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14797952 No.14797952 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met an American? Have you ever been there? You can read stuff like pic related and you can have an intellectual understanding of what that "nation" is, but nothing can prepare you for how fucking surreal it is to be there and to live among them.

that paragraph is from a piece by David Bentley Hart, by the way. I think clear and concise writing like this does have large shock potential, but is it enough? Is there any hope for those poor wretched bastards?

>> No.14798060

>americans have less freedom
>proceeds to list off things that Americans can do that nobody else can
Freer isnt a synonym for better and the fact that this guy thinks it is shows how stupid he is

>> No.14798167

This is basically accurate. The typical American when compared to the typical person from practically anywhere else knows basically nothing substantial about history or politics. Only shallow memes that have been pumped into them by the education system and the various media complexes. I say this as a midwesterner that loves America. But basically America as a cohesive "nation" with a cohesive history, identity, and culture is dead and will never be revived in to former form. All the political and cultural crises in America today stem from the reality of living in a decayed and collapsing global empire. The nature of living in the seat of an empire is that inborn identity is stripped away by the imperial process. Now we just have a collection of atomitized individuals that are nothing but economic and political units.

>is there any hope
Personally, I think the way forward is that America needs to transform into a model that emulates the Holy Roman Empire. Instead of our faltering federal model that functions more like a failed unitary state we need a formalized imperial system. There needs to be a fabric of nation-states, city-states, rural provinces, and whatever other economic and political models work. All these hundreds of different political systems will the quasi-independent and rival eachother while still being military and politically co-dependent with the Imperial seat in DC maintaining cohesiveness from a distance and dealing with global geopolitical matters. The purpose of this model is that given organic political and economic structures the humans that live in America will naturally be able to rebuild an actual identities. Those identities would necessarily be regional and localized. The other option is to rebuild American identity on the continental scale which is totally naive and futile.

>> No.14798204

I'm an American, I've lived in America, it's like anywhere else I suppose -- there are good things and there are bad things.

>> No.14798212


Look, you can see them switch off their critical faculties in real time!

>> No.14798227

I'm about as anti-American as an American can be without being batshit insane, and my limited experience of America is that it's like any other country.

>> No.14798258

I have had my fair share of arguments with Americans over the years, from what I've seen most of them assume that things elsewhere either function the same as in their country or are inferior. It is clear that they do not study history or geography like it's being studied say here in Europe. This is more so apparent from the fact that they only know about some historical events from movies and pop-culture and assume others have also found out about those things in the same way. Further these people don't have an identity that they can grab onto, which makes them the single most exploitable group out there.

>> No.14798265

>countries with hate speech laws claiming Americans are less free than them

>> No.14798270

Everywhere I've travelled was full of people just as dumb if not dumber than americans, but a hell of a lot more smug. Hart is a retard btw and projecting.

>> No.14798275

The paragraph is mostly true. America has been in steady decline more or less since Reagan permitted the takeover of public institutions by monied interests in the 80s, which explains the whole socialism for the rich phenomenon. It also has a larger population than the most populous European country by a factor of almost 3, so there are bound to be more stupid people. There is definitely a strain of Orwellian "freedom is slavery" to the America of today. But that's why we're electing Bernie.

But all this smug talk about America being an idiocracy overlooks its pioneering universities, world-influencing technology sector, and general massive power. How does a nation full of idiots manage to rule the world? You would think these smug Europeans would be able to square this contradiction.

>> No.14798298

>since Reagan permitted the takeover of public institutions by monied interests in the 80s
Bro, go read Woodrow Wilson's essay of public administration. Thus has been going on a lot longer than you think, extends much farther than the US, and is a lot more complicated.

>> No.14798308

Lots of spelling errors. Phoneposting, sorry.

>> No.14798343

I wouldn't call the limited, superficial knowledge others have any more substantial.

>> No.14798348

the eurofag inferiority complex is very pathetic to see.

>> No.14798349
File: 230 KB, 557x498, redditmoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America has been in steady decline more or less since Reagan permitted the takeover of public institutions by monied interests in the 80s, which explains the whole socialism for the rich phenomenon. It also has a larger population than the most populous European country by a factor of almost 3, so there are bound to be more stupid people. There is definitely a strain of Orwellian "freedom is slavery" to the America of today. But that's why we're electing Bernie.

>> No.14798360

I've never seen any indication in reality that Europeans are actually more educated, like you see claimed all the time on this website (including this thread). Any time I've ever interacted with one they've been just as fucking stupid as anyone else. I think it's some kind of fart sniffing delusion they have that's part of their "I'm not American" identity.

>> No.14798389

>In Europe, you see, unlike America (heh..) we studied the great philosophers starting in childhood, as well as learning advanced mathematics, multiple languages, blah blah
Yeah and you're still stupid. Congrats, buddy.

>> No.14798415

Ive done a decent amount of travel abroad and an observation Ive made is that people of other countries are generally more politically aware than Americans. Not in the libshit "im so informed" way. But really just in a casual matter-of-fact way. People tend in other countries have innate geopolitical conceptions of their country's place in the world and it's basic interests. 99% of Americans probably couldn't explain America's geopolitical interests if you asked them to. In part thats because America's interests are incoherent due to the confusion over whether we are pursuing national (who even is the nation?) or imperial (what's even the purpose of the empire?) interests. No one has any innate understanding of what we are even debating about so the "debates" are just about the lowest common denominator social issues. People figure out what side of a domestic social conflict they are on and then extrapolate that to foreign policy. Its ludicris. The obvious example of this is how the American left suddenly declared that we need to be mortal archenemies on all fronts (and even invent new fronts to fight them on) with Russia solely because it was convenient for the domestic agenda. Pre-Trump Russia was not on the radar of really anyone in the US outside of the tiny minority of people that were geopolitically aware. In fact, remember when the democrats and the media tore Mitt Romney to shreds in 2012 for suggesting that Russia was America's #1 rival? The fact that half the country can do a 180 on their foreign policy just because it serves their domestic social agenda in some abstract way goes to show that the average American has literally zero functioning conception of what happens outside of America.

The level of discourse in the United States is worse than a cartoon. My favorite way to demonstrate this is to watch a press conference with Vladimir Putin talking about global political issues. The press asks meaningful, complex questions and Putin gives long and thoughtful answers. There is not one journalist or one politician in America that is capable of having the level of discourse that Vladimir Putin engages in. The United States is totally unhinged and can't even articulate what it is doing except for spouting off surface level memes. The rest of the world is not like this.

>> No.14798418

The average European is. Nothing like the pseud communists you see on the internet. Most people are fine with not being intellectuals.

>> No.14798479
File: 24 KB, 486x486, David Bigfoot Hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frontier Nation: you can have freedom or security (state up your ass for gibs)
It's the worst of everything, for the very reason the hidden hand cannot freely act (2A, the ethos and culture at its core), and has since 1812 at least set itself at the slow enclosure and ratcheting down of those un-enumerated freedoms. "When we are stacked one upon the other as they are in Europe's great cities, we will then gain Europe's problems." -- Jefferson. One doesn't simply Tea Party the largest and most powerful state apparatus ever.

>David Bentley Hart
Faggiest name since William F. Buckley. The Puritan inferority complex Nu Englanders genuflecting at the ruins of European bugmen culture is the most servile, loathsome, slavish subspecies of American, the misbegotten pietistic abortions of the Old Country worshiping cargo cult idols and hallucinations of a tradition they actively admonish and dismantle to build not cathedrals, but aesthetic (equitable) squatter camps.

>"We have re-discovered Americana."—say the The Insulin Resistant, and blinks.

>Only shallow memes that have been pumped into them by the education system and the various media complexes
Overwhelming lies obscuring this geopolitical backwater's role as a playground for foreign agents of every stripe.

>a cohesive "nation" with a cohesive history, identity, and culture is dead and will never be revived in to former form.
Continuity remains contested, and the War Between The States decided little as regards that, with such representative specimens of Yankee hive city life as Hart.

>Holy Roman .... There needs to be a fabric of nation-states, city-states, rural provinces, and whatever other economic and political models work

Goethe to Eckerman largely holds true here,
>"I do not fear that Germany will not be united; our excellent streets and future railroads will do their own. Germany is united in her patriotism and opposition to external enemies. She is united, because the German Taler and Groschen have the same value throughout the entire Empire, and because my suitcase can pass through all thirty-six states without being opened. It is united, because the municipal travel documents of a resident of Weimar are accepted everywhere on a par with the passports of the citizens of her mighty foreign neighbors. With regard to the German states, there is no longer any talk of domestic and foreign lands. Further, Germany is united in the areas of weights and measures, trade and migration, and a hundred similar things which I neither can nor wish to mention."
>"One is mistaken, however, if one thinks that Germany's unity should be expressed in the form of one large capital city, and that this great city might benefit the masses in the same way that it might benefit the development of a few outstanding individuals,"

>these people don't have an identity
Retrograde assimilation is happening much harder across the Atlantic.

