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14753119 No.14753119 [Reply] [Original]

>Look, these two religions share similar ideas, they must originate from a single primordial Tradition! Why you ask? How do you know this truly Traditional you may ask, muh metaphysics and obscurantism of course! Muh Absolute god bhaktimarha logos is the proof and you’re just an exoteric pleb if you don’t understand

Is there a bigger meme than Traditionalism?

>> No.14753165

It's funny because all the followers of those religions think Traditionalists are syncretists and dabblers. "N-no you don't understand the esoteric metaphysics of advaitan non-dualism hidden in your own tradition!"

>> No.14753201

The only sensible Traditionalism I’ve seen put forth was by Śri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, who says that what he calls the Dharmic / Natural Law worldview was ubiquitous among all of our pre-Abrahamic ancestors and that the Abrahamic religions are bastardizations and degenerate offshoots from Dharmic worldviews. He doesn’t engage in syncretism either, since he’s a strict follower of the Vedic tradition. After seeing how many concepts there are that align to the concept of Dharma across the world, and how they hold very similar notions in them, I think he might be onto something.

>> No.14753334

I like it when Muslims come right out and call them kuffar scum for the ones who try to LARP as Sufis. I saw that in the comments of some Schuon video once

>> No.14753351
File: 258 KB, 1913x1022, topological metaphor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a much more interesting version of the "pre-Abrahamic universalism" in the idea of the topological metaphor put forward by Joseph Farrell.