: 253 KB, 1355x1856, EOC6UpSW4AQxjCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14524714

the original with Obama was better. take your tranny tripe elsewhere

>> No.14524754
File: 1.12 MB, 640x360, IMG_20171230_145205_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this is the appropriate thread for it

>> No.14524853


>> No.14525225

oh sweaty, this is an anime board