>> No.14798486

Accurate. I do not know exactly what history education is like in Europe, but I am positive it is not as abysmal as the United States. What we are taught here is just surface level memes. Worse still, the current memes are basically just about how America is a nation that is continually atoneing for its sins. American history education goes like this:

1. Christians come genocide the indians
2. Slavery.
2. Rebel against the british for reasons that are only explained as surface level memes
3. Slavery
4. Slavery
5. Civil War
6. The industrial revolution is when capitalists stole everything from everyone and that's why you have to support every government program because remember what capitalists did during the industrial revolution
7. oppress black people
8. oppress immigrants
9. oppress black people.
10. WWI happened but doesn't matter
11. great depression, same talking points as #6
13. oppress black people
14. black people are liberated in the 1960s
TODAY: "we study history so we can learn from it so we don't repeat our mistakes of the past. If we arent vigilent then America will revert to its inborn evil ways and start genocideing indians and black people because America is a nation full of Nazi's even though they went to war with the Nazis. The end. Also remember to pray to the Gods of science and democracy"

Anyone from America will be able to tell you that this is our standard history curriculum. You are right that there is no identity. And when people do latch onto an identity it is based on this history curriculum so they are programmed that our "identity" is that we constantly destroy and rebuild ourselves.

>most of them assume that things elsewhere either function the same as in their country or are inferior.
This is also true. Part of our training in history and politics is that our system is a pure expression of rationality. Since the American empire has captured the entire globe and implemented global liberal democracy the Americans assume that everyone has been shown the light and adopted the objectively "right" system. This is why they assume everyone's system are the same. Rational thinking dictates that you can reach an abstract absolute truth.

>> No.14798526

based beyond based

>> No.14798547

>The press asks meaningful, complex questions and Putin gives long and thoughtful answers. There is not one journalist or one politician in America that is capable of having the level of discourse that Vladimir Putin engages in
Those are plants to make Putin look good with per-rehearsed questions and answers. If there was actual freedom of speech you'd see Putin laid low by the hard hitting questions American politicians have to deal with (what about the blacks? what about the gays? are you a racist? I heard a guy who donated to your campaign one time was a BAD GUY. Will you denounce him? etc.)

>> No.14798573

This is the most accurate representation of how American History is taught that I have ever seen. It's actually chilling.

>> No.14798584

Reminder that this is all due to America being founded by Protestants. And not just Protestants, the Puritans, the most retarded breed of Protestant of them all.

>> No.14798592

It's due to people rejecting Puritanism rather.

>> No.14798603

Ernest Hemingway sucked that cock dry.

>> No.14798617

That is to say, having studied Puritanism, I don't agree with the idea that these people were stupid (it's the opposite, actually -- they were highly literate and educated) or that they're the root cause of everything wrong here. You can make certain connections of sensibility, like white guilt being a replacement for original sin, but original sin is not exclusive to Puritans in any way. The country had already effectively abandoned Puritanism in the 1700s. The old Puritan educational monuments like Harvard had become heretical Unitarian schools. None of the nonsense going on today would have been allowed by Puritans and would been snuffed out brutally.

>> No.14798625

No, this is the basic antithetical view of america that is simply just against the ideas of America that boomers thought about since the 50's to maybe 2010.
This. Have some fucking nuance you cretins. This reminds me of that fucking Leaf greentext that totally embodied Snobbery. yah, america doesnt think about other nations very much, just like China didnt during its older heyday, Its not like its some mystic backwards fantasy land.

>> No.14798637

Well, a part of that is that the US is a major player. Even relitively powerful countries like germany or England have some firmness in that they are more regionally centered. US interests are oddly everywhere due to its status. Not saying that those other countries are not, but they have a frame of reference.

>> No.14798649

I don't know how it is in other parts of the country, but here in NJ, my history teacher used Zinn's book as the basis of his lesson plan. I've met people from other parts of the state that have said the same happened on their classes too.

>> No.14798653

Yes. The disintegrating of American culture in the name of social justice is just an extrapolation of puritanism. Racism, sexism, and homophobia are the modern expression of original sin. The way the "social justice" agenda is enforced is a modern implementation of the puritan social order. The white progressives that are pushing this are nominally atheists but they don't realize that they are actually late stage puritans. If you transplanted the social justice mind virus to any other country it would never take off at the scale it has in the US. It is a specific hijacking of the puritan psyche.

And interesting note is that the wave of populism that has disrupted American politics is almost entirely focused on Germanic Americans (generally protestant but never Puritan). The formerly puritan New England region is deeply committed to maintaining current trends.

>> No.14798655

The detestation of Puritans is due to the fact that they were godly, honest Christians and so modern atheist cumbrains want to spit on their graves.

>> No.14798656

you are a moron if you think russia is being boogeymanned by the left only for the sake of politicking. likewise, you’re a moron if you’re on the right and revere putin for being. “strong leader”. russia is a mafia state through and through, and the institutions we take for granted in open, democratic societies (free press, functioning courts) are a direct threat to the russian mob-state apparatus. the average russian youth is essentially disillusioned with politics (see times article from a few months ago).
america’s problem with russia is not russia itself, the way european countries that rely on gazprom have it. our issue is the same as with china: any vacuum we leave will be exploited by them directly against our interests. see syria as a current example.
kasparov wrote a good book about this, from exile

>> No.14798661

My experience with people outside America is that they are less knowledgeable, not more. Especially anyone who doesn't have English at least as a second language. So much collective knowledge is encoded in English now that being a non-English speaker is like living in a bubble.

>> No.14798664

same about zinn
also, i always lol at how anthem by rand got taught in my english class. probably because the rand foundation donated them lol

>> No.14798669

I'm from central nj and theres 0 chance any of my history teachers in high school were literate enough to do that, although I'm sure they'd have agreed with him

>> No.14798673

I'm Russian American and I can tell you that Russia is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Russians who don't know English are total imbeciles led on by their media.

>> No.14798681

i agree.
my experience with swedes has shown they have excellent foreign language skills; vigorous opinions about why The World Has X It Should Be Y; complete inability to critically examine their own opinions or the world around them; no concept of what it is like to live as a non-swede outside of sweden’s extensive comfort zone
scarily, nearly all of the country’s newspapers, and i mean nearly all of them, are not much better than tabloids, and the state news channels are what get watched. youd think a nation with high internet usage and excellent english would consume more foreign news sources

>> No.14798683

>Have you ever been there?
I infiltrated the US for 4 years. I'm french and /lit/'s original anti-anglo crusader.

There is no salvation for americans. They are beyond anyone's help at this point. The picture you posted is 100% true yet the poison that has taken hold of their corrupt nation encompasses much more than mere indoctrination. Their very souls are spoiled.

Anglos are pathologically ethnocentrist. >>14798348 , >>14798360 are good examples of what I mention. Physically incapable of meta-cognition - they CANNOT envision a world with a plurality of perspective - you are either anglo or you're wrong. This is a key aspect of liberalism, the negation of every other worldview as naive, primitive, underdeveloped. Just as liberalism frames its detractors as insane, anglos cannot conceive of any authentic critique of their cultural framework. It must stem from an inferiority complex (appeal to psychiatry, a key institution in the progress of liberalism and anglo imperialism) or other form of institutionalized moralism. One must have a good grasp of protestantism, liberalism, enlightenment and abroad experiences with other cultures to fully integrate the extent of the american virus. The system, protestantism, liberalism, capitalism, industrialisation, psychiatry: all of those are inherently anglo and cannot be separated, they must be studied under the comprehension that they stem from the same source; rejection of intellectuality in favor of crude protestant moralism. Protestantism isn't even a religion as it rejects the doctrinal aspect of religion (intellectuality) only to keep the moralism and ritual parts intact.

100% true
100% true. Fun anecdote, I had a CIA agent for World History class, sophomore year of high school. He was ironically leagues better than the so called professors I had until then.

>Ive done a decent amount of travel abroad and an observation Ive made is that people of other countries are generally more politically aware than Americans.
This is the main reason why I had to cut ties with my (intelligent, ivy league) american friends. They lack basic political awareness, to the point where they do not recognize other experiences as legit. Legit as in real. There is only America and those who have not reached this cultural milestone.

>> No.14798688

Social Justice is the biological and intellectual descendant of Puritanism.

This is only wrong in that it doesn't discuss the Holocaust enough. The Holocaust Myth (this does not mean that a large number of Jews were not intentionally murdered, nor does that mean that they were) is the founding myth of the American Empire, and is morally necessary to justify the Nuremberg Trials.

>> No.14798706

>Social Justice is the biological and intellectual descendant of Puritanism.
Yeah I guess if you reject Christ and every single Puritan doctrine but keep the general "sensibility" in some vague undefinable way that makes it convenient to blame Puritans for everything then you could end up with something like that; but I don't see how the actions of people who reject every single thing that Puritans believed are somehow the fault of Puritans.

>> No.14798718

>they have a frame of reference
Correct. Americans do not have a frame of reference at all. It effectively does not exist. Our frame of reference is that we are a global empire. This ties into the idea of infinite immigration for eternity. "America" as a nation doesn't exist. It is simply the seat of the global system which all commerce, culture and politics flows through. Its natural that a system which sees itself this way would insist on the entire world flowing into freely.

Russia and China are the only other countries that can project power globally. But there citizens are able to maintain a conception of their place in the world. My contention is that the lackings of American people's understanding is a result of living in a collapsing global empire. The empire externalizes the root nation so much that the root nation ceases to exist. Hence: "America/white people dont have a culture" "America/white people don't exist and never existed". Those accusations are partly accurate because the inherent culture and ethnicity of Americans has been dissolved by the mechanisms of imperialism.

