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1464841 No.1464841 [Reply] [Original]


ITT: Iran discussion.
Iran before 1979: They're just white Mediterranean people who love the West

>> No.1464844

Well wouldn't you be pissed if some people took one of the most valuable sources of your economy?

>> No.1464856


Are you talking about the 1953 coup? Yes, that was the root cause of the Islamic revolution, but can we get over that already? Iran has so much potential... :(

The IR is destroying Iranian culture :(

>> No.1464860
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loving the west != being good

they stand up for their country and don't suck the cock of allies, that needs some balls

>> No.1464871

are you implying they became non-white after 79 or something OP?

>> No.1464875


Yes, compare Mohammad Pahlavi's Mediterranean features to Ahmadinejad's scary, disgusting, ugly sub-human Semitic (non-Iranian) features.

I want Iran to be white and western again... :'(

>> No.1464878
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>> No.1464881

iran is a depressing example of how theocracy can obliterate an entire culture

>> No.1464886


iran was never "white" and "western" they were "persian" and "secular" if that's what you mean.

>> No.1464887

good logic faggot USA is a black nation then

>> No.1464890


According to Christopher Hitchens, with the massive demographic shift going on in Iran, the Islamic Republic will change itself into something secular and progressive within a decade.

>> No.1464899

a decade? kind of hard to believe.

>> No.1464908



The old generation of pro-IR Iranians has already began to die off, Iran is a nation of people under 25.

>> No.1464912


yeah the whole point of the revolution in the late 70s was that they were trying to overthrow the shitty monarchy and (presumably) replace it with a democratic government. this was supposed to be a good thing, except when the monarchy finally did collapse the islamic fundamentalists stepped up in the power vacuum and took over.

hopefully history will correct itself eventually. the citizens (especially the students) REALLY hate the present govt.

>> No.1464924


You should check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ogLrfyc5dU

English guy went to Iran, claims that most people he met there said they were Atheists and hated their government.

>> No.1464927

obviously it won't happen, it will turn into a war-torn shithole in a few years, then the newly established democratic government will be overthrown by fundies again

>> No.1464931


America wont invade/attack Iran.

They know Iran is a nation of young people that can easily be radicalized, that's why America and Israel have been doing a soft war (assassinations, coup attempts, sanctions).

Iran is a 6000 year old nation and it is the NATURAL hegemon of the Near-East.

>> No.1464950


>> No.1464954

i know America won't

>> No.1464960


Israel won't either.

>> No.1464998

>Iran is ... the NATURAL hegemon of the Near-East
I literally LOL'd. I rarely do, but this time I did.

>> No.1465015


It's true though...

>> No.1465049

>The other lie you hear about the Shah is that he was "corrupt." He skimmed from the petrodollars coming in, sure-but compared to any other Middle Eastern ruler, the Shah was squeaky-clean. He actually put Iran's oil revenues to work changing the country, building roads, irrigation projects, and setting up an educational system (the first in the country's history).
>But nobody felt grateful. The intelligentsia was full of fashionable commies; they wanted chaos. The successful entrepreneur types mostly emigrated before they could contribute to building a solid middle class, taking their free educations with them. And the Shi'ite mullahs were furious that they were losing power as people got more middle-class and more interested in progress. When the Shah decided to stop paying off the Mullahs, they called in their Frankenstein: Ayatollah Khomeini.
>Khomeini-if you're old enough to remember 1979, you won't forget his face. He looked like a 200-year-old Dracula in black robes. The faces said it all: the Shah, with his expensive suits :or the man in black.
>They went with Khomeini.


>> No.1465046

Quoting Gary Brecher ("The War Nerd") because he's one of the few people whose opinion I respect:

>In 1978 Iran was the most powerful country in the Middle East, rapidly modernizing under the Shah, Reza Pahlevi. You hear a lot of nonsense about his "repressive" policies, but the truth is way simpler: the Shah's problem is that he actually WAS trying to make Iran a modern, powerful country. In 1963 the Shah started his "White Revolution," a typical Kennedy-style reform plan, kind of out-commie-ing the commies.
>He was trying to do for Iran exactly what Ataturk did for Turkey in the 1920s. But he had two problems: his "dynasty" was new and unpopular-set up by his cavalry-officer dad's coup in 1921-and he was dealing with Shia Islam, which is way crazier and more self-destructive than Sunni. The Shia have a bigger martyr complex than Cindy Sheehan, and they're always willing to do whatever it takes to mess themselves up. So Iran basically looked at the Shah's reforms and said nope, it's too good, we'd rather go back to the Middle Ages.
>Of course, that's not the official story. The Leftist academics will tell you the Iranians overthrew the Shah in revenge for persecution from his "feared and hated SAVAK secret police." The truth is, SAVAK was a small (15,000 men), defensive CI service. Unless you were actively involved in Islamist or Communist conspiracies, it would pretty much leave you alone, which was a lot more than you can say for the cops/spies of any other regime in the 4,000 years of Persian/Iranian history, including the creeps running the country now.

>> No.1465055

Hell yes, love Gary Becher, love the Exile

>> No.1465091


i won't bother to explain, go talk to an iranian instead. any iranian.

>> No.1465100


Iranian here, thank you very much for posting this!


>> No.1465102


>> No.1465106

>they wanted chaos.

whelp, this is officially bullshit.

>> No.1465111

he's talking specifically about communist intellectuals there and they probably would have been pretty opposed to a western american-supported regime tho? i mean it's not that insane for him to say

>> No.1465113

It's not "insane", but it shows how unashamedly biased he is. Makes it even harder to take his cock sucking of the Shah seriously.

>> No.1465114


Does CI mean Civilian Intelligence?

>> No.1465117

well, yeah, it's anti-communist, but that doesn't make him WRONG. if you read his stuff he's hardly a US backer.


>> No.1465121

Iran =/= Mediterranean

Also, Iranian =/= Arab

>> No.1465212


Iranians are actually Proto-Slavs.

Slavs are the best people in Europe.

>> No.1465219

Does this meme have a name?

>> No.1465254


>Slavs are the best people in Europe.

I'm a Slav, and I don't share your opinion.

>> No.1465262

I'm a Slav, and I do.

>> No.1465266


>> No.1465310

>inb4 thousands of posts calling Slavs subhuman

>> No.1465487

moar liek in during noone gives a shit

>> No.1465498
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