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14796573 No.14796573 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on the cusp of converting from Protestantism to Catholicism, is there anything worth knowing before I make the change? I'm looking for books to read, mainly.

>> No.14796582

Why would you cuck to the pope?

>> No.14796585

a catechism, or are you looking for something more?

>> No.14796586

The bible

>> No.14796587

>anything worth knowing
The catholic church is ran by pedos, they protect pedos and if you leave your child with a priest he will rape them.

>> No.14796593

I've already read The Bible.
Because I prefer Francis to Justin Welby.
I'm not entirely sure, I just know that I find myself fundamentally in disagreement with the ascetic and consistently dower nature of the Church of England. Catholicism, on the whole, seems to embrace life far more; is irreverent, not bitter. I suppose I'm mainly looking for something which can show me that I'm wrong about Protestantism.

>> No.14796599

In hindsight, perhaps 'irreverent' is the wrong term to use, but I hope you understand me.

>> No.14796601
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t. CIA
OP, I recently came back to the Catholic church and here's what helped me:
Chesterton's Orthodoxy, Pascal's Pensees, Cathecism, E Michael Jones in general.
I will hold you in my prayer. God bless!

>> No.14796605

Pascal was a crypto-Calvinist, though.

>> No.14796610

Imagine wearing that goofy shit and taking it seriously. lmoa fucking egg hat bullshit Iol

>> No.14796615

I've heard a lot of good stuff about Orthodoxy, so I think I'll make a start with that. Thank you, anon!

>> No.14796621

[citation needed]

>> No.14796622

>he's never wanted to wear an egg hat
Sorry to break it to you bro, but you're the goofy one here.

>> No.14796630
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.14796637

Yeah Chesterton is a good way to go to get the vibe, but if you're looking for something about CoE CS Lewis is good to read about I guess.

>> No.14796643

i mean, it's quite literally the exact thing hitler did.

>> No.14796649

Don't do it. You'll regret it.

>> No.14796654

That he's a Jesuit.
Homosexuality is a sin, not a crime so therefore raging politicians are compared to Hitler who tried to exterminate them by making homosexuality criminal.
Or are you going to say that fags should be gassed?

>> No.14796655

you're literally going crazy over a semi-satirical hbo series

>> No.14796660

The church is the institution which literally burned at the stake homos through the centuries.

>> No.14796664

Benedict’s letter. The church is overrun with pedophiles and homosexuals.

SSPX or LCMS are the way to go

>> No.14796684

Did every decision ever taken by the heads of the institution were correct? Which centuries in particular are we talking about here? What kind of homos - the churchmen homos or some random poofters buggering each other?
>SSPX or LCMS are the way to go
Last time I checked the one, Holy apostolic Church is in Vatican, built over the bones of St. Peter. Albeit sick, with enemies from within and without, it's still THE church. I was once told to meditate and on the parable of Jesus Christ being asleep on the boat during storm and here's what I was told: The storm symbolizes the powers of this world that seek to destroy the Church. At moments like this, it always seems that Christ is asleep, until he wakes up and calms the storm. We are all in the same boat now awaiting the moment when Christ will calm storm. The one thing you need to remember is that jumping out of the ship, which is the symbol of the Church, means instant death.

>> No.14796692

Literally every sort of homosexual activity in every century the church held sway over the state. Maybe Orthodoxy and early christianity get a pass because they had some sort of same sex unions although not a sexual union

>> No.14796698

He was sympathetic to Jansenism, but if I remember correctly, he softened his views later in life.

>> No.14796701

That is a headline not Francis

>> No.14796708

>Literally every sort of homosexual activity in every century the church held sway over the state
Nowadays there are many homos in the church, read what Vigano had to say about it - a homosexual mafia. You also have a Jesuit as a pope and the Jesuits are at the forefront of homosexuals (look at Fr. Martin is doing in the US). So yeah, that's a big problem within the church, no denying there. However, what are we talking about here, burning the fags at a stake, bringing back the inquisition?

>> No.14796713


>> No.14796768

>burning the fags at a stake, bringing back the inquisition?
We're talking about finding a compromise betweem homosexuality and Christianity, which is as improbable as finding a needle in a haystack.
They weren't nearly as persecuted in ancient times as they were in christian times

>> No.14796769

I was interested in converting to Catholicism for a few months. i started attending mass, studying catholic history and theology.