>> No.14798723

Thin skinned nationalist American pigs triggered as usual by the truth. Any true American patriot would hate America.

>> No.14798728

>Social Justice is the biological and intellectual descendant of Puritanism.
Also "Puritanism is the root of everything" is really just a Catholic talking point. It falls apart because the same shit has taken hold in Catholic countries that don't have the Puritan heritage that would supposedly engender them to social justice ideology. Like I stated earlier, things like original sin are common to all of western Christianity.

>> No.14798739

>Worse still, the current memes are basically just about how America is a nation that is continually atoneing for its sins
I must add one thing, this is similar in France, and a symptom of free masonry in the government.

France and the US must be studied side by side as they are the two first nations in the world - literally, the concept of national identity was birthed by the french revolution, and the concept of patriotic identity from the american revolution. They are the two biggest form of democracies in recent history. Each with their own caracteristics. Each rotten and on the decline, but the dehumanizing aspect of american liberalism is more violent and immediate than that of France. Look at american interventionism; destroying the world overtly, leaving ruins behind. French neo-imperialism is more subtle, more boring. It doesn't bomb its countries, but keeps pressure on the neck of its subjects through more insidious methods.

>> No.14798741

Disliking America doesn't mean that Europeans aren't stupid.

>> No.14798750

That's just the point, anon: they don't reject everything about Puritanism, they only reject the existence of Jesus. No, they don't "hate god" or want to "drop out of society" or some other Fundie talking point, they explicitly do not believe that Jesus existed. That's it. Social Justice is the logical conclusion of Puritanism if a Puritan suddenly had proof that Jesus didn't exist.
>b-but jesus did exi-
Irrelevant. Maybe you're right and they're wrong, but they don't think so. This isn't about what you think, it's about what they, the literal biological and idealogical (pick any Social Justice figure and you can draw a lineage back to Puritan theologians).

>> No.14798753

I think you accidentally quoted me retard, go spew boomer muh american dream bullshit somewhere else

>> No.14798764

You’re delusional if you think there’s a way forward for America especially one that in any way resembles the Holy Roman Empire. It’s rotten to the core and it will probably continue to “progress” as it has been for the next few hundred years until it all just winds down or gets taken by plague and famine.

>> No.14798775

No, he's completely correct, decentralization is necessary for the Empire's survival. It won't happen because the people in charge are greedy retards and parasites, of course.

>> No.14798797

puritan america was based. all the gay shit that took over has it's origins in 19th century continental europe anyway.

>> No.14798802

Do you have any essays that go deeper into this idea?

>> No.14798814

America: A marketplace for you to sell goods and advertise the selling of your goods to an international market.

Not America: Identity outside the marketplace

The closest thing to an identity is religiosity, but it comically argues for the preservation and expansion of the marketplace.

>> No.14798827

the big brained take that puritanism causes social justice is beyond plebbit tier
holy fucking pseud

>> No.14798839

America just does both though.

>> No.14798844

What did he list off that Americans can do which other people can't? Did you even read the text or did you just get triggered?

>> No.14798854

he doesn't because its nonsense. according to him no non puritan countries should have ever become hotbeds of social justice. he's also basing his opinions of new england on what happens in a couple giant cities when the region overall is quite traditional and easily the nicest part of the us (i'd fucking love to move to small town maine or smth). there are also many germanic people in the new england area btw. and america had largely abandoned puritanism long before social justice arose.

>> No.14798862

>i can say nigger
>im the worst sort of owned wage-slave being ruled in a contemporary lord-vassal feudal system where the lords are investors and owners and I'm below even a vassal, but im freer than people can't say nigger
>god bless america

>> No.14798863

>ah yes. I am sure that the people in pic related have reached their anti-Russia position by pure rationality and a deep understanding of geopolitics. Nothing to do with unhinged rage at the president being led by the press.

The average retard in America is going to go along with any foreign policy narrative that fits their domestic agenda. 99% of people in America bitching about trump couldn't possibly explain any of your geopolitical qualms with Russia. Geopolitical understanding is not on the table for the general American public. The general public is corraled by the propagandists in the press to support whatever geopolitical agenda the empire is currently pursueing. The last 30 years of American foreign policy are proof of this.

>russia is a mafia state blah blah blah Putin ebil dictater meme
without Putin Russia would have been dismantled by NATO in the beginning of the 21st century. If you think that would have been a geopolitical plus for the world then come right out and say it. It's debatable. But the giant memes about "Putin's oligarchs" maliciously oppressing the Russian people is laughable Western propaganda. The fact of the matter is that post-USSR liberal democratic Russia was going to implode and be taken over by international interests. Putin's Russia is one that is resilient and he enjoys an 80%-90% approval rating because of this. (much higher than the Russian government's approval rating as a whole).
>free press
nice meme
>functioning courts
not anymore
>citing the Times
>implying the Syria fiasco is in the interests of actual Americans rather than abstract imperial goals

>> No.14798874
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forgot pic related

>> No.14798880

>rejection of intellectuality in favor of crude protestant moralism

As an American, I think you're spot on, but I think you can also add Americans are more about money and the practical aspects of life.

People who do well in school do so out of habit or training and do so under a cultural expectation that they will be rewarded with a successful life. Intellectual curiosity is dead in most people. The only way to cope is to make compromises to feed yourself and your family and surround yourself with books and participate in the isolated online communities of interested people.

I'm not sure it's an inferiority complex. Most Americans aren't even aware of the rest of the world. "Others" don't exist or are thought of as enemies who hate "our way of life". Europe is just a destination for the young and/or affluent who enjoy eating at restaurants or posting their travels to "Insta." There is little to no introspection whatsoever of their culture heritage or their politics. Even among the educated who "like" other cultures...all they see is the wonderful food or the great train network.

>> No.14798883

if you hate all of that you would also be crying about the jews and germanics.

>> No.14798888


> "Tyaump"

Based faux Cyrillic.

>> No.14798899

He literally lists off a number of things that americans can do that others cant, reread the paragraph then reread my post before you sperg out again.

>> No.14798929

Good post, I agree in general about the fundimental precedent, not just looking at it as a gross thing ripe for snobbish mockery, but as a logical progression. I have felt the same thing about the deconstructing of the self, as a crossroad of increasing globablism, and the diffusion of culture thats brings an appearance of culturelessness.

Know, i dont think its unfair to say globablization began with colonization, but it really became a solid thing Under American Hegemony from the 50's to the 2010's, so that the flavor of the globe is American. In this rather unique position in time, the country doesn not exactly have a frame of refrence to anything, while pretty much every other country does. They can differentiate themselves from globabl americanism and create an identity in antithesis, or at lest reference to the gold standard. And rising super powers like china had the fortune to have constructed an identity while there was this hegemony. For Americans, the closest thing to a point of general reference, subconsciously, is the idea of the past rather than a concrete nation.

>> No.14798930

>He literally lists off a number of things that americans can do
Are you just dumb or something? No, seriously. How do you turn
>They are for more vulnberable to medical and financial crisis, far more likely to receive inadequate health coverage, far more prone to irreparable insolvency, far more unprotected against predatory creditors, far more subject to income inequality
into "things Americans can do that other's can't"? By the interpretation you'd have to be using to come to that conclusion, you can also simply say that Europeans can do all of the things that American's can't and it zeros out.
Are you sure you actually read the paragraph?

>> No.14798931

Yeah, I can post them when I get home from work. Moldbug covered this at length, and has detailee the intellectual genealogies before. Yes, this besmirching the name of the BASED Puritans made Christfags just as mad then as it does now.

>> No.14798937

in canada it was also this but way more chug whining and holobunga. and lots of complaining about the evil, racist us. the only elective history course at my hs was a history of major genocides, only those done by yt.

>> No.14798938
File: 193 KB, 964x720, usancestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mencious Moldbug is really the only who put forward the idea of the modern progressive agenda being a cancer that grew from Protestantism. He wrote a series of blog posts in the 2000s that have been organized into a series of ebooks. Very influential on the new American right that has emerged online in recent years. He refers to the universities, media and social order that enforces progressivism collectively as "The Cathedral".

Just read the recommended reading order there.

the note about Germanics was just me thinking out loud. Its an interesting note. See pic related. Trumpian populism won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. The Southrons that voted for him aren't really Trumpian populists. They just voted like Southrons always do

>> No.14798957

Or is your argument
>americans have the freedom to fail whereas europeans have safety nets, therefore americans are freer
in which case, you're literally just being the exact person the guy is talking about - someone who has confused a system rigged against you and pretty rhetoric for being freer than someone that has a government that supports them.

Are you a fucking libertarian? Is that the problem?

>> No.14798976

What the fuck are you even talking about you stupid nigger sperg? There is no 0 sum between Americans and Europeans. The logic of his paragraph rests on americans being able to do those things and Europeans not being able to, if both americans and Europeans are equally able to do these things then his criticism of americans compared to europeans makes no sense. If americans can do these things then they have more options and thus more freedom, meaning he is wrong on saying americans have less freedom. Whatever nonsense you're spewing out of your ass like a fucking disgusting nigger faggot is irrelevant. Use your tiny african brain next time Jamal

>> No.14798988

Having more options is the definition of being freer. Please refer to my first post which you were too retarded to interpret on its own.

