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14714054 No.14714054 [Reply] [Original]

Why is becoming a NEET and isolating myself and refuting to play by societies rules so damn attractive.

Books about this feel?
Tell me it doesn't sound like heaven to escape society and live alone without a care and with your hobbies.

>> No.14714075

Isn't this already the norm in Japan?

>> No.14714080

You shouldn't. Isolation really fucks with your head. Take it from someone with experience.

>> No.14714083

just don't do it out of fear, because you will turn into a massive faggot

>> No.14714096

I'd rather do highly dangerous unskilled labour

>> No.14714145

I've been living this way for years. Although I'm very happy with it most of the others I've met in my position eventually become miserable, and even suicidal, so be careful what you wish for.

>> No.14714148

You need an income to sustain yourself though

>> No.14714160

>Books about this feel?
You posted it. Welcome to the NHK by Tatsuhiro Takimoto. And the little that comes later, also by him.
You wouldn't get it unless you've spent more than two years in NEETdom, though.

>> No.14714179

Thought about it this morning, I have an old friend, she has had multiple jobs as she has moved around the country with no trouble, making friends everywhere, getting tattoos and drinking from her own money. These things might not be good but she is more masculine than me, a real man. I excuse myself by way of me being 'depressed' and '10 times more complex than any woman who fucks around, that's why I stay at home' also 'The world sucks so why bother, in fact I'm in the right by being a NEET'. You really want to be a man who hides away from things in his house instead of actually doing something? If you're depressed or anxious or angry, do something crazy. You might fuck up your life, but your ancestors would be proud that you didn't submit your life hiding from your problems like a woman.

>> No.14714553
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>> No.14714637

It's happening across the globe.
Japan just publicised the problem and put a name on it.

>> No.14714655
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The Neet life makes you lonely, but hey if you're antisocial then you're free from toxic people

>> No.14716257
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>just live in the woods by yourself anon, it will be comfy

>> No.14716284
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There are some good non-fiction/psych books about this anon

>> No.14716297

I became one for a few years because I had, still have, a hatred toward people and also had massive agoraphobia and depression. It's fine for a year or two if you can cope with it, but I don't recommend it for longer than that. Also, if you do it for too long, you will find it very very hard to relate to anyone -- even less so than before if this is already the case. I'd rather wait until I'm older and have money before doing it again.

>> No.14716303

you know, when I was committed to this lifestyle it felt pretty good. if, by some act of god, you decide to get out of it, reintegration is a real bitch. it's hard to fit in anywhere when you've spent the last 8 years doing things that only you care about.

>> No.14716311

>if, by some act of god, you decide to get out of it...
>what's this, anon?

>> No.14716312

neet also can't last forever, you either off yourself when you run out of dough, or you go back to work.

>> No.14716320


I was a schizoid neet for a few years

I snapped out of it and now feel like killing myself every day. In college now, not currently employed but was for over 2 years, chilling for a bit while I take classes full time. Still not going to make it, I feel like my life is ruined. Severely depressed, panic attacks and bouts of anger. Mostly caused by the absolute state of my existence, avoidance behavior will not solve your problems and it will eventually be too late

>> No.14716324

Should I become a neet or a businessman ?
Seems like they don't have much difference. They both don't do shit and just let other people work for them.

>> No.14716331

are you retarded or just pretending

>> No.14716338
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It seems appealing because living in a western society at this moment doesn't really give one much motivation to do anything else as "succeeding" in it now just means being a slave to materialism.

I will say NEET mode has its draw backs as well, you just end up feeling frustrated on other ways. I don't know what the solution is anon, I'm 27 and still live the freeter life.

>> No.14716530

I'm not retarded and I'm not pretending.

>> No.14716545

that wasn't one of the choices - you're one or the other
try again

>> No.14716627

Don't do it unless your parents are rich or you can get neetbux.

>> No.14716642

neetbux is the neopatrician route

>> No.14716670

Option 3 is that you are ignorant, not me.

>> No.14716673

>t. midwit

>> No.14716829

Because your depressed, you are alienated from the pleasures of friendship, love, and things like going to the movies.

Attempt to get better before you decide to go Bukowski.

>> No.14716837

I could never do it
It makes me feel I'm fooling myself and coping

>> No.14716896

I spent 3 years applying to college and not going. I played video games, spent full 24 h rows talking on discord and i was chainsmoking and drinking alone.
I still have sequels right now, I can't stand anxiety and find myself smoking and eating fast food again every-time I have a deadline. I also can't relate to most people anymore, so I'm just alone most of the time.
I think that being a NEET is not a lifestyle most choose on their own and that even less want to keep things this way.
Now, I'm pushing myself and aim to feel competent in a pleasant job and try to develop any social skills once i'm not a student anymore.

