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File: 17 KB, 300x168, talmud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14672879 No.14672879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a synopsis on the Talmud?

>> No.14672886

>The Bibble said we can't do this thing
>OK so how can we find a loophole

10,000 pages

>> No.14672887

goyim bad

>> No.14672909

>Jesus calls out the Pharisees for making their own rules
>They make a huge ass book of their own rules

>> No.14672938

Jew's essentially believe that their race is the only real "human" race, and that everyone else is an emanation of their collective psyche

>> No.14672944

Goyim are cattle, Jesus burns in hell.

>> No.14672978

Stuff like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesirah
And rules for these:
But remember, there is totally nothing that looks like secretive jewish shadow governments. That's a conspiracy theory WINK WINK

>> No.14673005

Basically this. It's Rabbinical legalism and recursive commentary. Some of it is juicy, like the punishment for apostasy (hence why Yeshua Bar Yosef is boiling in feces) but there's also stuff like "if a man makes a dildo for his wife, based off of a cast of his penis, and she injures herself with the dildo, is he legally responsible?" and "how big of a pond can a Jew have in his garden?".

>> No.14673032


>> No.14673090

The Talmud

>> No.14673099


schizophrenic rambling of an arab/maxrist

>> No.14673139
File: 315 KB, 901x1024, Talmud quotes or what Jews think of us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14673209

>God says it's wrong to rape.
>so let's bend the meaning of words so that it's okay to rape goyim, since goyim aren't technically "human", and it's okay to rape 3 year olds, even your own kids, because they're not gonna remember anyways.
and talmudic jews wonder why they're ALL in therapy

>> No.14673332

this actually sounds amazing
to be fair, I'm a jew who loved constitutional law for the stories and how they get codified into law, so beh

>> No.14673337


>> No.14673751

Maybe you should look into getting in touch with your roots (serious).

>> No.14673757

Racism isn't confined to one race. Jews and Goyim have been at each others' throats since before the Roman Empire, so it is not surprising to read things like this.

>> No.14673762

Is the Sanhedrin supposed to be a shadow organisation now? What's next, the Roman senate secretly runs the CIA? (fuck that actually sounds like an awesome premise)

>> No.14674124

Jews lawyering their way around morality

>> No.14674162

Why post fake quotes and quotes from sources that are sceptical and sketchy? It's not good to take things out if context
You are better than this bro

>> No.14674325

1. This phrase doesn't exist in Sanhedrin 59a
2. This phrase doesn't exist in Avodah Zarah 26b
3. Mostly correct, but the image confuses the Torah (Law) with the Talmud. A more accurate translation is:
"A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty" or "A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death". However, this is the opinion of one rabbi, the tractate goes on to state the views of other rabbis who disagree
4. There is no Talmud tractate called "Libbre David"
5. There is no Talmud tractate called "Libbre David"
6. This phrase doesn't exist in Yevamot 11b
7. "Shabout Hag." seems to be a poor transliteration of Shevuot, but "6d" is an impossible citation as there are only #a and #b pages in Talmud tractates
8. There is no Talmud tractate called "Hilkkoth Axum"
9. There is no Talmud tractate called "Hilkkoth Axum"
10. There is no Talmud tractate called "Choschen Hamm"
11. There is no Talmud tractate called "Choschen Hamm"
12. There is no Talmud tractate called "Szaaloth-Utszabot"
13. There is no Talmud tractate called "Baba Necia"
14. There is no Talmud tractate called "Simeon Haddarsen"
15. There is no Talmud tractate called "Nidrasch Talpioth"
16. Partly correct, but a poor translation. A more accurate translation is: "Therefore, with regard to a female gentile child who is three years and one day old, since she is fit to engage in intercourse at that age, she also imparts impurity as one who experienced ziva." or "It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl [communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux." As you can see from the above, the quote is about ritual impurity of children above a certain age, not condoning rape of children (although the claim a three year old is sexually capable is still very questionable!)
17. There is no Talmud tractate called "Gad. Shas."
18. B,5 is an impossible citation. Assuming it means 5b, that phrase doesn't exist in Avodah Zarah 5b.
19. There is no Talmud tractate called "Choszen Miszpat"
20. There is no Talmud tractate called "Choszen Miszpat"

>> No.14674329

We chosenites good - goyim bad

>> No.14674555
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shutdown squad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675349
File: 223 KB, 1000x750, chief rabbi israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work Rabbi. None of the filthy goys can even read Hebrew and even if they could, the first thing we did when the internet took off was scrub all Talmudic references.