>> No.14798994

>Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa
Forgot Ohio too as Trumpian populist. Its really pretty incredible because with the exception of purple Ohio, all of these states were assumed safe blue. No generic Republican would have won these states. Only someone that campaigned to fundamentally challenge the progressive order

>> No.14799054

Christianity is all about the Sin -> Guilt -> Punishment -> Atonement dynamic. It's the obsession with being a bad little boy who deserves a spanking.
Social Justice reproduces this dynamic to the T. The most virtuous are the ones who openly invite punishment, who seek atonement and chastise those who won't repent. A perfect summary of the self-hating cis white hetero liberals.

>> No.14799068

The smartest and dumbest people on earth are all Americans

>> No.14799155

>Have you ever met an American?
Online only. Though since I'm picky with my acquittances, most Burgers I know well are pretty sane and would be fine in normal countries too. Though guess one factor that helps them is being immigrants with connection to another country, so they aren't fully lost in the bubble.

>Have you ever been there?
Thankfully not. Got a family in Cali, so basically one of the more sane states but I'd still wouldn't want to go there. Although the weather doesn't help.

>but nothing can prepare you for how fucking surreal it is to be there and to live among them.
Pretty sure being exposed to their culture, politics, news and people online does. I think the surrealism of Murica is stronger for people who never left the place compared to people who never been there. Bizarre shit like private prisons don't seem too controversial there outside of few anti-racism advocates mentioning these when the entire concept is fucking cray.

>But that's why we're electing Bernie.
Which is still a big IF. Which itself would be big in any first world country that there is even a contest.

>How does a nation full of idiots manage to rule the world?
Amount of people helps. Even if we go with shit like 50% are dumber than the average person, and increase the number to 70% in Burgerland, you'd still have more than enough competent people. They just either have to work against the system or be psychopaths who abuse it for their own gain at the cost of others. The average American is doing much worse than average Yuropoor.


As fucked as Russia is, Putin wouldn't get away being a complete idiot. He'd dodge the questions in a more skilful way and be fine if he had to deal with a free press. As you can usually see in his interviews with international press or during speeches.

>> No.14799174

>Russia was going to implode and be taken over by international interests. Putin's Russia is one that is resilient
Resident against what? He did great the first two times but afterwards the living standards went far below commie level. Does it really matter if some oligarch with no connections to the people owns your resources or some international company, when a normal person won't get a piece of it either way?

>> No.14799194

>> But the giant memes about "Putin's oligarchs" maliciously oppressing the Russian people is laughable Western propaganda.
i never said anything about muh oppression of the masses. indeed putin enjoys a high approval rating.
>the times
yes, one should aim to critically read a variety of sources. i am citing their interviews with millenial russians, which i am assuming were not fabricated. many of them dont bother voting and cant imagine much of a political alternative, is which was my point
>The fact of the matter is that post-USSR liberal democratic Russia was going to implode and be taken over by international interests.
By taken over by international interests, do you mean invaded by foreign businesses and integrated with Europe? This is a bad thing why?
>>implying the Syria fiasco is in the interests of actual Americans rather than abstract imperial goals
I wasn’t. I simply would prefer to live in a world where it’s the US making the Rules, which at least has some accountability, compared to China or Russia. Do you think otherwise?

>> No.14799197

If I'm going to be poor either way, I'd rather not live in the scenario where rootless cosmopolitains get rich

>> No.14799202

>oes it really matter if some oligarch with no connections to the people owns your resources or some international company, when a normal person won't get a piece of it either way
>filtering everything through the lens of enlightened neoliberalism
>"gib power to THE PEOPLE" (cringe)
>"human rights memes and democracy memes is good. every thing else is BAD"
>"the russian people would prefer having their country dismantled by NATO because they wat they REALLY want is DEMOCRACY and plastic material weath from global neoliberalism!"

desu this type of analysis is so boring and played out I don't even know why I bothered writing this shitty sarcastic reply.

>> No.14799214

Excellent recommendation to understand the USA

>> No.14799227

>Thus has been going on a lot longer than you think, extends much farther than the US, and is a lot more complicated.

no you guys are wrong. republicans ruined america in 1981 because they are greedy. that is the depth of my political understanding. thank you. vote for bernie

>> No.14799249

>challenge the progressive order
not really though

>> No.14799254

>David Bentley Hart (born 1965) is an American philosopher and theologian whose work encompasses a wide range of subjects and genres.
Notice how many of the posts critical of America ITT were written by Americans.

>> No.14799270

>I'd rather not live in the scenario where rootless cosmopolitains get rich
But they do in both scenarios and tend to chill at the same vocations. Look at London or south of France, thieves from all over the world hang together just fine. Countries they stole from mean as little to Russian oligarchs as it does to Arab ones, ze Jooce or Bongs.

>> No.14799385

>I wasn’t. I simply would prefer to live in a world where it’s the US making the Rules, which at least has some accountability, compared to China or Russia. Do you think otherwise?
What I prefer is a multipolar world order. I prefer that China runs its sphere, Russia runs its sphere and the United States runs it's sphere. In that context a handful of other great powers are going to emerge. This is what is already happening whether you like it or not. And happening much faster than anyone in America seems to realize

>The US has some accountability
To whomst? Certainly not it's own population. And certainly not by any other military, political or economic power until recently. The United States empire acts unilaterally and recklessly. It is a system of international political and economic interests accountable to no one enforced by the overwhelming might of the American military and projecting moral authority (which it doesnt have anymore, but the USG doesn't realize this). For two decades post-USSR there was no check on the United States. Now there is in the form of Russia and China. The United States is regularily getting humiliated on the global stage because the people running it are intellectually and morally bankrupt. There is nothing cohherant about the United States foreign policy.

Look at Syria. The CIA and the State Department armed the so-called "moderate rebels" (meaningless term invented for western press) because Assad is ebil dictator meme. These groups often ended up fighting against OUR OWN DoD's anti-terrorism campaigns in the region. Its insanity. You talk about the United State's global hegemony being "accountable" but the United State's presence in Syria is illegal by any standard of international law or accountability. Years ago when Syria was on the verge of being consumed by ISIS, with the aid of western geopolitical hackery undermining the regime, the Syrian government ASKED for Russia's aid. They never asked for the United States to come "fight terrorism" in Syria's borders. In fact, Assad has made it abundantly clear that the US presence in Syria has done nothing but destabilize the situation. Of course to anyone paying attention this is obvious. The entire purpose of being in Syria was never to "fight terror". It was always to back random rebel groups against each other so that Syria could turn into Libya 2.0 and then be reformed into weak, bickering terrorist states.

>inb4 gas baby meme

The whole "Assad gasses his people so its time to burn down the middle east" thing was a total western fabrication. It was a pretext for all the things the US wanted to do in the middle east anyways. Russia doesn't make shit up like this. The western media does. But youre going to tell me that we have a "human rights freedom democracy press" so I have to hate Russia because they dont have that.

>> No.14799388

I didn’t say he’s wrong. I said he’s delusional if he thinks there’s a way a forward, which you seem to agree with. As much as I’d like to agree that Holy Roman Empire style path forward would be desirable, it is simply not realistic. That said, I think it has less to do with a few greedy retards and parasites and more to do with the fact that this is what Americans wanted and increasingly want. Further, I have to ask: what empire? America is hardly even a nation let alone an empire. Its barely a corporative entity even. It’s almost just a legal designation that industrialists use to maximize profit and at this point. It is and has always been about industry.

>> No.14799401

Are you implying that Hart is wrong then or the Americans ITT show he is right?

>> No.14799408

>Russia doesn't make shit up like this.
Dude, what? Most of your post is perfectly reasonably but the idea Russia isn't just as heavily invested in disinformation is ridiculous. They are simply too poor to get a better reach.

>> No.14799410

> got a family in Cali, so basically one of the more sane states

Yeah. It is obvious that you’ve never been there.

>> No.14799416

Oligarchs at least rule with the vague trappings of nationalism to bribe to proles, international corporations explicitly push deracinating policies. Ceterus paribus the oligarchs are better

>> No.14799424

> how does a nation full of idiots manage to rule the world

It’s not a nation and international finance and corporations, which happen to headquarter in America, rule the world. The benefit of being in America was that Americans by and large are easy to influence and willing to work extremely hard to make someone else rich. Industrialization and the internet were the spark to the American gasoline.

>> No.14799425
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>> No.14799454

Generally think that the phenomenon of fabricating narratives of "oppression" and "tyrants" as a pretext for regime change is a characteristic of the American empire. The US has a long history of pinning totally fabricated events and narratives on whatever regime they want to change. I don't see Russia outright hoaxing the use of WMDs. China and Russia's propaganda is generally pretty pretty straightforward and reflect coherent geopolitical goals. The US on the other hand has this really bizarre mentality where we are an empire but are founded on the idea that being aggressive in any way is "wrong". So the propaganda has to jump through all these hoops to make a narrative where we are liberators spreading the enlightened philosophy of global human rights liberal democracy. China and Russia don't have any need to lie about their intentions to this degree. But it's necessary for the US regime because it's domestic legitimacy depends on it.

>> No.14799494

> I don't see Russia outright hoaxing the use of WMDs.
For it to work, you need allies who will swallow down reason and follow you. Like NATO. Russia and China don't have that but as you said, they also don't have to try as hard to legitimise their bullshit. As the "poor oppressed minorities in Ukraine" and the bullshit about "rebells" shows, Russia isn't really above oppression narratives.