I came to the conclusion that the church is completely fucked and has been since Pope Leo X. Catholics are a bunch of mentally ill hypocritical lunatics, or at least their representatives/intellectuals are. The fact they will not admit the church did anything wrong at the time of the reformation is beyond strange.

The theology is also goofy af. Just complete insanity. I read and searched for months trying to find a rational explanation of how they justify their "traditions" and came up with nothing that made any sense. Also when you attend mass, they literally have you THANK GOD for POPE FRANCIS. Yes, you are going to attend church, get on your knees and thank God for POPE FRANCIS. Just think about doing that.

Worst of all, it's literally taken over by pedos. How the hell are you going to be apart of an organization that protects and houses pedos? Does that make any sense? You can't even feel safe taking your kids there? How the HELL CAN THAT BE THE "ONE TRUE CHURCH"? Stupidest thing I've seen in my entire life, or at least up there.

Don't believe E Michael Jones, i fell for his memes too. All a bunch of bullshit

>> No.14796791

"Christian times" covers an exceedingly large period of time with many different places and practices. I'm not saying homosexuality was tolerated or encouraged, but "burning" wasn't the default or the most common response to it. A lot of the time the penance meted out to sodomites was more or less the same as for fornicators and adulterers. A bit of fasting. That sort of shit.

>> No.14796802

>We're talking about finding a compromise betweem homosexuality and Christianity
It's a sin. You go to confession and try not to do it again. Just like any other grave, mortal sin.
>The fact they will not admit the church did anything wrong at the time of the reformation is beyond strange.
Wrong. There was nothing to admit in England, lots were admitted in Europe - the biggest mistake was giving laymen the access to church's powers.
>The theology is also goofy af
That's just like your opinion, man.
Thank (insert the local Bishop's name) and Francis, our pope. FUCK, thanking your bishop and your pope, just think about that?!
>Worst of all, it's literally taken over by pedos.
Wrong. Pedos are like what, 1% of all the clergy? Compare that to schools, governments, nurseries. Just because some sick fucks are taking advantage of their positions we have to write off the whole institution?
>Don't believe E Michael Jones, i fell for his memes too. All a bunch of bullshit
Now I know you're a fucking retard.

>> No.14796823

And this is what i mean i when i say Varg is right
Except they stuck blazing pokers inside 14 year old kids to punish them for their homosexuality. Read about how it was dealt with in the Italian renaissance, they were absolutely brutal.

>> No.14796828

Yes freak I know about Giovanni di Giovanni. I'm not saying this never happened. I'm saying it wasn't like some universal rule. The Renaissance is the tail end of Christian era.

>> No.14796833

>And this is what i mean i when i say Varg is right
What are you, 19? Since you're talking brutality and saying Varg is right, why not mention the brutality of paganism, the human sacrifice, the justice system of the pagans? Or are you going to say it's all been suppressed? Your pagan ancestors must have been SO DUMB to convert willingly to Christianity, haha, amirite? This is so tiring...

>> No.14796839

>I'm on the cusp of converting from Protestantism to Catholicism
Get fucked cuck
Your choice of superstition has nothing to do with literature

>> No.14796841

Convert to Orthodoxy instead. The pope is nothing more than a pedo faggot. His behavior is very much satanic and inhuman, he is contributing to the destruction of the white race and so is the whole catholic church. Instead in Orthodoxy we don't promote race mixing as it was written in the Bible that Gods chosen people are the white Aryans who stem from the son of Noah that didn't get punished, hint it wasn't Shem (ancestors of the Semites), but Japheth ancestors of the Europeans. Racemixing is forbidden by Christ and as such we don't do such things. Also we are more traditional, disregard faggots, Jews, Muslims and all other sects that call themselves Christian.

>> No.14796844

>I'm looking for books to read, mainly.
I'm being retarded and nobody can stop me.jpeg

>> No.14796845

Human sacrifice is the same as execution, that's a retarded argument christian NPCs always make when they detect an unwanted opinion

>> No.14796854

>the human sacrifice
Says the retard defending the worst mass institutionalized, rationalized human sacrifice in all human history
>B-b-but m-muh heathens
Get fucked cuck

>> No.14796857

>Racemixing is forbidden by Christ and as such we don't do such things.
Why did Moses marry a Nubian then..

>> No.14796858
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Print out your post and show it to your priest.