>> No.14716955

Make sure you remove anything related to games from your house
It's easy to let go of games when you realize they're just little boxes that trap you according to their own rules and you're fed little dopamine cookies like mice and you're always playing a losing game, just like gambling

>> No.14717058

Social skils is the most important thing in modern world, you just too pussy to kill yourself.

>> No.14717064

Fucking lol
Hope you’re 12

>> No.14717107

what if I am schizoid and therefore genuinely do not care for relationships (except for with my parents)? How can I be starved of love or friendship if I do not crave it nor want to deal with it.

>> No.14717112

Self diagnosed?

>> No.14717124

>If you're depressed or anxious or angry, do something crazy.
kind of miss the point of depression, there's no will to do anything, it's not a literal death row

>> No.14717126

You don't know much about games if you really think that way. There are lots of games that require you to think and learn. I would agree though that one should stay away from most multiplayer games, most action games and consider mmos as the worst trash ever made.

>> No.14717132

>Social skils
No such thing. If you want to say "money and/or good looks", then just say so.

>> No.14717135

The fact that none of the media you consume is "real" and the fact that you'll remain constantly deprived of novel stimulation within at least three of your senses (smell, taste, touch) will eventually get to you and drive you crazy.

>> No.14717152

I'm a NEET at the moment, I quit every job I ever had. I don't mind working, I just don't like the disrespect and toxicity that comes from working with people. I've been watching vlogs of young families on youtube, and it's really makes my heart ache because I realize that I'll never afford to have a family and I'll die a lonely failure.

>> No.14717159
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a lot of NEETs are /biz/nessmen, if you get my drift

>> No.14717166

too late

>> No.14717217



>> No.14717232



>> No.14717282

no. he only gave me any such diagnosis terminology though when I needed him to write me a note to get an illness excused holiday semester.

>> No.14717291


Fuck, man. You are too young to even say that.

>> No.14717292

Working part time was my fav, you get a little bit of both worlds. Most part times pay like shit though is the major downside

>> No.14717364

I know enough about games to know I will never let myself close to them ever again, they distract you from living the same way drugs or any other serious addiction can

>> No.14717399

Still, here you are, posting on 4chan again.

>> No.14717413
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Kek it's a different type of addiction, it doesn't commit you or detract you from your normal life

>> No.14717421

It looks kinda cool... if you are a straight white male. Once you got one con in your life, it just turns to hell

>> No.14717432

That doesn't make sense, how does being a striaght white male change NEETdom in any way? It's easier to get welfare as a non-white/woman

>> No.14717435

I don't understand your point, you sound like you think every video game out there is a retarded timesink. This is just like saying literature is only YA trash.

>> No.14717448

The neet plays by society's rules as well

>> No.14717469

Keep pushing on, anon!

You've probably done this many times, but, think about the best possible outcome for your life and work backward from there to work out how to actualize it.

Shit may be rough now, but pushing through and getting what you want is worth it. The great struggle of life.

Read some stoicism if you haven't already.
Also, before dismissing it as new age dumb shit, try meditating. And try to fit it into a routine, even 5-10 minutes a day. It wont solve all your problems, but it may give you enough space between you and them to do something about it.

Good luck :)

>> No.14717474

I don't see how anyone can do this without their family enabling them.

Even if I moved to the cheapest part of the country and went on the dole my standard of living would be far too low to be worth it.

How long until TLC starts a 'my hikki life' show?

>> No.14717498

Vidya is great but the even the most exiting moment in a game is not even comparable to something as small as a good convo with a friend or equivalant.

Real life has an intensity and beauty not replicated within video games

>> No.14717507

I go to /v/ sometimes to just laugh a little for not even understanding what language they're speaking with each other, that's what I think about games today
Sometimes I play old single player games I used to play as a kid but most of the time I can't keep away the feeling that I could be doing something better with that time, it's just not good escapism for me anymore

>> No.14717511

Based, burn games and anything artificial that provides you with fake feelings of accomplishment

>> No.14717516

You can't really "snap" out of being schizoid. Try and find a psychiatrist if you can to help some more.

Or become a monk.

>> No.14717536

Don't know if this helps you in any way, but for me knowing that life does come to an end inevitably is very comforting and reassuring for me because it diminishes all my problems and worries sometimes to the point where I don't even care about them, because they won't matter at all to me or anyone in due time

>> No.14717567

I will soon get my degree. I really have no interest to pursuit a career or anything and longer deal with other people. I was once a neet already and now want to return and just take the time I have to write. As much as I try to think it through, I can hardly see anything speaking against it. Neetdom if chosen is literally patrician.

>> No.14717633

> You really want to be a man who hides away from things in his house instead of actually doing something?
I am not hiding, I am just tired of 99% things I have to do to be a part of and live in a society. The only thing I am upset about is that I dont have the balls to off myself. I am just living pointless life, maybe I will die some day, better sooner than later.