>> No.14799883
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Late 1700s
>Crimea is annexed by Russia in aftermath of war with Ottoman Empire
>Russia needs the warm water port to compete with European powers and builds the Black Sea Fleet

>Soviet Union happens
>Crimea is still a part of the Russian Republic

>Soviet Crimea is transferred from Russia to Ukraine for soviet administrative reasons
>urban legend that Khrushchev was drunk when he authorized it

>Soviet Union breaks up
>Crimea remains with Ukraine because thats just how cookie crumbled
>Crimea has no real historical basis being a part of Ukraine. Its an artifact from the USSR's administration

>NATO continually puts geopolitical pressure on Russia
>Russia's black sea fleet is really important to it
>Russia remembers: "Crimea really is our rightful clay tho"

>The Ukrainian Government opts to forge ties with the Eurasian Economic Union instead of the EU
>The West goes beserk
>The CIA and US State Department pull the ol' regime change switcheroo trick complete with human rights democracy protests
>backs literal Ukrainian ethnic nationalists (nationalism good this time)
>A coup seizes the parliament and suspends Ukrainian constitution
>Installs new pro-western constitution and government
>Ethnically Russian Crimea says "uhh hold up"
>Overwhelmingly votes for secession in referendum because the new government is literally just a western-backed military coup
>The west says the vote isn't wasnt legitimate(democracy bad this time)
>Russia and Crimea say the coup government isn't legitimate
>some rising tensions and clashes happen
>Crimea issues declaration of independence
>Crimean government asks Russia for protection
>half-assed war between Russia and Ukraine in Crimea where 50% of the Ukrainian soldiers defect to Russia
>Ukraine withdraws
>Crimea is annexed by Russia
>Ukraine still whines about Crimea even though they have no claim to it except defunct soviet paperwork
>Russia still doesn't recognize Ukraine's coup government

>Anon on /lit/ thinks this situation can draw parallels with the American occupation of Syria

>> No.14800308

>Puritanism is the root of everything
Augustinian influence introduced Frankish/Germanic pagan thoughts into Western Christianity, for protestants and catholics alike. the difference between them is just the magnitude of change - their directions are the same anyway

>> No.14800316

Death of Christ, or God, is logical conclusion of reductionism. As per reductionist framework, miracles, and God's actions are nonsense (see Calvin), then you would come to conclusion that Jesus (sensible would have to accept that "historical" Jesus guy was in palestine and got killed by romans. but it stops here - no divinity, no trinity - as killing the ecclesia effectively killed the fixing mechanism) is just a nice man.

>> No.14800322
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>> No.14800413
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>> No.14800416

based and utterly redpilled

>> No.14800426

>The fact that half the country can do a 180 on their foreign policy just because it serves their domestic social agenda in some abstract way goes to show that the average American has literally zero functioning conception of what happens outside of America.
This really solidified something into a grippy concept for me, namely the theatrality of US internal politics. thank you for that.

>> No.14800707

Yeah I don't buy this either -- this is the same sort of "everything wrong is the fault of those other Christians" thing, but from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.

>> No.14800865

found an anglo

>> No.14800871


>> No.14800905

It's a cute history sum up but break apart at the important part. Muh historical basis doesn't matter, otherwise Sweden can just grab Piter, Russia might as well try to occupy Alaska back while natives purge mutts from their country.

>Overwhelmingly votes for secession in referendum because the new government is literally just a western-backed military coup
Occupying a region with foreign forces by using shitty "muh oppressed Russians" narrative isn't the SAME as Burgerland does but overall qualifies for obvious propaganda to start a war. You're justifying it with the same geopolitical and historical BS US of A used to justify Vietnam. Also let's not forget the Russian invasion on other Ukrainian territories.

>> No.14801000
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"In today’s society the common people, generally speaking, seem to
have lost any conception of freedom beyond the kind that comes with days
off from work."

--Theodore Kaczynski, "Technological Slavery" (2019), p. 317.

"Constitutional rights are useful up to a point, but they do not
serve to guarantee much more than what might be called the bourgeois
conception of freedom. According to the bourgeois conception, a “free”
man is essentially an element of a social machine and has only a certain set
of prescribed and delimited freedoms; freedoms that are designed to serve
the needs of the social machine more than those of the individual. Thus
the bourgeois’s “free” man has economic freedom because that promotes
growth and progress; he has freedom of the press because public criticism
restrains misbehavior by political leaders; he has a right to a fair
trial because imprisonment at the whim of the powerful would be bad
for the system. This was clearly the attitude of Simón Bolívar. To him,
people deserved liberty only if they used it to promote progress (progress
as conceived by the bourgeois).28 Other bourgeois thinkers have taken a
similar view of freedom as a mere means to collective ends. Chester C.
Tan explains the philosophy of the Kuomintang leader Hu Han-Min: “An
individual is granted rights because he is a member of society and his
community life requires such rights. By community Hu meant the whole
society or the nation.”29 And Tan states that according to Carsun Chang
(Chang Chun-Mai, head of the State Socialist Party in China) freedom
had to be used in the interest of the state and of the people as a whole.30
But what kind of freedom does one have if one can use it only as someone
else prescribes? Our conception of freedom is not that of Bolívar, Hu,
Chang or other bourgeois theorists. The trouble with such theorists is
that they have made the development and application of social theories
their surrogate activity. Consequently the theories are designed to serve
the needs of the theorists more than the needs of any people who may be
unlucky enough to live in a society on which the theories are imposed."

--Theodore Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future (1995), paragraph 97.

>> No.14801176

Accurate. I view america as a place to come, make your money, and get out. Too many generations here and you end up with your descendants as mud race trailor trash chugging cola between piles of dogshit on the 20 year old carpet.
Also accurate. These "white people have no culture" memes originated in america because americans lost most of their culture in the shipride over. In the 1800s and early 1900s there was not a lot of communication back and forth from the homeland to the new world. americans were cut off from civilization and had to start fresh. in each generation after more and more of the original culture was lost because the kids had little appreciation for it, having no memories of the old country. so gen 1 is fresh off the boat and everything sort of freezes for them. they aren't receiving any more education or cultural exposure from home. gen 2 grows up here, all they have is what mannerisms their parents keep in the house, which is maybe 5% of the level of exposure to home culture firsthand. 95% lost after the first generation, in other words. by gen 3 no one knows a single word of the old country language and they're probably so mixed they can't identify with any single culture anyway. by gen 4 they don't even know what city or region gen 1 came from. "white" itself only came from america in the first place. in italy they just think of themselves as italian, or germans german, or french, etc. this entire "white people" label is uniquely american in origin. it's so cringy i can't even stand hearing it, like nails on chalkboard.

>> No.14801357

This image is the opinion of every non-american with a three digit IQ, concerning the USA.

>> No.14801415

What’s Zinn’s history? I went to catholic school in Florida for 14 years so I wasn’t exported to that.
This post is 100% correct and makes me really consider becoming a hs history teacher.

>> No.14801521

I’ve noticed this with most Europeans. They view the state the same way we view business, and because of that they view themselves as better off. The fools actually believe the state has their best interest in mind and fail to see that the state has become its own type of corporation. The irony is only the Russians seem to have this grasp, but they accept this as a fact of life and don’t do anything about it, but then again I’ve never actually been to Russia and this is based off interaction with those who have had enough money to travel.

>> No.14801608

>historical basis doesn't matter
What are you even implying? That the exact borders of the world of December 26, 1991 were perfect? History ended on that day and anyone suggesting otherwise is a archvillian disrupted an otherwise perfectly peaceful globe?

Imagine this hypothetical: The US and Canada decide that due to shared history, language, politics, culture, and economies they are gong to further integrate their economic systems past the level of NAFTA. This is a disruption to Chinese interests so China backs a coup in Ottawa. The Canadian parliament is stormed, they suspend the constitution and install a pro-Chinese government. Alberta, which already has separatist desires, decides that this is the last straw. They declare the China-backed government to be illegitimate and issue a referendum on secession which passes overwhelmingly. Ottawa sends the military to Alberta, starts arresting leaders and threatens to seize the oil operations of which the US has heavy geopolitical interest in. At this point the Alberta government formally asks the United States for aid against the illegitimate government. Your contention seems to be that the for the United States to take ANY proactive action in this scenario is simply unconscionable. Keep in mind that the mid-long term effects of Chinese Canada is that they are going to line Chinese nukes along the Canada-US border. Also in this scenario China has spent the last 20 years backing various drug cartels in Central America so that most of the old Central American states have now been overthrown and are in control of China-backed cartel puppet states. This scenario is an imperfect analogy of Russia's point of view. Of course Crimea has a centuries long history of being a part of Russia and Alberta was never the USA. Youre implying that the west overnthrowing the pro-Russian government of Ukraine to install a pro-western one is not an act of aggression. But Russia retaliating for this act is.

>Occupying a region with foreign forces by using shitty "muh oppressed Russians" narrative
Thats not the narrative. The narrative is that Russia and Ukraine, like many hundreds of regions in the world, have a long and complicated history together that doesn't fit nicely into your narrow geopolitical rules that you are trying to prescribe blanketly. Living under the post-USSR Pax Americana means that we have gotten used to the US enforcing a global "no having conflicts unless we say so" rule. Well that rule is rapidly coming to an end as the US hegemony continues to collapse. Border spats are resuming their spatting. Regional powers are resuming power broking. Artificial nation-states are coming apart at the seams. History is resuming and there is nothing the global human rights liberal democratic freedom world order can do to stop it.