>> No.14796862

>Human sacrifice is the same as execution
Right, iron logic everyone.
I am guessing people getting fried in an electric chair for raping 20 kids is the same as a virgin girl or some lad getting his throat sliced for the god of fertility are exact same things.

>> No.14796863

You mean all non-jews are not actual followers of Christ, they are LARP'ing being elect

>> No.14796864

c. s. lewis' theology. he was not a catholic, but he makes a great case generally for a return to tradition, and his dear anglican church is now beyond cucked.

>> No.14796868


>> No.14796871

>he was not a catholic
And yet he was still a retard, just like 'I fucking love cats and you can't stop me' man

>> No.14796874

>rationalized human sacrifice
Take your meds.

>> No.14796877

Never happened anywhere in Greece or Rome. If you weren't an illiterate christcuck you'd know Plato criticized heavily the Carthaginian faith for allowing that kind of sacrifice to be regarded as holy.

>> No.14796878

Fuck off retard, I'm not the other retard

>> No.14796893

Talked to a Vargtard, Let's assume from now on that Vargtards only talk about Greece/Rome when it comes to paganism.

>> No.14796899

I'm not a Vargtard, I'm just implying that a retard like Varg is less insufferable than the scores of christcucks who want to shove their jewish faith down everyone's throat.

>> No.14796910

>Never happened anywhere in Greece or Rome
Before they became dominated by christcucks eager to kill and burn anyone calling them out for the retards they, are, you mean, of course?

>> No.14796946

>jewish faith
This meme. Lurk moar newfriend.
What can be more insufferable than pagan larpers quoting their pope Varg? Go ask him about how autism is a superpower.

>> No.14796962

>jewish faith
That's weird because last I checked both Jews and Neopagans (same thing really) are going to hell.

>> No.14796999


>> No.14797002

Ironically enough, I know you haven't read these essential books. You were a bad prottie, we wont miss you, go to the catholics they dont read. Read the Bible and the large catechism.

>> No.14797003

So are christcucks according to every other denomination and abrahamic religion

Before they were dominated by christcucks there were no religiously driven brother wars

>> No.14797129

Why is that ironic in any way you mongoloid

>> No.14797157

Because obviously anyone reminding you that your LARP religion is a sycophantic hodge-podge of bullshit and hypocrisy has anything to do with some Norwegian loser in exile
You don't need pagans to be scum
And shut up you fucking retard

>> No.14797226

>abrahamic religion
No such thing.

>> No.14797231

The Bible. If you're still insistent you should read the official Catechism of the Catholic Church, City of God by Augustine and at least familiarize yourself with parts of the Summa Theologica.
(then read Church history, Eastern Church Fathers and convert to Orthodoxy)

>> No.14797245

then back to catholicism again :^) i too went through a ortho phase.

>> No.14797246

You're larpodox not Orthodox.

>> No.14797253

>went through a ortho phase
Is that supposed to be touted as some sort of statement of wisdom and experience as opposed to outing yourself as weak in conviction and someone with only a surface level dedication to your beliefs? That's what I'm getting at least.

>> No.14797257

check out orthodoxy, orthodox ways by ware

>> No.14797271
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Catholicism will leave you yearning more for a traditional Church, I recommend you skip this inevitable sprial and look in to Orthodox where the traditional and spiritually is still alive

>> No.14797285

larpdox detected. literally both MP and EP said you are wrong. (about muh racemixing and allthat wignat garbage)

>> No.14797365


poltard larper, racism is not christian

>> No.14797562

>Also when you attend mass, they literally have you THANK GOD for POPE FRANCIS.
>I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

>For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

>For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

>How the hell are you going to be apart of an organization that protects and houses pedos?
I too homeschool my children.

>> No.14797578

Realize now that Catholocism is also shit and that you need to look into Orthodoxy.

>> No.14797627

High Church Anglicans aren't Protestants...

>> No.14797820

Anglicans are Protestants...

>> No.14797837

Honest question: Why not Orthodoxy?

>> No.14797862
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>thanking POPE FRANCIS
yeah, and you also thanked your bishop andthe entirety of the church, as you should, for the great work they do in and around your community. Community closets, charities, fund raisers, food pantries and even public construction projects are all church activities. Often they do work in areas underserved by the government. The community and body of the parishioners is the force that makes the church strong, it's the power of the Holy Spirit.

