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14807722 No.14807722 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read Mein Kampf to understand more about the mindset of a Nazi/ to understand Nazi as a whole?

>> No.14807723

It’s not really relevant. Nazis and neo-nazis aren’t as widespread or influential as both sides want you to believe. You’ll win a few more internet arguments, maybe

>> No.14807727

Imagine thinking Fascism intellectually has so little value. Even historically speaking.

>> No.14807731

most of it is him complaining about the french

>> No.14807749

was it a good read?

>> No.14807754

Not even kidding, go on /pol/ for some time. It's the same thing

>> No.14807767

I don't really like /pol/ to be honest, some of them are really cool and some of them seem to be like ignorant racist piece of shit to be honest. edgy is fine though.

>> No.14807780

Reading it will understand that Nazis are whiny faggots with unwarranted self importance.

>> No.14807790

why is that? please do explain your point of view.

>> No.14807849

Just read MK, the writing style is extremely whiny. The first half is mostly about how everyone was mean and unfair to Hitler and later he projects this mindset to the whole of Germany and how everyone is unfair to them.

>> No.14807855

>implying Germany wasn't treated unfairly
The absolute state of Leftist psychological-reasoners(i.e. experimental geniuses).

>> No.14807856

How could Jews ever do anything bad? Jews are the one people who are always victims, never agents.

>> No.14807866

ok retard

>> No.14807869
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OP here

>> No.14807873

well he isn't wrong though. let's not forget how Germany lose the world war 1 and they get treated like shit after that.

>> No.14807877

I'm not that type of guy.

But I am saying that people like you do the exact same autistic reasoning thinking it all makes perfect psychological sense without taking almost any reality into consideration.

>> No.14807883


>it's only bad when it happens to us!

>> No.14807894

If anything, Germany was treated too kindly. They should've broken it up into 500 tiny states so the krauts wouldn't kill tens of millions of people again.

>> No.14807902
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/pol/ - /lit/ - /fit/ and optionally /fa/ is the CHAD's choice

>> No.14807903

Nazism was a response to the Jewish menace. Mein Kampf was written at a time of great social and political upheaval. Don't try to look at what happened since Hitler had written the book, just read the book to try to understand what motivated Hitler.

>> No.14807932
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unironically true

>> No.14808206

No, because skinheads don't read. The same reason you shouldn't read the Bible to understand church members or Das Kapital to understand communists

>> No.14808244


>> No.14808249

>le epic true take
Unoriginal and cringe.

>> No.14808265
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I dare you to talk to a woman.

>> No.14808288


>> No.14808363

Just become one

>> No.14808445
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Sure, why not? It is what any halfway intelligent person would naturally do, after all. It just makes sense. Never, ever judge ideas based solely on what the opponents of those ideas say. They will naturally misrepresent those ideas. And always beware of censorship, the surest indicator of an idea that cannot be refuted and so must be hidden. No need to censor lies or imprison liars after all, lies can be demonstrated to be lies. No, only the truth is truly dangerous, especially when it contradicts and points out the lies of a mainstream paradigm. They do NOT want you to question authority!

>> No.14808472
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99% of /pol/ is crap and/or Feds, but that 1% is gold. It is just really tough to get to it, so I rarely bother unless there is a major breaking newsworthy event like a riot or assassination.
I usually stick to /lit/. At least /lit/ is only about 80% crap, and most people here actually understand the difference between your and you're...

>> No.14808481

just read white noise instead

>> No.14808525
File: 249 KB, 1783x955, germany then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind, too, the time that MK was written (pic related). NatSoc did not evolve in a vacuum, but was a response to the situation at the time. It was a product of a specific place and time, ended in 1945 after being defeated, and cannot be recreated today. So, IMO, Mein Kampf is interesting as a historical document of its time. The Nazi state is fascinating, and more lies have been told about it than any other regime I know of. As the wartime and post war propaganda is being stripped away by revisionist historians many new and interesting facts are coming to light about it. However, shitposting aside, LARPing IRL in an armband is cringe as all get out. It is over, it ended in defeat 75 years ago.

>> No.14808555

/pol/ is for edgy larper who are somehow as dishonest as the jews they despise.

>> No.14808589

This picture is filled with lies, kinda ironic since you're going on about muh propaganda.

The world in general was in economic crisis not just the germans. The payement they had to make for losing the war was ridiculously low given the damages they inflicted and the germans themselves had inflicted a similar punishement on France a few generations prior.

