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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 260x400, The_Brothers_Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1486625 No.1486625 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I just got this book.

What are your opinions on it?

>> No.1486656

The hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever read in my life. I think Jesus wrote the last ten pages.

>> No.1486662

Hardest? Really?

It's really not that hard, though much of it needs to be savored and dwelled upon before proceeding.

My suggestion: read C&P first. If you don't like it, jump to Brothers. If you love it like I do, read Notes from Underground, The Idiot, The Adolescent, and Demons first. That way you'll get the most out of your experience with Dostoevsky.

>> No.1486664

Are you saying I have to learn Aramaic to finish this thing?

>> No.1486672

It was a good book.

My biggest complaint was that the protagonist is pretty much "too perfect" to relate to

>> No.1486673

It's boring I got to page 300 and threw it in my fireplace.

>> No.1486693

"Shit's so cash..." - Anonymous

>> No.1486699
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I love it, the only problem is I have trouble keeping names straight in book and there a ton of characters

>> No.1486717

premium shite bu
notes from underground is better though and shorter

>> No.1486731
File: 98 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-01-23 at 19.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it.
Also, inb4 ban, I was somehow unbanned. I'm not evading shit.

>> No.1486733

Is that photo really necessary, you lousy slut?

>> No.1486734

Man I wish they would have executed Dostoyevsky for real. He's talentless, and I hate hearing about how great he's supposed to be by so many stupid kids.

>> No.1486737


not targetting you but i've often heard this complaint of dostoevsky (and tolstoy) and have never understood it. Is it the russian names with patronymics and nicknames tossed about seemingly at random? It just seems the characters are distinct enough that they can be quickly recognized even without being able to follow actual names.

>> No.1486739
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-01-23 at 19.15 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. so is this one.

>> No.1486740


>implying someone gives a shit about his opinion

>> No.1486743


>> No.1486750

I think that's where most of it comes from. Especially the nicknames, though I've discovered that once you start getting the hang of figuring out how various nicknames work it becomes a lot easier.

Jesus Christ please stick to covering your face with books. Fucking Quasimodo is better-looking than you.

>> No.1486754

Your eyes look huge and vacant, like you're dying of AIDS.

>> No.1486760

I'd hit it, brah.

>> No.1486763

>Fucking Quasimodo is better-looking than you.
If you're gay LOL

>> No.1486764

Read the first like three or four chapters then realized I was just reading purple prose obscuring archaic philosophical arguments I'd already read through in freshman phil

>> No.1486766
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1292630424856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree

>> No.1486767

The patronymics don't bother me much, and I understand most of the nicknames. I think the problem is I simply don't speak/read Russian, or Russian lit enough. I just started getting into it, and the first Russian book I read was Roadside Picnic, and I can only tell you about the characters with nicknames like Red, Buzzard, Monkey... even the wife, I have to guess on Gutalin? It is probably a lot easier to remember names from your own language because they have more meaning to you so you remember them better. The same way you might remember a friend's nickname more easily than their given name. That said, I am only on the 2nd book of it, and I have been reading schoolwork, Brave New World, and PoliSci books all at the same time, so it could just be that two. I would have less trouble keeping names straight if I just took it on vacation and read only that.

>> No.1486768

damn bro thats fuckin swell dude awesome

>> No.1486769

Bans run out dude.

>> No.1486772

You lost all privilege to say anything about any fiction when you told the board you read Brett Easton Ellis.

Kindly refrain from such hilarious behaviour in the future.

>> No.1486773


>> No.1486775


>> No.1486779

Simply saying you've read something does no such thing. You have to have read crappy lit to know it is awful, otherwise you're just parroting someone else's douchebag opinion.

Which is actually an accurate pattern behavior for most of these supposed /lit/erates. Carry on.

>> No.1486780


oh damn dude you fuckin showed him

gay and edgy wins /ofargument

>> No.1486787

you must have missed that discussion
there were serious man-crush implications

>> No.1486788

Wow, you're a faggot.

>> No.1486791

No! you are a faggot!

>> No.1486796

no u

>> No.1486801

Takes one to know one

>> No.1486804

Let me get this straight:

Someone who reads and likes Bret Easton Ellis is saying negative things about "The Brother's Karamozov" and /lit/ defends this stupid faggot?

>> No.1486806
File: 37 KB, 401x583, Breker_Junglingsgestalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1486808
File: 17 KB, 425x633, socrates.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this gay guy, but I'm not gay.

>> No.1486810

What's wrong with Easton Ellis?

>> No.1486812

No, /lit/ does not defend, only attacks.

>> No.1486815

why does everyone get butthurt when i post?

>> No.1486818

What can I say: I'm into pegging baby.

>> No.1486820

I'm not sure you can say /lit/ is defending him
it's safe to say the defenders are in the minority, and possibly him samefagging without a tripcode

especially since most discussions with him devolve into ridiculous semantics & namecalling (plus statues & "I'm the best)

>> No.1486822

I don't know but keep coming. You're the only camwhore we got.

>> No.1486828

cool beans

>> No.1486845

>So you'll remove the cancer
>No, in fact we'll actively encourage it
I suppose cancer would say that though...

>> No.1486850
File: 41 KB, 393x297, moar_boar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1486860

Everyone knows the tripfags are the cancer of /lit/. We're hardly inundated with camwhores.

>> No.1486867

Yeah, and that's the way I likes it. Don't encourage camwhores.

Also Brothers Karamazov is pretty great.

>> No.1486874

This is cool. Taiga is annoying. 'nuff said.

>> No.1486878

>camwhores to /fit/ and /fa/
oh man this is a real godsend

>> No.1486889

since when did lit get its own camwhore

There is no way she's a real girl
it has to be some sort of trap
moderately attractive girls aren't interested in things.

some vrazy lunatic has a poor girl at gunpoint
there are no real girls on the internet ESPECIALLY not /lit/

>> No.1486896

There were pictures. Sharpies were in pooper. She is no trap.

>> No.1486905

Fuckin this yo. I'm the new Sasha Grey.

>> No.1486909

pics, you say????

>> No.1486912
File: 185 KB, 640x480, 1292631514602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1486915

Worst thread of the day.

>> No.1486926

That was 15 pounds ago. I'm now 105.

>> No.1486938



>> No.1486944

Why are all the tripfags so starving for attention? It's sad to watch.