>protects and houses pedos
It is canonical law that any reports of child abuse be immediately reported to civil authorities, I confess, the fact that this had to come into practice under Francis and wasn't an immediate thing is awful, but things are better now and the church is invigorated in its fight against abuse.

>> No.14797878
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Become Orthodox

>> No.14797935

>try In Praise of Folly's cast
There are Protestant sects that more closely approximate the early Church, -- Accept Christ? It's largely irrelevant (academic). Just go on a patristics reading binge and you should converge on positions that will find expression in the denomination you choose, if you absolutely must make a stand on dogma.

>> No.14797962


>> No.14798381
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>the one, Holy apostolic Church is in Vatican

>> No.14798448

Which one is it sonny jim, ortholarper? The Ukrainian, the Russian, the Greek or the Ethiopian one? Btw, what happened to the Ukrainian one anyways?

>> No.14798458
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>> No.14798604
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>tfw the Orthos are literally in schism right now

>> No.14798606

You're making the correct decision friend. I did the same and never looked back. Don't let your family try to stop you. God bless.

>> No.14798615
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Just read Dante
Convert after the Pope dies from corona-chan

>> No.14798621
File: 740 KB, 960x960, ffrancisdesales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Saint Francis de Sales' Introduction to the Devout Life. It's a book about holiness written specifically for laypeople, it's fantastic. De Sales in general is a great resources for people who want to become more holy.

>> No.14798622

>E Michael Jones
Niggers cannot become Polish, EMJ

>> No.14798626

Read Sayings of the Desert Fathers and realize that no church will ever help you along spiritually as much as some desert ascetism could

>> No.14798628

Ephesians 2:8-9, sinner.

>> No.14798639

>t. CIA
Please explain that to this Catholic.

>Does that make any sense?

>> No.14798657
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CIA infiltrated that shit long time ago
but so did USSR

>> No.14798815

Why is your first instinct to call someone having a crisis of faith a sinner? You should be ashamed of yourself, anon. Let he who be without sin cast the first stone.

>> No.14798892

The non-catholic/CIA controlled one.
Being in schism with obvious schismatics is strictly preferable to having the church subverted from within by apostates.

>> No.14798968

I want to return to the church but I'm a huge mess, I've been jacking off daily, blaspheming, shitposting and arguing against Christianity. Every passing day I feel more detached from reality, it's just a big blur. I remember praying the rosary and feeling a love for God, but as of right now I'm just a husk in a meaningless void. Nothing does it for me, every philosophical, spiritual, artistic movement is just a brickwall without God.

>> No.14798969

Yes, and the USSR fell and now America is falling too. Don't fuck with God's own Church.

>> No.14798979


Protestantism is the last of the three I would ever consider joining.

>> No.14798993

>Nothing does it for me, every philosophical, spiritual, artistic movement is just a brickwall without God.
You've clearly been indoctrinated, try to see past it.

>> No.14799005


It's a constant struggle within my mind, on one hand I try to fight against Christianity as I believe it's a form of mind control to hold me back, on the other hand I'm drawn towards it and yearn for the love of God.

>> No.14799011

Are you able to contemplate a reality where you were never introduced to Christianity?

>> No.14799025


I often imagine what that would be like, and how cruel it would be if the church was right and millions of people lived their entire lives without knowledge of the true faith only to be damned. It seems absurd, but at the same time no other religious or philosophical system satisfies me and my existential angst.

>> No.14799040

I was in an exact same predicament. Then I started going to mass regularly, at first I felt uncomfortable, I wanted to resist everything. But I persevered. Then I decided to go to confession for the first time in 16 years. I broke down I cried later on. It was one of the hardest things I had to too in my life. Now, I've been going regularly, confessing my sins, trying to not fall into the sin, attending the mass on Sunday to best of my ability and there is nothing more fulfilling in my life than this. Just remember, we are incredibly weak. I always fall into mortal sin and then start bargaining with myself of how I should just give up. That's devil working through us.
Regarding rosary, it's one of the best feelings to be able to do it sometime after mass/communion with your loved ones in mind. God bless, anon, I hope you make it.

>> No.14799042

I like to believe that if god is real, not everything the church say is 100 percent correct. It seem pretty nasty to send a decent human being to hell if he lead honest life.