Hitler rose because he was in a far-rigth political alliance (which he then backstabbed after getting the ultimate powers) and they courted peasants, almost half of the population, with massive protectionists policies and industry owner, who prefered the far-rigth to the commies. He certainly wasn't seen as some kind of messiah as when the economic crisis started to resolve, before Hitler really did anything, the popularity and support of his party started to evaporate.

The way he turned germany into a "powerhouse" was by investing everything into the military and a few failed social welfare policy. If they hadn't started invading Europe and looting they would have been in a third crisis as the nazi governement was secretly creating more moneys to pay for all their expense. This ended up leading to another inflation at the end of the 2nd world war.

Another lie in this picture are the "new" policies "invented" by Hitler. Shorter work day and environnement preservations were thing that were already established or being established by other countries, including France and the UK.

This screenshot is a bundle of lies and you should be hanged for spreading it.

>> No.14808596

Oh and forgot to add that Hitler would have never been so succesful if he had taken over a less powerful country. Germany was already strong, all Hitler did was use this strength in destructive ways.

>> No.14808610

Don't forget that reparations were cancelled in 1932.

>> No.14808613

>given the damages they inflicted

>as if Germany had not lost thousands of men a day, during WWI, but they don't count, wearing the wrong uniform and speaking the wrong language.

OK, we know that you are on the Allied side, so what you say from this point on we know to be biased...

>> No.14808616
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>> No.14808621

Why do you leftypol cuckolds soi the nigger anus?

>> No.14808624

I can see your huge nose from here.

>> No.14808636

Touchy! Keep in mind that each person has their own view of reality, including history, and each view is equally valid. There are no facts, only interpretations. Any interpretation is as good as any other. To think otherwise would lead to forcing people to use the bathrooms designated for use by their assigned gender.

>> No.14808640

>invade someone country and wreak havoc
>woooow wtf you mean i have to pay them something what about my own loss

I don't care about the justice of war, just don't spread bullshits.

Nice counterargument.

>> No.14808694

I beg your pardon?

>> No.14808709

National Socialism is not a real political ideology. It's populism for retards. The nazis lacked political principles and just did shit that will get them the most public support, until get had enough power to expose themselves as incompetent morons. You'll be wasting your time reading propaganda.

>> No.14808711

It's objectively shit. Written terribly. Tons of repetition because it was transcribed from his random thoughts of the day. It was essentially a cash grab from the publicity his imprisonment gave him. Only good for the historical context, but even then it's a slog. He said himself he would not have written it if he knew he would ascend to power.

>> No.14808755
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it's pretty comfy. wagner's operas are a recommended pairing.
i also recommend kubizek's 'the young hitler i knew' and david irving's hitler books as supplemental reading, and no, none of this is going to help you understand modern neo-nazism. those people largely came out of punk rock offshoot scenes (or more recently internet gamer culture) which is why it's so in-your-face rhetorically and basically for retards.

>> No.14808763
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The problem with Mein Kampf is that historically, it is meaningless. It was never widely read by sympathizers not even by SA or SS, and certainly wasn't used as a framework to work with by the regime's intellectuals.
(Note : The exact same criticism is valid for the Communist Manifesto. No one ever read it in the 19th century, it was a failed call. Marx was more successful inside the 1st International. Overall, keep in mind that importance/relevancy given to a text nowadays might differ greatly from its relevancy during its time.)

>> No.14808774

The communist manifesto isn't relevant today either, Marx's other work is much more important, ideologically and academically

>> No.14808776

yes, he was basically repeating party line ideas without qualifying or contextualizing them for much of the book. when this book gets taught in educational institutions it is presented like these ideas began and ended with hitler and it's rare the ideas' genealogy is explained, and it's rare any other prominent nazi is taught except for maybe a caricature of goebbels.

>> No.14808800

>never widely read
>sold 5 million copies before the war started

>> No.14808807
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>no brain dogma victim

Based. Even Patton knows Germany was the victim in WWII.
Winners write the history and the history is mostly false.
Illegal to question the official Hellocaust narrative because the one fear of truth is investigation...

>> No.14808815

Bought=!Read. It's well known that it sat untouched on many german shelves.

>> No.14808867

>Muh five million!!

>> No.14808903
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>> No.14809004
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well refuted, friends!

>> No.14809021

>Skinheads are the same as Nazis
Look into Leon Degrelle.

>> No.14809146

>bruh Hitler totally considered me as his son

>> No.14809478

You definitely don't browse /fa/ but I get your point.

>> No.14809542

The problem is that women are the objects of their own sexuality... this is projected onto men, who are the subjects of their own sexuality.

What we've done in Weininger terms is turn the subject into the object