>> No.14801614

>the state has their best interest in mind
I don't know anyone who believes that. It's simply the lesser evil. The state has responsibilities towards their citizens and you can vote for different policies. Corporations only have responsibilities towards share holders. Depending on their position in the market, they have no reason, not to fuck me over. Yes, there is a lot lobbyism and propaganda to sway things a different way but generally people often get relatively decent results.

Keep in mind, Yuro politics are far more democratic and have less money involved, and we usually get a mix of parties, not an almost identical blob with extremes.

>> No.14801709

The boarders don't have to be perfect. They rarely are. 91 ones were legally accepted by both sides. It wasn't exactly fucking Ireland with the Troubles either, things were fine for all. Then one side marches in under a fake pretence and pushes a campaign of liberation. Sounds like business as usual just the big bad isn't Uncle Sam for a change.

>At this point the Alberta government formally asks the United States for aid against the illegitimate government.
Nothing illegitimate about it. (To go back to Ukraine, did you forget how their previous government formed? It's a corrupt shithole and doesn't need external coops for the people trying to change it). While in our alternative timeline, the coziness of US and Canada doesn't reflect the tension between Russia and Ukraine either. They are closer to US and Mexico, only if US tried to block Mexico from having any other trade deals.

>Your contention seems to be that the for the United States to take ANY proactive action in this scenario is simply unconscionable.
They could send human aid and try to let in refugees from Alberta if they care so much. Why adding more fuel to the fire?

>Youre implying that the west overnthrowing the pro-Russian government of Ukraine to install a pro-western one is not an act of aggression. But Russia retaliating for this act is.
West AIDED the coup, it didn't happen out of nothing. In the end it's a fucked country trying to unfuck themselves, and two hostile actors on the sidelines trying to get their hands on it. And for a rare change, the West played mostly clean while Russia went full invasion mode killing thousands of people in a pointless conflict. Could've just tried to bribe Ukraine like the big boys.

>Thats not the narrative.
That was Russias justification for sending the army in the East and invading Crimea. "Muh Ukrainian nazis oppress our poor Russians". The history of Crimea was only brought up for the domestic propaganda.

>Artificial nation-states are coming apart at the seams.
Which would be great, if they didn't just end up as a vasal state for someone else either way.

>History is resuming and there is nothing the global human rights liberal democratic freedom world order can do to stop it.
It's not like it ever stopped. Besides, US is so build around war, as welcome their collapse as a world power would be, it's unlikely to happen in our lifetimes. China will just fill the USSR role.

>> No.14801757

Moby Dick paints a pretty clear picture

>> No.14801766

pretentious tinpot wannabe cracker

>> No.14801815

When I spent time in Europe I was astonished by how much more intrusive the government bureaucracies were, and how deeply conditioned Europeans are to fear authority. Conscientious of every little rule, always talking about police, laws, and compliance. Even fearful of roving gangs and criminal thugs.

The only exception was Englishmen on Friday nights, when the entire country was five pints in.

>> No.14801938

David Bentley Hart is the one who ultimately convinced me to support Bernie Sanders. He's one of our finest cultural critics.

>> No.14801961

You don't know anything about American history. I urge you to read about the puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony. They were erudite and civically engaged, and life there was good. Very little of their influence has survived, excepting their prudishness.

>> No.14801964

I'm a nazi and I just voted for him in the primaries. There is nothing I desire more than him to win the office. It'll accomplish everything I want metapolitically.

At least within the realm of the possible.

>> No.14802931


>> No.14802955

>American left suddenly declared that we need to be mortal archenemies with...Russia

i agree with you that this is some kind of frantic neoliberal idea that has cropped up in the past few years, but i think its important to realize that its not the true Left that is pushing this red-baiting shit. really just the mainstream democratic establishment. its fucking pathetic and odd on their part

>> No.14802977

im not sure about the european part, but i agree with you with regards to americans prefernce for money over intellectual achievement. im a law student in the t14 rght and the vast majority of students will take big money corporate jobs over academic careers, or careers in more "important' public interest roles. Ther are many reasons for this, but the biggest reason is really just the threat of not being able to pay off massive law school debt. the system as it currently stands tampers down intellectual curiosity at most ever junction, and creates a new class of confused, boring, money and security seekers that do not rock the boat ever

>> No.14802992

In this thread: pretentious Europeans who assume everyone should learn about their history. 90% of European countries are irrelevant and have always been irrelevant. American's shouldn't be expected to waste their time learning about the Danish, Lithuanian or Swedish "golden age" when those same Euro's can't even distinguish the difference between Ohio, Iowa and Idaho. Any one of those states is more important economically and culturally to the world today than any single European country except for France, UK and Germany. It's not 1850 anymore, Europe doesn't matter.

>> No.14803499
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Search for /pol/ threads about the imperial & metric system in the archives.
I was in one yesterday. NOT ONE AMERICAN CONSIDERED THE IMPERIAL SYSTEM INFERIOR TO THE METRIC. It was actually hilarious, and kind of horrifying. Some were saying that the imperial is better for day-to-day activities, while others were denying it is bad completely, and even outright shitting on "eurocucks".
The one time all americans happen to agree on something, that something happens to be retarded.

>> No.14803533

> the difference between Ohio, Iowa and Idaho
Protop: there isn't one.

>> No.14803548

Found it
htt ps://archive.4pl ebs.org/pol/thread/245231739/

Yes, not all x etcetera, but I had my laugh.

>> No.14803559

>I'm not allowed to consume caffeine without a loicence
>I'm not allowed to have a knoife wivvout a loicence
>I'm not allowed to watch the telly wivvout a loicence
>I'm not allowed to say mean things about Pakis or Muzzies, if I do, jailtime for me
>Acid attacks
>police gay pride
>rape gangs
>Cameras everywhere

The amount of COPE that Bongs do in order to convince themselves that America is worse, when they probably havent even lived here for any significant amount of time is off the fucking charts. Go snort Ket in your hardstyle club, Nigel

>> No.14803581

Meant to reply to>>14798862

>> No.14803622

based. We Americans will never relinquish our units.

The only "Americans" that support the metric system are literally r*dditors and other rootless cosmopolitans. And I don't really consider them people, much less Americans.

>> No.14803710

found the lithuanian

>> No.14803719

Name one leftist organization that isn't on board with it. I don't mean some lonely dolt reading Bakunin in his shitty walk up. An actual group that does any kind of activism whatsoever.

>> No.14803761

Last time I was in Bongland a friend was giving me a ride to the airport and the traffic kept slowing down and speeding up. I asked him why. Turned out they were all trying to eke out a few extra seconds in the zones between the traffic cameras. I asked why they didn't just ignore the cameras and drive the speed limit. You can't actually save time doing that. It's extra wear and tear on the car. "I know" he said, "but I guess we just do it."

There's a reason 1984 was written by Orwell. The Brits have an absolute fetish for surveillance. Obsessed. They WANT to be dominated and have their balls stepped on by the high heel of an oppressive nanny state. They brought in a bunch of retarded rapist Muslims in the mad hope that someone would shove something up their asses. A humiliation to entertain the ever-watchful of The Big Other Brother. The cold lens of the CCTV is the Heavenly Father they make gawdy demonstrations of self-sacrifice to.

I don't even feel sorry for the English. It's all contempt at this point.

>> No.14803810

The most bizarre thing is their fanatical belief that their troops are protecting them and doing a sacrifice for their nation.
I've only been in airports (Miami, Dallas, New York, Atlanta, Minneapolis, always flight from or to Buenos Aires and Tokyo) and the first thing you see are signs welcoming soldiers, monitors showing the same cringewhorthy videos about the army, and the crew of the flight saying "thank youfor your service" to soldiers going to Okinawa (what service?!).
I'll never understand them.

>> No.14803883
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No. there is absolutely no hope.

>> No.14804052

ok boomer

>> No.14804086


Euros are just apes who need their fingers and toes to count. If it’s not a factor of ten then a euro can’t do math with it.

>> No.14804158

Amerilard, whose whole society is based around "Who will invent the next meaningless little convenience" takes pride in inconvenient whack-a-doodle doo units because it somehow means he is very very big brainer
The very fact you morons are swerving this thread in the direction of entertaining trivialities says a whole fucking lot.

>> No.14804178

>The very fact you morons are swerving this thread in the direction of entertaining trivialities
it was a eurocuck that brought up units

The US customary units are unironically better. What you are cooking or doing carpentry would you rather have units that can divide into sixths, fourths, thirds, and halves? Or would you rather have units that only divide into fifths and halves? Base 12 is the superior measure base and eurocucks are eternally buttmad that Americans will literally never ever ever adopt the metric system. Stay mad

>> No.14804204

Never saw Euros care about it as much as Burger scientists who have to work with the mess.

>Base 12 is the superior measure base
It would be in a unified system, not one with dozens of pointless different units which don't mix well.