>> No.14799046

Somewhat similar to me, although likely not to that same extent. I had a very good summer where I was reading, lifting, praying the rosary, and eating good everyday. Now in university, I don't even go to mass some weekends; I feel as if I am just drifting day by day until death. I am not sad or anything, just very much without purpose.
Deleuze and Nietzsche twisted my brain and it is difficult for me to invision my faith in a way that isn't on their grounds. Is there anyone that genuinely responds to them that isn't just "philosophy bad" and has some sort of nuance.

>> No.14799060

I don't know the full extent of these feelings since wasn't raised religiously but I'd just try to check biases with before choosing to convert to some religion due to emotional turmoil. Just be self aware about it I think.

>> No.14799064

>Is there anyone that genuinely responds to them
René Guénon. Although he does not "respond" to them, as they are not worthy of his time. He merely refutes everything they have to say.
I will pray that you fall away from their satanic grasp, anon.

>> No.14799077

I've read all of Guenon.
>Although he does not "respond" to them, as they are not worthy of his time.
Ok, but that isn't really what I am looking for. Whether or not they are worthy of his time, they have impacted my thinking in a way that I need someone to actually interact with.

>> No.14799088

>I've read all of Guenon.
Based and poobah pilled.

>> No.14799098
File: 120 KB, 672x810, benedict-e1555365070378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ratzinger/Benedict? He's written a ton of stuff.

>> No.14799105

>be catholic
>burn 5th gospel
>burn everything you don’t like
>ooops my church has 10000 holes in it now better make up some bullshit
>revert bullshit 1500 years later when people sperg out
>change the doctrine of salvation AGAIN in the 1970s
>pray to statue of pagan goddess for forgiveness
>be slowest growing christian denomination

>> No.14799108

>I've read all of Guenon.
Evidently not, or you didn't understand it and take it to heart at least. He absolutely destroys garbage profane "thinkers" like "Deleuze" and "Nietzsche" in a way that nobody could take them seriously anymore.
> I need someone to actually interact with
They're not worthy of interacting with, lest you fall into their grasp. That you find the need for someone to explicitly address their garbage "thought" is just another indicator of how deep their degenerative influence is on this world. This modern hylic dialectical pattern of "epic intellectual thinker responds to other thinker" is precisely why you're in this predicament to begin with.

>> No.14799133
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please stop reading them immediately anon. and burn all of the works of them you currently possess. that's extremely damaging to your soul.

very based.

>> No.14799139

>>be slowest growing christian denomination

The Orthodox aren't growing at all.

>> No.14799148


>> No.14799166

>>be slowest growing christian denomination

That's not true if you take into account more than the past 50 years

>> No.14799208

SSPX and LCMS are full of pedos and homos too mate. The only difference is that they don't talk about it.

>> No.14799292

I'm assuming you are just baiting since Guenon has become meme'd to death, but I'll still respond. Guenon never wrote anything about Nietzsche so I don't think you can make a claim about it either way.

With regards to Deleuze, he wrote a book explicitly against the dialectic so I'm not sure why you are using that as an argument. That is his entire philosophical project at least insofar as he is analyzing Nietzsche: to affirm difference without acknowledging the other. Deleuze is not interested with coining a system of identities. He wants out of that game in a way that is, frankly, not that different from Guenon at a basic level.

That's just slander anon. Where are you getting such information from.

>> No.14799307

Come hang with based schizos on the comfy /x/ schizocord


>> No.14799592

>Guenon never wrote anything about Nietzsche
Did you even read the post you're replying to?
>With regards to Deleuze
He was retroactively BTFO by Guenon. Didn't even read the rest.

>> No.14799604

That's about the same story I have. I had been away for nearly 10 years and started attending mass around this time last year. I had my first confession in nearly as much time after finishing The Confessions.

Stay strong, brother. I'll include people like you in my prayers. The world needs strong Christian men, even though we will continue to stumble and fail.

>> No.14799610
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>""""not that different from Guenon at a basic level""""
counter-initiatic and counter-traditional post.
read Guénon (pbuh) to clear your mind from this third-rate thinking.

>> No.14799612

>is there anything worth knowing before I make the change?

Yes. There is no God and your larping is outdated superstition.

>> No.14799620
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>frankly, not that different from Guenon at a basic level.

>> No.14799629
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>There is no God
Guénon (pbuh) has refuted this false and deluded notion, brother. I suggest you give him a read.

>> No.14799658

Guenon shitposting wasn't any good when he was coupled woth Ebola and it isn't any good now that autistic zoomers do it (peace be unto them).