>> No.14717773

I was neet for 2 years and it was great but ran out of money and had to become a wageslave for bills/food/copes. It'll catch up to you eventually unless mommy and daddy provide for you forever. Ironically enough my mom's the neet now kek

>> No.14717826

Nah, it won't be too late. I know a guy who was NEET until his late 40s when his parents died and even he was able to find a job and adapt to his new environment. Quite a pleasant guy, actually.

>> No.14717890

>Why is becoming a NEET and isolating myself and refusing to play by societies rules so damn attractive.
>refusing to play by societies rules
That's why

>> No.14717945
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That passions always there, to escape into the woods, some log cabin, but we have.. I have, a- this duty in life.


>> No.14718566

But you only see video games as brainless escapism. Video games are game. When you are playing a game of chess, are you running from your life and trying to simulate a new one ?
There are games wich are either beautiful with a great gameplay that doesn't rely on addictive mechanisms and inspired world building and artstyle. This kind of games, such as the witcher 2 or Dark souls, though they aren't pushing you to think that much, let you wander through a whole new world like a good book would, without enslaving you to stupidity or addiction. There are also a whole lot of good puzzle and strategy games out there. Video games are games, and generalisation of a media as stupid because of it's mainstream representants might be your taste, but not a valid reasoning.

>> No.14718591

Wish I could be a stay at home dad, probably sucks ass until they can go to school then you get pseudo neet hours to yourself

>> No.14718624

also, beans

>> No.14718656

True. Though, if we're talking about a neet who wants to play vidya most of the time, instead of being active in the real world, then the fact of the matter is real life >>>>>> videogames
It shouldnt be a substitute in any way, or where one derives most joy and experience out of

>> No.14718699

crypto or bank robbery a couple times a year. not that hard to get money

>> No.14718770

>submitting to the modern world and playing by its rules while adhering to some kind of bastardized niggerish yet emasculated but more importantly corrupted and diminished view of masculinity that represents everything that is wrong about modernity, somehow makes you a man
Okay boomer

>> No.14718883

Yeah, this. There is a third way between NEETdom and corporate serfdom, but it is scary and hard and sparsely charted. But I know that the other two paths are straight routes to oblivion.

I recently finished Gravity's Rainbow, and that book has an interesting idea, that in order to escape this late-modern mess, in order to snatch humanity from the jaws of an empire peopled by Southern Californian car salesmen, you need to become illegible.

>No one can escape the taint of corruption completely, but a partially reclaimed humanity, the vestige of an authentic life, may be found in the virtues of simplicity, modesty, anonymity, spontaneity, and human decency. In the end, Pynchon advocates a quiet form of political radicalism—a withdrawal from the capitalist system without all the noise and attention-grabbing.

I don't know the friend you're talking about, but I know many people like her. I recently overheard an exchange between two girls, each about 22, about what kind of plastic surgery they would like to get. One had committed to jawline injections, I think? What a fucking nightmare! I don't want any part of that! They're outwardly confident, but every thought goes toward the construction of a facade. A "grammable" life.

I wonder if the central neurosis plaguing every Millennial boils down to this. Two options are presented: complete surrender and obliteration or a never-ending tap-dance. Sorry if this post was incoherent, but I can't stop thinking about this. What the everloving fuck is the third way?

>> No.14718968

The women who fantasize about plastic surgery and the women who travel the country working odd jobs and getting high are not the same women. Not sure if you were bringing that up for contrast or what, but it's a whole different world. The "third way" I think is living a low-cost life and working just as much as you need too. I've been doing only part-time/seasonal/freelance work for basically my entire adult life and it's pretty nice. I work probably 20 hours a week at most

>> No.14719254

1. a male who full realizes his masculinity has a lot more consequences to deal with because of that than a woman LARPing as a man
2. a lot of men with the potential to become "real men" often need a fully realized man to lead them, a king, a general, a gang leader, someone who basically shows them that its okay to be a man. i personally believe that men like that are extinct, so basically we're screwed. i don't think that 99.99999% of men can operate at full potential without a "king" figure in their lives.

tldr: she isn't more masculine than you

>> No.14719412

When I got a job I threw away my chess board.

>> No.14719431

>to escape into the woods, some log cabin,
Good luck buying the property.

>> No.14719454

I believe to a large extent it is nearly impossible to be something before you first see it. The hell of trial and error is too much.

>> No.14719547
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>> No.14719558

>your ancestors would...

>> No.14719569
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> books about this feel

Ur welcome

>> No.14719605

(unpaid too)

>> No.14719608

There's literally no way back from that either. Basically just waiting around to get the courage to kill yourself.

>> No.14719624

That's why you work. Also

>> No.14719656
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>> No.14719696

It feels good reject normal society and all it's greed, pride etc. that you find so distasteful, but then you wake up five years later and find that sloth alone was more than enough to turn you into a wretch

>> No.14719858

Still in school and the idea of ever having to work for anyone makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.14720003

just say you had saved up your money and backpacked across europe or something

>> No.14720280

What are your hobbies?