>> No.14804261

if you're cooking with grams you can divide by anything and round to the nearest gram, you'll only be off by a tiny amount, less than what a normal person can portion with a spoon anyways.
Same goes for everything. need a sixth of a meter? 17 centimeters, or hell, 166 millimeters, again, less error then what pudgy American fingers can confidently mark with a pencil and a "yardstick"

But it doesn't matter! This thread is about how the whole world lives in the American commercial-financial-military empire (or what's left of it) and everybody knows, 6 billion people know this, and you fat fucks exist in this absurd bubble reality where the word "politics" refers to things like abortion laws or 'beliefs' regarding evolution.
You're so fucking proud of your founding fathers, they would find present day Americans utterly abominable, this fucking cattle farm of idiot consumers. They fought to be independent of a callous and oppressive government, and you fight to defend your right to continue being oppressed by yours. Being lied to. Being disregarded. It's fucking tragic.

>> No.14804289
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Across the world, all people are retarded if they are not ethno nationalist, traditionalists (Theocracy/Monarchy/Fascist etc). That's less than 1% of the world. Every one else can fuck off and die.

>> No.14804414

>Never saw Euros care about it as much as Burger scientists who have to work with the mess.
Its all euros in this thread bitching about it. Any every thread about units on this website. Its always euros crying about it because they want cheap shots at Americans but they don't even understand what the point of the USC units is. Besides, science is already done in metric. Burger scientists that want everyone to convert to metric are just pretentious r*ddit-tier asshats that think they should run society because they are so enlightened and smart for knowing how to move decimal points.

>It would be in a unified system, not one with dozens of pointless different units which don't mix well.
Ill say that there is probably room for some minor reform in USC, but fundamentally its fine. Its more unified than you realize. For example one weighted ounce is equal to one fluid ounce at the boiling point. This is an equivalent relation of the cubic centimeter and the gram. But people don't know this because being "unified" is overrated. The thing Americans understand that metricians dont is that measuring systems are meant to be used side-by-side on a case-by-case basis. This is how the medieval world worked.

Why don't people talk about astrological distances in metric? Why do they use such an ununified and unwieldy unit as the "light-year" when the metric petameter is a perfectly unified unit? Because the light-year is a far more useful unit in this case because its scaled in a way that the human mind can process and understand more effectively. Why did the author of the article in pic related describe this hole as 6-7 washing machines instead of "21-27 cubic feet" or "0.6-0.75 cubic meters"? Because for this purpose the austicly exact number doesn't matter and they are just trying to convey a volume that humans can effortlessly visualize. Same reason why Americans often like to roughly describe area in terms of "football fields".

>> No.14804418

you don't have a brain

>> No.14804419
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>pic related

>> No.14804462

>American commercial-financial-military empire
US Customary units are the implicit last stand of Americans against international capital. The internationalists are the ones that are constantly trying to push metrics onto the US public just because it would internationalism that much more fluid. We've already lost our culture, our sovereignty, our social and economic structures to internationalism and now europeans on the internet like to smugly assert that we need to conduct our basic day-to-day commerce and cooking in globalized units. Fuck off.

>> No.14804504

you voted for the internalionalists and legitimised their government!
you put your little wages in their banks!
you give your young men to go fight their wars and you thank them for the opportunity!

>> No.14804508

>if you're cooking with grams you can divide by anything and round to the nearest gram, you'll only be off by a tiny amount
also being able to weigh things isn't some magic ability of the metric system. We can weigh things in ounces and divide them if we want to do math like youre describing here. I don't know why metricians always think that you can only weigh things in grams.

When it comes to cooking, we have units that are not based off of decimal and we like it this way. They are not random. Cups, teaspoons, tablespoons, etc, fit into eachother and are proportionally useful. and their respective sizes are convenient sizes to work with in the kitchen that humans have used for centuries. Relabeling a teaspoon to 5 ml or a cup to 240ml just because you can perform decimal math on it easier isn't really useful or intuitive for the ways we use those units. What is useful is being able to easily scale recipes by halves, thirds, and fourths by just using a small set of kitchen tools. Human-scaled proportions are built into our units

>> No.14804534

How does your onions latte taste? was your interpretive macaroni class fun? Maybe your comparitive literature teacher will give you extra credits for your good work shrieking at wages and evil America!

>> No.14804552

No "me". Not the bulk of American people. Its really a clique of internationalist elites in major cities accountable to noone. They have nothing but contempt for people like me. The majority of Americans are constantly told that we need to give up our livelihoods because transplanting our entire economy to factories in shithole countries is good for the stock market. I realize that the whole world is living under this nightmare collapsing American empire. But it really isnt "Americans" running the show. The empire is disconnected from the nation. The empire sees America as a global hub for commerce, culture, politics, and every demographic from the entire planet to just flow through our entire continent no matter the consequences for the people that live here. The whole point of the populism happening in the US right now is that American people are just saying "no. we're not doing this anymore". Of course europeens like mock and belittle Americans for doing populism and Trump. But thats because they don't even understand that the spirit behind Trump (not necessarily President Trump in practice) was to dismantle the empire

>> No.14804582

>No "me". Not the bulk of American people. Its really a clique of internationalist elites in major cities accountable to noone. They have nothing but contempt for people like me.
And this is exactly the fucking point. Where did these elites come from? a portal to hell? No, you and your countrymen allowed this growth to fester, to flourish. You tacitly supported it through the decades, you yielded each time they encroached a little further into your rights and past their constitutional authority. And you admired them all the while.

You don't get to absolve yourself.
"no snowflake feels guilty about the avalanche" or what have you. Well, Americans are absolutely to blame for America.

>> No.14804585

This. You guys dont know how it feels to live in fucking small town Ohio Getting shat on by everyone from the daily show to uppity euros and Canadians, most from the urban elite saying the problem is us, when its the disconnected global system at play. You know how it feels when half the town starts speaking a different language and identity politics is the name of the day? Its a pretty logical consequence why things happened they way they did.

>> No.14804648

boo mother fucking hoo. Really.
I could write 10.000 words worth of variations on "Tell that to the mothers of the Pakistani children exploded by your flying murder robots" but the meaning would be lost on you.

>> No.14804762

>Why did the author of the article in pic related describe this hole as 6-7 washing machines instead of "21-27 cubic feet" or "0.6-0.75 cubic meters"? Because for this purpose the austicly exact number doesn't matter and they are just trying to convey a volume that humans can effortlessly visualize.
Actually, no.
The reason it was told like that is because americans are L I T E R A L L Y retarded.

>> No.14804879

Goddamn based island in a sea of screaming gynomastia.

>> No.14805088

Light years are an interesting example, although it just seems to make more sense due the scales. Kinda like pi.

When using stuff for description when precision is irrelevant, nothing is wrong with washing machines or football fields either … with smaller, more human sized scales extra units just complicate matters thought. Compare 6.604301 gallon of milk and 8.4oz of Red Bull and 0.213042 barrel of beer vs a single consistent unit, which also can be transferred to weight with no effort.

>> No.14805102

>urban elite
What makes urban poorfags more of an elite than rural poorfags?

>> No.14805134

The determinative word there was elite. Urban describing locality.

Whataboutism. who is complaining about pakastani mothers being evil?

>> No.14805161

The vituperative language really comes from the consciousness that America (or the Americas) is really the only viable intellectual topic left in the West. Europe is sterile, it's not half as worth thinking about as the New World. Like it or not the clearest future of literature and philosophy is American. Look at this thread for instance

>> No.14805180

Yet tons of elites have country houses and generally try to live far away from normal people. The distinction doesn't make much sense. And the value difference between urban and rural folk tends to be similar enough, no matter the class.

>> No.14805207
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It's true. American's have no understanding of history. That's why they're repeating the same mistakes.

>> No.14805210

First, I would disagree about value systems. Just look at any presidential votes. its pretty consistantly democrat in cities, Republican in rural. and second, yes, monetary elites do have homes outside cities, but the cultural and active hegemony is localized in cities. Elite does not only mean fiscal, but also cultural.

>> No.14805351

>if we don't measure things like a short-bus kid our entire culture and way of life will be destroyed
Why are Americans like this?

>> No.14805388

But the cultural elites are neolibs making headlines and neocons making the laws, At least with a broader term you have a more consistent picture of a rich elite trying to remain in their position at the cost of others, by using different tactics.

>> No.14805407

its true though. look what happened to france after thet abandon short buses.

>> No.14805609

>Light years are an interesting example, although it just seems to make more sense due the scales
I brought up light-years because it is a good illustration units are best used situationally. The common metric mentality seems to be that somehow by the virtue of being a tidy decimal system it is automatically how everything in the world should be measured always. Light-years are a glaring example that disproves that assumption. Lightyears are intuitively at a more appropriate scale than petameters. If you can understand why lightsyears are prefered to petameters than you should be able to grasp what USC units are preferred. They are at scale to common day-to-day life

>Compare 6.604301 gallon of milk and 8.4oz of Red Bull and 0.213042 barrel of beer vs a single consistent unit
This doesn't make sense. Our units aren't meant to be thought of in decimal. They are meant to be thought of in fractions. There is no scenario where you need to measure 0.60431 gallons of milk. Because when something calls for milk its going to be in a tablespoon (1/256), a cup (1/16) or a pint (1/8) quart (1/4) or a half gallon. You can still run a decimal calculation on a gallon. 0.60431gal is 77.35168oz. Ok? Who cares. Its still an equally impractical number. Being able to move decimal points is not as special or unique as people think it is. Why isnt there unit called a hexagallon made up of 16 gallons? We could make a whole range of metric-style prefixes for our base-16 volume units but whats the point? That unit doesn't really have any use. The next useful sizes are in the 40-80 gallon range where we have different types of barrel units for shipping. Customary units emerge organically from places in society where they were already being used. An acre reflects the typical amount of land a farmer with one oxen could till in a day. In the agrarian past that was colloquially an measurement of area that everyone had an intuitive understanding of, so they labeled it. Now that "football fields" are more intuitively understood than plowing with an oxen, I think we could probably just formalize "field" as a unit of area measurement in the US. Custumary units are buttom up. Metric takes a top down approach. Math first, people later. There are lots of units in metric that are never used because they aren't useful. Being able to label a logarithmic scale of a measure isn't anything special unless you are doing a math equation with large numbers. Then sure, use a decimal system. We do it here in our scientific calculation and no one gives a shit. Just stay out of our kitchens and construction sites where we use measures designed for the task at hand.