>> No.14799672

Thanks, brother. It's good to know I wasn't the only one going through this. I will pray for you too.

>> No.14799680
File: 92 KB, 516x792, EO_urVoX4AgWYyR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenon's love for Islam combined with the recent upsurge in posting about Muslims make me suspect some radical Islamic group is trying to infiltrate /lit/.

>> No.14799736

Guenon (pbuh) makes any post into a blessed non-shitpost with his Divine Light.

>> No.14799743

>Guenon's love for Islam
Guénon was a Sufi though, not a Muslim.

>> No.14800349

Holy based...

>> No.14800382

>is there anything worth knowing before I make the change?
Don't leave your kids with the priest.

>> No.14800462

cathotard cope

>> No.14800475

lol this

>> No.14800492

Eastern Orthodoxy is the only acceptable chrustcuckery. Catholics were cool, before the Papacy became full of cucks.

>> No.14800495


You sound like a 13 year old

>> No.14800505

You sound like mad

>> No.14800508

Thank you. Glad I sound older

>> No.14800520

Dude has a fucjin egg head how could you want to convert

>> No.14800524
File: 44 KB, 750x563, pope_davis_750-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest you actually read the things John Paul, Benedict, and Francis have written, rather than going by what is said about them in the media and in popular culture.

>> No.14800528

All I needed was to see him kiss muzzie "refugees" feet to make my decision.

>> No.14800535


It doesn't matter, people like that just want a Pope who will parrot alt right memes, and exclude non whites. Nothing will change their mind short of God's grace

>> No.14800540

perhaps christianity isnt for you.

>> No.14800550

"I would suggest you actually read the things X, Y, and Z have written/said, rather than going by what is said about them in the media and in popular culture."*

I guess that would be the posture of any person minimally read/educated. Good post, anon.

>> No.14800562

do you want to give your life in service? that is really the only shining quality of this religion, is discovering that the act of service is divine, and you are made for it. it is jus a very disturbing position to be in, considering the attitudes and behaviours of many people... sacrificing yourself is never a choice but a duty - and i think that really can only be instilled through upbringing as a catholic - unless it's in your nature already.
At the end of the day, looking up to Jesus and understanding the fundamental truths imparted through him is the guiding light - you don't need to be catholic to walk the path it claims service to.

>> No.14800580

Yes. I guess I dont like mass immigration and communism

>> No.14800613
File: 53 KB, 600x399, VL3W0349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has a master, Anon. No one is truly free and independent. We all serve someone or something. The freedom we do have is the freedom to choose our master. We have the opportunity to choose who or what we serve.

But if you don't choose, you'll still serve someone or something, you'll just serve them unwittingly, which is the worst thing of all.

>> No.14800615

Based. He should indeed read how Pope Francis (pbuh) tells us to pray together with our fellow Muslims and Hindus.

>> No.14800632


We need to start the fundamental fact that we are all subject to death, and that our will is not the end all be all. Non Christians often extend authority to humanity which it just simply doesn't possess, we're small, weak, and need God.

>> No.14800671

No. The Church of England wasn't founded as part of the Reformation. They weren't theologically influenced by Luther et al until afterward. Anglicans are more like national schismatics. Low Church Anglicans are more like Protestants.

>> No.14801083

i love that anywhere you go that seems to have a lot of internet right, you will find a civil war between trad caths, orthobros, paganniggers, and edgy atheists

>> No.14801107


Yes, it's worth knowing that god and christ are false, and that even if they weren't, it would still be necessary to reject them.

Fuck the Holy Spirit,
Fuck the Holy Spirit,
and, Fuck the Holy Spirit.

>> No.14801163

The priests fuck kids, in case no one has mentioned that

>> No.14801169

Perhaps not.

>> No.14801188

Holding you back from what? Masturbating your life away? God is the truth. You are not god. You will be empty forever worth this nietszchean pseydo pagan larp you’re trying to implement. These people here want ther best for you in the house of God.

>> No.14801199

How can you read something like reign of quantity and not immediately see deleuze and nietszche as charlatans?

>> No.14801335

Cringe. Repent.

>> No.14801486

reminder it is literally impossible to advance the interior life while visiting sites like 4chan

>> No.14801526

Buh bye.

>> No.14802089

Chesterton and Belloc wrote some good stuff on the Church

>> No.14802091

cya tommorrow