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/lit/ - Literature

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14738242 No.14738242 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here read any 40k books? What are your opinions on them?

>> No.14738297

try asking in the containment thread, op. hope this helps.


>> No.14739525

Audiobooks are super comfy, really well written, grab some hot chocolate and curl up as you listen to stories about heretics being genocided and wishing your government was that based.

>> No.14740487

I'm nearly ending the Horus Heresy series. Currently reading Heralds of the Siege.
Some of the books were utter garbage and mostly irrelevant to the series. Like for example The Damnation of Pythos or Battle for the Abyss. Also, I'm not a big fan of the compilation books. I'm not saying that the anthologies are bad. Some of the short stories are a great read (The Iron Within for instance).
Overall, I think the good largely outweighs the bad and I recommend the series for those that enjoy Science Fantasy.

P.S: Fuck ADB and his dabby issues. He shouldn't have written Master of Mankind

>> No.14740498
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>grab some hot chocolate and curl up

>> No.14740511

I've been audiobooking the Horus Heresy books lately because I'm doing a lot of working and walking that lends itself to that sort of thing.
The lore is pretty entertaining and some of the characters are surprisingly well developed, but the actual prose can be really iffy.
Production value on the audiobooks tends to be top notch.
Good fun for listening to while walking the dog or cooking etc. but not something I'd waste real reading time on.

>> No.14740550

Eisenhorn is awesome and deserves to be called real literature

>> No.14740599

Somebody posted a chart the other day, but I can't find it. It was a bit old anyway. 40k books range from complete shit to excellent. It usually depends on the author. Sometimes they produce bolder porn, other times they make profoundly disturbing horror such as Requiem Infernal. It's a strange combination.

>> No.14740607

This and Gaunt's ghosts are a must read.

>> No.14740630

The setting is great; many of the books are not. I'd read the first three books of the Horus Heresy at least because they're among the better books in the series and are more or less an origin story for many factions in the current setting.

>> No.14740835

Read the Eisenhorn Trilogy, A Thousand Sons, the first Space Wolves novel, and a collection of Ahriman short stories.

Prose in all was terrible. It all had that tell-don't-show crap that genre fictio is full of. You know the sort: "As Davos picked up Hilkar's sword, he remembered that [overt exposition of plot point]. He knew this meant [overt explanation of how the above plot point impacted him and what his choices were.]"

Not literature in the slightest. Can be fun for mindless reads in between hard books, though. Especially if you're a fan of the lore.