>> No.14805620
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being able to weigh things on a scale is not unique to grams. When we need to weigh specific things we put it on a scale in ounces and do the math from there. But that is not really common because there isn't a lot of situations where you need decimal measurements, because everything is set up from production to grocery to table to be done in fractions. Our recipes don't call for decimal measurements of things. They call for fractional measurements. The most I ever weighed things in ounces was when I worked at a pizza restaurant and cut dough. We just weighed it in ounces. If a crust needed to be made from a 19 ounce ball of dough we don't have a mental breakdown because 1.1875 pounds isnt a tidy number. No we just weighed out 19 ounces on the ounce scale. Works literally the exact same as grams and I don't understand why metric users think it would be any different.

>pic related
An example of how USC is more tidy that you realize. You buy a butter by the pound. In stick form there will be four 4oz sticks per pound. Recipes that call for butter will call for in it tablespoons or cups. It wont call for 0.1875 pounds of butter. It will call for 3 tablespoons of butter. I just switched between weight and volume seamlessly, despite being told that this is hard in USC when in fact we do it all the time without thinking about it. If I wanted to stay in weight I could also have measured 1.5oz of butter but that isn't generally a practical way to measure butter so we use the units that are more appropriate in this context: cups or tbsp. Sure we could rename a tablespoon with a prefix that means "1/256th-gallon" and make a whole scale of base-16 units, but why? Being able to run math operations on our butter is what metric does but it wouldnt add functionality to what we are using it for. Also note that by combining tablespoons and teaspoons you can measure 1/3 a cup without a 1/3 cup measure. In terms of precision, "1/3" is a number that can't be reached in metric. But it is baked into our cooking units so its very easy to scale a recipe fractionally.

>> No.14805694

Every time some infinitely jealous euro brings up the """average american""" and then paints them as some uneducated, brain-washed, obese subhuman I cringe. America has a great deal of intelligent, exceptional thinkers and our specific system encourages exceptionalism. Every time they complain about how America treats its bottom 1% like that defines the country I cringe pretty hard.

>> No.14805735

>bottom 1%
willful ignorance is a hell of a drug

>> No.14805855

>our specific system encourages exceptionalism
if by "exceptional" you mean embodying the "ethic" of acquisitive individualism

>> No.14805868

>can "speak" two languages but can't calculate how many furlongs my beautiful Ford GT gets to the hogshead of 93 octane gas
enjoy your desiccated "culture"

>> No.14805891

>Is there any hope for those poor wretched bastards?
If you believed any of this you wouldn't be so concerned with what we think of you and your shitty irrelevant country, fuck off and take your complex with you to /int/

>> No.14805901

>Ive done a decent amount of travel abroad and an observation Ive made is that people of other countries are generally more politically aware than Americans. Not in the libshit "im so informed" way. But really just in a casual matter-of-fact way.
Europoors think Trump is trying to be a racist dictator comparable to Putin, Britbong are surprised to learn that America is actually very big. Lol at this tale of a retarded midwesterner who sees that every German knows something about the countries bordering it and thinks they're like historical geniuses

>> No.14805968

>Ireland with the Troubles either
Just a point of order here. The Troubles began in the late 1960's and were more to do with civil rights than border issues.

>> No.14806020

>There is no scenario where you need to measure 0.60431 gallons of milk.
Comparing nutritional value for example. With g/ml, you tend to get a very neat nutritional value across everything. And due standards, basically everything has a /100g value.

>Because when something calls for milk its going to be in a tablespoon (1/256), a cup (1/16) or a pint (1/8) quart (1/4) or a half gallon.
Which is fucking horrible. Yuro recipes often to have the same bullshit and it makes stuff so much more abstract. "How much exactly is a tablespoon? Did I take too much? Was it exactly half a cup, what if it was 3/5?" And sure, practically for cooking you don't have to be THAT precise but it's still messy when you have to jump through so many different units to make a fucking cherry pie.

>You can still run a decimal calculation on a gallon. 0.60431gal is 77.35168oz. Ok? Who cares. Its still an equally impractical number
It sure is, instead you'd just have 2l/kg. Which can be neatly separated, and if you need very precise measurements, a decimal point would do.

>Customary units emerge organically from places in society where they were already being used.
That's true but they make stuff for people outside of the places much harder. Someone who never was near a field or watched a game of football buying a property, first needs to deal with conversion. And talking about football, the same unit to describe the distance between players AND their height, AND the entire field ... dunno, just sounds more functional.

>"1/3" is a number that can't be reached in metric.
Also true but since you're dealing with real substances, your 1/3 cup/spoon is unlikely to be mine 1/3, we'd both have only roughly the same, while alternatively we could have either 5g/ml and go even more precise, ensuring we take a very specific amount.

>being able to weigh things on a scale is not unique to grams
Of course it's not but with metric there is no extra math needed. Though I don't recall too many examples when it was necessary in normal life ... but say you're buying a new laptop, and it's 2 pounds. And now you try to picture how much weight it'd be in something less abstract, say ... in Red Bull cans, which are usually 8,4oz, now you have to convert pounds into oz to get 32, and do the math of 32/8.4, instead of having 907g and 250g to work with from the start.

Jeez, how did I even get sucked into this stuff. Now I just want sum salted butter.

The Troubles were just a continuation of the Irish being sick of getting fucked ... but the key thing is, the situation between Russia/Ukraine wasn't as dicy in recent history before the occupation despite the power imbalance and usually limited to bantz and jokes about each other.

>> No.14806321

Я oчeнь гopжycь тoбoй зa тo, чтo ты знaeшь oднy бyквy. Teбe пиpoжoк, пиндocик

>> No.14806330

Having lived in Europe I can tell you that metric is great from a consumer perspective. Even a grug like me can comparison shop with precison. Most VAT countries also include tax with sticker price so you know exactly what everything will cost down to the gram/cent.

>> No.14806365

>many of them dont bother voting and cant imagine much of a political alternative, is which was my point
Rather like in the US. I am a young person in Russia and can say that youth opinions are nothing like what are shown in Times articles because they are of a political nature that cannot be understood in the West. Put in has served his purpose and many are grateful that the country was held together and that there is national stability. Our problems are not about taking power back from the mean rich men (this is the struggle of every western country, so no kid yourself) it is simply determining our national future. Your countries have no idea of national future, so you misinterpret the meaning of our protests and the nature of youth movements. We are all on this together, we just want to know what the next step is, no matter who is in charge

>> No.14806996

I don't remember my education being quite this apologetic (Americans, even left-leaning ones, are taught and genuinely believe their country is synonymous with 'democracy' and democracy is the greatest thing on the planet and in history).

But one thing you get right is that Americans only know about the existence of TWO historical events: the Civil War and World War II. Maybe the Revolutionary War as a third, but that's being generous. I would say it even slants more towards World War II being the ONLY historical even that ever happened.

>> No.14807439

I’m American and this doesn’t describe me at all. In fact I feel that the average American is no more ignorant than the average Italian, Spaniard or English person.

Euros like to draw conclusions about American’s based on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. At the same time they are all aping the same personalities that they attribute to American ignorance and low class.

- American who has lived in Paris for 3 years. Europe is a shithole, most days I feel like I’m living in Bangladesh. Multiple times everyday I see feces on the sidewalk.

>> No.14807659

>- American who has lived in Paris for 3 years
Making you atypical Burger either way.

>Euros like to draw conclusions about American’s based on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
We got your elections. Or the acceptance of an idiotic two party system. Besides, Kanye or Kim aren't THAT stupid either way.

>Multiple times everyday I see feces on the sidewalk.
Sounds like a SF thing. I travel to Paris almost yearly for a few weeks and never saw shit. Though to be fair, I'm always in the centre, so maybe the outskirts are THAT bad.

>> No.14807959

Interestingly, we still have Puritans here in Ireland and they are the original reason for The Troubles going back into history can be traced to the Cromwellian invasion.
The years between the Irish War of Independence and The Troubles were peaceful (aside from the Irish Civil War) between the Unionist and Nationalist communities, and today we are at peace since 1998. As I was saying, The Troubles beginning in the 1960's were catalysed by a civil rights dispute in The North, this escalated into violence between the two communities and the British military was sent in to restore order, particularly you can understand this in the situation of Free Derry.

>> No.14808063

It might be better to use Texas, Crimea, and Ireland to form analogues between the US and a couple of other super powers and also the way these matters are both historically recorded in comparison to the public perception of the events in the US in particular.