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File: 21 KB, 180x284, 180px-Debord_SocietyofSpectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14628191 No.14628191 [Reply] [Original]

>consuming bad
>being lazy good
Why do pseudo intellectuals always bring this book up?

>> No.14628196

>dude walk around the city in weird patterns and get drunk

Wtf people take this seriously? No wonder he drunk himself to death

>> No.14628199

reading anything but video game fantasy is yet another weird thing pseudo intellectuals do. you think you're smart but you haven't read Christie Golden's Lord of the Clans... give me a fucking break.

>> No.14628216

Seems like you are able to tell me.

>> No.14628254

why is this cover so hard to read

>> No.14628262

>I'm just as oppressed as women, queers and people of colour because I have to get up to work every monday (nevermind I get paid more for doing the same job) and because I don't watch tv(which believe me doesn't have anything to do with the fact that 'the spectacle' has begun to represent people who aren't me)

Debord is ok if you are a teenager who is just discovering the social justice critique of capitalism, but trying to LARP as a 'situationist' before actual leftists and marginalised folks will only result in tremendous embarrassment for everyone involved. Racism and sexism operate in an unconscious and structural fashion and can only be combated collectivelly and through institutions. If anything people like you need to learn to sit down and listen, the revolution isn't about you.

>> No.14628279

Do you have to post this in every thread about leftist politics

>> No.14628288

Criticism of 'consumerism' is most often a smokescreen for racist, sexist, queerphobic or antisemitic propaganda attacking the very existence of marginalised people. The most dangerous right wing propaganda is that which can be passed off as left wing to the uninformed.

>> No.14628309

>gay tranny bait

>> No.14628313

I'm not biting

>> No.14628314

Can't genuinely tell if you're serious or trolling

>> No.14628318

Jigs up right wing lads, weve been had

>> No.14628323

> The most dangerous right wing propaganda is that which can be passed off as left wing to the uninformed.
you claim to be lefty, yet you defend anti anti consumerism (=pro capitalism=pro marginalisation=anti lefty)

>> No.14628337

TK demolished your kind lol, not interested in actual revolution but invested in activism for their own psychological relief. If you were really anti consumerism you would discard idealism and act in accordance to your belief, yet here we are, you larp as a leftist but you're not interested in destroying the system, at all.

>> No.14628436

You cannot be a leftist if you arent comitted to full gender and racial justice. The cishet larpers who exclusively read 'theory' written by dead white men while avoiding the hard work of unlearning listening to marginalised people and coming to terms with their privilege are definitely not real leftists.

>> No.14628463

>marginalised folks
get thee gone from by board you crypto-liberal bugman

>> No.14628481

Guess this is what "Eat them by their own light" means

>> No.14628506

believing in situationist theory and criticism doesn't mean you can't also care about marginalized people or that you don't/can't interrogate your internalized shittyness. You're presuming situationists are all Francofilic white males, which is silly and stupid because their ideas are very influential.

>> No.14628532

It’s not crypto at this point anon.
>>14628506 Agreed. If one actually is into political sciences and are a Marxist of some form, the broad consensus is that economical status is the primary cause, so “marginalized groups” outside of economics is second order concern at best and a complete diversionary issue at worst. The guy makes the dogmatic assumption that marginal groups is at the core of what makes the “left” the “left”