What kind of master race would we be if we forgot that.

We're having real problems explaining this guy though. Can we claim Sephardics don't follow the Talmud? And that Israelis's didn't know their favourite Rabbi was a racial supremacist to an unfathomable scale and yet ten times more popular than Lady Diana in Israel.

>> No.14676190

>because they're not gonna remember anyways.

>> No.14676800

You might like the Talmud then. It gets insanely pedantic though.

>> No.14676820
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1580307223772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14676941

Retarded boomer jew doesn't account for all Jews. Although to be fair, in Christianity, non believers are all condemned no matter what. Jews at least have Noah's laws which means even non Jews can be righteous.
Nah just a Catholic searching for truth

>> No.14677011

The Talmud is written in Aramaic and there are multiple translations available. And I can see you've provided no evidence of those fake quotes being genuine. Could it be than an unsourced anonymous jpg is wrong?

>> No.14677247

This. Contemporary Rabbinic Judaism is a joke and I cannot think of a more forcefully invented identity than the modern Jew.

>> No.14677253

You don't need to sift through tens of thousands of pages of intentionally obtuse foreign discourse if you want to know what kind of document the Talmud is, just spend some time around the Haredim.

>> No.14677267


boiling semen in hell for goys yet somehow also golden rule (a kike trick)

>> No.14677271
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1575943956547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a jew

>> No.14677362

How so? Jews have been persecuted for 3000 years and they just try to keep their laws.

>> No.14677381


>> No.14677406

Holy based. How do I convert to this religion?

>> No.14677415

Bunch of rabbis pulling stories out of their asses and claming they are true.

>> No.14677626


>Why post fake quotes and quotes from sources that are sceptical and sketchy?

I recall an old Jewish proverb, it goes something like, "Blessed is he who says a true thing in the name of he who should have said it"

>> No.14677639

Are you saying that its impossible to translate hebrew and that there is some magic filter on the internet (and darknet) that prevent certain pages of the talmud being uploaded?

>> No.14677878


Perhaps, though the JIDF are known to take accurate memes, change them and circulate a 'wrong' version they can refute. Many of us have seen these pop up in real time.

However I note neither of you address the issue of Israel revering a racial supremacist of such vehemence that, if practised by any other nation, would lead to the UN bombing that country.

Pilpul was far more useful before the goyim found out about it, don't you agree?

>> No.14677902

The Holy Language was created in such a manner so as to be unintelligible to the goyim in its entirety. Jews use this when necessary, so a Jew could be discussing the soulless nature of the goyim and a goy who "learned" Hebrew wouldn't even suspect what was being talked about; even if he lived in Israel for the entirety of his life and Hebrew was the only language he spoke.

>> No.14677904

Are you saying that a cult which has been expelled from 109 countries or states, on more than 350 occasions for poisoning wells, sacrificing children, opening the gates to enemies and all manner of other evilness wouldn't have a way to mask their ethos from the goyim?

Of course not. All suggestion that Jews are anything other than benevolent leaders of humanity are evil and must be punished with special laws put in place by Jewish lobbying.

>> No.14677919

> The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.

Shit, that guy's pretty based.

>> No.14677922

Yes anon, it's the JIDF. It surely isn't /pol/ being a bunch of giant flaming faggots worse than their boogeyman and lying out of their ass.

>> No.14677931

Quote's real:


>> No.14677943
File: 29 KB, 333x499, israel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worse than their boogeyman
how are they worse? /pol/ didn't infiltrate the foreign policy apparatus of america and take it to war sacking several countries for their ethnostate over the last 20+ years.

>> No.14677946

Ah, /pol/ is here to improve the quality of discussion as usual. What a rich culture. There really is no need to read at all when your culture is that rich. Besides, everything that might disprove one's initial conviction is a fabrication regardless.

>> No.14677955

Anons are known to create fake images and spam them simply for purposes of shitposting.
Threads hit bump limits on pol discussing fake twitter screencaps of jewish politicians/lawyers/producers etc all the time and everyone in the thread ignores the posts pointing out its fake. People want to argue over hypothetical nothings and its because identity politics or whatever you want to call it is a mental parasite.

I agree the double standards among the western powers regarding Israel is a joke.
But would the UN really bomb New Zealand if they adopted the same policies? Dont be silly.

Not going to argue in support of zionist cults, dont try put that shit on me and dont deflect from the ridiculous implications made in >>14675349

>> No.14677966

what a shocking article
can't believe wikipedia allows this one up

>> No.14677975

By the way,
>it was a fake image created by jews for some 4d chess psyop
>all connections in the world are run through a single point that is meticulously scanned for any authentic talmudic materials and anyone who can translate hebrew is kept under watch 24/7 by jewish gangstalkers
Is not an excuse for fabricating outright lies with the intention of inciting mindless hatred.

>> No.14678016

>>all connections in the world are run through a single point that is meticulously scanned for any authentic talmudic materials and anyone who can translate hebrew is kept under watch 24/7 by jewish gangstalkers
Holy based... Truly the chosen people.
Jews if you are reading this I recognize you as a Light onto the nations!

>> No.14678061

I was talking about the first part of your post, anon.

>believing America doesn't also uses the jews as their arabs mercenary for oil money and keeping the region weak
It goes both way you dumbo.

>> No.14678084

Isn't it also
>the bible said we can't do this one extremely specific thing
>so now we can't do these incredibly broad things

The most obvious example I can think of is "don't eat a calf cooked in its mother's milk"* getting turned into "you can't mix meat and dairy". Huh?

*Side note: Who would do that? Is there some metaphor here I'm not picking up on?

>> No.14678088

... How big of a pond can he have?

>> No.14678094

Being a Jew is fine. Being a namefag is repulsive.
With that said, gib constitution stories, or precent forming cases generally

>> No.14678098

Tbh that is undeniably based
Jews are like poisonous snakes or journalists
They're not so bad once you know what to expect

>> No.14678102

Why would it suit /pol/ to make up edgy Talmud quotes when there are plenty of real edgy Talmud quotes? I lean towards the fake list being concocted by trolls or by people who want to discredit the claims of people bringing to light unflattering things about Jewry and about Rabbis in particular.

>> No.14678108

>Is there some metaphor here I'm not picking up on?
Idk... Might have something to do with meat and dairy products...

>> No.14678176

Its called the midrash. Seriously its all on sefaria. Check it out. Cool site.

>> No.14678204

If it goes both ways, why does the last 20+ years map onto both the Yinon plan and the Neocon's "A Clean Break" paper and not say the various Pentagon or State Dept war and diplomatic plans (e.g. Barnett's plan) for stability in the region? If, as you say, the Americans uses Israel, then one might think they'd go with their inhouse experts, and not a group driven by Zionist interests.

If America is the one using the Israelis, then one might assume that they have them under control or are on a friendly "greatest ally" basis as the mainstream story goes. If so, why are so many agents of Israel caught stealing information from America and giving intel to Israel? E.g. Perle, Sonnenfeldt, Pollard, Franklin, Amit, Kadish, etc. On top of this, why are some of these treated so leniently by the American government? If so, what's up with all those dancing israelis on 9/11 that were "documenting the event" and were let go even though they clearly had tactical intel on when/where an attack was happening? If so, what's up with all those israeli art students trying to infiltrate american bases in the leaked DEA intelligence report before 9/11? If so, what's up with our greatest ally attacking and continually strafing the USS Liberty?

If there is some sort of near symmetric relationship (goes both ways), then where is the equivalent of AIPAC, ZOA, ADL, and the rest of the less overt ethno front orgs like neocon affiliates AEI, PNAC, and the Hudson Institute on Israeli soil? Surely, as you say, if America is pulling the strings, they'd have something that looks like an equivalent propaganda, public diplomacy, or PR system in place?

If America and Israel's interests align naturally without coercion, why did Epstein -- who has a connection to Mossad via his girlfriend and other Jewish elites with the guy that financed him -- need to have possibly blackmailed two separate presidents and countless other non-jewish members of the american elite?

>> No.14678227

>implying the American feds and politicians didn't want 9/11 to happen
Shabboz goyim, but also sontag juden

>> No.14678243
File: 34 KB, 600x300, galloway south africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This quote/meme gets scrubbed from the internet with almost supernatural thoroughness. It's amazing how that happens isn't it?

>> No.14678248

Are you subtly implying Twitter isn't full of blue checkmarks actively 'hating white people' every day.

And what did the West do to South Africa and Rhodesia? Destroyed them. Driven by whom I wonder?

Nationalism for me and not for thee filthy goyim

Check this please >>14678243

>> No.14678249

Prove it.

>> No.14678259

Hillary's grandchildren. Biden's grandchildren. Trump's grandchildren.

The US elite increasingly have on thing in common. Small hats and no foreskin. Stop deluding yourself that any other ethnic group has power in the West.

And Epstein was blackmailing elites FOR World Jewry. And no one believes you didn't know that you Pilpul spouting liar.

>> No.14678269

Laws they invented rather than God's laws.

Also a bunch of their laws permit them to kill or act dishonestly with gentiles because they're considered subhuman in the talmudic law

>> No.14678329

Noahide laws now form the basis for US law. Breaking these results in decapitation. However Jews don't have to follow them, only Goys.

Oh and decapitation for a Goy means losing your head. For a Jew it means removing your hat.

>> No.14678499

>why would antisemites lies about jews

Geez I don't know.


>If America is the one using the Israelis, then one might assume that they have them under control or are on a friendly "greatest ally" basis as the mainstream story goes. If so, why are so many agents of Israel caught stealing information from America and giving intel to Israel?

Are you saying America doesn't do this to its allies? They backed criminal organizations in my coubtries so that they'll repress comies organisation and yet France and America were supposed to be friend. America is certainly fucking some shits up in Israel for its own benefit. But we turn a blind eye to this kind of bullshit because remaining ally is better.

>muh 9/11
It was the fault of America's pathetic state security

>> No.14678525

Fucked up the link


>out of context quote
I'll bet you 500€ tgere is something deceiving about this picture.

>> No.14678618

Why are you ignoring the clear accusation that the US elite is now basically Jewish?

The West is run by a racial mafia trying to cement it's victory by removing all other races through multiculturalism.

>> No.14678620
File: 95 KB, 1024x937, 1580916738164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14678633

> 9/11 pathetic state security

Dancing Israelis? Care to comment on what they were doing there? Or why they were celebrating? Or why Or why they were quietly shipped home rather than tried and executed?

>> No.14678650

The PR of China's internal documents dealing with the USA are clear about Jewish control of that country and its foreign policy...once in a while someone notices and there is a tempest in a teacup as AIPAC and Israel complain about it, then it is shot down the memory hole...

>> No.14678659

We are not supposed to remember that! Bad goy!

>> No.14678726

>is now jewish

If anything it is becoming increasingly indians. I'm pretty sure Krauts are overepresented too. Hell Trump is one. And even then some groups are clearly always overepresented in the circle of power. In france most of our political leader went to the same fucking school.

>racial mafia trying to cemebt it's victory by removing all otger races through multiculturalism

That's some projection.

>dancing israelis
After a quick search it looks like it's litteraly nothing but an incident overblown by lying antisemites (what a surprise)